Ch 2-Shaping the Land and Ancient Seas & Sandstorms Across 4. Sediment is loose sand, rocks, and _______ 5. What covers most of Utah? 6. What is the earliest known era? 7. Dead plants and animals between rocks 9. These are formed by sediment forced together by heat and pressure 10. Main event of the Cenozoic era Down 1. Utah's oldest fossils 2. Rocky Mountains and ______ happened during the Mesozoic era 3. Scientists who learn about the history of the earth 5. Most of Utah's 5 National Parks are made from _________ 8. What type of life does Paleozoic era mean? Directions: Read the assigned section first. Then use your new understanding to complete the crossword puzzle. Chapter 2 - Dinosaurs Across 2. This dinosaur was discovered in 1992 4. The number of inches of a Utahraptor's claw Down 1. The two groups of dinosaurs are herbivores and _____________ 3. Where have some of the world's largest been found? 5. Dinosaur _________ Monument is where you can see digs today Chapter 2 – Natural Forces Shape Utah’s Mountains & Plateaus Utah’s Rock and Mineral Resources 1. How are fossil fuels formed? _________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ 2. What did the glaciers leave behind when they melted? ______________________ 3. Utah has enough ___________ to satisfy the world’s needs for a thousand years. Chapter 2 – The Ice Age S T G R E A T S A L T L A K E J A Z D E H H X W V L D I T F W S B M C T T D F E U U U X I Y B O E A B S O K E U E B J O S I T P R W C A M W W A B K Z L Q J O N T L D B M S A I Q I I T Y Q U R O R F I A P S B X R E G A E C I O N E U M O K Y J Y H I K S B S T G D Y N X P E V V V A H H K C H V N O N P H E T L L O B O X D E Z M O E S Y T P H H C I D H V D Z I J R S V Z A B C B T E W F C V T C O W P T X J T L P E B U A Y G Q O C U Y O Z I I C L W X T BASINS BISON GREATSALTLAKE ICEAGE MAMMOTH SABERTOOTHEDCAT SEVIERLAKE UTAHLAKE Chap 2 – Natural Forces Are Still Shaping the Land #1 - #4 Erosional Forces #5 - #8 Evidence that Utah’s landscaping is still changing #9 Most of Utah’s 700+ earthquakes are too _______ to feel When #1 - #9 are completed, fill in the word below using the correct numbers to find the theme of the chapter