Caring for Your Guinea Pig in Hot Weather

Caring for Your Guinea Pig in Hot Weather
HEAT STROKE can be a major problem for guinea pigs, on a bright spring day the
temperatures in sheds, rooms and hutches rises quickly. Here is some advice on how to keep
your guinea pigs cool in hot weather:
Once the temperature in a shed or room reaches 25c it is too hot. Heat stroke
can be fatal. Make sure the doors and windows, with fly netting, are open to allow
a breeze to run through (some sort of security is needed though to keep birds
and cats out.)
If guinea pigs are outdoors, make sure they are in the shade at all times.
Keep water bottles topped up and change once or twice a day. Cover with a slit
open kitchen roll holder, or special bottle cover to shade from sun. Bacteria in
spouts/bottles multiplies a lot quicker with heat.
Crushed ice can also be added to the water.
Try to replace plastic hideaways with wooden. The heat intensifies in plastic.
Give your guinea pig regular little snacks of cucumber, melon, or any watery veg
on saucers of ice cubes to keep them cool and hydrated through the day.
Soaking old beach towels in cold water and laying over hutches/runs can bring
the temperature down.
Frozen water bottles placed in runs so guinea pigs can lie next to them will keep
them cool. You can also buy special ice pods from some pet stores that can be
frozen and placed in cages.
DO NOT keep guinea pigs in conservatories in hot weather. The glass will act like
a greenhouse and cause the temperature to rise dramatically.
Symptoms of heatstroke can include difficulty in breathing, dribbling/mouth open, inactivity,
floppyness and obvious distress. You must immediately soak a towel in cool (not cold) water
and wrap round the guinea pig until they show signs of recovering. Please don't give them
anything to drink until they can stand and support themselves, then offer small amounts from
a spoon, or syringe if you feel confident doing this. Monitor your guinea pig, and if you have
any concerns whatsoever contact your vet, especially if breathing with difficulty.
Flystrike can be a problem in the summer, with flies being attracted to hutches and cages,
even your guinea pigs bottoms, where they can lay eggs. This can be fatal. Cleanliness is
always important, but in warm weather extra diligence is needed.