Brewster School Rubrics Grade 2 Language Arts Knows Bedrock sight words 4 3 2 1 Has extensive sight word vocabulary and picks up new words independently Has mastered 95% of Bedrock list 2 Has mastered Bedrock list 1 and 50% of Bedrock list 2 Is working on Bedrock list 1 Decodes unfamiliar words 4 3 2 1 Applies phonics skills that exceed grade level expectations Applies grade level phonics skills to decode unfamiliar words Applies some grade level phonics skills Does not yet apply grade level phonics skills Applies reading strategies to unfamiliar text 4 3 2 1 Applies all strategies consistently and independently Applies a combination of phonics, word chunks, pictures, context clues, grammatical clues to unfamiliar text Applies some strategies to unfamiliar text Begins to apply strategies to unfamiliar text with prompting Reads and comprehends at grade level 4 3 2 1 Reads and comprehends text that is above end-of-year grade level expectations Reads and comprehends text that meets end-of-year grade level expectations Making progress toward reading and comprehending text that meets end-of-year grade level expectations Beginning to develop skills and strategies needed to read and comprehend grade level text Comprehends fiction 4 3 2 1 Identifies story elements; begins to identify main ideas and/or summarize Identifies story elements (character, setting, events in sequence, problem, solution, important details) Identifies story elements with prompts Does not identify story elements Uses comprehension strategies 4 3 2 1 Uses a variety of strategies independently Uses some comprehension strategies independently Uses some comprehension strategies with minimal prompting Is beginning to use comprehension strategies with prompts Comprehends non-fiction 4 3 2 1 Answers literal questions and begins to answer inferential questions; supports answers with evidence from the text in writing Answers literal questions; supports answers with evidence from text Answers literal questions independently; needs guidance to support answers from text Answers questions with guidance Demonstrates oral fluency in reading 4 3 2 1 Consistently uses phrasing, punctuation, and expression while reading aloud Begins to use phrasing, punctuation, and expression while reading aloud Begins to use phrasing, punctuation while reading aloud Reads aloud word by word Makes appropriate book choices independently 4 3 2 1 Always selects books based on interest and awareness of reading ability Frequently selects books based on interest and awareness of reading ability Occasionally selects books based on interest and awareness of reading ability Needs teacher guidance to select appropriate books Makes written responses to reading 4 3 2 1 Bases responses on information or examples from text, self and other text Bases responses on information or examples from text and self Bases responses on literal information from text Rarely bases responses on information from text Generates and sustains writing 4 3 2 1 Consistently and independently generates ideas and sustains writing in a variety of genres Generates ideas and sustains writing Needs occasional assistance to generate ideas and begin to sustain writing Needs teacher assistance to generate ideas Records ideas independently using phonetic spelling 4 3 2 1 Consistently uses conventional spelling patterns Uses many conventional spelling patterns (word chunks, endings, silent e) Represents all syllables in words with most consonants and some vowels Uses beginning, middle and ending consonants and begins to use some vowels Uses standard spelling of grade 2 words 4 3 2 1 Uses standard spelling of the130 high frequency words and begins to develop spelling conventions and patterns Uses standard spelling of priority words (1-30) in written work and can spell at least 95% of high frequency words to 130 Inconsistent spelling of priority words (1-30) and high frequency words to 130 Relies on phonetic spelling, misspells many priority words (1-30) Demonstrates fluency in writing 4 3 2 1 Varies sentence structure to create smooth transitions from idea to idea while remaining on topic Begins to vary sentence structure to create smooth transitions from idea to idea while remaining on topic Writes simple and compound sentences that relate to the topic Writes simple sentences that relate to the topic Elaborates and clarifies in writing 4 3 2 1 Uses more specific details than general details to independently write a fully elaborated essay Uses a mix of general and specific details Uses general and specific details with guidance Begins to use general details Uses logical sequence in writing 4 3 2 1 Writes a narrative with an entertaining beginning, description of setting, suspense, main idea, and extended ending Writes a narrative with a clear beginning, middle, and end and a logical sequence of details Connects ideas with a beginning, middle, and end Begins to connect ideas with a beginning, middle, and end Uses capitals 4 3 2 1 Uses capital letters appropriately at the beginning of sentences, with proper nouns, and with the pronoun I, and uses lower case letters correctly Uses capital letters appropriately at the beginning of sentences, with proper nouns, and with the pronoun I, and uses lower case letters correctly with minimal prompting Begins to use capital letters appropriately at the beginning of sentences, with proper nouns, and with the pronoun I with guidance Primarily uses capital letters Uses punctuation 4 3 2 1 Uses appropriate ending punctuation independently Uses appropriate ending punctuation with minimal prompting Begins to use ending punctuation appropriately with guidance Does not use ending punctuation appropriately Communicates spoken ideas 4 3 2 1 Communicates spoken ideas clearly and elaborates Communicates spoken ideas clearly and elaborates with prompts Communicates spoken ideas clearly Communicates spoken ideas clearly with prompts Mathematics Knows addition facts to 10 4 3 2 1 Memorizes facts with sums beyond 10 Memorizes facts with sums to 10 Memorizes some facts with sums to 10 Relies on manipulatives to solve addition facts 2/15/16 Knows subtraction facts from 10 4 3 2 1 Memorizes subtraction facts from 10 and beyond Memorizes subtraction facts from 10 Memorizes some subtraction facts from 10 Relies on manipulatives to solve subtraction facts Understands and uses place value concepts 4 3 2 1 Applies an understanding of place value beyond 3 digit numbers Applies an understanding of place value to 3 digit numbers Needs manipulatives to understand place value Does not yet understand place value Adds double digit numbers 4 3 2 1 Adds double digit numbers with regrouping Adds double digits accurately without regrouping without manipulatives Adds double digit numbers without regrouping with manipulatives Does not add double digit numbers Subtracts double digit numbers 4 3 2 1 Subtracts double digits with regrouping Subtracts double digit numbers without regrouping without manipulatives Subtracts double digit numbers without regrouping with guidance/manipulatives Does not subtract double digit numbers Understands and interprets graphs 4 3 2 1 Inputs data on a graph outline and interprets tally graphs, bar graphs, and pictographs using multiple correspondence Inputs data on a graph outline and interprets tally graphs, bar graphs, and pictographs using 1- to-1 correspondence Gets information from bar graphs and pictographs and begins to use appropriate math language Gets information from pictographs Uses a calendar 4 3 2 1 Generates calendar math problems Uses the calendar as a tool Knows days of week, months of year, today’s month, day, and date Begins to know days of week, months of year, today’s month, day, and date Knows fractions 1/2, 1/4, 1/3 4 3 2 1 Identifies fractional parts of a set and begins to compare fractions Describes, writes, and names fractions and begins to identify fractional parts of a set Names and begins to describe fractions Begins to name fractions Tells time 4 3 2 1 Tells time to the 1/4 hour and by 5 minute intervals Tells time to the hour and 1/2 hour Tells time to the hour Does not yet tell time Knows names and value of coins 4 3 2 1 Adds coin values Knows the names and values of the 5 standard coins Identifies penny, nickel, dime and quarter and knows value Confuses coin names and values Rounds numbers to estimate 4 3 2 1 Begins to use rounding to solve estimation problems Compares and rounds numbers to the nearest 10 using place value models and number lines to make reasonable estimates Begins to compare and round numbers to the nearest 10 using place value models and number lines to make reasonable estimates Begins to compare numbers to make reasonable estimates Identifies, draws, and manipulates shapes 4 3 2 1 Explains the attributes of circles, squares, rectangles, triangles, hexagons, and parallelograms; begins to identify quadrilateral, trapezoids, pentagons, and equilateral triangles Identifies hexagons and parallelograms; explains the attributes of circles, squares, rectangles, and triangles Identifies, draws, and begins to explain attributes of circles, squares, rectangles, and triangles Identifies circles, squares, rectangles, and triangles in a variety of positions 2/15/16 Extends, completes, and identifies number patterns 4 3 2 1 Extends, completes and identifies more complex number patterns Extends, completes and identifies simple number patterns Begins to identify attributes used in number patterns Begins to transfer shape pattern rules to numbers Solves open-ended word problems 4 Understands math problems; uses effective math problem-solving strategies; consistently performs accurate computations; explains strategies clearly Understands math problems; uses multiple strategies to solve problems; begins to explain strategies clearly Understands math problems; finds a solution to problems; begins to explain strategies with guidance Sometimes finds a solution to problems but is unable to explain strategies 3 2 1 Science Uses scientific inquiry to explore science concepts 4 3 2 1 Asks questions, makes predictions, gathers data, records observations and draws conclusions Asks questions, makes predictions, gathers data, and records observations independently Asks questions, makes predictions, gathers data and records observations with assistance Needs assistance to asks questions, make predictions, and record observations Lifelong Learning/Core Ethical Values 4 3 2 1 Exemplary: Proficient: Developing: Emerging: Performance exceeds expectations Consistently meets expectations Making progress toward meeting expectations Beginning to meet expectations Demonstrates Respect Listens and follows directions o Is focused and attentive during discussions o Maintains focus and attention on speaker o Makes relevant comments o Does not distract self or others Respects others’ opinions and point of view o Recognizes that there are differences of opinion o Can identify a point of view other than his/her own o Is able to understand different opinions and points of view Works cooperatively and productively with others o Stays on task during group work o Contributes to group work and discussion o Works cooperatively with a variety of classmates Demonstrates Responsibility Strives to produce quality work o Shows thoroughness o Demonstrates his/her best effort o Demonstrates legibility and neatness to his/her best ability o Willing to check and improve work when asked o Shows accuracy and care Stays with task to completion o Makes appropriate choices to complete tasks and meet goals (seat choice, use of time); can plan his/her day o Makes good use of time o Completes tasks within time limit o Works without disturbing others Demonstrates self-control o Controls impulsive behavior o Uses appropriate volume and tone of voice o Moves safely o Uses materials appropriately o Makes smooth transitions o Does not distract others Honesty Accepts responsibility for own actions and words o Takes ownership for behavior o Takes ownership for school work 2/15/16 Kindness Interacts positively with others o Is polite and courteous o Is mindful of others’ feelings o Includes others and does not exclude o Is tolerant and accepting of differences o Honors accomplishments of others Helps others and makes positive contribution to the classroom o Assists others without being asked o Performs classroom and or school chores Courage Takes responsible academic and social risks o Is able to take a thoughtful chance o Responsibly tries new things to move beyond his/her comfort level o Asks appropriately for help if needed o Defends what is known to be right 2/15/16