Electronic Resources – Word Doc

Patrologia Latina (PLD)
An electronic edition of Migne's Patrologia Latina, covering the period from the third to
thirteenth centuries.
AncMed BR60.M5 1844g
Acta Sanctorum
Contains the complete Acta sanctorum, including all prefatory material, original texts,
critical apparatus and indexes. It comprises the works published over a period of three
hundred years by the societe de Bollandistes and includes materials on the lives of the
saints from the beginning of the Christian era to the end of the sixteenth century.
AncMed BX4655.A2 1965
Library of Latin texts: CLCLT (aka CETEDOC)
Contains texts from the beginning of Latin literature (Livius Andronicus, 240 BC)
through to the texts of the Second Vatican Council (1962-1965). It covers all the works
from the classical period, the most important patristic works, a very extensive corpus of
Medieval Latin literature as well as works of recentior latinitas.
(goes to Brepols databases page: scroll down)
Monumenta Germaniae Historica (MGH) with English interface
A selection of texts from all five major divisions of Monumenta Germaniae Historica
(Scriptores, Leges, Diplomata, Epistolae, Antiquitates)
(goes to Brepols databases page; scroll down)
free MGH from the institute, with no English interface or indexing
Guide to the elements of the MGH
AncMed DD3.M825 A…
Ut per litteras apostolicas : papal letters
Searchable registers of papal letters from the 13th- and 14th-century popes, based on
Registres et lettres des Papes du XIIIe siécle (32 vols.; Rome, 1883- ) and Registres et
lettres des Papes du XIVe siécle (48 vols.; Rome, 1899- ).
(goes to Brepols databases page: at top, as “Papal Letters”)
(cf. Potthast, in “Reference Works” below)
Archive of Celtic-Latin Literature (ACLL)
The corpus of Celtic-Latin literature from the period 400-1200 as part of the Royal Irish
Academy's Dictionary of Medieval Latin from Celtic Sources project (work in progress)
(goes to Brepols databases page; scroll down)
Epistolae: Medieval Women’s Latin Letters
A collection of letters to and from women in the Middle Ages, from the 4th to the 13th
century, with transcription, translations, and—where possible—historical context
Medieval Travel Writing
A collection of medieval manuscripts dating from the 13th to16th centuries with a primary
focus on accounts of journeys to the Holy Land, India and China.
Medieval Family Life: the Paston, Cely, Plumpton, Stonor and Armburgh papers
Full-color images of the original medieval manuscripts that comprise these family letter
collections along with full-text searchable transcripts from the printed editions, where
they are available, along with many additional tools
MGH (see above, under “Full Text”)
Rolls Series=Rerum Britannicarum Medii Aevi scriptores
AncMed DA25 .B5 1964g
Online index: http://www.the-orb.net/rolls.html
Muratori=Rerum italicarum scriptores
AncMed DG403 .M81 (original)
AncMed DG403 .M85 (n.s.)
Bouquet=Recueil des historiens des Gaules et de la France
AncMed DC3 .B76 1967
Gallia Christiana
AncMed BR842 .G34 1715g
International Medieval Bibliography Online (IMB)
Covers all aspects of medieval studies, 400-1500, for Europe, the Middle East and North
Africa. Includes articles published 1967- .
Bibliographie de civilisation médiévale (BCM)
A companion to the index of articles in the International Medieval Bibliography Online,
this database indexes books and book reviews on the same topics, 1957- .
Iter: gateway to the Middle Ages and Renaissance
Bibliography in the study and teaching of the Middle Ages and Renaissance (400-1700)
Feminae: medieval women and gender index
Indexes journal articles, book reviews, and essays about women, sexuality and gender in
Europe, North Africa and the Middle East, 450-1500.
Medioevo latino: Bolletino della cultura europea dal secolo VI al XIII
ButlerReference R016. 9401 M4
Digital scriptorium
An image database of medieval and renaissance manuscripts, intended to unite scattered
resources from many institutions into an international tool for teaching and scholarly
In principio: incipit index of Latin texts
A collection of approximately 1,000,000 incipits covering all known Latin texts, in
manuscript form, from the start of Latin literature to around 1500 A.D.
Scriptores possessoresque codicum medii aevi = Database of mediaeval manuscripts'
scribes and owners
Provides information on owners and writers of medieval manuscripts, including: name;
short biography with city of origin and life dates (as available); libraries holding
manuscript(s); as well as short references to secondary literature. Coverage: 4th to 20th
Kristeller (and Kramer), Latin manuscript books before 1600, 4th ed.
List of printed catalogues and unpublished inventories of collections around the world
AncMed DD3.M83 H64 no.13 and supplement DD3.M83 H64 no.23
Cappelli, Lexicon abbreviaturarum, Dizionario di abbreviature latine ed italiane
Guide to manuscript hands, symbols, and abbreviations
AncMed Z111 .C36 1990g
Butler Reference R Latin Medieval C1711
English translation of Cappelli’s crucial introduction:
AncMed Z111 .C3613 1982g
Butler Reference DESK R Latin Medieval C1712
Analecta hymnica
Contains texts of hymns of the Catholic Church, 500-1400
Powell, Medieval studies, an introduction, 2nd ed.
Essays and extensive bibliography on a number of aspects of medieval studies
Butler Reference Desk R016.9401 M461
Berlioz, Identifier sources et citations (L’atelier du médiéviste, 1)
Extensive bibliography on a wide variety of genres
AncMed CB351 .I32 1994
Typologie des source du moyen âge occidental
A series (86 volumes and counting) of slim volumes on aspects of medieval culture, with
definitional essays, typology, and bibliography
AncMed Z6203 .T95 fasc. 1-86
Lexikon des Mittelalters
Standard encyclopaedia for medieval studies. It deals with all branches of Medieval
Studies, 300 to 1500 AD/CE, for the whole of Europe and parts of the Middle East and
North Africa.
(goes to Brepols databases page)
AncMed D101.5 .L49
Butler Reference R903 L59
New Catholic Encyclopedia
Great starting point for events, places, people in the history of the Catholic Church
AncMed BX841 .N44 1967
Butler Reference R032 N421
The Oxford dictionary of the Christian church, 3rd ed.
Comprehensive guide to people, places, events and concepts, with brief bibliography
AncMed BR95 .O8 2005g
Butler Reference DESK R032 Ox232
Dictionary of the Middle Ages
A good English-language reference work, with bibliography. 13 vols.
AncMed D114 .D5 1982
Butler Reference DESK R940 D56
Milstein Study (room 209) D114 .D5 1982
Repertorium fontium historiae medii aevi, 1962A work in progress: a directory of medieval authors, listing works with a directory of
manuscripts, editions, and commentaries. 9 vols to date.
AncMed Z6203 .R43
Butler Reference R016.94 R299
Bibliotheca hagiographica latina antiquae et mediae aetatis (BHL)
Index to known saints, with listing of all related hagiographical texts by incipit and
Butler Reference R274 AB4721, R274 AB4721 Suppl and R274 AB472 Suppl.
Offsite AGF9 B58
Awkward French-language interface (registration required):
Index bio-bibliographicus notorum hominum
163-volume work in progress (only to the early Ms at this point) aggregating all known
biographical info for anyone ever documented
Butler Reference R040 L78
Biographical Archive of the Middle Ages (part of World Biographical Information
Compiles biographical articles from printed reference works published from the 16th to
the 20th century, and reproduces these original documents as facsimile images on the
Cottineau, Répertoire topo-bibliographique des abbayes et prieurés
Directory of medieval religious houses with brief historical descriptions and extensive
AncMed Z7839.C84 1939g vols. 1-2
Orbis latinus
Clunky digitization of the 1909 second ed. of Graesse’s dictionary of Latin placenames
and vernacular equivalents
Updated and expanded print edition in 3 volumes:
AndMed G107 .G8 1972
Europa sacra
Information on all 1300 medieval bishoprics, archdioceses and patriarchates under
obedience to Rome. Cf. to its source material:
Gams, Pius Bonifatius. Series episcoporum Ecclesiae Catholicae occidentalis
AncMed BX4666 .S37
Eubel, Konrad. Hierarchia Catholica medii aevi
AncMed BX4651 .E8
(goes to Brepols databases)
Kelly, The Oxford dictionary of popes, 2nd ed.
Compact and jam-packed entries and bibliography for popes and anti-popes through John
Paul II
Butler Reference BX955.3 .K45 2010g
Potthast: Regesta pontificum romanorum inde ab a. post Christum natum MCXCVIII
ad a. MCCCIV
Register of papal letters from late 12th-c through early-14th centuries
AncMed BX850 .C32 1957 (vols. 1-2)
Database of Latin dictionaries
Searchable collection of ten Latin dictionaries, including Lewis & Short, Souter, and
(goes to Brepols databases; scroll ALL the way to bottom)
Anglo-Norman dictionary
AncMed PC2946 .A54 2005
See also, of possible interest
Vauchez, Encyclopedia of the Middle Ages
Butler Reference R940.1 En19
Szarmach, Medieval England, an encyclopedia
Butler Reference R942 M46
Schaus, Women and gender in medieval Europe
Butler Stacks HQ1147.E85 W66 2006
Butler Reference R940.1 W842
Medieval London
Historical and social: Butler Reference R942.2 L84 B46, vol. 1
Ecclesiastical: R942.2 L84 B46, vol. 2
Brepols miscellany online:
Searchable online resource comprised of Brepols’ essay collections
International directory of medievalists
Not updated since 2004, so hardly “up to date,” but not entirely unuseful
Digital dissertations
Indexes all U.S. dissertations deposited since 1861; full-text for most from the past 15-20
Michael Stoller’s bibliography:
WESSWeb’s Medieval Resources