Professionalism and the Foundations of Dental Practice Workbook 2015-16 Replace with Student ID SUBMISSION GUIDELINES Use 10pt Arial font for your text. Your original hand written notes and attendance signature sheet must be digitised by scanning or photography and inserted into this Word Document. The digitised copies MUST be legible. A word count should be placed clearly at the end of each question. Anonymous marking is undertaken and therefore your completed workbook must be saved and submitted through Canvas ( As a word document with the simple title of your candidate number only. You must not insert your name anywhere in the document. You must submit the Clinical Workbook TWICE on Canvas. Once to "Clinical Workbook Final (Marker 1)" and again to "Clinical Workbook Double Marking (Marker 2)". This will allow us to double mark your assignment. If for any reason we cannot open your attached work, we shall email you to request a further copy. Please keep an up-to-date back-up copy of your work. FAILURE TO FOLLOW THESE INSTRUCTIONS WILL RESULT IN YOUR SUBMISSION BEING REFUSED. Module Coordinators Dr Kirsty Hill & Mr Upen Patel Page 1 of 10 Contents Page 1 Front Cover 2 Contents 3 Admissions Department 15 marks 4 GDP / CP Clinic 15 marks 5 Oral Surgery OR Paediatric Clinic 15 marks 6 Outreach Clinic 15 marks 7 Clinic Comparison 15 marks 8 Ethical Issues 15 marks 9 Appendix 10 marks I Information Governance Training Certificates II Observation Attendance Signature Sheet 4 marks (marks will be awarded when confirmation is received from HSCIC) a. Patient Confidentiality b. Secure Handling of Confidential Information c. Password Management d. Information Security Guidelines e. Secure Transfers of Personal Data f. Information Security Management g. Business Continuity Management h. Records Management and the NHS Code of Practice 3 marks III Handwritten documentation from all clinic and department observations 3 marks Page 2 of 10 Admissions Department OBSERVATION Provide a summary of what you have observed on this department. (maximum 150 words) (5 marks) REFLECTION Reflect on your observations from this department in relation to the patients’ dental problems, the diagnoses made, the treatment undertaken and the clinical environment. What have you learnt? (maximum 250 words) (10 marks) Page 3 of 10 GDP / CP Clinic OBSERVATION Provide a summary of what you have observed on this clinic. (maximum 150 words) (5 marks) REFLECTION Reflect on your observations from this clinic in relation to the interactions between the different members of the dental team, the treatment undertaken by the dental student, the behaviour of the patient and the clinical environment. What have you learnt? (maximum 250 words) (10 marks) Page 4 of 10 Oral Surgery OR Paediatric Clinic OBSERVATION Provide a summary of what you have observed on this clinic. (maximum 150 words) (5 marks) REFLECTION Reflect on your observations from this clinic in relation to the behaviour of the patient (and if present friends and/or family members), interactions between the different members of the dental team, the treatment undertaken by the dental student and the clinical environment. What have you learnt? (maximum 250 words) (10 marks) Page 5 of 10 Outreach Clinic OBSERVATION Provide a summary of what you have observed on this clinic. (maximum 150 words) (5 marks) REFLECTION Reflect on your observations from this clinic in relation to the interactions between the different members of the dental team, the treatment undertaken by the dental student or dentist, the behaviour of the patient and the clinical environment. What have you learnt? (maximum 250 words) (10 marks) Page 6 of 10 Clinic Comparison OBSERVATION What differences have you observed between the outreach clinic and your observations on the GDP / CP clinic in the dental hospital? (maximum 150 words) (5 marks) REFLECTION Reflect on your observations of the differences between these clinics in relation to how the differences may affect the dental team and their patients. What have you learnt? (maximum 250 words) (10 marks) Page 7 of 10 Ethical Issues OBSERVATION Provide a summary of ethical issues that you have observed during your time on the different clinics/departments. Also include a summary of ethical issues that you could foresee happening in a clinical environment. (maximum 150 words) (5 marks) REFLECTION Reflect on the possible outcomes of the ethical issues you described and their possible effect on the dental team and their patients. (maximum 250 words) (10 marks) Page 8 of 10 Observations Attendance Signature Sheet Please replace the text on this page with anonymised digitised copy(ies) of the attendance signature sheet containing signatures from supervising clinical staff indicating your attendance on the clinic or department. Page 9 of 10 Handwritten documentation from all clinic and department observations Please replace the text on this page with anonymised digitised copies of your handwritten documentation from all clinical and department observations. Page 10 of 10