Reproduction - Effingham County Schools

Reproduction – notes
Name: ______________
I. Asexual reproduction - Process by which a _________________organism produces offspring that have the same
genetic material.
A. _________________________- asexual reproduction that occurs in single celled organisms in which
genetic material is copied and one cell divides into two identical daughter cells. EX: _________________
reproduce this way, and ____________
Draw a simple illustration of binary fission:
B. ______________________- an organism grows a part off of its main body and this new growth
eventually breaks off to become a new organism. Ex: Hydra (simple animal similar to jelly fish)
Draw a simple illustration of budding:
C. __________________________- Fragmentation is a form of asexual reproduction where a new
organism grows from a fragment of the parent. Each fragment develops into a mature, fully grown
individual. Ex: Starfish, and some fungi.
Draw a simple illustration of fragmentation:
II. Sexual Reproduction - Type of reproduction in which male and female reproductive _________
__________________to form new offspring with genetic material from both parents.
***Offspring has genetic material from each parent which creates_____________________________________________________________
Asexual Reproduction
Sexual Reproduction
III. Cell Division is a process by which a cell _______________________into two or more cells, called daughter
cells. ****Your body is constantly making new cells to replace old ones!
A. ___________________ -Division of the nucleus in eukarytic cells in which each cell receives a copy of
the original chromosomes.
1. ___________________ organized structure of DNA and protein that forms in the cell nucleus
during cell division
2. Homologous chromosomes - chromosomes with _______________________ information.
a. Cells must __________________________the genetic information in the nucleus before it
divides into two nuclei.
B. ____________________________ – division of the nucleus in eukaryotic cells in which each cell
receives __________a set of genetic information.
 Meiosis results in the production of __________ or _________ cells.
 Half the number of chromosomes = __________ cells or sex cells.
The Cell Cycle
DNA is copied and
condenses to form
The chromosomes line up
along the center of the cell
The chromosomes are pulled
apart to opposite sides of the
The cell
Cell Divides
Again in
Sex Cells: Egg or Sperm Cells
Haploid = Half the number of Chromosomes