5E Student Lesson Planning Template

Calhoun – 5E Lesson Plan
Teacher: James Vivian
Date: 01/14-25/13
Timeline: A/B-day
Subject area /7th Grade Science: 4.2 Genetics
Materials: PPT; PDF; Lab Journal; BrainPop; Doceri; Thinking Maps; White Board
TEKS: Objectives/TEKS 2A, B, C, D, E, 3D, 14A, B, C
 2A – plan and implement comparative and descriptive investigations by making observations,
asking well-defined questions, and using appropriate equipment and technology.
 2B - design and implement experimental investigations by making observations, asking well-defined
questions, formulating testable hypotheses, and using appropriate equipment and technology.
 2C – collect and record data using the International System of Units (SI) and qualitative means such
as labeled drawings, writing, and graphic organizers.
 2D – construct tables and graphs, using repeated trials and means, to organize data and identify
 2E - analyze data to formulate reasonable explanations, communicate valid conclusions supported
by the data, and predict trends.
 3D - relate the impact of research on scientific thought and society, including the history of science
and contributions of scientists as related to the content.
 14A – Define heredity as the passage of genetic instructions from one generation to the next
 14B Supporting Standard – Compare the results of uniform or diverse offspring from sexual
reproduction or asexual reproduction.
14C Supporting Standard – Recognize that inherited traits of individuals are governed in the genetic
material found in the genes within chromosomes in the nucleus.
Targeted ELPs:
Learning Strategies: C1D
Listening:C2D, C2G, C2H, C2I
Speaking: C3D, C3E, C3H
Reading:C4D, C4G,C4K
Writing: C5B, C5G
IB Unit Lesson Objective(s):
Factors that determine appearance
Discuss Purpose (Life Connection)
Examine genetic characteristics.
Area of Interaction
Learner Profile Connection
Inquirers, Caring
Differentiation strategies to meet diverse learner needs:
Naturalist; Logical/Mathematical; Interpersonal; Verbal; Kinesthetic; Visual; Rhythmic; Intrapersonal
ENGAGE / Bell Work: Daily
 What determines your appearance?
 Traits are determined by genetic material passed from parent to offspring.
Calhoun – 5E Lesson Plan
Cells hold chromosomes within the nucleus that determine genetic characteristics.
Power Points:
 Genetic Trait PPT: B
 Genetics Notes PPT: C
 Traits/ Genes PPT: B
 Types of Reproduction: C
Lab Activities:
 Genetics with a Smile: B
 Baby Face Lab: C
 Sexual/ Asexual Lab / Conclusion Questions: B
 Genetic Traits and Conditions: C
HOTS: Students will take away an understanding of what factors determine physical appearance?
EXPLANATION/The student will know: ABC
 Brain Pop: Genetics; Gender Determination; Heredity; Twins; Genetic Mutations; Asexual
Reproduction; Cloning
 Students will know that the nucleus holds the chromosomes that control how you look.
 Students will explain heredity and how parents determine what babies look like.
 Students will explain how offspring that come from one set of chromosomes compare to offspring
that come from two sets of chromosomes.
Academic Vocabulary:
heredity , sexual reproduction, asexual reproduction
Language of Instruction:
diversity, genotype, phenotype, trait, characteristic
 Recognize that traits are passed from generation to generation through genes in chromosomes
found in the nucleus.
 Compare offspring from asexual reproduction to offspring from sexual reproduction
EVALUATION / Exit Ticket:
 Heredity is the passing of genetic material from parent to offspring.