If your child needs medication.

Principal: Mr M Lehain
12-16 Cauldwell Street,
Bedford, MK42 9AD
Tel: 01234 332299
Email: info@bedfordfreeschool.co.uk
Web: www.bedfordfreeschool.co.uk
Dear Parent/Carer,
As you may be aware, we may only administer medication that has been supplied to the
school by a parent/carer.
We advise, for those students that suffer from aches or pains regularly, or have illnesses
such as asthma, to send in pain killers or other medication into school with signed
permission so that we may store it securely in our medical room to administer when
necessary. This will avoid students being sent home with minor illnesses and will prevent a
decline in their attendance.
Attached is a form to complete if you wish for us to administer any form of medication.
All medicine must be in its original packaging with the dosage clearly displayed with the
pupils full name, issue & expiry date and name of issuer if possible (e.g. GP). It is the
responsibility of parents/carers to ensure that medication is kept up to date.
If you wish to discuss this further please do not hesitate to contact me on 01234 332299
or via the email address below.
Kind Regards,
Clair Sanders
Student Reception
Principal: Mr M Lehain
12-16 Cauldwell Street,
Bedford, MK42 9AD
Tel: 01234 332299
Email: info@bedfordfreeschool.co.uk
Web: www.bedfordfreeschool.co.uk
Parental agreement to administer medicine
Bedford Free School will not give your child medicine unless you complete and sign this form.
Name of Child
Date of birth
Year Group
Medical condition or illness
Note: Medicines must be in the original containers as dispensed by the pharmacy.
Name/type of medicine (as described on the
Date dispensed
Expiry Date
How much to give
When to be given
Any other instructions or storage details
Are there any side effects that the school
needs to know about?
Procedure to take in an emergency
Contact Details
Daytime contact number
Email address
Relationship to child
Name and contact number of doctor
By signing this form I agree to the following terms and conditions:
I understand that I must deliver the medicine personally to Student Reception at Bedford Free
I accept that this is a service that the school is not obliged to undertake.
I understand that I must notify the school of any changes in writing.
I understand that this agreement will be reviewed regularly by the school and the service may be
withdrawn at any time without notice.
I agree for above details to be passed to the School NHS Nurse connected to the Bedford Free
School in order that he/she may draw up a Health Care Plan to assist my child. (If appropriate)
Signed ……………………………………………………………………………………… Date …………………………………………….