Bibliography - CLU-IN

Restoration, Recruitment, and Evaluation of Plants on Landfills
Bending, N.A.D. and A.J. Moffat. 1997. Tree establishment on landfill sites:
research and updated guidance. Department of the Environment,
Transport, and the Regions. Forestry Commission, Edinburgh.
Binns, W.O. and D.F. Fourt. 1984. Reclamation of surface workings for trees I.
Landforms and cultivation. Arboriculture Research Note 37/84/sss,
Forestry Commission, Edinburgh.
Dobson, M.C. and A.J. Moffat. 1993a. The potential for woodland establishment
on landfill sites. Department of the Environment, HMSO, London.
Dobson, M.C. and A.J. Moffat. 1993b. Should trees be planted on capped
landfills? Waste Planning 7: 3032.
Dobson, M.C. and A.J. Moffat. 1995. A re-evaluation of objections to tree
planting on containment landfills. Waste Management and Research 13:
Fasham, M., ed. 2000. Wildlife management and habitat creation on landfill sites.
Ecoscope, Applied Biologists, North Yorkshire, UK.
Flower, F.B., E.F. Gilman, and I.A. Leone. 1981. Landfill gas, what it does to
trees and how its injurious effects may be prevented. Journal of
Arboriculture 7: 43-52.
Gilman, E.F., F.B. Flower, and I.A. Leone. 1985. Standardized procedures for
planting vegetation on compacted sanitary landfills. Waste Management
and Research 3: 65-80.
Gilman, E.F., I.A. Leone, and F.B. Flower. 1981. The adaptability of 19 woody
species in vegetating a former sanitary landfill. Forest Science 27: 13-18.
Gilman, E.F., I.A. Leone, and F.B. Flower. 1982. Influence of soil gas
contamination on tree root growth. Plant and Soil 65: 3-10.
Handel, S.N., G.R. Robinson, W.F.J. Parsons, and J.H. Mattei. 1997. Restoration
of woody plants to capped landfills: root dynamics in an engineered soil.
Restoration Ecology 5: 178-186.
Kane, R.P. 1991. Landfills to habitat. New Jersey Audubon. 17: 2.
Leone, I.A., E.F. Gilman, and F.B. Flower. 1982. Growing trees on completed
sanitary landfills. Arboricultural Journal 7: 247-252.
Moffat, A.J. and T.J. Houston. 1991. Tree establishment and growth at Pitsea
landfill site, Essex, U.K. Waste Management and Research 9: 35-46.
Parsons, W.F.J, J.G. Ehrenfeld, and S.N. Handel. 1998. Vertical growth and
mycorrhizal infection of woody plant roots as potential limits to the
restoration of woodlands on landfills. Restoration Ecology 6: 280-289.
Robinson, G.R. and S.N. Handel. 1993. Forest restoration on a closed landfill:
rapid addition of new species by bird dispersal. Conservation Biology 7:
Robinson, G.R. and S.N. Handel. 1995. Woody plants fail to penetrate a claylined landfill: management implications. Environmental Management 19:
Robinson, G.R., S.N. Handel, and V.R. Schmalhofer. 1992. Survival,
reproduction, and recruitment of woody plants after 14 years on a
reforested landfill. Environmental Management 16: 265-271.
Stalter, R. 1984. The plant communities on four landfill sites, New York City,
New York. Proceedings of the Annual Meetings, Northeastern Weed
Science Society 38: 64-71.
Yurlina, M.E. 1998. Bee mutualists and plant reproduction in urban woodland
restorations. Ph.D. Dissertation. Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ.