How is trashed disposed of

How is trashed disposed of?
The amount of trash buried in landfills has _________________since the 1960s.
 Before ______________________, trash consists mostly of________________________,
plastics and______________________.
There are ____ basic ways to bury trash:
1 - _______________________: an ____________________hole in the ground where trash is
2 - ______________________________A structure built _____________or
____________of the ground. The garbage is ____________________from the ground, water
and __________________by the means of a soil covering, _________________and/or a
1 - Do you think landfills are designed to favour the decomposition of trash? Why?
2 - How is a landfill different than a compost pile?
Watch the video clip ‘Landfill Anatomy’ and answer the following:
1 – What covers the bottom of a landfill? ________________________________
2 – What do the collection pipes do? ___________________________________
3 – Why is the daily garbage covered with soil?_______________________________
4 – What is done with methane gas?_______________________________________
5 – What seals the top of the landfill? __________________________
6 – What could be built on top of a closed landfill? _______________________________
Problems with landfills
Landfills can leak in 2 ways:
1 - _______________________
A ______is added to prevent ___________________________ from getting in. The
cap is made of________________ and ________________________.
2 - through the ____________________
 A landfill site is chosen based on the presence of an
A ___________________________or double liner prevents _____________________from
conventional way of detecting a leak in a landfill
How can landfills be monitored?
1 - _________________________- surrounding land, plants and animal life are routinely
2 - ___________________________- ____________are dug and samples are analyzed for
3 - ______________________________- an annual review of landfill operations
4 - Fence Line Testing - Air _______________and ___________________from the landfill is