S.G.A. SENATE MEETING August 24, 2015 The meeting was called to order in the Leaders Suite of the Donald G. Bollinger Student Union at 4:00 p.m. Presiding officers were Vice President Pro-Tempore Lawrence Arceneaux, III and Vice President Mary Sauce. The Recording Secretary was Dolly McGeever. The pledge was led by Senator Abigail Ledet and the prayer was given by Senator Trey Clark. The Nicholls Student Government Association Mission Statement was read by Senator Katelyn Cortez and Senator Josue Diaz Juarez read the first value of the Nicholls Creed. The following Executive Board members were present: President Lillie Bourgeois, Vice President Mary Sauce, Vice President Pro Tempore Lawrence Arceneaux, III, Treasurer Les Theriot, Director of Student Rights and Grievances Peyton Chiasson, Director of Public Relations Adam Doucet and Secretary Dolly McGeever. The following Senators were present: Lawrence Arceneaux, III, Yaye Ba, Kaitlyn Mistretta, Emily Sauce, Katelyn Cortez, Abigail Ledet, Meah Johnson, Trey Clark, Markos Picou, Charles Johns, Josue Diaz Juarez, Jaleesa Smith (appointed) and Grant Henry (appointed). The following Senators were absent: William Crenshaw, Taylor Bruce, Darian Graivshark, Austin Wendt and Tommy Thibodeaux. Web Tech was represented by Trey Clark. Student Supreme (appointed). Court was represented by Chief Justice Richard Grabert Election Commission was not represented. The guest present was Dr. Eugene A. Dial, Jr., Vice President of Student Affairs and Enrollment Services and SGA Advisor. No Minutes were presented at this meeting. GUEST SPEAKER: Lawrence Arceneaux, III, Legislative Update I’ll be talking about my time as a Legislative Page. This past summer for three weeks at the end of Spring Session, I worked as a Page again which was a week longer that I did last year. Since some of you are new I’ll tell you a little about it. It’s nothing like this Senate. This Senate is much more organized than the Senate in Baton Rouge. At least half of the Senators are out of their chairs instead of sitting there voting on bills. Most of them are standing up talking to either Lobbyist or listening to music on their phone. Some are playing games on their laptops. I listened in on major bills like the Medical Marijuana Bill which passed. There was a bill giving tax credits to the film industry. There was a bill on the budget which took several hours to complete and was passed in the final five minutes of the Legislative Session. The Senate came within five minutes of having to come back in a Special Session. The government could have been potentially shut down. But I enjoyed my time as a Legislative Page. It was a very interesting experience. OFFICER REPORTS PRESIDENT’S REPORT – LILLIE BOURGEOIS I hope you had a good first week of school. I have a few important dates that you might want to write down to bring back to your other organizations: This Thursday, August 27, is the Freshman Senator Petition deadline. If you know of any incoming Freshman that want to be on the ballot, please have them get those petitions in. On Thursday from 1:00 to 3:00 p.m. is the time to have their pictures taken. On Friday, August 28, is the Freshman Candidate’s meeting at 3:00 p.m. here in the Leaders Suite. OFFICER REPORTS CONTINUED: PRESIDENT’S REPORT CONTINUED: Tuesday, September 1st, is the Homecoming Nominations Deadline. Also, this Tuesday and Wednesday, photos will be taken from 1:00 to 3:00 p.m. so if your other organizations have not picked up a nomination packet, please have them do so. Please have them turned in to the SGA office by next Tuesday or they won’t be accepted. Wednesday, September 2nd is the Homecoming Election Code Meeting at 3:30 p.m. in LeBijou Theater. This is for everyone nominated. Friday, September 4th, is the SGA Scholarship deadline. Be sure to advertise that. Friday is also the Homecoming Display Contest meeting and deadline. The meeting will be at 3:00 p.m. that day so one person from each organization will be the representative. I spoke to Senator Abigail L. about updating the SGA Bulletin Boards around campus because department heads and professors are coming to me telling me they need to be updated. That’s kind of embarrassing. We need these updated soon. DIRECTOR OF STUDENT RIGHTS & GRIEVANCES’ REPORT – PEYTON CHIASSON I met with the IT Department today and we will submit a proposal to the Tech Fee Committee. We spoke to Campus Improvements about it. We will see some upcoming improvements with Wi-Fi this Fall. I wanted to mention that Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays from 7:30 to 9:30 a.m., I’m in the office. I’m trying to post my office hours so people will know I am available and here if you need to talk about anything. So if you need anything, come by on Mondays, Wednesdays or Fridays. Vice President Mary Sauce enters and begins to conduct the meeting. TREASURER’S REPORT – LES THERIOT Today, whenever the budget motion will come up, Senator Katelyn C. is the one to move it and I’ll present the budget to you. DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC RELATIONS’ REPORT – ADAM DOUCET I tried to do everything I had to do all summer in a week which was stressful. I learned the ranks with The Nicholls Worth ads and things like that. One was printed out last and I’m working on one this week which will be on Nicholls Homecoming Court deadlines and Homecoming Display contest. I attended the Meet the SGA Committee meeting. VICE PRESIDENT'S REPORT – MARY SAUCE First of all, I’d like to congratulate all of our Chairmen and Co-Chairmen: Senator Katelyn C. is the Chair of Finance and Senator Lawrence A. is the CoChair; Senator Lawrence A. is also Chair of Judiciary and Senator Austin W. is Co-Chair; Senator Abigail L. is the Chair of Meet the SGA and Senator Taylor B. is Co-Chair and Senator Tommy Thibodeaux is the Chair of Campus Improvements and Senator Trey Clark is Co-Chair. Thank you for applying. If you haven’t checked your mailboxes, please do. You have a list of your duties. If you have any questions about things you have to do, please see me. Please note that we’re going to start using Google Docs as a form of attendance so we all have access to it. I’ll share this with the Chairs and Co-Chairs so you can go in and add your absences each week. September 18 will be our Senator Workshop so please keep that afternoon free. We’re thinking of making it a night event instead of an afternoon event so you’ll have all day after class to get your things done and then that night, have more like a party with more fun than a true workshop for all of you – something different. I’ll be updating our Moodle page as we get more Senators. OFFICER REPORTS CONTINUED: VICE PRESIDENT’S REPORT CONTINUED: ACTIONS TAKEN ON OLD BILLS U1516-001 I move that the Senate accept the SGA President Lillie Bourgeois’ appointment of Adam Doucet for the position of Director of Public Relations for the 201516 term. Passed. F1516-002 I move that the Senate accept Carolanne Moore for the position of Election Commission member. Carolanne Moore is the appointment of the SGA President Lillie Bourgeois and the SPA President, Marisabel Ponce Cordero. Passed. F1516-003 I move that the Senate accept the SGA President Lillie Bourgeois’ appointment of Trey Clark to the position of Web Tech for Fall 2015 term. I move that the sum of $125 be added to the Fall payment of $325 at the end of the term for work performed during the summer term. Passed. F1516-004 I move that the Senate accept the SGA President Lillie Bourgeois’ appointment of Trey Clark to the position of Senator of College of Business Administration. Passed. F1516-005 I move that the Senate accept the SGA President Lillie Bourgeois’ appointment of Josue Raul Diaz Juarez to the position of Senator-at-Large. Passed. F1516-006 I move that the Senate remove Micah Hebert, Senator of Veteran Affairs, from the Senate for having three or more unexcused absences. Passed. STUDENT SUPREME COURT REPORT – Richard Grabert No report. ELECTION COMMISSION REPORT No report. WEB TECH REPORT – Trey Clark No report. SGA SENATE COMMITTEE REPORTS Finance Committee – Katelyn Cortez, Chair/Lawrence Arceneaux, III, Co-Chair Present: Senators Katelyn Cortez, Lawrence Arceneaux, III, Juarez, Charles Johns, Meah Johnson and Markos Picou. Absent: Senators Trey Clark, Darian Graivshark and Emily Sauce Guest: Treasurer Les Theriot Josue Diaz Today we discussed the following: A motion to approve the SGA 2015-2016 Yearly Budget. We went over new additions to the budget that weren’t there in previous years such as the Photographer position. The motion was found highly favorable by the committee. I also encouraged Senators to brainstorm ideas to put SGA’s money to good use. Judiciary Committee – Lawrence Arceneaux, III, Chair/Austin Wendt, Co-Chair Present: Senators Lawrence Arceneaux, III, Austin Wendt, Trey Clark, Darian Graivshark, Kaitlyn Mistretta, Markos Picou and Emily Sauce. Absent: Senators Taylor Bruce, William Crenshaw and Tommy Thibodeaux. SGA SENATE COMMITTEE REPORTS CONTINUED: Judiciary Committee Continued: Today we discussed the following: Interviewed four candidates for appointed positions. Jaleesa Smith and Grant Henry were appointed to Senator positions, Nursing and Allied Health and Senator-at-Large respectively. Richard Grabert was interviewed for the position of Chief Justice of the Supreme Court and Yaye Ba was interviewed for the Supreme Court Justice position. Upon interviewing each appointee, the committee found each highly favorable. We also went over a couple of absentee forms. Both of which were excused. Meet the SGA/Social Events: Homecoming/Christmas - Mr/Ms Nicholls/Banquet – Abigail Ledet, Chair/Taylor Bruce, Co-Chair Present: Senators Abigail Ledet, Taylor Bruce, Katelyn Cortez and Kaitlyn Mistretta. Absent: Senators Trey Clark and Meah Johnson. We discussed the following: Talked about changing and updating all the SGA bulletin boards around campus and including pictures of the Senators for their certain colleges. Getting yard signs and other campus signs made to promote SGA. Decorating boards for giveaways that show what SGA has done in the past. Started thinking of a few ways that we could get the SGA name out. Campus Improvements Committee – Tommy Thibodaux, Chair/Trey Clark, Co-Chair Director Peyton C. said the chair people were absent so we just discussed my meeting with the IT Department and had an unofficial gathering so there is no report. UNFINISHED BUSINESS None. NEW BUSINESS F1516-007 I move Richard Grabert to be appointed Chief Justice of Nicholls Supreme Court. 1. Taylor Bruce 2. Lawrence Arceneaux, III Question: Move into vote: Passed For-11 Against-0 Abstained-0 F1516-008 I move that the Senate accept the SGA President Lillie Bourgeois’ appointment of Jaleesa Smith to the position of Senator of the College of Nursing and Allied Health. 1. Lawrence Arceneaux, III 2. Emily Sauce Question: Move into vote: Passed For-11 Against-0 Abstained-0 F1516-009 I move that the Senate accept the SGA President Lillie Bourgeois’ appointment of Grant Henry to the position of Senator-at-Large. 1. Kaitlyn Mistretta 2. Katelyn Cortez Question: Move into vote: Passed For-11 Against-0 Abstained-0 NEW BUSINESS CONTINUED: F1516-0010 I move that the Senate accept Yaye Ba for the position of Supreme Court Justice. Yaye Ba is the appointment of the SGA President, Lillie Bourgeois, and the SPA President, Marisabel Ponce Cordero. 1. Emily Sauce 2. Trey Clark Question: Move into vote: Passed For-11 Against-0 Abstained-0 F1516-0011 I move that the Senate approve the SGA proposed 2015-2016 Yearly Budget. 1. 2. Katelyn Cortez Meah Johnson Discussion: Senator Katelyn C. defers discussion to Treasurer Les T. who said he’ll go over a few of the notes. We kind of tweaked what Treasurer Bobby D. had last year. He had an idea of what the yearly budget would be like and we had to approve it in some part last Spring. So some things stayed the same because it had to. I’ll get you actual amounts later. I want to start in the revenue section at the top of the page: The assessment is an estimate. We don’t know how much. Last year there’s $65,000 in the Spring but it was actually less than what we actually received in the assessment. This year we should have more students so we should be O.K. Going down to expenses at original salaries, we added a Photographer position that will be in President Lillie B.’s Corollary next week. We also gave Web Tech Clark a raise in that motion for the Fall. Postage went up $50 because of a mail out for more. Scholarships and Awards are the same. Last year we increased the Graduate Scholarship from $3,000 to $3,200. Under Other Expenditures for Spirit Items for the Fall we have $2,000. Including in that $2,000 will be our Super Fan App that we’re ordering. If you remember the email you received during the Summer, it’s going to be fun. Hopefully, there will be a good turnout. Campus Improvements – we added a lot because we’re expecting to do more around campus. Senator Projects stayed the same but we have a lot of roll over from the past few years and we can use it. So we’ll be using it for special projects. The motion will be tabled so if you have any questions throughout the week, you can see me. Vice President Mary S. said this motion will be tabled one week. UNIVERSITY COMMITTEE REPORTS None. DISCUSSION PERIOD: Vice President Mary S. said if you are in other organizations, please remind your President that Homecoming Nominations are due next Tuesday. Keep in mind that we’ll be nominating next week as well so start thinking about someone in this organization that would represent us well on the Homecoming Court. The person cannot be on the Homecoming Court previously. Secretary Dolly M. said she distributed Homecoming Display Contest Rules information. I request everyone to take them to their other student organizations and encourage them to participate in the Homecoming Display Contest. The meeting will be Friday, September 4. If they know of a group that wants to participate, they can register early. It would give us an idea of how to place them at the meeting. We’re giving money this time which we haven’t done before so the incentive to participate should be there. Vice President Mary S. reminded anyone that absence forms should be turned in to Senator Lawrence A. now that he’s been reappointed to Judiciary Chair. ANNOUNCEMENTS: Lawrence A. Since it’s the 2015 election season, the College Republicans are having their meeting this Wednesday at 2:00 p.m. in the Student Union and if you’re interested in starting up the Young Democrats, see Dr. Thysell. Mary S. Congratulations to all the sororities in their recruitment and also wish the best of luck to all of our guys. The following officers were sworn in by Vice President Mary Sauce: Richard Grabert, Supreme Court Chief Justice Jaleesa Smith – Nursing and Allied Health Senator Grant Henry – Senator-at-Large Yaye Ba – Supreme Court Justice There being no further business the meeting was adjourned at 5:00 p.m.