RDC Performing Company Rules and Agreement Form *Criteria for Joining the Radford Dance Center Performing Company Must attend an audition in May or schedule an audition time to meet with Director. Must have at least 1 year of formal dance training or have been asked by Director. Must enroll in the correct classes for summer and fall. Must attend a dance workshop with RDCPC. During the year if a new member joins RDCPC, they will not be worked into new numbers. (Directors discretion) 6. Only exception to all of these rules is if the student had been at another studio dancing on a dance competition team and Director offers them a spot on the team after an audition has been given. (Directors discretion) 7. All students and parents will need to sign a competition agreement understanding all rules for our RDCPC, and understand that if any rules are broken, it could mean dismissal from the team. 8. After student accepts spot on competition team they must enroll in the required classes with designated competition team class. Other classes are additional costs. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Note: Parent/Guardian participation is expected and is very important to help your dancer be the best they can be. *Participants of Radford Dance Center Performing Company is defined and noted as dancer, member, performer, and/or student. Any rule change is up to the discretion of the Director. General Information Performing Company Placement Skill level or age creates teams. The RDC Director, through observation or audition does team placement. Auditions by the Director will occur to place each student appropriately. Teams may not stay grouped the same way from year to year. Recreational: any age: any experience Mini: Ages 5-10 Junior: Ages 6- 12 Teen: Ages 10-15 Senior: Ages 13 and up RDC Performing Company Tuition Rates Tuition is due by the 10th of every month. After the 10th of the month, a $10.00 late fee will automatically be applied to your account. Tuition is the same for 3-5 lessons per month. We do not adjust tuition for inclement weather unless half of the month of classes is missed. The tuition costs for RDCPC classes are not the cost for the actual competition or workshops attended. Please see the additional information listed. Recreational – Intermediate - Competitive Mini Mini – Attend the Dance Makers Dance Workshop (either Richmond, VA or Concord, NC) Perform 1 dance at our 2 local Roanoke Competitions Enroll in Ballet, one elective style of dance and Mini Company Rehearsals Must enroll in 1 summer class of dancers choice. Junior Junior - Attend the Dance Makers Dance Workshop (either Richmond, VA or Concord, NC) Perform 1 or 2 dances at 4 Competitions (2 Local and 2 away, NC, TN, or MD) Enroll in Ballet, one elective style of dance and Junior Company Rehearsals Must enroll in 1 summer class of dancers choice. Teen *Teen - Attend the Dance Makers Dance Workshop (either Richmond, VA or Concord, NC) Perform 2 or 3 dances at 4 Competitions (2 Local and 2 away, NC, TN, or MD) Enroll in Ballet, two elective style of dance and Teen Company Rehearsals Must enroll in 1 summer class of dancers choice. *Required to perform a solo of their choice at one competition or more (This does require extra lessons paid for separately through private lessons. Members who are in their 1st year of competition are not required to compete a solo.) (This does not include private lessons. Private Lessons are solo-$30.00 per hour, duet$45.00 per hour, and $55.00 per hour.) Individual Lessons At any time you may schedule a specialized or individual lesson for your child. RDC Company Members may participate and schedule rehearsals for solos, duets, or trios, at any time. If you are going to perform a solo, or duet/trio, the following is required: 1. Must pre-schedule and prepay for lessons in advanced (at least 4 sessions at a time) 2. Private Lessons are solo-$30.00 per hour, duet-$45.00 per hour, and $55.00 per hour.) Consequence for not obeying the RDC Performing Company Agreement 1. Verbal Warning to the dancer/performer 2. Verbal Warning to the Parent Regarding the dancer/performer 3. Probation period from the team rehearsals and performances for one month 4. Dismissal from the Team Attendance Class/Competition Attendance Must make all rehearsals the three weeks before a competition. Not attending the three weeks rehearsals or classes before a competition/performance can result in disciplinary action for the competition performance. Participant is required to attend all competitions and events scheduled for the year. Understudies Some dances will have understudies. These typically will be dancers who are in their waiting period for the official announcement of their membership to the competition team. Understudies will be used in case of an illness, no show or a dancer’s lack of commitment to the team. Competitions/Workshop/Intensive General Info and Expectations Competitions/Workshops We attend 2 to 4 competitions and 1-2 workshops during the year. The following competitions are some of the competitions our team will attend: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Dance Machine (local) Dance Maker and the workshop (North Carolina) Encore (local) Celebration Talent Competition (Tennessee) Dance Theater USA Master Classes Nationals (Parents Approval) Siblings are welcome to attend dance workshops at the competitions and master classes. Hotel (Competition Stay) If hotel stay is required, each individual family is responsible for reserving their hotel room. I will give you the hotel information that is recommended by the competition. They sometimes get better rates. Team Spirit The following is expected of team spirit: 1. Team Spirit Day – The Saturday before the 1st competition we will gather at the studio to make signs, banners and their dance team specialty. Their will be a charge of $5-$10 per person, expected to cover supplies. 2. After the competition awards have been given out, a group picture with the award received is expected. This is used to give acknowledgement to the dancers by displaying their picture in the newspaper. The dancers work hard for their awards and I want them to receive acknowledgement. 3. When traveling to an event, dancers are expected to wear their Radford Dance Center T-shirt/Sweatshirt, team jackets, team dance bag and team costume bag. Required Dance Apparel/Dress Code Info Team Apparel All participants are required to purchase a team jacket with Radford Dance Center logo, and T-shirt. You also will need to purchase a dance bag and costume bag. Please see the attached sheet to place your order. Jacket is $50. Jewelry is $28.00 (This includes earrings and necklace.) Dance Wear 1. Dancers are required to follow RDC dress code during all classes and all workshops. Required to wear a leotard and tights, with no undergarments showing, including sports bra and underwear. Required to wear appropriate shoes for all classes and rehearsals according to RDC Dress Code. Any exceptions must be approved by the Director of RDC. 2. The following is the required dance shoe for company members: Mini (Please see the director for all shoes styles.) Pink leather ballet shoes Black Tap shoes Tan Slip on Jazz Shoes Junior Ballet shoes (PINK) Please see instructor Tan Slip on Jazz Shoes Black Tap Shoes (see director) Teen/Senior Team Elastosplit Leather Ballet shoes (PINK) Black Tap Shoes (see director) Foot Thongs may be required Tan Slip on Jazz Shoes Foot Thongs (Nude) All Members of RDCPC 2 pairs of tights for competition (see director). The second pair of tights is in case the tights you are putting on rip, etc. This is called your back up tights. We can’t perform with a whole or run in the tights. Always have a back up pair! Costumes We try to reuse costumes but sometimes we do have to buy a new costume for a dance. Costumes can cost anywhere from $15.00 to $50.00 per costumes. Please keep this in mind. I do try to get you the best deal. This does not include recital costume costs. All competition costumes will be paid when costume payments are due. Competition Jewelry All members are required to buy competition jewelry. This includes rhinestone ponytail holder, rhinestone choker necklace, and rhinestone earrings. The cost for the jewelry is $28.00. Sometimes additional jewelry is needed. Performing Company Music (regarding competitions) Dance Lengths/Music 1. All music must be approved by Artistic Director and choreographer of the dance. 2. Must be appropriate for family listening. 3. Time Limits include: Solo – 2:30 min. (max), Duets/Trios – 2:30 min. (max), Group – 3:30 min. – 4:00 min(max) (If music is longer than specified times limit, we can cut the music to make the music the appropriate length. Performing Company Costs (regarding competitions) Due to the change of competition cost please see the enclosed Performing Company Budget Worksheet. I will have one to keep track of what you pay and you will have one to help you know when fees are due. If fees are not paid by the dates required a $25.00 fee will be added to your payment for late payment. Your child will not be able to participate until the fee is paid. Performing Company Dues All members are required to pay $35.00 dues by August 30th. This payment is not refundable or transferable. Teacher Travel Fees A teacher travel fee is required for each competition, workshop, master class attended from each member. It ranges from $25-$75 per member. Summer Requirements Summer Classes Each member of RDCPC must take one class during our summer 8-week program. It can be any type of dance style. Dance Intensive Dance intensive will be held on every 3rd Saturday during the summer months of July, and Aug. Please try to attend both of the Sat. summer intensive. This will be scheduled based on each performing group’s availability. If at any time you or your child feel you can not comply with the following information provided to you as a RDC Performing Company member, please see the Director of RDC. Consistent compliance is necessary to remain part of the RDC Performing Company. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I have read and agreed to the following statements above and understand that if they are not followed according the agreement I am signing, my spot will be forfeit from the performing company. I understand that all terms in this agreement are under the decision and discretion of the Director OF RDC and RDCPC. The Director of RDC may amend this information at any time. All changes are at the discretion of the Director of RDC. If a change is made you will be given the amended information. By signing this agreement, you acknowledge the responsibilities as an individual of the Radford Dance Center Performing Company Student _______________________________________ Date ________ Parent ________________________________________ Date ________ Apparel Shoe Order Form Child’s Name ____________________________________________ Team Apparel EMBROIDERY PRODUCT COST Dance Jacket ______ $50.00 Dance Bag __n/a__ __________ Jewelty __n/a__ $28.00 ______ __________ TOTAL Shoes SIZE Elastosplit Ballet shoes (PINK) ______ __________ Tan Slip on Jazz Shoes ______ __________ Black Tap Shoes (see director) ______ __________ Foot Thongs (Nude) ______ __________ Tights for competition (see director) ______ __________ ______ __________ TOTAL PRODUCT COST