Lesson 5 notes - Bedford Borough Council

Yr Gp R 1 2 3 4
Half-term 1 2 3 4 5 6 Subject: World War Two
Context Lesson 5 in a series of 10 Bombing of Bedford
Learning Objectives (N.C. statement)
Children should learn
 the effects of air raids locally
 to locate where bombing raids took place
 about the resilience of people locally
National Curriculum Level 2, 3 and 4
Organisation IWB; ICT suite for individual online work; use of printers.
Learning styles (VAK) Visual IWB screens and newspaper template Auditory Sound bites
Outline of Lesson
Introduction: Class Presentation online (IWB)
Recap why many children were evacuated to Bedford – fear of bombs. Explain, however, that
there were bombing raids on Bedford too during the war (see Bedford War Diary).
Screen 1 - Discuss what it must have been like for people in the Grosvenor Hotel. Read
newspaper article.
Screen 2 – Ask children which photo was taken later and how we know. (Righthand photo
shows the building has subsequently collapsed)
Read Tom Atkinson’s account. Discuss what the bomber might have been aiming for.
Locate the site of Midland Road and Ashburnham Road on the Google map of Bedford (see
Additional Notes below).
Consider the location of the bombs (highlight location of railway line and W H Allens factory just over the Ford End Road bridge). Listen to Mr Keech’s and Mr Crawley’s accounts of the
bombing. Who do the children think was right regarding the target of the bombers? (Nobody
knows for sure).
Either at this stage or at the end of the lesson show pupils the images of the bombed areas at
the bottom of Screen 2. Two of the images show modern views of the same scenes. Show
these alongside the images on Screens 1 or 2 in order to make comparisons.
Main Thrust: Children’s Activity online
Children are to write their own newspaper article about the bombing using the online
newspaper frame.
Pupils have access from the frame to ideas for structuring their article, original newspaper
extracts and ARP reports as well as the audio transcripts to help them write a well-researched
article. They will be able to drag and drop images and to make up an advert. Their newspaper
can be printed on completion. More able pupils can write independently using key facts to
enhance their work.
Listen to some of the newspaper reports completed by the pupils. Discuss the visible remains
of the bombing in Ashburnham Road today.
Key questions What was the German pilot aiming for? What impact did the bombing have?
Subject Specific vocabulary Morale, rescue party, survivors
Resources Photos, sound bites, transcripts, newpaper article, reports, writing frame from
Lesson 5 Bedford in Wartime
Cross curricular links PSHE & Citizenship, ICT, Literacy, Geography
I.C.T. Use of interactive whiteboard and individual work on computers
© Bedford Borough Council
Additional Notes:
Google Map
By clicking on the Google map you open a new website. The area covered by the map can be
altered by using the arrows on the left or by dragging the map up and down using the cursor.
The scale of the map can be altered using the plus and minus scale on the left. The map is
centred on Ashburnham Road. Use the hybrid map to give a sense of the geography of the
© Bedford Borough Council