e-Learning Plan Template - St Patrick`s BNS, Castlebar, Co. Mayo

Name of School:
St. Patrick's BNS, Chapel St., Castlebar, Co. Mayo
Date of completion:
1st April 2011
Timeframe for e-Learning Plan:
Section 1
St. Patrick’s is a large urban boys primary school that has fully engaged with ICT’s, continuing to change and adapt learning to
avail of the new technologies as they became available. It is hoped through this plan to continue this development up to the
completion date of June 2012.
Section 2
Overview Our priorities are centred on the continued integration of ICT in our curriculum, to upgrade our ICT equipment
where necessary and to provide opportunities for all our staff to continue to develop their ICT skills.
Action plans Our action plans,
Section 3
E-Learning budget
ICT policy checklist
Sign off and date
Section 1 - e-Learning Plan Introduction
Overall vision and mission statement of school (from whole school plan)
“We the governors and staff of St. Patrick’s Boys’ Primary School believe the school to be a vital part of the Catholic community. We are firmly committed to the aims
of catholic education. We seek to provide effective education for all our children; to develop positive and meaningful pastoral care systems and to secure close links
with home, parish and the wider community”
e-Learning vision statement
To avail of e-learning facilities, where appropriate and beneficial, to assist our pupils to reach academic targets, to gain familiarity with digital technologies and
software and to empower staff to utilise successfully the new technologies as they emerge.
Overview of existing school resources
Completed e-Learning audit
Completed e-Learning Roadmap
Separate file – database completed Feb 2011
Overview of planning process
Who is involved (e-Learning team)?
Helen Grealis, Nicola Cresham (Junior Classes), Siobhán Henehan (Middle Classes), Brendan McHugh, Adrian Keena (Senior Classes).
Timeframe within which e-Learning Plan was drawn up:
January –April 2011
Section 2 - e-Learning Plan Overview
Leadership and Planning
Target 1: School Admin: To Task 1: To ensure that Text a Parent, recently implemented, January – Easter 2011
fully implement the new is working successfully
information systems in the
Task 2: To devise a workable plan for the information screens January - June 2011
recently installed in order to fully utilize them and ensure
information is always up to date for parents and staff.
Providing information for
parents and staff
ICT in the curriculum
Priority 1 – That students
experience e-Learning
activities regularly.
Target 1:
Student Experience:
Teachers to incorporate elearning resources into lessons
on a regular basis.
Task 1: That appropriate resources be identified from suitable Sept-December 2011
websites, for all classes, for use in the classroom – these to be
saved on school network.
Target 2:
Student Experience: Students
to be given specific tasks that
require the use of ICT for their
Task 1: Every pupil from first to third class to add clipart to Easter – June 2011
their story produced using Microsoft Word.
Target 3:
Student Experience: To afford
every pupil the opportunity to
become a touch typist.
Task 1: To introduce a typing program to all pupils from 1st
class to 6th
Task 2: To agree specific targets for typing with all
mainstream teachers
Target 4: Student Experience:
Task 1: To encourage phonic development through the use of September-November 2011 Sen. Inf
Lexia in computer room.
April-June 2012 Jun. Infants.
Task 2: Senior classes to undertake a PowerPoint project or Sept-December 2011
other e-Learning activity that engages the student in the use
of ICT.
Task 2: Every child from fourth to sixth class to take a photo Easter – June 2011
with a digital camera and add it to their story produced using
Word document.
May-June 2011
Easter-June 2011 and ongoing
Professional Development Target 1: Completion of ten
Priority 1 – Teacher
Confidence: That there is
increased confidence among
teachers in the integration of
e-Learning Culture
To undertake a videoconferencing project with
another school.
ICT Infrastructure
To continue to develop our
school as a leading school for
new class websites by class
Task 1: Training for teachers and SNAs given by NCTE tutor – January – April 2011
tutor selected from our own staff.
Target 2: Sharing of ideas on
uses of Interactive
Task 1: Support evening organised with each teacher bringing September – October 2011
one website to share with others.
Target 3: Encourage new
teachers to assist with
computer clubs
Task 1: Afford staff the opportunity to gain valuable ICT skills
by assisting with computer clubs.
Task 2: Focus groups – junior teachers, middle class teachers, September – December 2011
senior teachers and support teachers get together to share. Ongoing
Target 1:
Task 1: To liase with Keith Wysner (our previous project
To embark on new project partner) on implementing an email project with pupils in his
with our partner school in new school.
Northern Ireland.
Task 2: To endeavour to encourage two senior classes to
correspond regularly with their new partners.
January-March 2011
Target 2:
Task 1: To prepare pupils participating in project for variety
To involve at least two classes Christmas Concert – via Skype.
in video-conferencing with our
Task 2: To prepare individual pupils to introduce the
partner school
performers and act as MC’s for concert.
November-December 2011
Target 1:
To continue to utilize our ICT
budget to maintain our
existing infrastructure.
April 2011-June 2012
November-December 2011
Task 1: To maintain all computers in our school to full June 2011
working order and to continue to retire all pre-XP machines.
Task 2: To maintain all interactive whiteboards and to
purchase replacement lamps to have on standby when
Target 2:
Task 1: To seek advice and quotes for provision of visualizers January-June 2011
To provide senior classes with for senior classes.
Task 2: To provide wireless keyboard and mouse for every April-June 2011
class that currently has an interactive whiteboard
Target 3: To install typing
program and keyboard covers
for computer room
Task 1: To select and install a suitable typing program on all March-April 2011
computers in the computer room.
Task 2: To arrange for timber covers to be made so enabling April-June 2011
all pupils to concentrate on on-screen keyboard only.
Section 2 – Action Plans
Leadership and Planning
PRIORITIES: To fully implement the new information systems in the school.
To complete and document a full inventory of ICT equipment belonging to our school
Target: To clearly label school property with Dymo tape and rename digitally all computers to match external name.
(What needs to be done?)
(When is it to be done by?)
(Who is to do it?)
(What resources are needed?)
(What are the desired outcomes?)
1. To implement text-a-parent
to ensure that parents can be
contacted swiftly when
March 2011
2. To install and operate four
Installation Jan-Mar 2011
information screens around the
Fully Operational - April-June
School Secretary
Fully updated database of
Fully operational and in use
parents’ mobile phones collated each time a message has to be
and checked by secretary
sent to parents.
ICT technician and electricians
Four large screen TV’s. Network Large screen TV over display
points and sockets.
cabinet, at kitchen counter, in
new extension and upstairs.
ICT Co-ordinator, Mrs Davies,
Mr.McHugh, Ms. Forde and Ms
Usb Key or SD card with
PowerPoints providing
Up to date information
provided on a daily basis for
parents visiting school.
Agreed Monitoring Procedures: 1. Principal and ICT Co-ordinator to be included in Agreed Evaluation Procedures: Checking periodically informally with parents (at
all texts to parents to ensure that text has been correctly dispatched.
random) to ensure that they are receiving texts.
2. Regular checks with pupils to ensure their parents are receiving texts.
Section 2 – Action Plans
ICT in the curriculum
PRIORITIES: That students experience e-Learning activities regularly.
Target (What do we want to achieve?): Teachers to incorporate e-learning resources into lessons on a regular basis.
(What needs to be done?)
(When is it to be done by?)
(Who is to do it?)
(What resources are needed?)
(What are the desired outcomes?)
Task 1:E-learning resource bank Ongoing
of web addresses regularly
updated on school network.
Task 2:Teachers encouraged to
share tried and tested sites and
IWB resources created with
other staff.
September-December 2011
(whole school training course
will be applied for from NCTE
and Mayo Ed Centre and
facilitated by one of our own
NCTE trainers)
Focus Groups – junior teachers, Suitable websites to support all All classes availing of resource
middle class teachers, senior
aspects of curriculum.
bank of websites
teachers, and support teachers,
get together to share.
Contributions by all teachers
Suitable websites.
Open to all staff. Training
and SNAs to continued
facilitated by one of our own
development of web resource
NCTE tutors.
Agreed Monitoring Procedures: Monitoring of network resource bank by ICT co- Agreed Evaluation Procedures: All teachers using at least contributing one web
ordinator to ensure that web resources are available for all subject areas and all resource in their planning.
classes from Junior Infants to Sixth Class.
ICT in the curriculum
PRIORITIES: That students experience e-Learning activities regularly.
Target: Students to be given specific tasks that require the use of ICT for their completion.
(What needs to be done?)
(When is it to be done by?)
(Who is to do it?)
(What resources are needed?)
(What are the desired outcomes?)
Task 1: Every pupil from first to Easter – June 2011
third class to add clipart to their
story produced using Microsoft
All junior class mainstream
teachers (assisted by learning
support teachers and SNAs
where possible)
Internet access, Scoilnet
website to Britannica clipart.
Samples of completed stories
added to our website.
Task 2: Every child from fourth Easter-June 2011
to sixth class to take a photo
with a digital camera and add it
to their story produced using
Word document.
All senior class mainstream
teachers (assisted by learning
support teachers and SNAs
where possible)
Cameras – 4 to be supplied with Samples of completed stories
batteries and charger – made
added to our website.
available and maintained by ICT
Agreed Monitoring Procedures: Regular updates to ICT co-ordinator on progress of Agreed Evaluation Procedures: Folder created on server “Student” section with a
internal folder added for each class and file saved in that folder from each pupil in
class – evidence available of completed documents.
Section 2 – Action Plans
Professional development
PRIORITIES: Ongoing staff development – upskilling of staff on Web X5 to create own websites.
Target 1: Completion of ten new class websites by class teachers
(What needs to be done?)
(When is it to be done by?)
(Who is to do it?)
(What resources are needed?)
(What are the desired outcomes?)
Task 1: Training for teachers
January – April 2011
and SNAs given by NCTE tutor –
tutor selected from our own
Helen Grealis (tutor) and
teaching staff
Web X5 installed in ICT Room
and teachers’ personal
At least six new class websites
launched on the Internet and
linked to our main website
Agreed Monitoring Procedures: Ongoing assistance to teachers provided by Helen Agreed Evaluation Procedures: Launching of class websites on Internet.
to ensure website difficulties are sorted.
Section 2 – Action Plans
e-Learning culture
PRIORITIES: To continue to innovate in the area of ICT. through undertaking a video-conferencing project with another school in the North of Ireland.
Target 1: To embark on new project with our partner school in Omagh, Northern Ireland.
Target 2: To involve at least two classes in video-conferencing with our partner school.
(What needs to be done?)
(When is it to be done by?)
(Who is to do it?)
(What resources are needed?)
(What are the desired outcomes?)
Task 1: To liase with Keith
Wysner (our previous project
partner) on implementing an
email project with pupils in his
new school.
January-March 2011-03-08
ICT Co-ordinator
Broadband access, Skype.
Project is agreed and underway
by Easter 2011.
Task 2: To endeavour to
April 2011-June 2012
encourage two senior classes to
correspond regularly with their
new partners
ICT Co-ordinator and Senior
Class teachers (either fifth or
Email or similar. Broadband
Classes correspond at least once
a fortnight during 2011-2012
school year.
Task 3: Christmas concert
undertaken by classes involved
in video conferencing.
Class teachers prepare pupils
for Christmas Concert via video
Musicians and singers prepared Concert is held by video
for Christmas concert online.
conference at Christmas.
December 2011
Agreed Monitoring Procedures: Senior class teachers and E-Learning Team monitor Agreed Evaluation Procedures: Progress evaluated by e-learning team on a termly
to ensure that project gets up and running smoothly without technical difficulties basis.
and ensures also that an agreed plan is drawn up for the year.
Section 2 – Action Plans
ICT infrastructure
PRIORITIES: To ensure all computer room facilities are maintained to a high standard and are fit for purpose.
Target: To have computer equipment capable of delivering
(What needs to be done?)
(When is it to be done by?)
(Who is to do it?)
(What resources are needed?)
(What are the desired outcomes?)
Task 1: To update existing ICT
June 2011
equipment – to replace 10
desktop computers in Computer
ICT Co-ordinator and Computer Funding provided by ICT grant
Suitable computers in place and
fully networked.
Task 2: To prepare computer
room for typing practice.
ICT Co-ordinator, Computer
All pupils have succeeded in
creating own profile and saving
progress on program under own
March-April 2011
School caretaker
Typing program “English Type”
installed on all computers in
comp room.
Specially designed covers for
keyboards to encourage pupils
to look at screen only.
Agreed Monitoring Procedures: ICT co-ordinator to ensure that facilities are Agreed Evaluation Procedures: Computer Room is ready and typing program is
upgraded and that computer room is ready for typing program by Easter 2011.
fully operational.
Section 3 - Conclusion
e-Learning Budget
List the digital technologies to be procured with costings - to assist you the NCTE has provided a list of ICT equipment suitable for schools and with associated
indicative pricing. This is available from www.ncte.ie/elearningplan
10 Desktop Computers – Price Range 350-450 euros per computer – Total 3500 to 4500 euros.
2 Visualisers – Sixth Classes – 350 euros each = 700 euros
Typing Tutor – Site Licence – 360 euros
Ongoing Maintenance and Upgrading of Computers – 2500 euros (computer technician)
ICT Policy Checklist
Internet Safety
Acceptable Use Policy
Health and Safety
Other ICT related policies and procedures including:
homework policy
behaviour policy
anti-bullying policy
This e-Learning Plan has been written for St. Patrick's BNS and has been presented to and approved by the Board of Management.
Chairperson of Board of Management
ICT in the curriculum
PRIORITIES: That students experience e-Learning activities regularly.
Target: Student Experience: To afford every pupil the opportunity to develop towards becoming a touch typist.
(What needs to be done?)
(When is it to be done by?)
(Who is to do it?)
(What resources are needed?)
(What are the desired outcomes?)
Task 1: To introduce a typing
program to all pupils from 1st
class to 6th
March-April 2011
Task 2: To agree specific targets Easter-June 2012 and ongoing
for typing with all mainstream
All mainstream teachers from
1st to 6th Class.
Typing tutor: English Type.
Computer Room – timetabled
All classes from 1st to 6th
engaging with typing tutor at
least 20 mins per week.
All mainstream teachers from
1st to 6th Class.
English Type
Targets agreed by staff being
Agreed Monitoring Procedures: Computer Committee to monitor and so ensure Agreed Evaluation Procedures: Class target accuracy and words per minute being
barriers to achieving targets are removed.
achieved by pupils.
ICT in the curriculum
PRIORITIES: The development of phonic skills through the provision of a one hour time slot (11am to 12 noon) for classes during school year.
Target: That all junior classes will have the opportunity to utilise our ICT facilities to assist in attaining important phonic skills for a six to eight week period.
(What needs to be done?)
(When is it to be done by?)
(Who is to do it?)
(What resources are needed?)
(What are the desired outcomes?)
Lexia Senior – Senior Infants
September – October ‘11
Senior Infant Class Teachers
Lexia Senior – 1st Class
November-December ‘11
First Class Teachers
Lexia Senior – 2nd Class
January-February ‘12
Second Class Teachers
Lexia Senior – Other Class
March-April ‘12
Other Class teachers
Lexia Junior
May-June ‘12
Junior Infant teachers
Lexia Junior and Senior and ICT Pupils fully engaging with
facilities including headphones. software to afford them the
opportunity to complete a level
of Junior or Senior Lexia.
Agreed Monitoring Procedures: Teachers monitor progress of pupils through Agreed Evaluation Procedures: Evaluated each year to ensure time slot is working
pupil’s progress graph available as part of Lexia program.
ICT infrastructure
PRIORITIES: To ensure all computer room facilities are maintained to a high standard and are fit for purpose.
Target: To have computer equipment capable of providing teachers with tools to support delivery of curriculum with full ICT support.
(What needs to be done?)
(When is it to be done by?)
(Who is to do it?)
(What resources are needed?)
(What are the desired outcomes?)
Task 1: To update existing ICT
June 2011
equipment – to replace 10
desktop computers in Computer
ICT Co-ordinator and Computer ICT Budget, 3 quotations from
reputable companies. Broadband
Suitable computers in place and
fully networked.
Task 2: To prepare computer
room for typing practice.
ICT Co-ordinator, Computer
Typing program “English Type”
installed on all computers in
comp room.
Specially designed covers for
keyboards to encourage pupils
to look at screen only.
All pupils have succeeded in
creating own profile and saving
progress on program under own
March-April 2011
access and full network facilities.
School caretaker
Agreed Monitoring Procedures: Staff to feedback at staff meetings and post Agreed Evaluation Procedures: Staff feedback at staff meetings re problems or
holders meetings.
otherwise in computer room.
ICT infrastructure
PRIORITIES: To ensure that ICT facilities in the classrooms are maintained to a high standard and upgraded where necessary.
Target: To have equipment in all classes to afford teachers the ICT tools to deliver the curriculum in a modern interactive way.
(What needs to be done?)
(When is it to be done by?)
(Who is to do it?)
(What resources are needed?)
(What are the desired outcomes?)
Task 2: To maintain all Ongoing
interactive whiteboards and to
purchase replacement lamps to
have on standby when required.
ICT technician and ICT
ICT budget
All whiteboards fully functional
and in use in every class on a
implementation of curriculum.
Agreed Monitoring Procedures: Staff to feedback at staff meetings and post Agreed Evaluation Procedures: Staff feedback at staff meetings re problems or
holders meetings.
otherwise in own class.
Professional development
PRIORITIES: Teacher Confidence: That there is increased confidence among teachers in the integration of ICT.
Target: Sharing of ideas on uses of Interactive Whiteboards
(What needs to be done?)
(When is it to be done by?)
(Who is to do it?)
(What resources are needed?)
(What are the desired outcomes?)
Task 1: Support evening
organised with each teacher
bringing one website to share
with others.
September – October 2011
Task 2: Encourage new teachers September 2011 -April 2012
to assist with computer clubs
ICT Co-ordinator in
conjunction with Mayo Ed
Internet access and school
Staff become aware of
network access to create new current up to date websites
website list.
to support curriculum.
ICT Co-ordinator
At least two teachers
participate in computer clubs
who were not involved
Agreed Monitoring Procedures: Contribution sought from all teachers to provide at Agreed Evaluation Procedures: New updated website list compiled and each
least one new website to add to our website list. Monitored by e-learning team.
teacher and SNA made aware of where to access same.