The Four Winds
This Scouting segment is used in the Order of the Arrow Eagle ceremony on
page 118 (2nd ed.) or page 111 (3rd ed.). However, you could use it in virtually
any Eagle court of honor. It’s a powerful way to present the meaning behind the
ideals of Scouting.
The Four Winds stand at the north, south, east, and west corners of the
room; the leader stands at the microphone. At the front of the room is a
candelabrum with 12 candles, representing the points of the Scout Law. As each
of the Four Winds recites a point of the Scout Law, a uniformed Scout lights a
Leader: As Scouts, we are bound together in brotherhood by the Scout Law, a
sacred set of principles for living whose origins are lost in the mist of time.
Listen now to the wisdom of the winds.
East Wind: I am the spirit of the East Wind. I represent the common law, a
Scout’s duty to God and to country. Trustworthy, loyal, and helpful are the
qualities that a man must possess who lives by the laws of this land. The
Scout must be always worthy of his brother’s trust and show loyalty to all to
whom it is due. May the daily good turn be a central focus of your life.
West Wind: As the spirit of the West Wind, I represent the law of equity, your
duty to country and to others. Friendly, courteous, and kind are the
principles that speak of conscience. They create the atmosphere that comes
from within your heart. Kindle the desire to be a friend to those of all ages
and stations in life. Be courteous to those whom you pass along the trail.
Cast away the harmful spirits of unfriendliness and selfishness.
South Wind: I am the spirit of the South Wind. I represent civil law, your duty
to others and to self. Obedient, cheerful, and thrifty are the marks of civility.
Obedience is something we all must learn, to take orders and carry them out
cheerfully. Real thrift means spending both money and time wisely and
sharing both with those less fortunate than us.
North Wind: I am the spirit of the North Wind, the most powerful of all. I
represent the divine law, your duty to be brave and clean and reverent. To be
brave is to be unselfish in service, always prepared to face the unknown.
Cast from your mind and body any unclean spirits that try to weaken or
destroy you. Live a life of reverence toward God.
Excerpted from The Eagle Court of Honor Book by Mark A. Ray. Copyright © 19962012. All rights reserved. For more information, visit
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