GRAFTON DISTRICT GOLF CLUB LIMITED ABN 45 000 164 796 425 Bent Street South Grafton NSW 2460 2015 Annual Report and Balance Sheet NOTICE OF MEETING Notice is hereby given that the 61st Annual General Meeting of the Club will be held at the Clubhouse on:Sunday 13th December 2015 Commencing at 11.00am AGENDA 1. To receive and consider the financial statements for the twelve months period ended the 30th September 2015, together with the Directors and Auditors Report thereon. 2. To elect Directors, all of whom retire. 3. To consider the Director’s recommendation that Life Membership be granted to Mr. John Tibbs in recognition of his work carried out with the Veteran’s side of golf as well as obtaining sponsorship for the Club for the past nine (9) years. 4. To transact such other business as may be brought forward in accordance with the Articles of Association. By Order of the Board Heather Robinson Public Officer Any questions must be received in writing by the Public Officer at least seven (7) days prior to the Annual General Meeting. OFFICE BEARERS President Vice President Vice President Captain Public Officer Hon. Treasurer T Townsend T Newsome R Usher N Hayward H Robinson G Cowan BOARD OF DIRECTORS T Townsend, G Chad, G Cowan, N Hayward, T Newsome, H Robinson, R Usher. 2 PRESIDENT’S ANNUAL REPORT 2015 2015 has produced a financially acceptable result after a lot of hard work by the Board to keep things on an even keel. Our Strategic Plan has been a guiding light for decisions pertaining to expenditure in this financial year. Members can find details of our Strategic Plan on our website. This result is due in no small part to the dedication of all staff members, both in the Clubhouse and on course. The Golf Club runs on a very lean staffing level and it is a credit to all staff members that we have a facility of the quality that is the envy of many a visiting golfer. As members we can be very proud of the level of service we receive and the quality of the golf course that too many take for granted. I would like to congratulate all our staff under the guidance of John Nelson on course and Bernie Grady in house for their excellent service during the year. As in the past, we rely on a significant contribution by volunteers. It is with great pleasure that the Board is recommending to members that John Tibbs be awarded Life Membership for many years of dedicated service to Grafton Golf Club. Apart from his outstanding application as Sponsorship co-ordinator, John has been heavily involved in Veterans Golf, been a member of the Board of Directors as House Chairman where he gained the nickname of Michealangelo for his exploits in painting the exterior of the Clubhouse. He has been a member for in excess of 50 years and still holds a passion for the Golf Club that is second to none. I recommend a positive affirmation of this recommendation at the AGM. John is just a one of many volunteers who dedicate their time freely every week at the Club and I wish to thank personally all those members who regularly attend working bees, participate in committees, and generally contribute to the successful running of the Club. To this end we have an opportunity to recognise outstanding commitment to the Club with an award of Clubperson of the year for men and women. This is awarded at the AGM and I urge all members to consider a worthy recipient for this award and make a suggestion to the Board. Members would be aware that our course redesign is in full swing with the construction of the new 10th green well under way. While we have 18 holes of golf still playable, there is no need to rush this hole into play, but it will be a welcome alternative to our current 10 th hole, which is past its “use by date”. Other major activities that will be undertaken in the near future, will be the resurfacing of the carpark and reconstruction of the road to the bottom buggy sheds, as well as a continuation of buggy path construction and remediation. If all of this is to take place, we need the continued support of our membership, to use the clubhouse facilities and more importantly, introduce new members to our fantastic course. This year also saw the introduction of The Monty Conderman Memorial Pro-Am. What a fantastic response we had from sponsors, members and Professional Golfers to the day. The accolades Grafton Golf Club received from the PGA and Sponsors was well worth the effort and it is hoped that this will be an annual event. It is with the support of sponsors that days like this, and indeed, every competition we play, adds to the success of the events. I urge all our members to support the many sponsors that support our club. Progress on the proposed subdivision of the old 10th and 11th holes is taking some time to complete. Discussion with our surveyor, Andrew Fletcher suggests that the proposed rezoning to increase density may be gazetted by December 2016 and possible DA approval by May 2017. I wish to thank all of the Board members for their support during the year and look forward to 2016. Trevor Townsend President 3 PUBLIC OFFICER’S ANNUAL REPORT 2015 Last year saw the Board reduced to nine members, from twelve, but this year we had only seven board members, it was a pleasure to work with them. From the various reports submitted to the members for approval you can see that the Directors continue to control the affairs of your Club with enthusiasm and responsibility, be it on the course or in the Club house. At the time of preparing this report a total of 12 board meetings have been conducted with attendances as follows: G. Chad 11 H. Robinson 10 G. Cowan 11 T. Townsend 12 N. Hayward 12 R. Usher 4 (5 month leave of absence) T. Newsome 10 Club membership: Our Club numbers over the past two years have declined in most member categories Financial members as at 30th September 2015 are as follows:- Playing members (male)………………………….. Playing members (female)………………………... Occasional members. …………………………….. Country members………………………………….. Junior Members Tier 1 & 2…….…………………. Colts…………………………………………………. Life members……………………………………….. Hon. Life members………………………………… Clergy……………………………………………….. Social Golf Club members………………………… Monday members………………………………….. Social members……………………………………. Total……………………………… 2015 2014 2013 2012 360 109 48 1 14 8 5 4 3 5 28 269 854 371 111 43 1 18 12 5 1 3 8 28 294 895 451 119 41 nil 16 15 5 1 3 10 21 296 978 394 106 42 nil 19 19 6 3 3 13 28 280 915 Appreciation: Our Club is greatly assisted in conducting the promotion of golf at the Club. They include Solicitors, Burridge, Harris and Flynn, Club Auditors Small Maxwell & Co, Daily Examiner, Mark Harvison our Club Professional, Club Staff (Greens and Bar). It would be remiss of me not to acknowledge the assistance given to me from President Trevor, his calming demeanour has never faltered regardless of any circumstance that has arisen. Janeen for her assistance, nothing is ever too much trouble when asked for help, no matter how trivial it is. Last but not least to Des for his never ending patience and understanding. Conclusion: As most would agree the Club, with the continued support of our many excellent sponsors and volunteers, who put so much time and effort in, we will continue to prosper into the future. H.I. Robinson Public Officer 4 TREASURER’S REPORT 2015 I am happy to present the financial report for the year to the members of the Grafton District Golf Club. The report discloses an operating profit for the year, after depreciation of $19,504. This is significantly down on the 2014 result and reflects the difficult environment in which the club continues to operate. Static or slightly declining income from member participation combined with increases in expenditure in a number of areas contributed to the result. Capital expenditure during the year included installation of cart paths and signage for the new 14 th and 15th holes and the commencement of the earthworks for the new 10th hole. A roof was installed covering “the gap” in the workshop and new pallet racking was also installed. In the clubhouse a replacement computer and projector was purchased. In April the Club took the decision to lease the major items of plant used by the greens staff and a 5 year rental agreement was signed with Toro. The agreement provides the Club with a Greens Mower, two Surrounds mowers, a Fairway mower, Rough mower and a new Bunker Rake. This decision followed considerable investigation including the development of a long term financial plan and was made after it became clear that the majority of the major plant items owned by the Club had reached the end of their reasonable working life and required major refit or replacement. The arrangement costs the club a little over $4,100 per month and has contributed to better playing conditions; reduced maintenance costs and provides a much improved working environment for the green staff and volunteers. I would like to take the opportunity to place on record my thanks to the many volunteers who make such an important contribution to the successful operations of the Club, particularly in the finance areas including the President and Directors, John Macpherson, John Tibbs and Steve Llewellyn as well as our hard working staff including the Office Manager Janeen Roberts whose dedication to duty and thoroughness make life as Treasurer so much easier. George Cowan Treasurer MATCH COMMITTEE REPORT 2015 It has been a reasonable year in golf with numbers down in most events. It was great to see the Pro Am back at the Club which, with the dedicated approach from the Pro Am Committee, was a great success and hopefully will be for many years to come. Inter Club relationships with Virginia and Armidale Golf Clubs remain strong. To John Nelson, his staff and all the volunteers that give their time to keep out course in good conditions, with the elements that are presented to them, thanks. To Mark and Jo for their support to the Match Committee, their dedication to the development of junior golf along with Mathew Worthing is truly appreciated. Thank You. Thanks to John Tibbs for his excellent work with sponsorships throughout the year, especially the extra effort for the Pro Am. Also thanks to Heather Robinson, Tim Newsome and Trevor Townsend for their continued support with the competitions. To Ray Hopwood for Putt’s ‘n’ Pars, Trevor Gleeson with his work with the Web 5 site and Janeen for help when needed. Thank you. Results of Major Events Club Championships - Sponsored by Building and Design. Club Champion Mathew Worthing A Reserve John Tracey B Grade Willow Harris C Grade John Macpherson D Grade Tom Battaglini Overall Nett Mathew Worthing P.J. Langham Shield Willow Harris Jacaranda City Coaches (David Morgan) and Greg Harvison 291 313 334 368 389 287 334 runner up Greg Harvison runner up Paul Grieve runner up Nicholas Fuller runner up Peter Tracey runner up Tony Daly 299 329 342 369 392 Foursomes Championships - Sponsored by Grafton District Golf Club Winners: Mathew Worthing – Scott Davis 119 Runners-up: Greg Harvison – Dennis Pye 124 Nett Winners: Trevor Townsend – Brian Dougherty 112 Runners-up: Neil Hayward – Trevor Gleeson 114 Mixed Foursomes Championships – Sponsored by Grafton District Golf Club Gross Winners: Paul Langford – Courtney Fuller 122 Runners-up: Matthew McKee – Kate Thomson 126. Nett Winners: Russell Jones – Cathy Jones 109 Runners-up Len Franey – Val Franey 109 ¼ 4BBB Knockout - Sponsored by TGIF – not completed. Two man Ambrose Knockout - Sponsored by Clarence Valley Glass – not completed. Singles Knockout - Sponsored by Grafton Undercover Storage (Trevor & Jen Townsend) Winner: Phil Tarrant Runner-up: Neil Hayward Consistency Trophy - Sponsored by Clarence Valley Rural & Industrial Supplies (Rod Gleeson) Winner: Derek Latimer 133 c/b Runner up: Graham Lentfer 133 c/b Herron Cup - Sponsored by Grafton Hotel. Coca Cola Amatil Winner: Matt McKee 148 Runner-up: Greg Harvison 149 Grafton Bowl: Graham Tracey 138 Runner-up: John Mannell 148 Jacaranda Open - Sponsored by Lion Nathan, Tooheys & Coca Cola Amatil Winner: Mathew Worthing 151 Runner-up: Logan Toms (Woolgoolga)151 Paul Hajjar Shield: David Breitkreutz (Virginia) 135 Runner-up: Jason Casserly 142 Legacy Cup Diggers Cup Derek Latimer Bill Dahl Inter Club Visits Armidale - Grafton Challenge Cup 35 pts 34 pts Armidale 6 Summer Competition - Sponsored by GJ Gardiner Homes Grafton. Minor Premiers: Hoof Street Hilton Best Team Score Hoof Street Hilton Winning Team Hoof Street Hilton Runners-up Gletowhopcla’s 9 Hole Shootout: Men Winner: Nick Abrahall – Hanks Kitchen Runner-up: Ken Byrnes – Hanks Kitche Women Winner Gail Knell – Elders Insurance Runner-up: Heather Robinson – Black Auto Summer Consistency Cup - Sponsored by Bendigo Bank Winner: Peter Tracey 235 Runner-up: Kin Li A Grade: Danny Li 221 Runner-up: Greg Harvison B Grade: Brian Dougherty 210 Runner-up: Bruce Wotton C Grade: Ralf Zaffino 212 Runner-up: Robert Pattison D Grade: Kevin Vaughan 210 Runner-up: Robert Turns Naggers Cup – Sponsored by Big River Glass Winners: Neil Hayward – Kate Thomson Runners-up: Trevor Townsend – Jo Walters 225 220 207 203 203 c/b 66 66 ¾ Neil Hayward Captain HOUSE COMMITTEE REPORT 2015 Thank you to the following people who have contributed to the efficient running of the clubhouse during the year - Trevor Townsend, Heather Robinson, Neil Hayward, George Cowan, Glenda Chad, Jen Townsend, John Macpherson, Doug Clarke, Janeen Roberts and Soo McPherson. Without the consistent efforts of these people the Club would not function. Thanks to Bernadette and her bar staff Brian, Kristy and Angela for providing excellent customer service to the members and visitors to the club throughout the year. This year saw Pam leave the restaurant for greater opportunities. Thank you to Rob and Mel who have taken over the operation of the restaurant. The restaurant provides excellent food and customer service to the members and visitors to the club. They also cater for functions and weddings. Tim Newsome House Chairman GREENS COMMITTEE REPORT 2015 This last year has been another year of the continuation of great work across the broard spectrum of work that is undertaken to maintain our golf course in a manner that it continues to be a great golfing experience for our members and visitors. This would not be possible if not for the work done by John Nelson our Superintendent and his staff, Dean Niland, Lee Burchell, Ricky Boffey, Bill Philp also all of the wonderful volunteers. Special thanks must go to Neville Higham our greens committee secretary/fairway mower and Jen Townsend for her 7 continued work on the beautification of the gardens around the course. Works undertaken this year * The construction of the new 10th green hopefully to be opened mid 2016 weather permitting. * New equipment under a 5yr lease agreement which will improve the presentation of the course markedly. * Additional drainage to the 15th fairway. * Top Dressing of the 14th & 15th fairways * Levelling of 6th tee * Upgrading of bunkers and associated drainage on the 2nd, 8th & 9th holes * Maintenance on sediment ponds behind and adjacent to 12th green. One of the years highlights was the pro-am. This allowed our staff the opportunity to showcase our course to the wider golfing community. This ongoing event and access to modern high quality equipment will provide great incentive for our staff to present the course in a great condition all year round. Ongoing discussion with Clarence Valley Council regarding access to recycled water is necessary to help "drought proof" the course this would also include a major upgrade of our irrigation system in the future. Once again thanks to all of our volunteers who give their time and effort to continue to make Grafton Golf Club one of the best courses on the Northern Rivers and an enjoyable golfing experience. Robert Usher Greens Chairman 8