- Cape Fear Council

Cape Fear Council – Boy Scouts of America
P.O. Box 7156
Wilmington, NC 28406
The Tide
A Monthly Newsletter for All Friends of the Boy Scouts
November 2014
In this Issue:
Rechartering –
Silver Beaver Award
Tinsley Eagle Scout
Scholarship Offered
Council Offers New
College Scholarship
Rechartering of Every Scout Unit – IMPORTANT NOTICE
National BSA has implemented a new policy for rechartering, stating that all units must
recharter by January 31, 2015 or else they will be considered “dropped”. Unit Recharter
Packets will be handed out in November and collected in January. (See dates and locations
below) It is important that you have at least one person from your unit present in November
to pick up the recharter packet and hear detailed instructions to help your unit recharter ontime (see turn in dates below). It is important that your unit recharters on-time so that all
registered Scouts and leaders are covered under BSA insurance and so Scouts can achieve rank
advancement. If you have any questions about rechartering, please contact your District
Recharter Handout
Recharter Turn-in
Buzz Ames
(215) 740-3981
November 11, 2014
Magnolia Greens
January 13, 2015
Magnolia Greens
Mike Burris
(910) 640-3963
November 20, 2014
First Baptist Church
January 8, 2015
First Baptist Church
Lumber River
John Rice
(910) 978-3061
November 19, 2014
Trinity UMC
Red Spring
January 5, 2015
Trinity UMC
Red Spring
Cape Fear
Larry Greer
(910) 319-3189
November 4, 2014
McClure Presbyterian
January 6, 2015
McClure Presbyterian
Training Available for
Venturing Crews
Venturing Leadership
Council Leadership for
2015 Investment in
McNeill Selected as
2014 Eagle Class
Donate a Vehicle.
Support Scouting
Remember Cape Fear
Council in Estate Plans
“Save the Date” –
Information for 100th
Celebration in 2016
James E. West
Fellowship Award
Cape Fear Scout
Reservation Service
Project Opportunities
Designate United Way
Contributions to Boy
Silver Beaver Award Nominations for 2014
The Silver Beaver Award is the highest honor a local council can bestow on a volunteer.
Recipients of this award are individuals that have truly made an impact on the lives of youth
through service given to the Cape Fear Council. Applications to nominate potential Silver
Beaver recipients may be obtained by contacting Debrah Forcinito (910) 395-1100, ext. 19 or
dforcini@bsamail.org or by visiting the Council Website at www.capefearcouncilbsa.org. Click
on Forms and then click on Cape Fear Council Silver Beaver Nomination Form. All nominations
must be submitted to the Council Office by November 21, 2014.
Tinsley Eagle Scout Scholarship Offered
A scholarship of $2,000 will be awarded to a deserving Scout who earns their Eagle Scout
Award during 2014 by the
Betty and Ellis Tinsley, Sr. Eagle Scout Scholarship Fund. This
scholarship will be presented at the Annual Council Recognition Banquet to be held on
Thursday, February 26, 2015. The scholarship will pay the expenses for attending a college
chosen by the Scout and his family. To qualify for this scholarship, a Scout must earn his Eagle
In this Issue, con’t:
Giving Every Boy the
Opportunity to Join
2015 Camp Card
Scout Shop Promotions
Apply for Camp Staff
2015 Camp Bowers
Leaders Guide Now
BALOO Training
Hunter Safety Instructor
Scout Award from January 1 – December 31, 2014. Recommendations for the scholarship must
be in the form of a letter from the Scoutmaster of the troop in which the Scout earns his Eagle
Scout Award. In the letter, the Scoutmaster should tell why this Scout is deserving of receiving
the scholarship. Focus should be on the achievements of the Scout in two areas; academics and
Scout accomplishments. Deadline for the submission of letters of recommendation is January
31, 2015. All letters from the Scoutmaster should be sent to the following address:
Betty & Ellis Tinsley, Sr.
Eagle Scout Scholarship Fund
P.O. Box 7156 – Wilmington, NC 28406
Council Offers New College Scholarship
The Cape Fear Council – Boy Scouts of America is announcing a new college scholarship of
$7,500, which will be awarded in 2015 to a deserving high school senior. The Thomas E. Avent
College Scholarship was established by the Thomas E. Avent family of Lumberton.
The scholarship will be offered in the eight counties of southeastern North Carolina served by
the Cape Fear Council. Those counties are Robeson, Scotland, Hoke, Columbus, Bladen,
Pender, Brunswick and New Hanover. All applicants must be a registered Scout and
demonstrate financial need. Application deadline is June 1, 2015.
The Cape Fear Council is a youth-development organization with a strong sense of community,
service, leadership and achievement. This scholarship is just one of the ways the Cape Fear
Council expresses its commitment to the young people and their families in the southeastern
North Carolina area.
To obtain a copy of the application or if you have questions about this scholarship, please call
(910) 395-1100. Ext. 15 or send request to debrah.forcinito@scouting.org .
Training Available for Venturing Crews
There is now training for Crew Advisors and the Crew Committee. Training syllabi can be found
at www.scouting.org/training/adult. These trainings are Goal Setting/Time Management (now
available, Project Management (coming soon), and Mentoring (coming soon).
Venturing Leadership Award
In accordance with the current printing of the Venturing Awards and Requirements book,
adults may be nominated for the Venturing Leadership Award of the 2014 nomination year
only. As stated on the form, all nominations are due April 1, 2015. Beginning January 1, 2015,
the policy will return to allowing only youth members to be nominated for this award. Adult
Venturing Leaders will still be eligible to earn the Unit Leader Award of Merit. For any
questions concerning this or any other Venturing matter, please email
Council Leadership for 2015 Investment in Character
Tom Adams of Ocean Isle Beach will be leading the 2015 Investment in Character Campaign as
Council Chairman. Adams is a member the Executive Board of the Cape Fear Council and has
served the past two years as the Brunswick County Chairman for Investment in Character,
achieving more than 100% of the county goal in both years. He is the owner of Adams Building
& Consulting Company and is the first Council Chairman to serve from Brunswick County.
Investment in Character is the annual fund-raising effort conducted among the many friends of
the Scouting program across southeastern North Carolina. Funds for this campaign provide
55% of the financial support needed for the council to operate. Also involved in leadership
roles for the 2015 campaign are these persons who are serving as County Chairmen:
Bladen County
Brunswick County
Columbus County
Hoke County
Pender County
Robeson County
Scotland County
Council Division
Dr. Bill Findt
Jim MacCallum
Bill Clark
Jeff McNeill
Tim Holloman
Dr. Kyle Carter
Frank Buie
Phil Marion
Dr. Joseph Kittinger
Dr. Brady Semmel
President – Bladen Community College
Brunswick County Clerk of Superior Court
Columbus County Manager
President – The McNeill Company
Topsail Beach Town Manager
Chancellor – UNC Pembroke University
Vice President – Charles Craft, Inc.
Regional President – BB&T
Wilmington Gastroenterology Associates
Semmel Oral & Facial Surgery
McNeill Selected as 2014 Eagle Class Honoree
Sandy McNeill of Whiteville has been selected as the Honoree of the 2014 Class of Eagle Scouts. McNeill is an Eagle Scout
and served as the President of the Cape Fear Council in 2002 and 2003. He will be recognized in special ceremonies at the
Council Recognition Banquet on February 26, 2015 at the Hilton Riverside Hotel in Wilmington.
Donate a Vehicle. Support Scouting
Vehicles donated to One Car One Difference™ helps the Cape Fear Council. Your unwanted vehicles are auctioned and the
proceeds support Scouting.
Remember Cape Fear Council in Estate Plans
Please remember our Scouting program in the Cape Fear Council as you make your estate planning decisions in the future.
A gift to the council’s Endowment Fund will keep the Boy Scout program strong for generations to come. Your attorney,
accountant or financial adviser can help you in making a permanent bequest to our Endowment Fund or set up a charitable
remainder trust. Please give this your heartfelt consideration.
“Save the Date” Information for 100th Anniversary Celebration in 2016
The Cape Fear Council will celebrate its 100th Anniversary in 2016 and here are some key dates to put in your calendar now:
Thursday, March 17 (2016) Saturday, March 19 (2016) October 7 – 9 (2016)
100th Anniversary Celebration Banquet
100th Anniversary Scout Show Events
100th Anniversary Council Jamboree Event
Give a James E. West Fellowship Award as Recognition
If you are looking for a unique way to recognize a new Eagle Scout or want to honor a special Scouting volunteer leader,
please consider the James E. West Fellowship Award. The West Fellowship Award is a national recognition for individuals
who contribute $1,000 or more in cash or securities to the Endowment Fund of the Cape Fear Council.
This contribution is in addition to and does not replace the donor’s annual gift to the council’s Investment in Character
Campaign. Each recipient will receive an attractive 8 x 10 personalized framed certificate, lapel pin and embroidered
square knot for their Scout uniform. Please contact Scout Executive Doug Clevinger at (910) 395-1100, ext. 15 if you are
Cape Fear Scout Reservation Service Project Opportunities
Camp McNeill and Camp Bowers would like to invite Packs, Troops, Crews, and Church Groups to consider conducting
service projects at our facilities. We need your help to keep our camps and their grounds looking their finest. Over the past
year Pack 600 and the Order of the Arrow have conducted over 5,000 man hours of service at Camp Bowers and Camp
McNeill and have really improved the look of our camps. Pack 600 built a beautiful Leave-No-Trace sign at the Nature Lodge
and constructed a bridge across the ravine near the Space Station in Camp McNeill. Klahican Lodge #331 has conducted
countless service projects all across Camp Bowers and the results have been tremendous. We invite your Pack, Troop, Crew,
or Church Group to consider a service project at the Cape Fear Scout Reservation. Contact Matthew Bull at 910-395-1100
ext. 23 for more information.
Designate United Way Contributions to Boy Scout Program
United Way campaigns are currently running at companies and businesses throughout the eight
counties in southeastern North Carolina served by the Cape Fear Council. Many of our parents,
volunteer Scout leaders and financial supporters will be asked to give to the United Way at their
place of employment.
As these financial pledges are made, please consider designating your contribution to go to the support of our Boy Scout
program here in the Cape Fear Council. Whenever you fill out and sign your pledge card, please look for the section where
the United Way agencies are listed and mark that you would like for our Boy Scout program to receive your support. Also,
please be aware that even if our Boy Scout Program is not listed, you may still write-in the “Cape Fear Council – Boy Scouts”
as your choice. This can also be done with both CFC and SECC campaigns
This commitment by you will help to support our budget for the operation of summer camp and our year-round operation
of the Cape Fear Scout Reservation and help to provide training and kits of information for our new Scout leaders who are
recruited throughout the year. It will also help to provide other services which are vital to our Scouting program.
The Cape Fear Council is not funded by United Way in six of our counties. The only funds which are received by Scouting
are those contributions which are specifically designated to the council or are given directly to our Scouting program
through the Investment in Character Campaign each year. United Way funding currently provides less than 1% of the
overall budget to provide the Scouting program for more than 14,000 persons throughout southeastern North Carolina.
Your designation will help to increase this amount and ensure that more dollars are provided to our Scouting program. The
Cape Fear Council does receive funding from the United Way organizations in Robeson County and Scotland County.
Giving Every Boy the Opportunity to Join Scouting
The Cape Fear Council has had a good Fall Roundup recruitment effort through the end of September. Nearly 1500 new
Scouts and their families have already signed up to enjoy the adventure and promise of the Scouting program. We expect a
few hundred more Scouts to sign up during October. This exciting success would not be possible without the leadership,
sacrifice and commitment of volunteers throughout the Cape Fear Council. Thank you to all of the volunteers who have
been instrumental in giving every boy the opportunity to join and participate in our local Scouting program!
Below are a few ideas your Scout unit can still do to give every boy the opportunity to join Scouting:
If anyone came to your Join Scouting Night (Scout Party) and hasn’t been in contact with their den, be sure
you follow up with them
Have your boys wear their uniforms to school and ask them to invite their friends to the next meeting
Re-stock and blanket the community with flyers, posters, and yard signs advertising your next meeting
Make sure your pack has a presence at any community function (parades, festivals, etc)
Encourage adults in your pack to wear their Scout uniform to youth sporting events, clubs etc
Write a thank you note and visit with your school principal and let them know how well your pack did
recruiting new Scouts. Ask if there is anything that the school needs help with. Good school relationships go
a long way to ensure future cooperation
Submit stories to your local newspaper of all the great activities your pack is doing
Conduct a fun activity and encourage Scouts/Venturers to invite friends to this event
Provide Scouts with a quality program, this will keep them active and excited about Scouting
Ensure all leaders are trained and well prepared for their roles
Each child that we invite to our program represents an opportunity to spread the values and mission of
Scouting, thanks for all your Hard Work!
2015 Camp Card
Our local Boy Scout Council is excited to announce that we will again be offering 2 Camp Cards for the 2015 Camp Card sale.
There will be 1 Camp Card that will be designed for Pender, New Hanover and Brunswick Counties. There will be a 2nd
Camp Card that will be designed for Columbus, Bladen, Robeson, Scotland and Hoke Counties. Our Council is working to
finalize the vendors that will participate on this year’s Camp Cards. Please know that our goal is to always strive to have the
best possible Camp Card’s. We can’t promise all vendors will always come back, but we will do our best to offer the best
possible cards for Scouts and Scouters throughout our Council. If your unit would like to participate in the 2015 Camp Card
sale it is important that you turn in your unit’s commitment form ASAP. Contact your District Executive or turn in Unit
Commitment Form NOW! Any units that do this will receive their Camp Card’s at their January district roundtable. The sale
begins on January 31, 2015 and ends on May 1, 2015. For more information or to download a commitment form visit
Scout Shop Promotions
On Friday, November 28, we will have a special day for your special “Women in Scouting”! To follow this, on Saturday,
November 29, we have our annual “Santa Scout Shop”. We anticipate a special visitor from the North Pole to be here on
Saturday from 10 a.m. until 1 p.m. We are also planning crafts, letters to Santa for those who are too shy to get into his lap,
showing Christmas classics on DVD and, of course….really special sales going on all day in the store. Limited gift wrapping
will be available beginning this day and going through December 20.
The store will be conducting inventory on Saturday and Sunday, December 13 & 14.
We will be closed for Thanksgiving on Thursday, November 27, then re-open on Friday.
We will be closed for Christmas on Wednesday & Thursday, December 24 & 25, then re-open on Friday.
We will be closed for New Year on Thursday, January 1, then re-open on Friday.
Annell Wilkie – manager
Phone – 910-350-2975
Fax – 910-350-2964
Toll-free – 877-720-0010
Congratulations are in order to the following newly elected LEC officers. Their term of office will begin
in January 2015.
 Victor Olson – Lodge Chief (elected to second term)
 Jay Hollamon – Vice Chief
 Matthew Caropolo- Vice Chief Activities
 John Williams- Vice Chief Indian Affairs (elected to second term)
 Ethan Syster- Treasurer
 Josh Cockrell- Secretary
Please mark your calendar for the following upcoming events and check our website for details.
December 13: OA Banquet at Camp Bowers (date was moved from November 8)
Apply For Camp Staff Today!
Are you tired of the same old summer routine? Looking for a fun and meaningful summer job? Camp Bowers offers exciting
opportunities in a variety of summer camp staff and volunteer positions. Being a part of the summer camp staff provides a
unique and exciting outdoor work experience for youth and adults. Applications are now being accepted for summer camp
2015! If you have any questions about staff opportunities, please feel free to contact us at matthew.bull@scouting.org.
2015 Camp Bowers Staff Application « APPLY NOW!
Why apply for a camp staff job?
Here are a few of the countless reasons that are frequently expressed:
To make lots of new friends with Scouts from your area, other states, and even other countries.
To share your skills, talents and knowledge with others.
To spend a summer in the great outdoors where nature prevails.
To acquire experiential education (learning by doing) and new skills that will last a lifetime.
To be a key part of an effective team.
To build and apply leadership skills.
To undertake and fulfill meaningful challenges.
To work with youth and adults of all ages.
To serve others (the most noble and fulfilling pursuit of all).
To give something back for the opportunities you have received.
To live in a wholesome environment based on the Scout Oath and Law.
To be paid (and receive food and lodging) in return for something challenging and fun.
To be considered for jobs of greater responsibility.
To have a lot of fun!
National standards require that all paid Scout camp staff members be at least 15 years of age. The Boy Scouts of America is
an equal opportunity employer that hires people of all ages and ethnic groups, diverse cultures, and abilities. Staff
members must be, or become, registered members of the Boy Scouts of America. Salaries are based on position
responsibility with consideration given to the individual's qualifications and experience.
Camp Bowers also offers an outstanding Councilor in Training (CIT) program designed for Scouts ages 14 and older. The
program helps prepare Scouts that may be interested in serving on staff in the future with experience, service, excitement
and leadership training. The program is 100% free and gives Scouts a taste of what it is like to being a member of the Camp
Bowers staff.
For more information regarding summer camp staff, how to apply, or for information on current or anticipated openings,
feel free to contact us.
2015 Leader's Guide is now available
The new and improved Camp Bowers Leader's Guide is now available for download! This 64 page guide contains everything
you need to know about Summer Camp in 2015. Be sure to check out the new programs such as the Cape Fear Pioneers,
Summit Adventure, Browns Creek Mountain Biking; and the new badges that have been added to our schedule.
BALOO Training
Basic Adult Leader Outdoor Orientation (BALOO)
November 15, 2014
BB&T Training Center - Camp Bowers
Course Director: Joel Bradford
Pack 344—St. Pauls, NC
B.A.L.O.O. is a good combination of indoor classroom work and hands-on outdoor classes. All are designed to ensure our
leaders are trained in influencing growth in positive ways to achieve the aims and purposes of the Boy Scouts of America.
Note: All packs are required to have an Outdoor Experience Trained Leader to take their pack camping. Council facilities or
tour permits for camping cannot be utilized or approved for any Cub Pack without a volunteer in that unit having outdoor
camping training. For more information, call the Cape Fear Council at (910) 395-1100.
2014 – BALOO Events:
Health & Safety/First Aid & Sanitation
Program Ideas
Stoves, Lanterns
Nature Hikes & Games
First Aid & Sanitation
Leave No Trace & Outdoor Code
Pocket Knife Safety
Fire Safety
This training will be conducted by our many volunteers throughout the council. We have planned a great time of training,
fun, and the outdoor experience. The target participant is a new or experienced Cub Scout Leader (at any age level) who
has minimal SCOUT camping experience but wants to plan and carry out an entry level outdoor EXPERIENCE for THE PACK.
Hunter Safety Instructor Training
The Cape Fear Council is partnering with the NC Wildlife Commission to offer this course free of charge to any Scout
Leaders that are interested.
NC Hunter Safety Course Instructor Training
December 6-7
Saturday 9-5, Sunday 1-6
Camp Bowers Administration Building
Course Contact: Jack Bragg
Hunter Education Instructors are volunteers within their community who teach hunter education courses. They share
knowledge and appreciation of the sport of hunting, while they promote conservation and safe, responsible outdoor
recreation. These volunteers must be 21 years old, pass a background check and satisfy training requirements to instruct a
standardized state curriculum. They follow a code of conduct and accept the responsibility to be dependable, prompt and