OPerational ECology Ecosystem forecast products to enhance marine GMES applications DG SPACE Collaborative Project - small or medium-scale focused research project Project Number: 283291 Deliverable No: D4.3 Date: Title: Workpackage: 4/11/2013 Contract delivery due date Assessment of seasonal predictability for indicators of higher trophic levels in all 4 regions Lead Partner for HCMR Deliverable Author(s): Dissemination level (PU=public, RE=restricted, CO=confidential) Report Status (DR = Draft, FI = FINAL) Acknowledgements The research leading to these results has received funding from the European Community’s Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/20072013) under Grant Agreement No. 283291 for the project Operational Ecology: ecosystem forecast products to enhance marine GMES applications (OPEC) OPEC Overview “OPEC provides an enhanced capability to predict indicators of good environmental status in European regional Seas“ The OPEC project (Operational Ecology) will help develop and evaluate ecosystem forecast tools to help assess and manage the risks posed by human activities on the marine environment, thus improving the ability to predict the “health” of European marine ecosystems. The programme will focus on four European regional seas (North-East Atlantic, Baltic, Mediterranean and Black Seas) and plans to implement a prototype ecological Marine Forecast System, which will include hydrodynamics, lower and higher trophic levels (plankton to fish) and biological data assimilation. Products and services generated by OPEC will provide tools and information for environmental managers, policymakers and other related industries, laying the foundations for the next generation of operational ecological products and identification of knowledge / data gaps. OPEC will use the EU’s Global Monitoring for Environment and Security Marine Service as a framework and feed directly into the research and development of innovative global monitoring products or applications. This in turn will advise policies such as the European Marine Strategy Framework Directive and Common Fisheries Policy, as well as the continued monitoring of climate change and assessments of mitigation and adaptation strategies. www.marineopec.eu Executive Summary The main goal of this activity is to explore the predictability in time and space scales for the HTL. This will provide significant information on how well the model skill matches the timescales required by the marine resource managers. Five model systems have been assessed; 2 in the Mediterranean, 1 in the NE. Atlantic, 1 in the Black Sea and 1 in the Baltic Sea. Relevance to Policy To explore the potential predictability of the seasonal forecast, with a view of defining operational services in the future for food web and commercial fish descriptors is one of the core actions in the WP4. Main Body Introduction: A primary objective of OPEC is to explore the predictability at higher trophic level, considering that the higher trophic level might exhibit much long time scales than the lower trophic level. The predictability of a model is influenced by a number of factors: initial conditions, the quality of external forcing functions (e.g. meteorological forcing, open boundary conditions, freshwater and nutrient inputs) and model process descriptions and parameterizations. Core Activity: Baltic Description of the seasonal simulation experiment Results Summary of seasonal forecast experiment and lessons learnt NW Atlantic Description of the seasonal simulation experiment Results: Summary of seasonal forecast experiment and lessons learnt Mediterranean/HCMR The coupled hydrodynamic/biogeochemical model (POM-ERSEM) and the fulllife cycle anchovy model, along with the model setup (initial conditions, river inputs, open boundary conditions) are described in deliverable D2.4 (www.marineopec.eu/downloads/OPEC_D2.4.pdf). The atmospheric forcing for the hindcast simulation and seasonal forecast experiments was obtained from the regional climate model HIRHAM5 simulation, provided by DMI (see D2.2 www.marineopec.eu/documents/deliverables/D2.2.pdf). 1. HTL sensitivity to atmospheric forcing The atmospheric ensemble member forecast procedure, described in D4.2 was implemented in the N. Aegean, in order to examine the response of the fish (anchovy) biomass and distribution to the perturbation of the atmospheric forcing. In Figure 1, the evolution of the anchovy biomass is shown for the different ensemble members over the simulation period (3 years). The anchovy weight, as well as zooplankton and temperature for different members are also shown in Figure 2. In the beginning of the simulation, the spread of the members is relatively small both in terms of biomass and weight, since the members have the same initial conditions. The spread in the adult anchovy biomass is small in the first year of the simulation but is increasing in consequent years, as different numbers of early life stages (egg production, larvae, juveniles) within members affect the next year recruitment. The anchovy weight is also significantly affected by zooplankton and temperature that show an increased spread after the first year. The anchovy and egg abundance distributions (Figures 3-4) in the perturbed members are similar to those of the reference (unperturbed) simulation, as the fish main habitat is found in the coastal river influenced areas. Although the spread of the temperature members in the second year (1996) exhibit a noticeable spread the ecology in the coastal areas is mainly driven by the coastal processes such as mixing and transport and the availability of food which as written in [Tsiaras et al., 2012; Tsiaras et al., 2014] it is significantly affected by the riverine inputs. In other words the effect of the temperature spread or variability is masked. In order to quantify the anchovy response to the ensemble members variability in the low trophic level (zooplankton, temperature) that is related to the perturbation of the atmospheric forcing, the members standard deviation has been normalized (STD/members mean) for all different variables, as shown in Figure 5. Taking the ratio between the anchovy biomass and zooplankton normalized STD (Figure 6), it appears that zooplankton variability results in an about two times amplified variability in the anchovy biomass. This amplification is rather interesting considering that sensitivity experiments have shown that the general trend within the lower trophic levels, is a dampening effect of the perturbation with increasing trophic level. A quick explanation is that as mentioned above the anchovy biomass is synergistically affected by the spread in the Temperature and in zooplankton. Further studies will explore the role of each variable. Summary of seasonal forecast experiment and lessons learnt Developments in this area, sustained by improvements in data assimilation and numerical modeling should further increase the value of the ensemble prediction and promote its use in the small pelagic fish modeling. The use of ensemble methods in the simulation of small pelagic fish will further convince users that ensemble predictions are extremely valuable because they not only offer an estimate of the most probable future state of a system but they also provide an estimate of the range of possible future outcomes. Figure 1: Anchovy adult, juvenile, late larvae biomass and daily egg production, simulated by the ensemble members (red line) and the reference (un-perturbed) simulation. Figure 2: Anchovy weight for different stages (top) and average zooplankton (middle) and temperature (bottom) at the adults location, simulated by the ensemble members (red line) and the reference (un-perturbed) simulation. Figure 3: Anchovy adult biomass distribution, simulated by the reference (unperturbed) simulation (top left) and the mean of the ensemble members (top right) and ensemble members biomass STD (bottom). Figure 4: Egg abundance distribution, simulated by the reference (un-perturbed) simulation (top left) and the mean of the ensemble members (top right) and ensemble member’s biomass STD (bottom). Figure 5: Ensemble members normalized standard deviation (STD/members mean) for adults (blue line), larvae (red line), Juveniles (green line), egg production (black line), temperature (magenta line) and zooplankton (cyan line). Figure 6: Ratio of members normalized STD (see Fig. 5) for anchovy adult biomass over zooplankton. References Tsiaras, K. P., V. H. Kourafalou, D. E. Raitsos, G. Triantafyllou, G. Petihakis, and G. Korres (2012), Inter-annual productivity variability in the North Aegean Sea: Influence of thermohaline circulation during the Eastern Mediterranean Transient, Journal of Marine Systems, 96-97, 72-81, doi:Doi 10.1016/J.Jmarsys.2012.02.003. Tsiaras, K. P., G. Petihakis, V. H. Kourafalou, and G. Triantafyllou (2014), Impact of the river nutrient load variability on the North Aegean ecosystem functioning over the last decades, Journal of Sea Research, 86, 97-109, doi:Doi 10.1016/J.Seares.2013.11.007. Mediterranean/OGS Description of the seasonal simulation experiment Results Summary of seasonal forecast experiment and lessons learnt Black Sea Description of the seasonal simulation experiment Results Summary of seasonal forecast experiment and lessons learnt Discussion and conclusion: summary of results across regions – any obvious pros and cons of the different regional systems.