Vancouver, BC Round 3 Vancouver, BC Proposal for Local Sustainability Matching Fund Fall 2013 Project Title: TreeKeepers Purpose of Project: The TreeKeepers Project mobilizes residents and businesses to improve their local environment and enhance sustainability through the planting and tending of urban trees. Brief description of project goals, strategy, and key activities: Vancouver is famous for its natural beauty, but as with many cities in North America it faces pressures from ongoing development and the loss of the urban forest. A healthy urban forest is critical to the success of the urban environment. We know that trees improve air quality, reduce stormwater runoff by capturing rainfall, mitigate and help adapt to a changing climate, create habitat for birds, insects and animals, produce food, and increase the quality of life for people. But even residents in a spectacular setting are apt to take the urban forest for granted, and lose sight of the fact that decisions they make for their own yards and gardens affect the environment of the entire metropolitan area. The City of Vancouver’s “Greenest City 2020 Action Plan” includes a goal to improve access to nature, and a target to plant 150,000 more trees. More than 1/3 of this target needs to be achieved through the engagement of community members to plant more trees on private property around homes and commercial areas. Before this project, there was no organization with the capacity to champion community-led stewardship of the urban forest in Vancouver. The TreeKeepers Project aims to educate, inspire and involve Vancouver residents and business owners to create a city of tree stewards. Working with the public’s innate affinity for trees regardless of culture, age, gender or socio-economic background, the Project aims to improve ecological literacy and further community engagement while growing the urban forest. Primary Contact Person Name: Hartley Rosen Title: Executive Director Environmental Youth Alliance Organization: Mailing address: 517-119 West Pender St. City: Vancouver Email: Telephone: 604.689.4446 State: Ext: 1 BC Zip: V6B 1S5