Los Angeles Southwest College Counseling Department Associate in Arts in INTERDISCIPLINARY STUDIES: ARTS and HUMANITIES (transfer degree) In order to earn the degree of Associate in Arts in INTERDISCIPLINARY STUDIES: ARTS and HUMANITIES, the student must: 1) Complete one of the following GENERAL EDUCATION patterns: -- The CSU General Education pattern -- The IGETC pattern 2) Complete a minimum of 18 units of REQUIREMENTS including 9 units of coursework chosen from CORE COURSES and a minimum of 9 units chosen from ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS, earning a grade of “C” or better in each course 3) Complete a balance of degree-applicable electives, which may include additional courses chosen from RECOMMENDED ELECTIVES listed below, to total 60 units with a minimum of a 2.0 grade point average 4) consult with a counselor to select the appropriate general education transfer pattern and for detailed information for the intended transfer institution. Note: Up to 6 units may be double-counted for completion of both the GENERAL EDUCATION REQUIREMENTS (Plan A) and completion of the REQUIRED COURSES. Core Courses: (Chose and complete 9 units) Course: Title: ART 101 Survey of Art History I OR OR ART 103 MUSIC 101 Art Appreciation I Fundamentals of Music OR OR MUSIC 111 HUMAN 1 THEATER 110 THEATER 270 Music Appreciation I Cultural Patterns of Western Civilization History of the World Theater OR Beginning Acting Units: 3 OR 3 3 OR 3 3 3 3 Additional Requirements: (Choose and complete 9 additional units; continued on page 2) Course: Title: ASL 1 ASL 2 ASL 3 ART 101 ART 102 ART 103 ART 104 ART 201 ART 300 ART 501 American Sign Language I American Sign Language II American Sign Language III Survey of Art History I Survey of Art History II Art Appreciation I Art Appreciation II Drawing I Introduction to Painting Beginning Two-Dimensional Design Units: 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 INTERDISCIPLINARY STUDIES: ARTS and HUMANITIES (transfer degree) ENGLISH 127 ENGLISH 211 ENGLISH 212 ENGLISH 213 ENGLISH 218 ENGLISH 234 ENGLISH 239 FRENCH 1 FRENCH 2 FRENCH 3 FRENCH 4 HUMAN 1 HUMAN 2 HUMAN 6 HUMAN 31 HUMAN 54 JAPAN 1 MUSIC 101 MUSIC 111 PHILOS 1 SPANISH 1 SPANISH 2 SPANISH 3 SPANISH 4 SPANISH 5 SPANISH 6 SPANISH 8 SPANISH 101 THEATER 100 THEATER 110 THEATER 233 THEATER 240 THEATER 270 THEATER 271 THEATER 300 Creative Writing Fiction Poetry Dramatic Literature Children’s Literature African-American Literature I Women in Literature Elementary French I Elementary French II Intermediate French I Intermediate French II Cultural Patterns of Western Civilization Studies in Selected Cultures Great People, Great Ages People in Contemporary Society Studies in American Culture Elementary Japanese I Fundamentals of Music Music Appreciation I Introduction to Philosophy I Elementary Spanish I Elementary Spanish II Intermediate Spanish I Intermediate Spanish II Advanced Spanish I Advanced Spanish II Conversational Spanish Spanish Language Laboratory Introduction to the Theater History of the World Theater Play Production Voice and Articulation for the Theater Beginning Acting Intermediate Acting Introduction to Stage Craft Page 2 of 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 5 5 5 5 3 3 3 3 3 5 3 3 3 5 5 5 5 5 5 2 1 3 3 3 3 3 2 3 MajorReqsINTERDISCIPLINARYSTUDIES (transfer Arts-Hum),709