REDUNDANCY OPTIMIZATION FOR MULTI-STATE SYSTEM WITH FIXED RESOURCE REQUIREMENTS AND UNRELIABLE SOURCES Gregory Levitin, Senior Member IEEE The Israel Electric Corporation Ltd., Haifa, Israel E-mail: Key Words - Redundancy optimization, Fixed resource consumption, Universal generating function, Genetic algorithm. Summary & Conclusions - This paper considers a redundancy optimization problem for a multi-state system consisting of elements that consume a fixed amount of resources to perform their task and a number of resource generating subsystems. The presented algorithm finds the optimal system structure subject to availability constraints by choosing system elements from a list of available equipment. Each element is characterized by its productivity, availability and cost. Elements of the main producing subsystem also have their specific resource consumption limitations. The objective is to minimize the sum of investment costs while satisfying demand, represented by cumulative demand curve, with given probability. To solve the problem, a genetic algorithm is used as an optimization tool. The procedure based on the universal generating function is used for evaluation of the availability of the system while assuming that the working elements of main producing subsystem are chosen in such a way that the total system performance rate is maximal under given resource constraints. Illustrative examples demonstrate how to obtain the optimal structures of a simple two-level system for different availability constraints. 1. INTRODUCTION Acronyms1 PRD performance rate distribution MPS main producing subsystem RGS resource generating subsystem u-function universal moment generating function GA genetic algorithm The problem of total investment cost minimization subject to reliability or availability constraints is well known as the redundancy optimization problem. It has been addressed in a number of studies, e.g. [1], where the binary-state reliability was considered. When applied to wide variety of systems (production, power generation, data transmission, etc.), reliability is considered to be a measure of the ability of the system to meet the demand and the outage effect will be different for units with different nominal generating or transmitting capacity and will also depend on demand distribution. Therefore, the capacities of system components should be taken into account as well as the demand distribution curve. The nonhomogeneous system containing elements with different capacities may be considered to be a multi-state system because its components can have different performance levels depending on the state of the elements they contain. For such a system, each component can be characterized by its PRD. The redundancy optimization problem for such a system is, actually, a problem of system structure optimization. This problem for a series-parallel multi-state system was formulated in [2]. The algorithm for system structure optimization subject to availability constraints was suggested in [3]. In this algorithm 1 The singular and plural of acronyms are always spelled the same. 2 the appropriate versions of system elements are to be chosen from a list of available products for each type of component as well as number of parallel elements. Each element is characterized by its capacity (productivity), availability and cost. The objective is to meet the demand (represented by a demand distribution curve) with the desired level of system availability while minimizing total system cost. This approach allows the reliability engineer to solve practical problems in which a variety of products exist and in which analytical dependencies are unavailable for the cost of system components. The extension of the algorithm presented in [4] solves the system structure optimization problem without limiting the diversity of versions of elements connected in parallel; hence both series-parallel and parallel-series systems (according to classification given in [1]) can be optimized. While the suggested algorithms cover a wide range of series-parallel systems, these algorithms are restricted to systems with continuous flows. Systems with continuous flows are comprised of elements that can process any piece of product (resource) within its capacity (productivity) limits. In this case, the minimal amount of product which can proceed through the system is not limited. In practice, there are technical elements that can work only if the amount of some resources is not lower than specified limits. If this requirement is not met, the element fails to work. An example of such a situation is a control system which stops the controlled process if a decrease in its computational resources does not allow a necessary information to be processed within required cycle time. Another example is metalworking machine which cannot perform its task if the flow of supplied coolant is less than required. In the both examples the amount of resource necessary to provide the normal operation of a given composition of main producing units (controlled 3 processes or machines) is fixed. Any deficit of the resource makes it impossible for all the units from the composition to operate together (in parallel) because any unit can not reduce the amount of resource it consumes. Therefore any resource deficit leads to turning off some producing units. This paper considers systems containing producing elements with fixed resource consumption. The systems consist of a number of RGS that supply different resources to the MPS. Each subsystem consists of different elements connected in parallel. Each element of MPS can perform only by consuming a fixed amount of resources. If following failures in RGS there are not enough resources to allow all the available producing elements to work, some of these elements should be turned off. We assume that the choice of the working MPS elements is made in such a way as to maximize the total performance rate of MPS under given resources constraints. The problem is to find the minimal cost RGS and MPS structure, which provides desired level of entire system ability to meet the demand. In spite of the fact that only two level RGS-MPS hierarchy is considered in this paper, the method can easily be expanded to systems with multilevel hierarchy. When solving the problem for multilevel systems the entire RGS-MPS system (with PRD defined by its structure) may be considered in its turn as one of RGS for higher level MPS. As in [3] and [4], to solve the combinatorial optimization problem, a genetic algorithm is used which operates only with values of solution quality and does not require derivative information. A solution quality index is comprised of both availability and cost estimations. Illustrative examples are presented in which the optimal structures of simple two-level system are obtained for different availability constraints. 4 Notation M number of different resources Hm maximal permissible number of parallel elements in m-th RGS (1mM) H0 maximal permissible number of parallel elements in MPS Qm number of available versions for elements of m-th RGS (1mM) Q0 number of available versions for elements of MPS Amj availability of element of version j belonging to m-th RGS (1mM) A0j availability of MPS element of version j gmj generating capacity of element of version j belonging to m-th RGS (1mM) Gmj amount of resource m required for MPS element of version j wj productivity of MPS element of version j hm(j) number of version of j-th element belonging to m-th RGS (1mM, 1jHm) Lm number of different possible levels of resource m generation Bm discrete random variable which represents available amount of resource m and can have Lm possible different values mi (1iLm) mi probability that Bm=mi Cmj cost of element of version j belonging to m-th RGS (1mM) C0j cost of MPS element of version j K number of demand levels considered W vector of demand levels W ={Wk}, 1kK T vector of intervals, corresponding to demand levels, T ={Tk}, 1kK Wsys discrete random variable representing the entire system productivity E system availability 5 E0 minimal permissible system availability 2. PROBLEM FORMULATION AND DESCRIPTION OF SYSTEM MODEL A system consisting of MPS and M different RGS is considered (Fig. 1). The MPS can have up to H0 different elements connected in parallel. Each producing element consumes resources supplied by RGS and produces a final product. To distinguish among elements with different characteristics, the notion of element version is introduced. There are Q0 versions of producing elements available. Each version j (1jQ0) is characterized by its availability A0j, performance rate (productivity or capacity) wj, cost C0j and vector of required resources Gj={Gmj} 1mM. MPS element of version j can work only if it receives the amount of each resource defined by vector Gj. Each resource m is generated by the corresponding RGS which can contain up to Hm parallel resource generating elements of different versions. Each version of element of RGS supplying m-th resource is characterized by its availability, productivity and cost. All the properties of j-th element of m-th subsystem can be obtained from a list of MPS and RGS elements available in the market according to a version number hm(j) chosen to this element. The structure of subsystem m can be defined by numbers of versions of elements hm(j) (1jHm) chosen to constitute this subsystem. The vector h={hm(j)}, (0mM, 1jHm) defines the entire system structure. In order to allow the number of elements in each subsystem to vary, we introduce “dummy” elements of version 0. Such elements have productivity and cost equal to 0. Therefore, all the elements of the vector h may vary in the range 0hm(j)Qm. 6 For given vector h the total cost of the system can be calculated as M Hm C= C mh m (j) . (1) m = 0 j=1 The overall probability E that the demand will be met is used as a measure of the entire system availability. If the operation period is divided into K intervals, each with duration Tk and demand level Wk (k=1,...,K), then the value of E index can be calculated as K E = Tk k =1 1 K Pr(Wsys Wk ) Tk , (2) k =1 where Pr(WsysWk) is the probability that the total system performance rate Wsys is not lower than the demand level Wk. Vectors W={Wk} and T={Tk}, (1kK), define the cumulative demand curve. Now we can formulate the problem of system structure optimization as follows: find the minimal cost system configuration h* that provides the required availability level E0: h* = arg{C( h) min | E( h, W, T) E 0 }. (3) 3. SYSTEM AVAILABILITY ESTIMATION METHOD The procedure used in this paper for evaluating system availability is based on the universal moment generating function technique, which was introduced in [5] and was proven to be very effective for high dimension combinatorial problems. The detailed description of universal z-transform applied to system availability estimation is presented in [3]. A brief introduction to this technique is given here: 7 The universal moment generating function (u-transform) of a discrete variable X is defined as a polynomial J u(z) = p z xj j (4) , j=1 where the discrete random variable X has J possible values and pj is the probability that X is equal to xj. In our case, the polynomial u(z) can define PRD, i.e. it represents all the possible states of the system (or element) by relating the probabilities of each state pj with performance xj of the system in this state. To evaluate the probability that the random variable X exceeds the value X* the coefficients of polynomial u(z) should be summed for every term with xjX*: Pr(X X* ) p j. (5) x j X* This can be done using the following operator over u(z): J (u (z), X* ) = ( p jz xj j1 where for individual term p jz xj J , X* ) (p jz xj , X* ), (6) j1 : ( p j z xj , X* ) p j 1( x j X* ), (7) 1(True ) 1, 1(False ) 0. Consider the single elements with total failures. Since each j-th element belonging to m-th RGS has nominal performance g mhm (j) and availability A mhm (j) (corresponding to chosen version hm(j)), Pr(X g mh m (j) ) A mh m (j) , Pr(X 0) 1 A mh m (j) . The u-function of such an element has only two terms and can be defined as 8 (8) u mj (z) (1 A mh m (j) )z 0 A mh m (j) z g mhm (j) . (9) (Note that the u-function of a “dummy” element with performance 0 does not depend on its availability and is equal to z0=1). The function um(z) for the entire subsystem m should represent the probabilistic distribution of the amount of m-th resource Bm which can be supplied to the MPS: each value of amount mi can be supplied with probability mi. If a subsystem m contains single element with availability am1 and capacity gm1, the amount of resource m can have two different levels. The distribution of Bm is the same as the distribution of the element capacity: m1 0, m2 g m1 , m1 Pr( Bm m1 ) (1 a m1 ), m2 Pr( Bm m2 ) a m1. (10) If a subsystem m contains elements connected in parallel, its total capacity in each moment is equal to the sum of the capacities of its elements. For example, if the first element has capacity gm1 with probability pm1 and the second element has capacity gm2 with probability pm2, the total capacity of the component containing these two elements will be gm1+gm2 with probability pm1pm2, which corresponds to term p m1p m2 z g m1 g m 2 in the u-function representing the entire component capacity. In the general case, the u-function of elements connected in parallel can be defined using the operator: n (u1 (z), u2 (z),..., u n (z)) u i (z), (11) i 1 where the operator is a product of polynomials representing the individual ufunctions. 9 Consider, for example, subsystem m consisting of two elements with individual availability am1 and am2 and capacity gm1 and gm2 respectively. Having the u-functions, representing capacity distribution for individual elements u m1 (z) (1 a m1 )z 0 a m1 z g m1 , u m2 (z) (1 a m2 )z 0 a m2 z g m2 , (12) one can obtain the u-function of the entire subsystem as u m (z) (u m1 (z), u m2 (z)) [(1 a m1 )z a m1 z g m1 ][(1 a m2 )z 0 a m2 z g m2 ] 0 0 (1 a m1 )(1 a m2 )z a m1 (1 a m2 )z g m1 (13) a m 2 (1 a m1 )z g m2 a m1a m2 z g m1 g m 2 , which corresponds to the following distribution of Bm: m1 0, m2 g m1 , m3 g m 2 , m4 g m1 g m2 , m1 (1 a m1 )(1 a m2 ), m2 a m1 (1 a m2 ), m3 a m2 (1 a m1 ), m4 a m1 a m2 . (14) The u-function which represents PRD of the m-th RGS containing Hm elements with their individual u-functions umj(z), 1jHm can be obtained as follows: Hm Hm Lm g u m (z) u mj (z) (1 A mh m (j) )z 0 A mh m (j) z mhm (j) mi z mi , i 1 j1 j1 (15) where Lm is the number of different levels of resource m generation. The same operator can be used in order to obtain the u-function representing maximal PRD of MPS u0(z). In this case L0 is number of different levels of MPS productivity. The function u0(z) represents the distribution of system productivity defined only by MPS elements availability. This distribution corresponds to situations in which there are no limitations on required resources. 10 3.1. PRD of System Containing Identical Elements in MPS. If a producing subsystem contains only identical elements, the number of the elements that can work in parallel when the available amount of m-th resource is mi is mi/Gm which corresponds to total system productivity mi=wmi/Gm, where w and Gm are respectively productivity of a single element of MPS and amount of resource m required for this element (wj=w, Gmj=Gm for 1jH0). Note that mi represents the total theoretical productivity, which can be achieved using available resource m by unlimited number of producing elements. In terms of entire system output, the ufunction of the m-th RGS can be obtained in the following form: Lm Lm u *m (z) mi z mi mi z w mi / G m . i 1 (16) i 1 The RGS which can provide the work of minimal number of producing units becomes the bottleneck of the system. Therefore, this RGS defines the total system capacity. To calculate the u-function for a system containing two different RGS, the operator should be used. This operator for a pair of RGS is defined as follows: L1 L2 (u*1 (z), u*2 (z)) ( 1i z 1i , 2jz i 1 2j ) j 1 L1 L2 i 1 j 1 1i 2jz min{ 1i , 2j } . (17) Successively applying operator using the rule (u *1 (z), u*2 (z),..., u*M (z)) = ( (u *1 (z), u*2 (z)) ,..., u*M (z)) . (18) one can obtain u-function for all the resource generating subsystems ur(z). Function ur(z) represents the entire system PRD for the case of unlimited number of producing elements. 11 The entire system productivity is equal to the minimum of total theoretical productivity which can be achieved using available resources and total productivity of available producing elements. To obtain PRD of the entire system taking into account the availability of MPS elements the same operator should be applied: usys(z)=(u0 (z),ur(z))=(u0 (z),u1*(z) ,u2*(z),...,uM*(z)). (19) 3.2. PRD of System Containing Different Elements in MPS. If MPS has N different elements, there are 2N possible states of element availability composition. Each state may be characterized by set Sn (1n2N) of available elements. The probability of state n can be evaluated as follows pn A 0 j (1 A 0i ), jS n (20) iS n the maximal possible productivity of MPS and corresponding resources consumption in state n are wj jS n and G mj (1mM), respectively. jS n The amount of resources generated by RGS is defined by their PRD. It is not always enough to provide maximal possible productivity of MPS at state n. In order to define maximum possible productivity of MPS under resource constraints one has to solve the following integer linear programming problem: (1 , 2 ,..., M , Sn ) max w jy j , jS n subject to G mj y j m , for 1 m M, jS n y j {0,1}, 12 (21) where m is the available amount of m-th resource, yj=1 if element j works (producing wj units of main product and consuming Gmj of each resource (1mM)) and yj=0 if element is turned off. The PRD of the entire system can be defined by evaluating all the possible combinations of available resources generated by RGS and states of MPS. For each combination, a solution of the above formulated optimization problem defines the system productivity. The u-function representing PRD of the entire system can be defined as follows: u sys 2N (1i1 , 2i2 ,..., MiM ,S n ) (z) ... ( m i m ) p n z . i1 1 i 2 1 i M 1 n 1 m 1 L1 L2 LM M (22) To evaluate the E index for the entire system with its PRD, the probability that the total productivity of the system is not less than a specified demand level W must be calculated: Pr(WsysW)= ( usys ( z), W). (23) To obtain the system PRD, its productivity should be determined for each unique combination of available resources and for each unique state of MPS. From equation (22) one can see that in general case the total number of integer linear sys programs to be solved to obtain u (z) is 2 N M Lm . In practice the number of m 1 programs to be solved can be drastically reduced using the following rules. 1. If for the given vector (1,…,m,…,M) and for the given set of MPS elements Sn there exists m for which mi min G mj , system productivity (1,…,M,Sn) is jSn equal to 0. 13 2. If for each element j from Sn there exists m for which m G mj , system productivity (1,…,M, Sn) is equal to 0. 3. If there exists element jSn for which m G mj for some m, this means that in the program (21) yj must be zeroed. In this case dimension of integer program can be reduced by removing all such elements from Sn. 4. If for the given vector (1,…,m,…,M) and for the given set Sn the solution of the integer program (21) determines subset S*n of turned on MPS elements (jS*n if yj=1), the same solution must be optimal for the MPS states characterized by any set S'n: S*n S'n Sn. This allows one to avoid solving many integer programs by assigning value of (1,…,M, Sn) to all the (1,…,M, S'n). It should be noted that for systems with large number of elements and/or resources the required computational effort for solving redundancy optimization problem can be unaffordable even when applying presented computational complexity reduction technique. In this case the use of fast heuristics for solving integer programs is recommended instead of exact algorithms. 4. OPTIMIZATION TECHNIQUE To solve the optimization problem formulated in (3) we use the same approach as used in [3,4]. It is based on a GA, a technique inspired by a principle of evolution. The comprehensive description of GAs theory and their application in engineering can be found in [6,7]. The applications of GA in reliability optimization are reported in [3,4,7-26]. Unlike various constructive optimization algorithms which use sophisticated methods to obtain a good single solution, the GA deals with a set of solutions (population) and tends to manipulate each solution in the simplest way. 14 "Chromosomal" representation requires the solution to be coded as a finite length string. The steady state version of the GA used in this paper was developed by Whitley and Kouth [27]. As reported in [28] this version, named GENITOR, outperforms the basic “generational” GA. The structure of steady state GA is as follows: Algorithm GENITOR 1. Generate an initial population of Ns randomly constructed solutions (strings) and evaluate their fitness. (Unlike the “generational” GA, the steady state GA performs the evolution search within the same population improving its average fitness by replacing worst solutions with better ones). 2. Select two solutions randomly and produce a new solution (offspring) using a crossover procedure providing inheritance of some basic properties of the parent strings in the offspring. The probability of selecting the solution as a parent is proportional to the rank of this solution. (All the solutions in the population are ranked in order of their fitness increase). Unlike the fitness-based parent selection scheme, the rank-based scheme reduces GA dependence on the fitness function structure, which is especially important when constrained optimization problems are considered [29]. The same double-point crossover technique as used in [3,4] is adopted in this work. In this technique the fragment of the string is randomly chosen as a set of adjacent positions. All the elements allocated within the fragment are copied into the child solution string from its first parent and the rest of the elements are copied from the second one. 15 The following example illustrates the crossover procedure in which the offspring O is obtained from the two parent strings Q and V of length 8 (the fragment is between positions 3 and 7): Q = q1 q2 q3 q4 q5 q6 q7 q8 V = v1 v2 v3 v4 v5 v6 v7 v8 O = v1 v2 q3 q4 q5 q6 q7 v8 . 3. Allow the offspring to mutate. Mutation results in slight changes in the offspring structure and maintains diversity of solutions. This procedure avoids premature convergence to a local optimum and facilitates jumps in the solution space. In our GA, the mutation procedure just swaps elements initially located in two randomly chosen positions of the string. 4. Decode offspring to obtain the objective function (fitness) values. These values are a measure of quality which is used to compare different solutions. 5. Apply a selection procedure that compares the new offspring with the worst solution in the population and selects one that is better. The better solution joins the population and the worse one is discarded. If the population contains equivalent solutions following the selection process, redundancies are eliminated and, as a result, the population size decreases. 6. Generate new randomly constructed solutions to replenish the population after repeating steps 2-5 Nrep times (or until the population contains a single solution or solutions with equal quality). Run new genetic cycle (return to step 2). 7. Terminate the GA after Nc genetic cycles. 16 End Algorithm The final population contains the best solution achieved. It also contains different near optimal solutions which may be of interest in the decision making process. 4.1. Solution Representation and Decoding in Genetic Algorithm. To apply the genetic algorithm to a specific problem, one has to define the solution representation as well as the decoding procedure. Our GA deals with F length integer strings, where F is the maximal number of elements that the entire system may contain: F M Hm. (24) m0 Each solution is represented by string D={d1,d2,...,dF}, where for each m1 n = H i j, (25) i0 dn corresponds to the number of version chosen for j-th element of subsystem m (note that m=0 corresponds to MPS and 1mM to m-th RGS). To provide variation of number of elements included in subsystems by using “dummy” elements, the solution generation procedure is designed in a following way: for each 1iF, the random value from the range (1 max (Q m )) is assigned to i-th 0 m M element of the string with probability p and a value of 0 is assigned with probability 1p. (It was experimentally found that choice of p=0.8 provides the fastest GA convergence to the best solution). 17 In order to allow each randomly generated string D to represent a feasible solution, the decoding procedure obtains the number of the version chosen for j-th element of subsystem m using the following transform: mod Q ( d n ) 1, d n 0 m h m ( j) 0, d n 0, (26) where n is calculated using (25). To obtain the u-function of m-th RGS represented by elements of string with position m 1 numbers from H i 1 to i0 m Hi , the decoding algorithm uses expression (15). In i0 the case of identical MPS elements it also obtains MPS u-function u0(z) using the same expression, transforms u-functions of RGS to the form (16) and obtains the entire system u-function usys(z) using rules (17-19). In the case of different MPS elements, the algorithm forms a set of versions of elements included into MPS: S={ho(j) | 1jH0, h0(j)0}, and for all its different subsets Sn (1n2N, where N=|S|) corresponding to MPS states, the state probability is determined using (20). Then it solves optimization problems (21) for each composition of available resources and, finally, obtains the entire system u-function usys(z) using expression (22). To obtain the probability that the entire system output rate exceeds given demand level Wk , the decoding procedure applies the operator (6),(7) to usys(z): Pr(Wsys Wk ) (u sys (z) , Wk ). Finally, the total E index for all the demand levels is calculated using (2). 18 (27) In order to let the genetic algorithm look for the solution with minimal total cost and with E not less than the required value E0, the solution quality (fitness) is evaluated as follows: M Hm C mh m (j) , F = (E 0 E) + (28) m = 0 j=1 where Cm0=0 for any m, which corresponds to the “dummy” elements, (1 x), x 0, (x) = x < 0, 0 , (29) and is a sufficiently large penalty. For solutions meeting the requirement E>E0, the fitness of solution is equal to its total cost. 5. ILLUSTRATIVE EXAMPLE 5.1. Description of the System to be Optimized. The main producing component of the system may have up to six parallel producing elements (chemical reactors) working in parallel. To perform their task, producing elements require three different resources: 1. Power, generated by energy supply subsystem (group of converters), 2. Computational resource, provided by control subsystem (group of controllers), 3. Cooling water, provided by water supply subsystem (group of pumps). Each of these resource generating subsystems can have up to five parallel elements. Both producing units and resource generating units may be chosen from the list of 19 products available in the market. Each producing unit is characterized by its availability, productivity, cost and amount of resources required for its work. The characteristics of available producing units are presented in Table 1. The resource generating units are characterized by their availability, generating capacity (productivity) and cost. The characteristics of available resource generating units are presented in Table 2. Each element of the system is considered to be a unit with total failures. The demand for final product varies with time. The demand distribution is presented in Table 3 in the form of a cumulative demand curve. 5.2. Optimization Results. Table 4 contains minimal cost solutions for different required levels of system availability E0. The structure of each subsystem is presented by the list of numbers of versions of the elements included in the subsystem. The actual estimated availability of the system and its total cost are also presented in the table for each solution. The solutions of the system structure optimization problem when the main producing subsystem can contain only identical elements are presented in Table 5 for comparison. Note that when MPS is composed from elements of different types the same system availability can be achieved by much lower cost. Indeed, using elements with different availability and capacity (productivity) provides much greater flexibility for optimizing the entire system performance in different states. Therefore, the algorithm for solving the problem for different MPS elements, which requires much greater computational effort, usually yields better solutions then one for identical elements. 20 5.3. Computational Effort and Algorithm Consistency. The C language realization of the algorithm was tested on a DEC station 5000/240. The parameters of GA were chosen: NS=100, Nrep=2000, Nc=550. For the time-consuming optimization problem in which MPS may have different elements, the time taken to obtain the best-in-population solution (time of the last modification of the best solution obtained) did not exceed 45 minutes. The average time for arriving at the best solutions for the solved problems of this type was 27 minutes. The corresponding time for the problems with identical MPS elements was less than 1 minute. 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Parameters of the MPS units available No of Version Cost C Performance rate w Availability A 1 2 3 4 5 6 9.9 8.1 7.9 4.2 4.0 3.0 30.0 25.0 25.0 13.0 13.0 10.0 0.970 0.954 0.960 0.988 0.974 0.991 Resources required G Resource 1 Resource 2 Resource 3 2.8 0.2 1.3 2.0 0.8 1.0 2.0 0.5 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.6 1.8 1.2 0.1 0.1 2.0 0.7 Table 2. Parameters of the RGS units available Type of resource 1 2 3 No of Version Cost C Performance rate 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 0.590 0.535 0.370 0.320 0.205 0.189 0.091 2.125 2.720 1.590 1.420 g 1.8 1.0 0.75 0.75 2.00 1.70 0.70 3.00 2.60 2.40 2.20 Availability A 0.980 0.977 0.982 0.978 0.995 0.996 0.997 0.971 0.973 0.971 0.976 Table 3. Parameters of the cumulative demand curve. Wk Tk (%) 65.0 60 48.0 10 27 25.0 10 8.0 20 Table 4. Parameters of the optimal solutions. E0 E C 0.950 0.970 0.990 0.999 0.951 0.973 0.992 0.999 27.790 30.200 33.690 44.613 MPS 3,6,6,6,6 3,6,6,6,6,6 3,3,6,6,6,6 2,2,3,3,6,6 System Structure RGS 1 RGS 2 1,1,1,1,1 1,1,2,3 1,1,1,1 1,1,2,3 1,1,1,1 1,1,2,3 1,1,1 1,2,2 RGS 3 1,1 1,1 4,4 4,4,4 MPS 4,4,4,4,4,4 4,4,4,4,4,4 2,2,2,2 2,2,2,2,2 System Structure RGS 1 RGS 2 1,4,4,4,4 2,2,2 1,1,1,4 2,2,2,2 4,4 3,3,3,3 3,4 2,2 RGS 3 1,3,3,3,4 1,3,3,3,4 4,4,4 4,4,4,4 Table 5. Parameters of the optimal solutions. E0 E C 0.950 0.970 0.990 0.999 0.951 0.972 0.991 0.999 34.752 35.161 37.664 47.248 28 AUTHOR Dr. Gregory Levitin; Reliability &Equip't Dep't; PD&T Div; Tsrael Electric Corp. Ltd.; POBox 10; Haifa 31000 ISRAEL. Internet (e-mail): Gregory Levitin received the M.S. (1982, with honors) in Electrical Engineering from Kharkov (Ukraine) Politechnical Institute, the B.S. (1986) in Mathematics from Kharkov State University and Ph. D. (1989) in Industrial Automation from Moscow Research Institute of Metalworking Machines. From 1982 to 1990 he was a software engineer and research associate in industrial automation at the Ukrainian and Russian Research Institutes. From 1991 to 1993 worked at the Technion - Israel Institute of Technology as a post-doctoral fellow at the faculty of Industrial Engineering & Management. In 1993 Dr. Levitin joined the R&D Division of The Israel Electric Corporation, and is an engineer-expert in the Reliability Department and also an adjunct lecturer at the Technion. His current research is in artificial-intelligence and operations-research application in reliability & power engineering. He is a senior member of IEEE. 29