Global Issues Culminating Activity

Name: _________________________
The culminating activity for the Geography of Canada course is divided into two parts. One part
of the culminating activity will be the Final Examination scheduled during the examination
period at the end of the semester. The other part of the culminating activity is a display
presentation about geographic issues and an investigation of Canada’s relationship with
another country in the world.
You must work individually and independently on this project. There are three major sections to
this project. Specific instructions will be provided for each section. The assignment will take the
form of a visual presentation (PowerPoint, Video/infomercial).
The display presentation allows the students the opportunity to demonstrate the mastery of a
number of important expectations.
By the successful completion of this assignment, the student will:
* explain the role of selected international organizations and agreements;
* select and use appropriate methods for displaying geographic data;
* create and use effectively photographs, charts, graphs, models and diagrams;
* use proper cartographic skills and conventions when constructing maps;
* analyze different perspectives on a geographic issue;
* produce a set of guidelines for developing a solution to a global issue.
The details of the project are outlined below. Some library and class time will be allocated but
much of the work for this part of the culminating activity must be done outside of class time.
Part 1: Country Display - 20 marks
1. Select a country. You may select most countries from Asia, Africa, and South America but you
may NOT select a developed country (such as Canada, United States, Japan, any European
country, Australia or New Zealand).
2. You will have to draw a map of the selected country. The map must be drawn on an
11 x 17-inch piece of paper (provided by the teacher). It is up to you what you put on your map,
but the capital city and other major cities, major rivers and lakes, highways and railways (if
possible) must be shown. Your map should be shaded to show land elevations. All mapping
conventions must be followed.
3. Show the national flag of your country.
Part 2: Country Issue - 30 marks
1. Research your country and select ONE issue that the country currently faces. The issue could
be environmental (acid rain, soil degradation, loss of biodiversity); medical (AIDS, avian flu,
malaria); social (hunger, poverty, lack of education, refugee problems); or military (civil war,
international wars). Once you select your issue, tell your teacher who will record it.
2. In a PowerPoint, provide a brief overview of the selected issue. This overview should be
presented through the use of five statistical measures from the list below. The inclusion of
some statistics in chart or table form is required.
Statistical Measures THAT CAN BE USED:
 Climate Graph
 Population Pyramid
 Population growth rate
 Population density
 Ethnic makeup (pie chart)
 Main industries (primary, secondary, tertiary)
 Natural Resources
 Land use
 Immigration/emigration patterns
 Income per capita
 Life expectancy
 Major cities with their populations
 Literacy rates
 Doctors per capita
3. Using pictures (5) with appropriate captions, develop a mosaic to illustrate or show the
4. Explain Canada’s relationship with your country and any actions taken by Canada to remedy
this issue. (Financial aid, peace and stability, humanitarian aid, etc…)
Part 3: International Organization - 20 marks
1. With the help of your teacher, select a non-governmental organization which has taken
some action on the selected issue in your country. This part requires some independent
research - please inform your teacher which organization you have decided to investigate. Your
teacher may be able to direct your research.
2. You will be required to create an infomercial (video) explaining and demonstrating the
actions taken by your NGO to remedy the issue in your country. Some things to include: when
the organization was formed, its mandate, some examples of its work in your country (as well
as other countries).
Required elements:
 NGO name and logo
 NGO mandate/mission statement
 Countries of Operations
 Types of actions (environmental, humanitarian, etc…)
 Work done in your country
 Goals accomplished in your country
 Pictures of the organization at work in the field
Geography of Canada
Marking Scheme for Culminating Activity
Total Marks:___________/80
Part 1: Oral Component – Map Presentation (20 marks)
1. Has identified the characteristics of the country using a map and flag.
Very Effectively
Very Poorly
Part 2: PowerPoint - Country Issue (30 marks)
2. Has identified an issue and has shown how it affects the country.
Very Effectively
Very Poorly
3. Has included five statistical measures which clearly add to the understanding of the country
Very Effectively
Very Poorly
4. Has provided visual information in the form of photos and captions Has identified the
characteristics of the country using statistics..
Very Effectively
Very Poorly
Part 3: International Organization (20 marks)
5. Has identified an appropriate NGO and described its operations.
Very Effectively
Very Poorly
6. Has described how the NGO is working on the issue in the country.
Very Effectively
Very Poorly
Presentation Display (10 marks)
7. Has completed the display with overall professionalism.
Very Effectively
Very Poorly