ANNAWAN UNIT DISTRICT NO 226 REGULAR BOARD OF EDUCATION MEETING OCTOBER 15, 2014 THE REGULAR MEETING of the Board of Education of Annawan Unit District No 226 was held in the Unit Office of the Annawan High School on October 15, 2014 at 4:30PM. President Dwaine Shaw Jr called the meeting to order. On roll call those present were Kim Goodley, (4:35) Nancy Goodman, Jerad Heitzler Al Landwehr, Courtney Rico and Dwaine Shaw Jr. Brian Childs was absent.Others present were Superintendent Buresh, Wayne Brau, Lana Wolf, Chris Kidd, Dawn Hetizler and Amanda Attig, AEA representatives, Ted VanHyfte, Annawan Booster Club representative, Scott Johnson, Architect, Tim Custis, Auditor from Gorenz & Associates. CONSENT AGENDA - Motion made by Heitzler and seconded by Rico to approve the following items under the Consent Agenda. Voting YES were Goodley, Goodman, Heitzler, Landwehr, Rico and Shaw. Motion carried. September 17, 2014 Budget Hearing & Regular Board Meeting Minutes September, 2014 Treasurer’s Report September, 2014 Investment Report, Activity Fund & Imprest Fund Reports October, 2014 Bills and Payroll Resolution AUDIENCE TO VISITORS- Ted VanHyfte, representative of the Annawan Booster Club presented a plan for a donation of a girls basketball trophy case and IHSA State Championship banner. The board will review the plan and address this at the November board meeting. SUPERINTENDENT COMMUNICATIONS – 1) Reviewed the guidelines for the April 7, 2014 school board election; 2) Informed board of the Better Together Group meeting help earlier in the day. WANYE BRAU_ ELEMENTARY PRINCIPAL Reported - - 1) Grade School activities for the month; 2) Parent Teacher Conference surveys; bus evacuation drills; first quarter; grandparent’s day set for November 6th & 7th and student council representatives had been elected. HIGH SCHOOL PRINCIPAL-JOE BURESH/LANA WOLF Reported- Students of the month, Dana Baele, DAR award winner; end of the first quarter; high school activities for the month. CAITLYN DEMAY-AD – Reported on fall athletics and records, homecoming week activities. BOARD COMMITTEE REPORTS Special Education Building—Life Safety Projects Transportation- will be reviewing bus fleet Finance-Reviewed 3rd quarter Revenue & Expenses and noted the budget will need to be amended in May 2015 to reflect the Working Cash Bond payment. Approval 2nd READING OF UDATED BOARD POLICIES- Moved by Goodley and seconded by Goodman to approve with revisions as presented. Call vote. Motion carried. APPROVAL OF 2103-14 AUDITOR’S REPORT by Tim Custis –Moved by Heitzler and seconded by Rico to approve the report as presented. Call vote. Motion carried. APPROVAL OF 10 YEAR LIFE SAFETY PLAN by Scott Johnson, Richard Johnson & Associates- Moved by Rico and seconded Goodman to approve. Call vote. Motion carried. APPROVAL OF PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE PART OF TEACHER EVALUATION INSTRUMENT- Moved by Heitzler and seconded by Landwehr to approve. Call vote. Motion carried. APPROVAL OF SECTION 125 PLAN/AMERICAN FIDELITY ASSURANCE- Moved by Landwehr and seconded by Heitzler to approve the plan to be effective starting January 1, 2015. Call vote. Motion carried ADJOURMENT- 7:00pm- Moved by Heitzler and seconded by Rico to adjourn. Call vote. Motion carried. APPROVED: November 19, 2014 ____________________________ Dwaine Shaw Jr, President ______________________________ Courtney Rico, Secretary ANNAWAN UNIT DISTRICT NO 226 SPECIAL BOARD MEETING AUGUST 11, 2014 SPECIAL MEETING- of the Board of Education of Annawan Unit District No 226 Was held in the Unit Office on August11, 2014 at 4:30pm. President Dwaine Shaw Jr Called the meeting to order. On roll call those present were Brian Childs, Kim Goodley, Al Landwehr, and Dwaine Shaw Jr. Absent was Nancy Goodman, Jerad Heitzler and Courtney Rico. HIRING OF SPANISH TEACHER- CARLOS BUELVAS- Moved by Childs and seconded by Goodley to approve. Call vote. Motion carried. Adjournment- 4:35PM- Moved by Childs and seconded by Landwehr. Call vote. Motion carried APPROVED: August 18, 2014 ______________________________ Dwaine Shaw Jr, President ____________________________ Courtney Rico, Secretary