Emily Diamandopoulou

Emily Diamandopoulou
Curriculum Vitae
Personal Data
Emily Diamandopoulou
Gounary Str. 37, Patra 262 21, Greece
Telephone Number
2610 226 530
Mobile Phone Number
6972 840 689
Fax Number
2610 226 523
26 April 1979
Place of Birth
Patra, Greece
British, Greek
Tax Registration Number
125813288, Β’ DOY of Patra, Greece
MSc in Translation Studies, Edinburgh University, Scotland, UK
BA Publishing, Napier University, Scotland, UK
Graduate, 4th Lyceum of Patra – Specialization: Language and Literature
Native Speaker, Primary and Secondary Education in Greece
Native Speaker, Cambridge Proficiency, Grade A (and tuition license)
D.E.L.F. 2me Degré
Additional Information
I am bilingual in English and Greek, as my mother comes from Edinburgh, where I have
resided for 8 years and my father from Greece, where I completed my Primary and
Secondary Education and reside today.
I started translating in 1995 and built on my practical knowledge with a Master’s Degree in
Translation Studies from the University of Edinburgh. My specialization lies in the translation
of medical, scientific, commercial and historical texts. Translations I have undertaken have
been published in some of the most prestigious publications worldwide, including Nature,
The Lancet, Kidney International and the Times Literary Supplement. At the same time, I
work closely with local administration authorities, newspapers and universities, providing
quality translation, editing and interpretation services.
Ι. Positions held
23.03.2005 – today:
Manager, Rhyme and Reason Translation and Interpretation Services Center. Translation,
editing and Interpretation, Conference organization, DTP services.
14.11.2003 - today:
Journalist, Peloponnisos Newspaper. Editor-in-chief: Supplement “Have a nice trip” [travel]
and “e-cosmos” [science and technology] Coverage of the 2004 Olympic Games.
21.01.2005 - 23.04.2005:
Press Officer, Astir Hotel, Patra, Greece
2004 – 2005:
Editor, Patra Rotaract Club Magazine
18.05.2003 - 13.07.2003:
Tuition of English, ACB Center for the Study of English, Edinburgh, Scotland.
15.06.1999 - 12.09.1999:
Sales Advisor and Events Manager, Bookstore & Cultural Centre Polyhedron, Patra, Greece.
17.10.1998 - 10.05.2003:
Bar & restaurant Supervisor, The Canny Man’s, Listed Public House, Edinburgh, Scotland.
03.06.1997 - 04.09.1997:
Tuition of English (freelance), Patra, Greece
ΙΙ. Conference Organization
26.04.2006 – today:
International Communications Officer, 5th International Congress on Lung Cancer, Patra, 24
– 27.01.2007. Translation and Interpretation, correspondence with delegates and
International Societies, production of information material, briefing of the Congress
Organizing Committee.
05 – 07.05.2006:
Member of Organization Team, 1st Seminar on Geriatric Oncology, University of Patra,
Achaia Beach Hotel, Patra, Greece.
15.12.2004 - 15.09.2005:
Organization Manager, 3rd Meeting of the International Society for the History of Medicine,
Patra, 11 – 15.09.2005. Translation and Interpretation, correspondence with delegates and
International Societies, production of information material, briefing of the Congress
Organizing Committee, formulation of social and scientific programs, accommodation.
23.07.2005 - 11.09.2005:
Organization Manager, Dance Theatre “Water our Savior: A production dedicated to the
relationship between Man and Water”, Roman Odium, Patra, Greece *.
* The show was broadcast by the National TV and Radio – Channel 1
15.06.2005 – 11.08.2005:
Organization Manager, Fraternization Ceremony between Regions 2470 (Greece) and 2090
(Italy) of the International Rotaract Club. Translation and Interpretation, correspondence with
delegates formulation of social and scientific programs, accommodation.
Seminar organization “Women and the Media”, Astir, Hotel, Patra, Greece.
ΙΙΙ. Interpretation
Apart from the numerous phone interpretations I undertake on a daily basis as
manager of Rhyme & Reason, I have realized the following conference interpretations:
05.07.2006 – English to Greek / Greek to English
The father’s role in the reconciliation of work & family life
Organized by: National Centre for Equality Matters (KETHI), Astir Hotel, Patra, Greece
15.06.2006 - English to Greek / Greek to English
Development strategies of the Region of Western Greece and reinforcement of transnational
cooperation in the new program period 2007 – 2013
Organized by: Region of Western Greece, Cultural Centre Politeia, Patra, Greece [booth]
01 – 02.06.2006 - English to Greek / Greek to English
3rd Workshop of the European Network of Mining Regions
Organized by: Region of Western Greece, Region of Western Greece Conference Centre,
Patra, Greece [booth]
09 - 11.04.2006 - English to Italian / Italian to English
INNOREF – BRIE Workshop on Biomass Conversion Technologies
Organized by: Region of Western Greece in collaboration with the Chemical Engineering
School of the University of Patra, University of Patra Conference Centre, Patra, Greece
31.03.2006 - English to Greek / Greek to English
Seminar of the Region of Western Greece, Third Community Support Framework Funds
Organized by: Region of Western Greece, Region of Western Greece Administration Offices,
Patra, Greece [booth]
30.03.2006 - English to Greek / Greek to English
Seminar of the Third Community Support Framework Funds Administration Unit
Organized by: Region of Western Greece, Alexandros Hotel, Athens, Greece [consecutive]
21.12.2005 - English to Greek / Greek to English
Seminar of the Region of Western Greece, INNOREF – BRIE Workshop
Organized by: Region of Western Greece, Patra Pallas Hotel, Patra, Greece [booth]
12 - 15.09.2005 - Greek to English / English to French / French to English
3rd Meeting of the International Society for the History of Medicine
Organized by: International Society for the History of Medicine, Astir Hotel, Patra, Greece
11.09.2005 - Greek to English
Interpretation of the Welcoming Speech by the Mayor of Patra, Mr. Andrew Karavolas, at the
Dance Theatre “Water our Savior: A production dedicated to the relationship between Man
and Water”, Roman Odium, Patra, Greece [consecutive]
04.08.2005 - Italian to Greek / Greek to Italian
Fraternization Ceremony between Regions 2470 (Greece) and 2090 (Italy) of the
International Rotaract Club
Organized by: International Rotaract Club, Astir Hotel, Patra, Greece [consecutive]
Diamandopoulou E., The history of the Caramandanio Pediatric Hospital, in press
Diamandopoulou E., English to Greek and Greek to English Dictionary of Renal
Terms (16.000 entries), Greek College of Nephrology and Hypertension Press, Patra,
January 2006
Diamandopoulou E., Technical Aspects of Uroscopy Illuminations, in: The History of
Uroscopy, A joint publication of the International Society for the History of Medicine &
the International Association for the History of Nephrology, Patra, Tachytypo, 2005
Technical Aspects of Uroscopy Illuminations, Round table: The history of
Uroscopy, 3rd Meeting of the International Society for the History of Medicine,
Monastery of the Transfiguration of Christ, Nafpactos, Greece
Presentation of Opening Ceremony, 3rd Meeting of the International Society
for the History of Medicine, Roman Odium, Patra, Greece
Presentation of Opening Ceremony, Patra Rotary Club Conference, Patra
and the Sea, Small Theatre, Patra, Greece
Presentation of Opening Ceremony, Congress “8th Halcyon Days of
Nephrology”, Nafplion, Greece
Rotaract and Information Society, Lecture, Patra Rotary Club, Patra, Greece
www.reason.gr - Rhyme & Reason website – Translation, Interpretation and Conference
Organization Services (English, Greek).
www.ishmpatra.gr - Website of the 3rd Meeting of the International Society for the History of
Medicine (English, Greek, French).
www.nephros-history.gr - Personal Website of the President of the International Society for
the History of Medicine (English, Greek).
www.rotaract.gr - Rotaract Club Region 2470 website (English, Greek).
www.nfwest.gr - NF West website - Company specializing in firework displays (English,
I have realized the following book translations:
Books for which I have also provided DTP services are indicated by an asterisk.
1. Conference Proceedings, Complement in renal diseases, Greek College of Nephrology
and Hypertension Press, Patra, (in press) – Translation [Greek to English], Editing, DTP*
2. Diamandopoulos A. (edt.), The History of Greek Nephrology, Boston University Press,
2006, (in press) – Translation [Greek to English]
3. Kardamakis D. (edt.), Cancer and its Managment, Patra University Press, Patra, 2006 (in
press) – Translation [English to Greek]
4. Analecta Historia Medica, University of Mexico Press, Mexico City, July 2006 –
Translation [Greek and French to English], Editing, DTP*
5. Impressionist Painters: Cezanne, Imerisia Newspaper, Athens, May 2006 – Translation
[English to Greek]
6. Guillen M., The five equations that changed the world, Patra University Press, Patra,
2006 – Editing
7. 1st Applied Seminar on Nephrology Proceedings, 14th National Congress of Nephrology,
Patra, 2006 – Editing, DTP*
8. Conference Proceedings, 14th National Congress of Nephrology, Patra, 2006 – Editing,
9. Abstract Volume, 3rd Meeting of the International Society for the History of Medicine,
Patra, 2005 – Translation [Greek and French to English], Editing, DTP*
10. The History of Uroscopy, A joint publication of the International Society for the History of
Medicine & the International Association for the History of Nephrology, Patra, Tachytypo,
2005 – Translation [Greek to English], Editing, DTP*
11. The museum of Greek Orthodox faith and popular tradition, Monastery of the
Transfiguration of Christ, Monastery of the Transfiguration of Christ Press, Nafpactos
2004 – Translation [Greek to English], Editing
12. Zerogiannes P., Greek Nephrology, Athens University Press, Athens, 2004 – Editing
13. Zerogiannes P., Clinical Nephrology, Athens University Press, Athens, 2004, Athens,–
Translation [English to Greek], Editing
14. Kardamakis D., The history of the Greek Geriatric Society, Typos Publications, Athens,
2004 – Editing
15. Diamandopoulos A., The history of the Greeks in Kars, Achaean Publications, Patra,
2002 – Editing
16. Diamandopoulos A. (edt.), The History of Greek Nephrology, Athens University Press,
Athens, 2001 – Editing
17. Diamandopoulos A., Symbols of Medicine, Athens University Press, Athens, 1996 –
Translation [Greek to English], Editing
Apart from the numerous article translations I undertake on a daily basis as manager
of Rhyme & Reason, I have realized the following translations for publications
included in the SCI or other international publications. The list is only indicative:
1. In The Urine, A book review of “The History of Albuminous Nephritis by Pierre-Francois Olive
Rayer», A. Diamandopoulos The Times Literary Supplement, Times House, London, 2005
2. The Ancient And Medieval Greek Writer’s Perceptions Concerning The Relationship
Between Sexual Characteristics And Testicular Volume, Goudas P., Patsy D., Hormones,
4(2): 117-120, 2005
3. Side effects and dosage speculations in the treatment of Parkinson’s Disease in 2 Dialysis
patients: To treat or not to treat?, Kassimatis Τh., Goudas P., Drakoulogona O. Dialysis &
Transplantation, V.34 p.788-795, Number 11 November 2005
4. HPRT deficiency as the cause of ESRD in a 24 year old patient: a very rare presentation of
the disorder» Kassimatis Th., Simmonds H., Goudas P. Marinaki A, Fairbanks L, J Nephrol.
18 (4): 447-451, Jul-Aug 2005
5. Illustrious Personalities Of Ancient And Byzantine Greece With Renal Problems, Skarpelos
A., J Nephrol 17, 2004
6. The Late Greco-Roman and Byzantine Contribution towards the Evolution of Laboratory
Examinations of bodily excrement: Part 2: Sputum, Vomit, Diamandopoulos A., Goudas P. ,
2003, Clin. Chem. Lab. Med. p. 13
7. The Late Greco-Roman and Byzantine Contribution towards the Evolution of Laboratory
Examinations of bodily excrement: Part 3: Blood, Sweat, Autopsies, Diamandopoulos A.,
Goudas P., 2003, Clin. Chem. Lab. Med.
8. You Can't Make A Monkey Out Of Us: Galen And Genetics Vs. Darwin, Diamandopoulos A.,
Goudas P. , 2003, Vesalius
9. Illustrious Personalities Of Ancient And Byzantine Greece With Renal Problems,
Diamandopoulos A., Scarpelos A., J. Nephrology, 2003, p. 590-599
10. The Use Of The Kidneys In Secular And Spiritual Practices According To Ancient Greek And
Byzantine Texts, Diamandopoulos A., Scarpelos A., Kidney International, 2003
11. It Is The Size That Counts. The Ideas Of Ancient Greek Writers About The Relationship
Between The Secondary Sexual Characteristics And The Mass Of The Testicular Tissue,
Patsi D., Goudas P., Hormones, 2003
12. Ancient Greek and Byzantine writers on veterinary renal problems, A. Diamandopoulos, A.
Scarpelos, Am. J. Nephrol. , 2002, 22: 139-145
13. The role of the Kidney as a religious, cultural and sexual symbol, Goudas P.
Diamandopoulos A., Am. J. Nephrology, 2002, 22: 107-111
14. Quality of life criteria: A patient’s reality or a doctor’s preoccupation. Diamandopoulos A.,
Goudas P., Humane Health Care International 2 (2), www.humanhealthcare.com, 2002
15. Bold statements on hairy hearts, Diamandopoulos A., Goudas P., Hekimler Birligi Vakfi
Tyrkiye Klinikleri Tip Tarihi , 2002 10 (1): 6-10
16. The Late Greco-Roman and Byzantine Contribution towards the Evolution of Laboratory
Examinations of bodily excrement: Part 1: Urine, Sperm, Menses and stools,
Diamandopoulos A., Goudas P., Clin. Chem. Lab. Med. , 2002 41 (7): 963-969
17. The birth of scientific thoughts on the Aegean shores, A. Diamandopoulos, International
Journal for Ionics 9 (1-2): V, 2002
18. The Human Skin: A meeting ground for the ideas about the macrocosm and microcosm,
Ancient and Medieval Greek literature, Goudas P., H. Diamandopoulou, Vesalius 2001, VII:
19. Nephrology, a Newly Rich Specialty, is looking for an Illustrious Ancestry: What about a
Famous Grandfather? Goudas P., Am. J. Nephrology, 2000, 20: 163-165
20. Cloning’s not a new idea: The Greeks had a word for it centuries ago, A. Diamandopoulos,
Nature, 2000, 408 (21-28): 905
21. The substitution of renal function through skin catharsis, a clinicohistorical review, A.
Diamandopoulos: Goudas, Kidney International , 2000 59: 1580-1589
22. Ancient wisdom on volume control, Goudas P., Nephrology, Dialysis and Transplantation,
1999, 14 (10): 2524-2525
23. Hypermanic traits behind a Byzantine princess’s creativity, I. Vlachos, S. Marketos, 1998,
Journal of Medical Biographies 6: 227-233
24. A Neolithic Case of Down’s syndrome? K. Rakatsanis, N. Diamandopoulos, J. History of
Neurosciences 1997, 6 (1): 86-69
25. Healing rituals and sacred serpents, D. Koutras, S. Marketos, Lancet 340, 26/09/1997
26. The influence of the intravenous administration of hydroxyvitamin D3 on the renal
osteodystrophy of dialyzed patients, A. Triantaphyllidou, S. Bekiarides, N. Evagellopoulos,
Kidney International 44 (4): 910
27. The substitution of renal function through skin catharsis, a clinicohistorical review, A.
Diamandopoulos. P. Goudas, Kidney International 59: 1580-1589
28. Impact of long-term haemodialysis on cell-mediated immunity in patients with end-stage
renal failure, A. Diamandopoulos, Immun. Letters 87 (1-2): 202
29. The Links between the Medical School of Padua and the Hellenic Medical World, S.
Marketos, J. Laskaratos, J. of History of Medicine 4: 45-58
30. Limits in the studies of the Art of Uroscopy: The Byzantine example, S. Marketos, E.
Voyiatzakis, Am. J. of Nephrology 14: 239-245
31. Use of lead cosmetics in Bronze-Age Greece A. Diamandopoulos, Lancet 344: 754-755
32. Exorcisms Used for Treatment of Urinary Tract Diseases in Greece during the Middle Ages
and Renaissance, A. Diamandopoulos, Am. J. Nephr. 19:112-124
33. Is the Hippocratic Oath an anachronism? Marketos S., Moschos C., World Health Forum
34. Four different ways of philanthropic aid to the blind in the Medieval Eastern Christendom, H.
Diamandopoulou, S. Marketos, Ophthalmic and Physiological Optics 15 (6): 609-613
35. Two Late Medieval Songs on Uroscopy and Phlebotomy, Diamandopoulos A.,
Diamandopoulou A., Marketos S. Rivista di Storia Della Medicina, Bari, Monopoli, 5 August:
36. The Hippocratic Oath on the move, S. Marketos, Nature Medicine 2 (7): 723
37. Organic and inorganic cosmetics in the Pre-classical Eastern Mediterranean, A.
Diamandopoulos, International J. Dermatology 35
38. The Many Faces of Hippocrates: The Effects of Culture on a Classical Image, A.
Diamandopoulos, H. Diamandopoulou, S. Marketos, Humane Health International 12 (3):
39. The Hippocratic Oath, S. Marketos, C. Bartsokas, E. Poulakou-Rebelakou, D. Koutras,
Lancet 347 (8994): 101-2
40. The survival of the Ritualistic over the "Scientific" Element of hydrotherapy in Greece, A.
Diamandopoulos, J. Vlachos, S. Marketos, His. of Psychiatry, 1997: 21-35
41. Uroscopy in Byzantium, A. Diamandopoulos, Am. J. Nephr. 17: 222-227
42. Swearing the oath. S. Marketos, A. Diamandopoulos, Journal Royal Society of Medicine. 90
(9): 527
43. Supernumerary eyes in relation to man’s search for hypervision: a historical review of
relevant representational arts, Diamandopoulou-Drummond H., Diamandopoulos A.,
Marketos S., Ophthalmic and Physiological Optics 13 (4), 1993: 422-426
Microsoft Office, TRADOS, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Image Ready, Adobe Acrobat, Outlook
Express, Quark Xpress, Pagemaker, ACDSee, Macromedia Director, Macromedia Flash,
Internet navigation
Preparation for the ECDL certificate.
Traditional Medicine and Materia Medica in Medieval Manuscripts, Baku, Azerbaijan
3rd Meeting of the International Society for the History of Medicine, Patra, Greece
Educational Seminar on Translation, Translating Network Ermineia, Tricala, Greece
39th Congress of the International Society for the History of Medicine, Bari, Italy
Seconde Rendez-vous d’ Urologie Francais, Athens, Greece
UN Nations Seminar, Politics and peace-making processes, Edinburgh, Scotland
Medical Olympiad, Cos, Greece
1st International Congress of the Association for the History of Nephrology, Athens,
XXXIIInd Congress European Dialysis and Transplant Association, Greece
International Congress on family medicine, Athens, Greece
Member, Society of Select Translators & Interpreters - Application pending
Member, Patra Rotary Club
Member, International Society for the History of Medicine
President, Patra Rotaract Club
Member, Patra Rotaract Club
Member, Greek Society for the History and Archaeology of Medicine
President, Napier University Greek & Cypriot Student Society
Representative of the 4th Lyceum of Patra at the National Pupil Committee
Science and Language, History of Medicine, Technology, Astronomy, Philosophy, Ecology,
Science Fiction, Fencing, Literature, Music