Short Note Basic Concepts in Seismology Ali O. Oncel Earth Sciences Department, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals 31261 Dhahran, P.O Box 1946, Saudi Arabia Abstract:. In this short paper, a general outline for Earth Sciences is provided, and then basic concepts of seismology are introduced. Types of earthquake monitoring and earthquakes are briefly explained, and changes in the periodic pattern of earthquake damage are discussed by using significant data. Key-Words: Earthquake, Seismometer, Plates, and Monitoring Seismicity. 1 Introduction: What is Earth Science? Understanding the Earth has been a great challenge for mankind since the beginning of history. The first important step towards understanding the Earth's interior was the invention of the first modern seismometer by John Milne in 1880. Based on the use of this instrument, the first large earthquake in the San Andreas Fault was successfully recorded and accurate information for the structure in the layering models of Earth, i.e. Crust, Mantle and Core, was obtained. Most of the important data for understanding the Earth are provided by earthquakes. Earth Sciences can be classified mainly into two divisions: Geology and Geophysics. Geology is a science which uses field observations to explore subsurface geology. Subsurface geology can involve both economic materials and tectonic layers. Some examples of economic materials are gold, coal, water and oil. As a result of geological variety or complexity, geologists have to select certain subjects as follows: Hydrogeology, Mining Geology, Petroleum Geology and Structural Geology. Geologists gain an expertise in certain fields of geology. According to their expertise, they can be called Hydrogeologists, Mining Geologists, Petroleum Geologists and Structural Geologists. Geology provides important hints through the Earth’s surface, but it can not explain the accurate geometry of buried materials. Thus, geophysics extends geology to resolve the subsurface geometry of geological materials which are exposed through the surface. Geophysics is a science which significantly extends surface geology by methods of applied physics. Some examples of the measured physical constants of subsurface geology are resistivity, gravity, magnetic susceptibility and wave velocity. Geophysics extends also eye-witnessed geological data on the surface to resolve how those materials are layered undersurface. Thus, geophysics uses geological data as a preliminary means to explore the position of exposed geology under the surface. Different specialized studies enable geophysicists to obtain expertise in certain fields of geophysics as follows: Petroleum Geophysicist, Mining Geophysicist, Earthquake Geophysicist and Hydrogeophysicist. 2 Earthquake Monitoring In this part of the paper, we will discuss fundamental approaches of earthquake monitoring, because this is an important variable for the purpose of study. In general, earthquake monitoring can be classified into two types: global earthquake monitoring and regional earthquake monitoring. Global earthquake monitoring is monitoring which is based on larger earthquakes, i.e. more than 2000 km distance. It provides travel-time data of earthquake which comes from deeper part of earth, e.g. mantle and crust. As a result of continuous occurrences of larger earthquakes, their data can be used freely to probe the Earth. It means that one can estimate accurate thicknesses of crust, which range from 7 km to 35 km through the Earth. Regional monitoring is monitoring which is based on sources and receivers within the study area. It monitors activity of nearby possible faults or fields of oil and gas. Examples are monitoring seismicity caused by tectonic faults in the western province of Saudi Arabia by the Saudi Geological Survey. Quality of monitoring earthquake data depends significantly on the number of seismographs and network design. Fault-specific or oilfield-specific seismicity monitoring requires a network design at first and then stations are deployed according to the agreed design. As a result of deployed seismometers, data is acquired and transmitted to the seismic laboratory by satellite based network connection. Monitoring Seismicity provides data for seismologists to study stress changes along the fault or oil-fields. Figure 1 3. Earthquake Types: Intraplate or Interplate? We generally hear about the earthquakes in Japan and appreciate the Japanese authorities' efforts to mitigate damage from earthquakes. For example, an M8 earthquake occurred in Japan but did not cause damage. Because most frequent earthquakes are deep-seated earthquakes along the plate boundaries, which are called intra-plate earthquakes. It means that earthquakes in Japan occur frequently deeper and the damage due to them is observed to be lighter. Let’s discuss the types of earthquakes in order to understand significant factors affecting the damage and periodicity of an earthquake. Figure 2 Arabian Plate Figure 3 Tectonic earthquakes can be mainly classified as follows: interplate earthquakes and intraplate earthquakes. These earthquakes are similar in three ways. Both are recorded by seismographs, and caused by changes of tectonic stresses. Neither occurs through the passive margins of plate zones. However, these earthquakes are different in some ways. The depths of interplate earthquakes approach 20 to 40 km through the upper crust, but intraplate earthquakes about 660 km. Intraplate earthquakes occur through convergent plate boundary zones, while interplate earthquakes occur through the off-boundary areas. The period of larger interplate earthquakes (M>8) is about one hundred years, whereas the period of intraplate earthquakes is about one thousand years. Interplate earthquakes that are shallower are always devastating, but intraplate earthquakes cause less damage since they are generally deeper. 3 Function/Structure of Seismometer We have discussed so far both types of earthquakes and monitoring seismicity. Now, it is time to introduce a basic fundamental device of earthquake seismology, which is the Seismograph. The seismograph comprises a recorder and sensor which is called a seismometer. A seismometer is a device which simply measures vertical ground motion. It is made up of a weight hanging on a spring and of a frame where the spring is attached. The weight moves vertically, causing differences in some relative motion between the weight and the Earth when the earthquake happens. If a recording system is completely installed, this ground motion can be recorded over the rotating drum. .4. Relationship between Tectonic Forces: Example from Anatolia Earthquakes are mainly caused by changes in tectonic stresses. Tectonic stresses are driven due to plate motion as a result of Dynamic Earth. In order to make clear how the periodicity of damaging earthquakes is related to plate interactions, a case region is selected. The data covers the period AD 100-1990. The data are taken from two graphs. The first graph shows spatial changes of seismicity through the transform faults, i.e. East Anatolian Fault Zone (EAFZ) and North Anatolian Fault Zone (NAFZ). The second graph shows the periodic changes of earthquake damage for adjacent larger tectonic faults. After a brief summary of some kinds of tectonic faults, driven by different tectonic forces, tectonic stresses causing earthquake activity in Anatolia will be discussed. Earth’s crust comprises mainly seven moving larger plates and numerous smaller plates. The Pacific plate is the largest, while the Nazca plate is an example of the smallest. Tectonic forces through plate boundaries are different in different types of plate interaction. Convergent plate boundaries, where plates approach each other, are associated to compressional stresses to create and form thrust folds. However, extensional stresses drive divergent plate boundaries, where plates move away from each other, and they form normal faults. Lateral stresses (shear) drives transforms fault where plates move relatively to each other. Compressional stresses, for example, are caused by continental collision between the Arabian and Eurasian Plates in the eastern part of Turkey, and the Anatolian plate is extruded toward western Turkey. Transform Faults, i.e., North Anatolian Fault and East Anatolian Fault, cause the extrusion of the Anatolian plate. Long-term deformation of transform faults forms storing underlined stresses are associated to both number of larger earthquakes and their occurrence times. The graphs show that changes in the number of earthquakes for each transform fault increase in the early years and decrease in later years or vice versa. Tectonic stresses of inactive periods are built up, but stresses in active periods are released by subsequence larger earthquakes. The following data are taken from the graphs. The number of earthquakes for the EAFZ (East Anatolian Fault Zone) increased slightly from one in 50 to two by 460 at first and went up sharply to 11 by 1250. However, it rose slightly again until the end of period. The number of earthquakes for the NAFZ (North Anatolian Fault Zone) rose at first from one in 100 to five by the year 460. It remained constant until 1100, but it went up until the end of period. In conclusion, the graphs can be interpreted as follows. The changes in the number of earthquakes show an anomalous inactive period that may probably be caused by an active period on another transform fault. However, the increase in the number of earthquakes for a short period 1100-1250 was perhaps due to external factors. 5 Conclusion Understanding earthquake instruments might help to show challenges for studying tectonic earthquakes. Earthquakes are different depending on where they occurred, and have different periodicity. 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