Case Manager’s recommendation This form is to provide evidence based observations of the YP whilst they attended the programme. This will seek to highlight any progress and development using ASSET sections Name of YP: Name of CM: Group Worker: Group Completion Date: SESSIONS (1 hr each) ATTENDANCE 1. Build motivation to address anger. 2. Recognise thought processes and look at irrational thinking. 3. Identify ways to change thinking processes. 4. Identify triggers and emotions that can be covered by anger. 5. Identify body language and passive, assertive and aggressive behaviour. 6. Remind ourselves of the skills learnt. DID NOT/ ATTENDED DID NOT/ ATTENDED DID NOT/ ATTENDED DID NOT/ ATTENDED DID NOT/ ATTENDED DID NOT/ ATTENDED PUMP The PUMP group work programme looks at managing anger through breaking down conflict into triggers, actions and consequences. It helps participants to think about what anger is and equips them with skills in assertiveness, and calming down techniques. POST GROUP ANALYSIS: Perception of self and others Were they confident on the group? Did they discriminate against others? Did they give opinions of themselves e.g. not good at X or very good at X Thinking and Behaviour During the group did they show an understanding of there being consequences to actions? Did they speak about or demonstrate impulsiveness? Did they speak about or demonstrate Poor temper control? has the group changed this? What were their social and communication skills like with group members and facilitators? Positive and negative Did they give in easily to pressure OR try to manipulate others? What was their behaviour like? Bad and Good? Did they display any mistaken goals? (TRY NOT TO LABEL THE YP AND PUT THEM IN A BOX!) Attention Seeking-give examples eg: danced around/made lots of noises/tapped pencils Revenge Seeking-eg: Called other group member derogatory names and refuse to apologise (revenge seeking means trying to hurt others-especially adults) Power Seeking eg: Tried to control group by telling YP they don’t have to listen to facilitator/refusing to comply/answering back Displaying inadequacy eg: barely attempting tasks/frequent complaints about difficulty/continuous requests for help How was bad behaviour managed by facilitators? Were behaviour management techniques effective? Attitudes to offending (just about offending) Was there any denial of severity of offending? Could/ can they accept responsibility for their actions/ offending? Can they understand impact on all involved? Have they accepted consequences? Motivation to change Were they motivated to engage in the group? Can they recognise things need to/ have changed? What do you feel the yp they achieved on this group? (Attend, be on time, understand learning points.) Are they actively doing things to change Understands reason and incentives to change, consequences of not changing? Goals Do you feel they will apply what they have learnt, showing motivation to change behaviour. Risk / vulnerability Did they display any detrimental attitudes or motives to their offending? Was any of their language concerning? Were they challenged? How di they respond? Any progression in attitudes or behaviour expressed? Was the yp victimised or singled out in the group? If so how did this impact the group? Did they identify any protective/ positive factors? Recommendation: What do you think the yp still needs to work on? Why should it be done? Evidence How should this be done? Learning styles, delivery styles that worked Who should do it? Case manager, group work, external agency. Did you notice anything else? Ie negative opinions, stereotyping, lack of empathy… etc. Date recommendation completed: Date (YOIS):……………………………………