Vimanas- Ancient Flying Saucers of India

Vimanas- Ancient Flying Saucers of Atlantis and Lemuria
"Facts do not cease to exist because they are ignored." - Aldous Huxley
Sympathetic Vibratory Physics - It's a Musical Universe!
While it is assumed that most flying saucers are of alien, or perhaps
Governmental Military origin, another possible origin of UFOs is Atlantis.
What we know about ancient flying vehicles comes from ancient Indian
sources. There is no doubt that most of these texts are authentic; many are
the well known ancient Indian Epics themselves, and there are literally
hundreds of them. Most of them have not even been translated into English
yet from the old Sanskrit.
The original designation of the flying machine was "Ratha" which gave way
for the term "Vimana". The design of the flying machine was imitated in the
construction of the palaces, built by the Rbhus for the gods who came from
remote space in the sky above. The Rig Veda texts (ranging from the 1st10th Manadal) reference the aerial flying machines as Ratha. In the
Yajurveda which is considered chronologically later than the Rig Veda
followed by other Brahmanas, the name "Vimanas" occurs.
na, or
e that travel from place to place;
2. Those that travel from one country to another;
3. Those that travel between planets.
1. T
Of special concern among these were the military planes whose functions
were delineated in some very considerable detail and which read today like
something clean out of science fiction. For instance, they had to
be: Impregnable, unbreakable, non-combustible and indestructible capable of
coming to a dead stop in the twinkling of an eye; invisible to enemies;
capable of listening to the conversations and sounds in hostile planes;
technically proficient to see and record things, persons, incidents and
situations going on inside enemy planes; know at every stage the direction of
the movement of other aircraft in the vicinity; capable of rendering the
enemy crew into a state of suspended animation, intellectual torpor or
complete loss of consciousness; capable of destruction; manned by pilots and
co-travelers who could adapt in accordance with the climate in which they
moved; temperature regulated inside; constructed of very light and heat
absorbing metals; provided with mechanisms that could enlarge or reduce
images and enhance or diminish sounds.
The "Rama Empire" of
Northern India and Pakistan
developed at least fifteen
thousand years ago on the
Indian subcontinent was a
nation of many large,
sophisticated cities, many of
which are still to be found in the
deserts of Pakistan, northern,
and western India. Rama existed
parallel to the Atlantean
civilization and was ruled by
"enlightened Priest-Kings" who
governed the cities. The seven greatest capital cities of Rama were known in
classical Hindu texts as the Seven Rishi Cities and the people had flying
machines called "Vimanas." The ancient Indian epic describes a Vimana as a
double deck, circular aircraft with portholes and a dome, much as we would
imagine a flying saucer. It flew with the "speed of the wind" and gave forth a
"melodious sound." There were at least four different types of Vimanas;
some saucer shaped and others like long cylinders (cigar shaped airships).
The ancient Indian texts on Vimanas are so numerous that it would take
volumes to relate what they had to say. The ancient Indians, who
manufactured these ships themselves, wrote entire flight manuals on the
control of the various types of Vimanas, many of which are still in existence
and some have even been translated into English.
According to Rahasyagnyodhikaaree - Sutra 2, "The pilot is one who knows
the secrets" There were 32 secrets the pilot needed to learn from competent
preceptors and only such a person was fit to be entrusted with an aeroplane,
and no others:
There are 32 secrets of the working of the Vimaana. He must know the
structure of the aeroplane, know the means of its take off and ascent to the
sky, know how to drive it and how to halt it when necessary, how to
maneuver it and make it perform spectacular feats in the sky without
crashing. Those secrets are given in "Rahashya Lahari" and other works by
Lalla and other masters and are described as thus:
"The pilot should have had training in maantrica and taantrica, kritaka and
antaraalaka, goodha or hidden, drishya and adrishya or seen and unseen,
paroksha and aparoksha, contraction and expansion, changing shape, look
frightening, look pleasing, become luminous or enveloped in darkness,
deluge or pralaya, vimukha, taara, stun by thunderstorm din, jump, move
zig-zag like serpent, chaapala, face all sides, hear distant sounds, take
pictures, know enemy maneuver, know direction of enemy approach,
stabdhaka or paralyse, and karshana or exercise magnetic pull.
Some of these secrets are:
1. Goodha: As explained in
'Vaayutatva-Prakarana', by
harnessing the powers, Yaasaa,
Viyaasaa, Prayaasaa in the 8th
atmospheric layer covering the
earth, to attract the dark content
of the solar ray, and use it to
hide the Vimana from the
2. Drishya: By collision of the
electric power and wind power in
the atmosphere, a glow is
created, whose reflection is to be
caught in the Vishwa-Kriyadrapana or mirror at the front of
the Vimana, and by its
manipulation produce a MaayaVimana or camouflaged Vimana.
3. Vimukha: As mentioned in
"Rig-hridaya", by projecting the
force of Kubera, Vimukha and
Vyshawaanara poison powder
through the third tube of the
roudree mirror and turning the
switch of the air mechanism, produce wholesale insensibility and coma.
(image source: Vymaanika Shaastra Aeronautics of Maharshi Bharadwaaja By G. R. Josyer).
4. Roopaakarshana: By means of the photographic yantra in the Vimana to
obtain a television view of things inside an enemy's plane.
5. Stabdhak: By projecting apasmaara poison fume smoke through the tube
on the north side on the Vimana, and discharging it with stambhana yantra,
people in enemy planes will be made unconscious.
6. Chaapla: On sighting an enemy plane, by turning the switch in the force
center in the middle section of the Vimana, a 4087 revolutions an hour
atmospheric wave speed will be generated, and shake up the enemy plane.
7. Parashabda Graahaka: As explained in the "Sowdaaminee Kalaa: or
science of electronics, by means of the sound capturing yantra in the
Vimana, to hear the talks and sound in enemy planes flying in the sky.
According to Shownaka, the regions of the sky are 5, named,
Rekhaapathaha, Mandala, Kakshaya, shakti and Kendra. In these 5
atmospheric regions, there are 5,19,800 air ways traversed by Vimanas of
the Seven Lokas or worlds, known as Bhooloka, Bhuvarloka, Suvarloka,
Maholoka, Janoloka, Tapoloka and Satyaloka. Dhundinaatha and "Valalmeeki
Ganita" state that Rekha has 7,03,00,800 air routes. Mandala has
20,08,00200 air routes, Kakshya has 2,09,00,300 air routes, Shakti has
10,01,300 air routes, and Kendra has 30,08,200 air routes.
It discusses what kind of food to eat, clothing to wear, metals for vimanas,
purification of metals, deals with mirrors and lenses which are required to be
installed in the vimaanas, mechanical contrivances or yantras and protecting
and different types of vimaanas.
(source: Vymaanika Shaastra Aeronautics of Maharshi Bharadwaaja - By G.
R. Josyer International Academy of Sanskrit Research 1973). Also Refer to
Vymanika Shashtra - Aeronautical Society of India.
*Stealth bomber from Shastra - A glass-like material based on technology
found in an ancient Sanskrit text that could ultimately be used in a stealth
bomber (the material cannot be detected by radar) has been developed by a
research scholar of Benaras Hindu University. Prof M A Lakshmithathachar,
Director of the Academy of Sanskrit Research in Melkote, near Mandya, told
Deccan Herald that tests conducted with the material showed radars could
not detect it. “The unique material cannot be traced by radar and so a plane
coated with it cannot be detected using radar,” he said.
"In the Vedic literature of India, there are many descriptions of flying
machines that are generally called vimanas. These fall into two categories:
(1) manmade craft that resemble airplanes and fly with the aid of birdlike
wings, and (2) unstreamlined structures that fly in a mysterious manner and
are generally not made by human beings. The machines in category (1) are
described mainly in medieval, secular Sanskrit works dealing with
architecture, automata, military siege engines, and other mechanical
contrivances. Those in category (2) are described in ancient works such as
the Rig Veda, the Mahabharata, the Ramayana, and the Puranas and have
many features reminiscent of UFOs." "There are ancient Indian accounts of
manmade wooden vehicles that flew with wings in the manner of modern
airplanes. Although these wooden vehicles were also called vimanas, most
vimanas were not at all like airplanes.
It is possible that knowledge of this previous highly advanced civilization may
have been preserved by ancient secret Brotherhoods. When Alexander the Great
invaded India, over two thousand years ago, his scribes chronicled an attack by
'flying fiery shields' that panicked the horses. These flying vehicles did not deploy
any weapons against the invading army, which marched on to conquer the
country. It has been speculated in many books that secret Brotherhoods have
preserved and maintained Vimanas for many thousands of years. They are
alleged to keep them hidden in caverns and underground bases.
Mahavira of Bhavabhuti (A Jain text of the eighth century culled from
older texts and traditions) describes aerial chariots, known as the Pushpakas
that conveyed many people to the capital of Ayodhya. “The sky was full of
stupendous flying-machines, dark as night, but picked out by lights with a
yellowish glare." There is a passage in the Ramayana which reads: “The
Puspaka car that resembles the Sun and belongs to my brother was brought
by the powerful Ravan; that aerial and excellent car going everywhere at
will.... that car resembling a bright cloud in the sky."... and the King [Rama]
got in, and the excellent car at the command of the Raghira, rose up into the
higher atmosphere."
An interesting example of a vimana is the flying machine that Salva,
an ancient Indian king, acquired from Maya Danava, an inhabitant of a
planetary system called Taltala." (Richard L. Thompson, “Alien Identities”)
The cruel Salva had come mounted on the Saubha chariot that can go
anywhere, and from it he killed many valiant Vrishni youths and evilly
devastated all the city parks." (The Mahabharata) The airplane occupied by
Salva was very mysterious. It was so extraordinary that sometimes many
airplanes would appear to be in the sky, and sometimes there were
apparently none. Sometimes the plane was visible and sometimes not visible,
and the warriors of the Yadu dynasty were puzzled about the whereabouts of
the peculiar airplane. Sometimes they would see the airplane on the ground,
sometimes flying in the sky, sometimes resting on the peak of a hill and
sometimes floating on the water. The wonderful airplane flew in the sky like
a whirling firebrand - it was not steady even for a moment." (Bhaktivedanta,
Swami Prabhupada, Krsna)
In the Sanskrit Samarangana Sutradhara, it is written: Strong and
durable must the body of the Vihmana be made, like a great flying bird of
light material. Inside one must put the mercury engine with its iron heating
apparatus underneath. By means of the power latent in the mercury which
sets the driving whirlwind in motion, a man sitting inside may travel a great
distance in the sky. The movements of the Vimana are such that it can
vertically ascend, vertically descend, move slanting forwards and backwards.
With the help of the machines human beings can fly in the air and heavenly
beings can come down to earth.
Italian scientist, Dr. Roberto Pinotti, who has made an exhaustive
study of the history of Indian astronautics, spoke at the World Space
Conference, explaining that the vimanas were similar to modern jet propelled
flying machines. He said certain descriptions of the Vimanas seemed 'too
detailed and technical in nature to be labeled as myth.' He cited various texts
to show there were 32 secrets relating to the operation of Vimanas, some of
which could be compared to modern day use of radar, solar energy and
photography. Quoting from 'Vymanika Shastra' he said the ancient flying
devices of India were made from special heat absorbing metals named
'Somaka, Soundalike and Mourthwika.' He said the text also discussed the
seven kinds of mirror and lenses installed aboard for defensive and offensive
uses. The so-called 'Pinjula Mirror' offered a sort of 'visual shield' preventing
the pilots from being blinded by 'evil rays' and the weapon 'Marika' used to
shoot enemy aircraft 'does not seem too different from what we today called
laser technology.' According to the Italian expert, the 'principles of Page 1
propulsion as far as the descriptions were concerned, might be defined as
electrical and chemical but solar energy was also involved. For instance, the
'Tripura Vimana' mentioned in 'Vymanika Shastra' was a large craft operated
by 'motive power generated by solar rays,' Dr. Pinotti said, adding 'its
elongated form was surely much closer to that of a modern blimp.'
Sophisticated design: According to Dr. Pinotti, the huge 'Shakuna Vimana'
described in the text 'might be defined as a cross between a plane and a
rocket of our times and its design might remind one of today's space shuttle.'
'Surely, it expresses the most complex and sophisticated aeronautical design
among all the other descriptions of Vimanas mentioned in the 'Vymanika
Shastra,' he exclaimed. Dr. Pinotti, said another text, 'Samarangana
Sutradhara' had 230 stanzas devoted to the principles of building Vimanas
and their use in peace and war. He explained that ancient Aryans knew the
use of the element 'fire' as could be seen from their 'Astra' weapons that
included Soposamhara (flame belching missile), Prasvapna (which caused
sleep) and four kinds of Agni Astras that traveled in sheets of flame and
produced thunder. He said the car that was supposed to go up to
Suryamandal (solar system) and the Naksatramandala (stellar system)
cannot be dismissed as a myth because of the 'technical nature' of its
description. Dr. Pinotti said depictions of space travel, total destruction by
incredible weapons and the fact that Vimanas resembled modern unidentified
flying objects would suggest that India had a 'superior but forgotten
India, according to Dr. V. Raghavan, retired head of the Sanskrit
department of India’s prestigious University of Madras, was playing host to
extraterrestrials in prehistory. He contends that centuries-old documents in
Sanskrit (the classical language of India and Hinduism) prove that aliens
from outer space visited his nation. "Fifty years of researching this ancient
works convinces me that there are livings beings on other planets and that
they visited earth as far back as 4,000 B.C.,” The scholar says. "There’s just
a mass of fascinating information about flying machines, even fantastic
science fiction weapons that can be found in translations of the Vedas
(scriptures), Indian epics, and other ancient Sanskrit texts. ”In the
Mahabharata there is mention of divine lighting and ray weapons, even a
kind of hypnotic weapon. And in the Ramayana, there is a description of
Vimanas, or flying machines that navigated at great heights with the aid of
quicksilver and a great propulsive wind." The Ramayana describes a beautiful
aerial chariot which 'arrived shining…a wonderful divine car that sped
through the air'. In another passage, there is mention of a chariot being seen
'sailing overhead like a moon.' The Mahabharata describes “At Rama’s
behest, the magnificent chariot rose up to a mountain of clouds” Another
passage reads: “Bhima flew with his Vimana on an enormous ray which was
as brilliant as the sun and made a noise like the thunder of a storm." In the
ancient Vymanka-Shastra (science of aeronautics), there is a description of a
Vimana: "An apparatus which can go by its own force, from place to place or
globe to globe." Dr. Raghavan points out, "The text’s revelations become
even more astounding. Thirty-one parts-of which the machine consists, are
described, including a photographing mirror underneath. The text also
enumerates 16 kinds of metal that are needed to construct the flying vehicle,
But only three of them are known to us today. The rest remain
Dr. A. V. Krishna Murty, professor of aeronautics at the Indian
Institute of Science in Bangalore says, "the ancient Indian Vedas and other
text refer to aeronautics, spaceships, flying machines, and even astronauts.
A study of the Sanskrit texts has convinced me that ancient India did know
the secret of building flying machines-and that those machines were
patterned after spaceships coming from other planets."
In the Mahabharatra, we learn that an individual named Asura Maya had a
Vimana measuring twelve cubits in circumference, with four strong wheels.
The poem is a veritable gold mine of information relating to conflicts between
gods who settled their differences apparently using weapons as lethal as the
ones we are capable of deploying. Apart from 'blazing missiles', the poem
records the use of other deadly weapons. 'Indra's Dart' operated via a
circular 'reflector'. When switched on, it produced a 'shaft of light' which,
when focused on any target, immediately 'consumed it with its power'. In
one particular exchange, the hero, Krishna, is pursuing his enemy, Salva, in
the sky, when Salva's Vimana, the Saubha is made invisible in some way.
Undeterred, Krishna immediately fires off a special weapon: 'I quickly laid on
an arrow, which killed by seeking out sound'. Many other terrible weapons
are described in the Mahabharata, but the most fearsome of all is the one
used against the Vrishis. The narrative records Gurkha flying in his swift and
powerful Vimana hurled against the three cities of the Vrishis and Andhakas a
single projectile charged with all the power of the Universe. An incandescent
column of smoke and fire, as brilliant as ten thousands suns, rose in its
entire splendor. It was the unknown weapon, the Iron Thunderbolt, a
gigantic messenger of death which reduced to ashes the entire race of the
Vrishnis and Andhakas. The after-affects of this Iron Thunderbolt have an
ominously recognizable ring. Apparently, those killed by it were so burnt that
their corpses were unidentifiable. The survivor’s fared little better, as it
caused their hair and nails to fall out. Perhaps the most disturbing and
challenging, information about these allegedly mythical Vihmanas in the
ancient records is that there are some matter-of-fact records, describing how
to build one. In their way, the instructions are quite precise.
The Indian Emperor Ashoka started a "Secret Society of the Nine Unknown
Men”: great Indian scientists who were supposed to catalogue the many
sciences. Ashoka kept their work secret because he was afraid that the
advanced science catalogued by these men, culled from ancient Indian
sources, would be used for the evil purpose of war. The” Nine Unknown Men"
wrote a total of nine books, presumably one each. One of the books was "The
Secrets of Gravitation", which dealt chiefly with "gravity control." It is
presumably still around somewhere, kept in a secret library in India, Tibet or
perhaps even in North America somewhere.
Years ago, the Chinese discovered some Sanskrit documents in Lhasa,
Tibet and sent them to the University of Chandrigarh to be translated.
According to Dr. Ruth Reyna of the University the documents contain
directions for building interstellar spaceships! Their method of propulsion,
she said, was "anti- gravitational" and was based upon a system analogous
to that of "laghima," the unknown power of the ego existing in man's
physiological makeup, "a centrifugal force strong enough to counteract all
gravitational pull." According to Hindu Yogis, it is this same "laghima" which
enables a person to levitate. Dr. Reyna said that on board these machines,
called "Astras" by the ancient Indian text could send a detachment of men
onto any planet. The manuscripts were also said to reveal the secret of
"antima"; "the cap of invisibility" and "garima"; "how to become as heavy as
a mountain of lead.” The Ramayana contains a highly detailed story about a
trip to the moon in a Vimana (Astra), and in fact describes a battle on the
moon with an "Asvin" (or Atlantean") airship.
At least 20 passages in the Rigveda (1028 hymns to the gods) refer
exclusively to the flying vehicle of the Asvins. This flying machine is
represented as three-storied, triangular and three –wheeled. It could carry at
least three passengers. According to tradition the machine was made of gold,
silver and iron, and had two wings. With this flying machine the Asvins saved
King Bhujyu who was in distress at sea.
The description of these ancient flying machines in old Indian texts are
amazingly precise. The difficulty we are faced with today is basically that the
texts mention various metals and alloys which we have no understanding of.
In the Amarangasutradhara five flying machines were originally built for the
gods Brahma, Vishnu, Yama, Kuvera and Indra. Later there were some
additions. Four main types of flying Vimanas are described: Rukma, Sundara,
Tripura and Sakuna. The Rukma were conical in shape and dyed gold,
whereas the Sundata were like rockets and had a silver sheen. The Tripura
were three-storied and the Sakuna looked like birds. There were 113
subdivisions of these four main types that differed only in minor details. The
position and functioning of the solar energy collectors are described in the
Vaimanika Shastra. It says that eight tubes had to be made of special glass
absorbing the sun’s ray. A whole series of details are listed, some of which
we do not understand. The Amaranganasutradhara even explains the drive,
the controls and the fuel for the flying machine. It says that quicksilver and
‘Rasa’ were used. Unfortunately we do not yet know what “Rasa’ was. Ten
sections deal with themes such as pilot training, flight paths, the individual
parts of flying machines, as well as clothing for pilots and passengers, and
the food recommended for long flights. There was much technical detail: the
metals used, heat-absorbing metals and their melting point, the propulsion
units and various types of flying machines. The information about metals
used in construction name three sorts, somala, soundaalika and mourthwika.
If they were mixed in the right proportions, the result was 16 kinds of heatabsorbing metals with names like ushnambhara, ushnapaa, raajaamlatrit,
etc. which cannot be translated into English. The texts also explained how to
clean metals, the acids such as lemon or apple to be used and the correct
mixture, the right oils to work with and the correct temperature for them.
Seven types of engine are described with the special functions for which they
are suited and the altitudes at which they work best. The catalogue is not
short of data about the size of the machines, which had stories, nor of their
suitability for various purposes.
The Samara Sutradhara is a scientific treatise dealing with every
possible angle of air travel in a Vimana. There are 230 stanzas dealing with
the construction, take-off, cruising for thousand of miles, normal and forced
landings and even possible collisions with birds. In 1875, the Vaimanika
Sastra, (or Vymaanika-Shaastra) a fourth century B.C. text written by
Bharadvajy the Wise, using even older texts as his source, was rediscovered
in a temple in India. It dealt with the operation of Vimanas and included
information on the steering, precautions for long flights, protection of the
airships from storms and lightning and how to switch the drive to "solar
energy" from a free energy source which sounds like "anti-gravity." The text
has eight chapters with diagrams, describing three types of aircraft, including
apparatuses that could neither catch on fire nor break. It also mentions 31
essential parts of these vehicles and 16 materials from which they are
constructed, which absorb light and heat; for which reason they were
considered suitable for the construction of Vimanas. (This document has
been translated into English and is available by writing the publisher:
“Vymaanidashaastra Aeronautics” by Maharishi Bharadwaaja, translated into
English and edited, printed and published by Mr. G. R.Josyer, Mysore, India,
1979. Mr. Josyer is the director of the International Academy of Sanskrit
Investigation, located in Mysore.) Bharadvajy the Wise refers to no less than
seventy authorities and 10 experts of air travel in antiquity. (These sources
are now lost.) Vimanas were kept in a Vimana Griha, a kind of hanger, and
were sometimes said to be propelled by a yellowish-white liquid and
sometimes by some sort of mercury compound, though writers seem
confused in this matter. It is most likely that the later writers on Vimanas,
wrote as observers and from earlier texts, and were understandably confused
on the principle of their propulsion. The "yellowish- white liquid" sounds
suspiciously like gasoline, and perhaps Vimanas had a number of different
propulsion sources, including combustion engines and even "pulse-jet"
It is interesting to note, that the Nazis developed the first practical
pulse-jet engines for their V-8 rocket "buzz bombs."
Hitler and the Nazi
staff were exceptionally interested in ancient India and Tibet and sent
expeditions to both these places yearly, starting in the 30's, in order to
gather esoteric evidence that they did so, and perhaps it was from these
people that the Nazis gained some of their scientific information. According
to the Dronaparva, part of the Mahabharata, and the Ramayana, one Vimana
described was shaped like a sphere and born along at great speed on a
mighty wind generated by mercury. It moved like a UFO, going up, down,
backwards and forwards as the pilot desired. In another Indian source, the
Samar, Vimanas were "iron machines, well-knit and smooth, with a charge of
mercury that shot out of the back in the form of a roaring flame." It is
possible that mercury did have something to do with the propulsion, or more
possibly, with the guidance system. Curiously, Soviet scientists have
discovered what they call "age-old instruments used in navigating cosmic
vehicles" in caves in Turkestan and the Gobi Desert. The” devices" are
hemispherical objects of glass or porcelain, ending in a cone with a drop of
mercury inside.
The Vedas, thought to be the oldest of all the Indian texts, describe
Vimanas of various shapes and sizes: the "ahnihotravimana" with two
engines, the"elephant-vimana" with more engines, and other types named
after the kingfisher, ibis and other animals. Unfortunately, Vimanas, like
most scientific discoveries, were ultimately used for war. The Atlanteans,
known as "Asvins" in the Indian writings, were more advanced
technologically than the Indians. Some information has come down through
esoteric, "occult" sources which describe their flying machines as similar, if
not identical to Vimanas. The Atlantean Vailixi were generally "cigar shaped"
and had the capability of maneuvering underwater as well as in the
atmosphere or even outer space. Other vehicles, like the Vimanas, were
saucer shaped, and could also be submerged. In a 1966 article, Eklal
Kueshana (author of "The Ultimate Frontier") wrote that the Vailixi were first
developed in Atlantis 20,000 years ago, and the most common ones were
"saucer shaped of generally trapezoidal cross- section with three
hemispherical engine pods on the underside. They used a mechanical
antigravity device driven by engines developing approximately 80,000
According to the Indian texts, the Atlanteans used their flying machines, "the
Vailixi," to subjugate the world. The Ramayana, Mahabarata and other texts
speak of the hideous war that took place, some ten or twelve thousand years
ago between Atlantis and Rama using weapons of destruction that could not
be imagined by readers until the second half of this century. The
Mahabharata goes on to tell the awesome destructiveness of the war: "...(the
weapon was) a single projectile charged with all the power of the Universe.
An incandescent column of smoke and flame as bright as the thousand suns
rose in its entire splendor. An iron thunderbolt, a gigantic messenger of
death, reduced to ashes the entire race of the Vrishnis and the Andhakas.
The corpses were so burned as to be unrecognizable. The hair and nails fell
out; pottery broke without apparent cause, and the birds turned white....
after a few hours all foodstuffs were infected.... to escape from this fire, the
soldiers threw themselves in streams to wash themselves and their
equipment..." It would seem that the Mahabharata is describing an atomic
war! References like this one are not isolated; but battles, using a fantastic
array of weapons and aerial vehicles are common in all the epic Indian
One even describes a Vimana-Vailix battle on the Moon! The above section
very accurately describes what an atomic explosion would look like and the
effects of the radioactivity on the population. Jumping into water is the only
respite. When the Rishi City of Mohenjodaro was excavated by archaeologists
in the last century, they found skeletons just lying in the streets, some of
them holding hands, as if some great doom had suddenly overtaken them.
These skeletons are among the most radioactive ever found, on a par with
those found at Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Ancient cities whose brick and
stonewalls have literally been vitrified, that is-fused together, can be found in
India, Ireland, Scotland, France, Turkey and other places. There is no logical
explanation for the vitrification of stone forts and cities, except from an
atomic blast. Furthermore, the streets of Mohenjo-Daro, a well planned city
laying on a grid, with a plumbing system superior to those used in Pakistan
and India today, were found littered with "black lumps of glass." These globs
of glass were discovered to be clay pots that had melted under intense heat!
With the cataclysmic sinking of Atlantis and the wiping out of Rama
with atomic weapons, the world collapsed into a "dark age" of sorts. Yet, it
would seem that not all the Vimanas and Vailixi of Rama and Atlantis were
lost or destroyed. Built to last for thousands of years, many of them may still
be in use, as evidenced by Ashoka's "Nine Unknown Men" and the Lhasa
manuscript. That secret societies or "Brotherhoods" of exceptional,
"enlightened" human beings would have preserved these inventions and the
knowledge of science, history, etc., does not seem surprising. Many well
known historical personages including Jesus, Buddah, Lao Tzu, Confucius,
Krishna, Zoroaster, Mahavira, Quetzalcoatl, Akhenaton, Moses, and more
recent inventors and of course many other people who will probably remain
anonymous, were probably members of such a secret organization. It has
been suggested by many writers that these "Brotherhoods" keep some of
their Vimanas and Vailixi in secret caverns in Tibet or some other place is
Central Asia, and the Lop Nor Desert in western China is known to be the
center of a great UFO mystery. Perhaps it is here that many of the airships
are still kept, in underground bases much as the Americans, British and
Soviets have built around the world in the past few decades.
Still, not all UFO activity can be accounted for by old Vimanas making
trips to the Moon for some reason. Unknown alloys have been revealed in the
ancient palm leaf manuscripts. The writer and Sanskrit scholar
Subramanyam Iyer has spent many years of his life deciphering old
collections of palm leaves found in the villages of his native Karnataka in
southern India. One of the palm leaf manuscripts they intend to decipher is
the Amsu Bodhini, which, according to an anonymous text of 1931, contains
information about the planets; the different kinds of light, heat, color, and
electromagnetic fields; the methods used to construct machines capable of
attracting solar rays and, in turn, of analyzing and separating their energy
components; the possibility of conversing with people in remote places and
sending messages by cable; and the manufacture of machines to transport
people to other planets!
Ancient Wars
Flying machines are commonplace in the ancient Indian texts and several
popular epics describe their use in warfare. Depending on one's point of view,
either it contains some of the earliest known science fiction, or it records
conflict between beings with weapons as powerful and advanced as anything
used today.
The Battle of Krishna - Mahabharata
“Vrishnis, a tribe whose warriors include
the hero Krishna, are beset by the forces of a
leader named Shalva. The cruel Shalva had come
mounted on the Saubha chariot that can go
anywhere and from it he killed many valiant
Vrishni youths and evilly devastated all city
“The Saubha is at once Shalva's city,
flagship and battle headquarters. In it, he can fly
wherever he chooses. Fortunately, the Vrishni
heroes are similarly well equipped and at one
point have Shalva at their mercy. The hero Pradyumna is about to finish him
off with a “special weapon” when the highest gods intervened. They stopped
him from using it, saying "Not a man in battle is safe from this arrow. "
“Krishna took to the sky in pursuit of Shalva, but his Saubha clung to
the sky at a leagues length... He threw at me rockets, missiles, spears,
spikes, battleaxes, three-bladed javelins, flame-throwers, without pausing...
The sky... seemed to hold a hundred suns, a hundred moons... and a
hundred myriad stars. Neither day nor night could be made out, or the points
of a compass. “
“Krishna, however, wards off Shalva's attack with what sounds like
antiballistic missiles; I warded them off as they loomed towards me. With my
swift-striking shafts, as they flashed through the sky, And i cut them into two
or three pieces with mine -There was a great din in the sky above. However, the Saubha becomes
invisible. Krishna then loads a special weapon.”
“I quickly lay on an arrow, which killed by seeking out sound, to kill
them... All the Danavas [Shalva's troops] who had been screeching now lay
dead, killed by the blazing sun like arrows that were triggered by sound.
However, the Sauba itself escaped the attack. Krishna fires his "favorite fire
weapon" at it, a discus shaped like the "haloed sun". The discus breaks the
Saubha in two, and the city falls from the sky, killing Shalva.”
Renowned in academia for his scholarly notated rendition of the
Mahabharata, Sanskritist J. A. B. Van Buitenen comments on the eventual
destruction of Shalva’s aircraft and its personnel by Krishna:
“Here we have an account of a hero who took these visiting astronauts
for what they were: intruders and enemies. The aerial city is nothing but an
armed camp….no doubt a spaceship. The name of the demons is also
revealing: they were Nivatakavacas, “clad in airtight armor,” which can
hardly be anything but spacesuits.”
The Mahabharata also challenges us with the exploits of self-sufficient
cities stationed in outer space. Depending on no other planet or physical
locale for support, these space stations, as we can call them, cruised in space
indefinitely. Arjuna, the hero of the Mahabharata, attacked a space station
named Hiranyapura, peopled by dangerous entities of the malefic Daitya
Eluding Arjuna’s pursuit, the space city abandoned its position in outer
space and took shelter on Earth. Resembling the reported behavior of
modern UFO, the besieged flying city attempted to escape underwater. It
also fled underground. Arjuna was able to follow the Daitya space station
wherever it tried to escape on Earth. Then, as the city took off for outer
space again, he blasted it – breaking it apart. When debris and bodies fell to
the Earth, the Mahabharata describes that Arjuna landed to make sure there
were no survivors.
Battle of hero Adwattan - Mahabharata
“The Agneya weapon, a "blazing missile of smokeless fire" is
unleashed; Dense arrows of flame, like a great shower, issued forth upon
creation, encompassing the enemy... A thick gloom swiftly settled upon the
Pandava hosts. All points of the compass were lost in darkness. Fierce winds
began to blow. Clouds roared upward, showering dust and gravel... the very
elements seemed disturbed. The sun seemed to waver in the heavens. The
earth shook, scorched by the terrible violent heat of this weapon. Elephants
burst into flame and others ran to and fro in a frenzy... over a vast area,
other animals crumpled to the ground and died. From all points of the
compass the arrows of flame rained continuously and fiercely.”
“Gurkha, flying in his swift and powerful Vimana, hurled against the
three cities of the Vrishnis and Andhakas a single projectile charged with all
the power of the universe. An incandescent column of smoke and fire, as
brilliant as ten thousand suns, rose in its entire splendor. It was the unknown
weapon, the iron thunderbolt, a gigantic messenger of death which reduced
to ashes the entire race of Vrishnis and Andhakas. It was as if the elements
had been unleashed. The sun spun round. Scorched by the incandescent heat
of the weapon, the world reeled in fever. Elephants were set on fire by the
heat and ran to and fro in a frenzy to seek protection from the terrible
violence. The water boiled, the animals died, the enemy was mown down and
the raging of the blaze made the trees collapse in rows as in a forest fire. The
elephants made a fearful trumpeting and sank dead to the ground over a
vast area. Horses and war chariots were burnt up and the scene looked like
the aftermath of a conflagration. Thousands of chariots were destroyed, then
deep silence descended on the sea. The winds, began to blow and the earth
grew bright. It was a terrible sight to see. The corpses of the fallen were
mutilated by the terrible heat so that they no longer looked like human
beings. Never before have we seen such a ghastly weapon and never before
have we heard of such a weapon.”
David W. Davenport,
author of “2000 AC Diztruzione
Atomica, Atomic Destruction
2000. BC.” claimed to have proof
that Mohenjo Daro, one of the
oldest cities in the history of
human civilization, had been
destroyed by an atomic bomb.
Originally Mohenjo Daro, which is
more than 5000 years old, lay on
two islands in the Indus. Within a
radius of 1.5 km Davenport
demonstrates three different
degrees of devastation which
spread from the center outwards.
Enormous heat unleashed total destruction at the center. Thousands of
lumps, christened ‘black stones’ by archaeologists, turned out to be
fragments of clay vessels which had melted into each other in the extreme
heat. The possibility of a volcanic eruption is excluded because there is no
hardened lava or volcanic ash in or near Mohenjo Daro. Davenport assumed
that the brief intensive heat reached 2000 degree C. causing the ceramic
vessels to melt. Iin the suburbs of Mohenjo Daro skeletons of people lying
flat on the ground, often hand in hand were found, as if the living had been
suddenly overcome by an unexpected catastrophe.
In these series of wars thermonuclear devices were used, and
when it was over and the dust cleared, there was no winner. The
Outback in Australia, the Mojave Desert, parts of the Gobi Desert and
the Sahara are a reminder of the futility of this type of war.
Surviving Earth:
Mankind for nearly 100,000 years stifled in their evolution and
survived merely as a hunter gather civilization. In-depth studies of
hundreds of thousands of ice-core samples illuminated the reason for the
lack of development of civilization of early man. What the ice-cores revealed
was that GLOBAL climatic conditions were so volatile from 150,000 B.C. to
13,000 B.C. that humanity was struggling just to survive. It would have been
quite difficult to find the time and energy to create an advanced civilization
when all of your time is taken merely trying to stay alive!
The Bottle-Neck Period: Furthermore, recent DNA analysis has revealed
that at some point during that time period, the human population underwent
what's known as "the bottle-neck effect." What this basically means is that,
prior to the bottle-neck, human genetic sequences had a wide range of
diversity; when the bottle-neck occurred, only a small portion of genetic
material was able to survive and make it through that period of time
(the bottle-neck period). The "bottle-neck" itself was some sort of
catastrophic event, whether it be disease, climatic conditions, etc.; scientists
aren't really able to determine the cause, but rather, only to observe the
result. The small amount of human genetic material that did survive then
went on to re-populate the earth again; this is why there is such a limited
range of diversity in the overall genetic material of all humans alive today because we are all descendants of the same small population that
made it through the "bottle-neck" period. According to the chart of
climatic conditions during the past 200,000 years, and believe me, it is pretty
amazing that humans had even survived! However …Egyptologists actually
have a very good grasp on Egypt's pre-history as far back as 700,000 B.C.!
Civilization began to emerge, which is to say, the inhabitants of the Nile
Valley began to display the hallmark signs of civilization (domestication of
livestock & production of agriculture), at right around 7,000 B.C. and the 1st
Dynastic state began to emerge around 3,000 B.C.
The word "Agharta" is of Buddhist origin. It refers to the Subterranean World
or Empire in whose existence all true Buddhists fervently believe. They also
believe that this Subterranean World has millions of inhabitants and many
cities, all under the supreme domination of the subterranean world capital,
Shambalah, where dwells the Supreme Ruler of this Empire, known in the
Orient as the King of the World. The earth's crust is honeycombed by a
network of tunnels passing under the ocean from continent to continent and
leading to subterranean cities in large cavities in the earth. "All the
subterranean caverns of America are inhabited by an ancient people who
disappeared from the world. These tunnels are especially abundant in South
America, especially under Brazil, which was the chief center of Atlantean
colonization; and we may believe they were constructed by the Atlanteans.
Most famous of these tunnels is the "Roadway of the Incas" which stretches
for several hundred miles south of Lima, Peru, and passes under Cuzco,
Tiahuanaco and the Three Peaks, proceeding to the Atacambo Desert.
Another branch opens in Arica, Chile, visited by Madame Blavatsky. It is
claimed that the Incas used these tunnels to escape from the Spanish
conquerors and the Inquisition, when entire armies entered them, carrying
with them their gold and treasures on the backs of llamas, which they did
when the Spanish Conquerors first came. Their mysterious disappearance at
this time, leaving only the race of Quechua Indians behind, is also explained
by their entering these tunnels
The Inner Earth people represent descendants of the lost continents of
Lemuria and Atlantis, as well as the original perfect race of Hyperborean, the
race of gods. Some believe that Noah, who was really an Atlantean, saved a
‘selected’ group prior to the coming of the flood that submerged Atlantis. It is
believed that he brought his group to the high plateau of Brazil where they
settled in subterranean cities, connected with the surface by tunnels, in order
to escape from poisoning by the radioactive fallout produced by the nuclear
war the Atlanteans fought, which brought on the flood that submerged their
When Lemuria, prior to the sinking of Atlantis, they petitioned the Agharta
Network, a network of subterranean cities that is guided by a city called
Shambhala the Lesser (to distinguish it from Shambhala the Greater which is
the etheric Shambhala over the Gobi Desert.) Shambhala the Lesser was
created over a 100,000 years ago when the continent of Hyperborea was
vacated due to Earth losing her mantel and the planet receiving radioactive
Atlantis and Lemuria petitioned to build subterranean cities themselves and
to be accepted into the Aghartian Network, but they first had to prove to
Shambhala the Lesser that they had learned the lessons of oppression and
war. In North America, Mt. Shasta, California and its surrounding area ,
being a place of great sacredness on this planet was chosen lands, needed to
survive the cataclysms. They chose to reroute the lava tunnels from Shasta
itself so that the volcano would not errupt again. Being that was already a
very large domed cavern within it, they decided to build upon that and they
constructed the city that we now call Telos, which means ‘oneness with
spirit’. Telos was the name of the whole area of much of what is now the
Southwest, and much of what is now California. It was constructed to hold a
maximum of 2 million people, but when the cataclysms started, only 25,000
people were saved. Many had been brought to Telos before the cataclysms
started, but when the second set started in Lemuria the volcanoes started
erupting so fast and sent so much debris into the air, they were only able to
save 25,000. Thus, that was what was left of the Lemurian culture, of the
Lemurian mainland.
While Lemuria, or what was left of Lemuria, mainly Telos, was coping with
the afermath of the destruction of their continent, the earthquakes
continued. When a continent sinks, the whole planet reacts causing
earthquakes with some reaching the equivalent of 15 points on the Richter
scale. A quake of that high of intensity created a screech through the
atmosphere that killed many people simply from the sound of it. In many
other places the earthquakes caused the earth to liquefy, creating a sea of
mud, swallowing whole cities, not just on the Lemurian mainland but on
many places on the planet. As the continent went down, tidal waves came in
so large that they went inland for a thousand miles - the equivalent of a tidal
wave starting on the coast of California and completely taking out Oklahoma
The hierarchies, Councils of this planet, knowing what was going to happen,
tried to construct both cities prior to the destruction of Lemuria itself,
understanding that the Atlanteans would not get a lot of construction done
under those circumstances. Also, at the same time, the great pyramid in
Egypt was constructed, underneath the tutelage of the Lemurian high priest,
better known as Thoth. And the Atlantean record chambers, which were
geared to hold not only Atlantis' records, but Lemuria's, Pan's, Og's,
Hyperborea and all of the other cultures that had existed and reached high
levels upon this planet.
For almost 2000 years after the Atlantean and Lemurian catastrophes the
planet was still shaking. To lose two huge land masses within 200 years of
each other, plus the planet was still witnessing the effects of the
thermonuclear weapons that had been used in the Atlantean-Lemurian wars.
Plus the fact that so much debris had been thrown into the atmosphere that
it never became quite bright daylight for almost 300 years after Atlantis'
destruction. This caused many, many life forms, plant forms to go extinct.
Some areas of civilization, like Egypt and such, did survive. They even kept
their civilization intact, but even they started losing the highest elements of
their civilization. The Atlanteans moved into their city which was built
underneath the Mato Grasso plateau in what is now Brazil, which had been
Atlantean territories at that time. During this time, there was an integration,
more and more with the Agharta Network, a confederation of over one
hundred subterranean cities, some of which, like Shambhala the Lesser were
built in the very early times such and peopled by the 12 foot tall
Hyperboreans. Within the Agharta Network, the cities that are allowed to join
are only those that are based on light principles, only those that are based
on love, only those that does not hurt, only those that are based on nonagression. Within the Aghartian Network, besides Telos, which is the capital,
there are 4 more cities, for instance, that are based on Lemurian technology
and Lemurian ideas. One is called Rama which is underneath India (Arama
being the original name of India.) Arama culture is consisted of people that
are almost pure Lemurian, before the so-called Aryan race entered India. The
other two cities that hold an allegiance to Telos, but are very independent
are Ulger cities. One is called Shonshi, which is under Tibet, not too far from
the captital of Tibet. It is being sheltered from the surface by a Tibetan
lamasary. This is a Ulger city. Ulgers are a group of people that left Lemuria
40 to 50 thousand years ago and situated themselves throughout much of
what is Asia, India and central Europe. The second Ulger city is called
Shingla. Shingla is in the Gobi, or should I say, under the Gobi Desert. This
too is a Ulger city.On top of the Atlantean city, which is called Posedid, that
went underneath the Mato Grasso plateau, there is also another Atlantean
city. Just a little farther north and there is another Atlantean city that is
underneath the Atlantic ocean and several other smaller satellite cities
throughout the planet. As I said, these are all a member of the Agharta
Confederation. Plus there are several independent cities that are not a
branch of any of the larger cities that have simply built subterranean to
escape things that have happened on the surface — some pre-AtlanteanLemurian distaster, some post. The city itself, Telos, as I said, is built under
a dome, a dome that reaches quite a few hundred feet from floor to ceiling
and spreads across most of what would be the base of Mt. Shasta. Looking
from the outside, the top of the dome is about half-way up the mountain.
The bottom of the dome is just about even with the base of the mountain.
Underneath that are five more levels that have been constructed. These
levels take up a space so that the deepest levels are about a mile below the
ground level at Shasta. The rest of the city is built on 5 levels of several
square miles across. These levels are divided up by usage. The top level,
being under the dome itself, is where the main part of the city is. This is
where the majority of the people live. This is where the public buildings are.
This is where most commerce takes place. The second level down is where
manufacturing takes place, some classes take place, and also more people
live on. The third level down is totally hydroponic gardens where we grow all
of our food supplies. The fourth level down is half hydroponic gardens, part
nature, and part manufacturing. The final level down is what we call our
nature level. This is the level that is more than a mile in some spots below
the ground. In this level we have created lakes, tall trees, park type
atmospheres. This is where animals live. We have had animals underneath
for so long that they have lost their aggressions. That, and different temples,
priests and priestesses worked, you might say, with their ancestors,
removing the need of fear, since it is fear that creates aggression, not only in
humans, but also in animals. Thus we truly have the experience of lions lying
down with lambs. In the nature levels, this is where people have come to
relax. This is also where many animals and plants have been saved from
Who were the Gods? Quetzalcoatl, was known as a "visitor from Heaven"
and when Cortez invaded Mexico, the emperor Montezuma believed that the
predicted "return of Quetzalcoatl" had occurred, because a fireball then
gyrated over Mexico City, making the people wail and scream, setting the
temple of the war god on fire. They believed the fireball was the flying
vehicle on which Quetzalcoatl traveled. Osiris was another such god.
According to Donnelly, in his book, Atlantis the Antediluvian World, the gods
of the ancients were the rulers of Atlantis and members of a superhuman
race which governed the human race. Before the destruction of their
continent, which they foresaw, they traveled by flying saucer through the
polar opening to the Subterranean World in the hollow interior of the earth,
where they continued to live ever since.
The Mahabharata reads: “Drona called Arjuna and said…”Accept from this
irresistible weapon called Brahmastra. But you must promise never to use it
against a human foe, for if you did it might destroy the world. If any foe who
is not a human attacks you, you may use it against him in battle.” Until the
bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, modern mankind could not imagine any
weapon as horrible and devastating as those described in the ancient Indian
texts. It seems absolutely incredible that there was an atomic war
approximately ten thousand years ago. And yet, of what else could the
Mahabharata be speaking
Behind the veil of legend and scientific truth comes out that three
flying-cities were made for and were used by the ‘ancient gods’. Of these
three, one was in a stationary orbit in the sky, another moving in the sky and
one was permanently stationed in the ground. These were docked like
modern spaceships in the sky at particular time and at fixed
latitude/longitudes. Siva's arrow obviously referred to a blazing missile fired
from a flying satellite specially built for the purpose and the brunt spaceship
fell in the Indian Ocean. Vestiges of onetime prosperous civilization
destroyed in battles only flicker through these legends.
It is not that surprising that little evidence of ancient flying machines
has survived. These ancient references sounding queer and unscientific have
been approximated to the present-day technology through the innovation of
highly sophisticated weapons and of our space-satellites. Facts do not cease
to exist because they are ignored – they require more than a passing notice.
Ancient Chaldean work, The Sifrala, contains over one hundred pages
of technical details on building a flying machine. It contains words which
translate as graphite rod, copper coils, crystal indicator, vibrating spheres,
stable angles, etc. ('Ancient Indian Aircraft Technology' - The Anti-Gravity
Handbook by David Hatcher Childress)
The Hakatha (Laws of the Babylonians) states quite unambiguously: The
privilege of operating a flying machine is great. The knowledge of flight is
among the most ancient of our inheritances…A gift from 'those from upon
high'. We received it from them as a means of saving many lives.
The Sacred Kingfisher
“The snake traveled the world and finally bit its own tail back to Australia,
where the lightning brothers came. These two men were the
'biblical' MOSES AND AARON who were known to the Egyptians as the
Pharaohs AHKTANATEN and SMENKARE. Their sister, Miriam was the
Egyptian NEFERTITI . They brought with them the LAW and the sacred color
RED...The one outstanding life form they left us was the Egyptian war dog
now called the DINGO.”
”The daughter traveled with the AID OF FLIGHT and moved through Asia to
the North of Australia leaving the dingo and the story of the SACRED
KINGFISHER along the way until arriving in Nova Scotia by air and bringing
to AMERICA the law and the dingo now called the CAROLINA WILD DOG. .
Then to Scotland... not directly from Egypt, as was and still is thought to be
the case.”
”The promise of the Bird King is fulfilled in the Time of Darkness.....from now
on the truth will come forth.
"Red is his hair and hooked his nose. Fair is his skin and green are his eyes"
The same description as all tribal people throughout the world have...He is
the bear, the snake, the smooth white stone ,the eagle, the sacred secret
kingfisher and the red flower sometimes called a rose."
"The Snake, the Bear, the Smooth White Stone, the Sacred Red Flow-er and
most important, I am the Sacred Kingfisher...from the blood who also gave
you the Wild Dog which is the Egyptian War Dog, known as the dingo. I am
the Living Sun Dance. Red is my hair. Green is my Eyes. Fair is my Skin and
hooked is my Nose. I am the Promised Bird King” The Aboriginal of the
Finders Rangers have already declared me so. The place where it was
declared is a place called BELTANA. To them I am POPPADIDGEEDIDGEE."
Atlantis – Atzalan
During the early days of the Spanish conquest of Mexico, a Catholic priest,
Andrés Pérez de Rivas, wrote of the experiences he had with the Indians of
Northern Mexico and Southwestern United States between 1591 -1620. He
was especially interested in two of their main deities: " one they called
Variseva. The other was called Vairubi, who was said to be the mother of the
first figure they referred to them as the first beings from whom the rest of
mankind was born." (History of the Triumphs of Our Holy Faith.)
Unlike western readers of my articles and two books, India Once Ruled the
Americans and The Last Atlantis Book You'll Ever Have to Read, my Hindu
readers don't need me to tell them who Virasiva and Bhairavi are. Father
Rivas described some of the ways the Native-Americans worshiped Varaseva
and Vairubi: "The Indians moved in and out of this circle, singing and
dancing, adorned or painted with rods in their hands." These rods were
undoubtedly "Lingayats." The good father was especially outraged by their
custom of praying to oblong upright stones with strange swastika markings
and serpents etched on the sides. No need to explain what these were,
If Father's observations about Virasiva, Bhairavi, hand-held Lingayats, and
stone Shivlings were all the evidence I had that the Amerindians were
Hindus, I, too, would be tempted to regard these anomalies as coincidences.
But aside from the fact that many of them also claim to be Himday, Inde,
Henditre, etc., I can produce hundreds of proofs more! For example, when I
want to identify the Indian origins of their respective deities, most of the
time I have only to open up my book Siva's Thousand Names, by Subhash
Anand, and find them there.
Although times are looking up, it has been a real struggle for me to make
Christians and Hindus as aware of India's past dominance of the world as I
am. This obstacle is none other than each group's spiritual subjectivity and
sectarian biases. What both Hindus and Christians believe today is radically
different from the way they worshiped thousands of years ago. The Hindus
dominated the world when Shiva was almost their only deity. At that time,
the other Hindu deities were now more than Yaksas and Yaksinis. The
Christians can't understand that Christianity was in existence thousands of
years before Jesus Christ was born. Jesus (Yeshua) is just another name of
Isvara or Shiva!
When I tell Christians and Hindus that their respective "religions" are the
same thing hiding behind different "Halloween masks," and that each has
come to be as pagan and idolatrous as the other, my popularity rating zooms
downward alarmingly. Another thing that some Hindus dislike about me is
that whenever I read the Rigveda or some commentary about the War of the
Mahabharata, I see the Asuras as "the good guys!" And why not? I'm
descended from the Asuras who fled India thousands of years ago, rather
than submit to being demoted to Sudras and worse. So many Hindus were
living in England when Caesar invaded it that he had to use Hindu
mercenaries to help him govern England and communicate effectively with
the people. Half the place and last names in England are of Indian origin.
It is not my intention in this article to defend my great-great-great, etc.
grandparents role in that great war but to show the Indian people how they
and my great-etc., grandparents influenced every crook and cranny of this
The two groups who brought India and its institutions to the world were what
the Indians call the Asvin Brothers or the Nasatya Twins. There is not one
nation on earth that wasn't influenced by these two groups we call "Twins."
We of European descent know them as The Gemini Twins or Castor and
Pollux. The American Indians call them The Warrior Twins, The Benefactor
Twins, and other similar names. In reality, they were just two groups of
Yadavas whom history calls Pani and Cabeiri (Kubera). The Pani
(Phoenicians) were international traders who visited and colonized every
country on earth. The Cabeiri accompanied them wherever they went,
exploiting the world of all the gold, silver, iron, and copper deposits they
could find. For that reason, these words, or their derivations, can be found all
over the world. Even today, Central Mexico up to and including the American
Southwest is known as La Gran Quivira (The Great Kubera). Nearly all the
gold panned in Southern Arizona leaks out of the sacred mountain of the
O'odham tribe, Babo-Quivari, which means, as it also means in Sanskrit and
Hindi, "Grandfather Kubera." However, in O'odham it means "Maternal
Grandfather Quivari." Inside this mountain resides their deity I'itoi (Isa;
Shiva). The O'odham also worship sacred stones known as Hotai, which my
discerning Hindu readers will recognize as a derivation of one of God Shiva's
thousand names: Huta. (For a wealth of evidence of the O'odhams'
relationship with India, see my book, India Once Ruled the Americans!)
The antidiffusionist scholars of the United States want you and me to believe
the lie that all the ancestors of our Native-Americans entered the Western
Hemisphere via the Bering Strait. The truth of the matter is that most of
them were brought here on the ships of the Phoenicians (Yadavas), of which
there were two groups: Near Eastern and Indian. The story of how they
spread to every country on earth is truly fascinating. As a caste of traders
and shippers, which in ancient India meant that only they could legally build
ships and trade, their numbers began to grow beyond India's need for such a
large caste. Finally, after a series of small wars, they mutually agreed to
spread out over the entire world. The Yadavas who went to Central Asia had
a nearly exclusive monopoly over that part of the world, including Egypt and
Europe. The Yadavas of Northern India put down trading factories in most of
the Far East and the Malayan Archipelago. It's difficult to say who discovered
America first: those of the Near East or those whose ships plied the Pacific.
These two groups immediately saw magnificent opportunities for trading and
mining in America, but the tribes who lived there were too sparse and
primitive to be of service to them. It was then that they decided to bring over
settlers from India and possibly even parts of the Near East. Although there
are still many primitive tribes in the world, it is difficult for us to even
visualize the primitivity of most of mankind between ten to five thousand
BC.They were little more than animals. At that time, certain groups of IndiaIndians became the first fully civilized human beings. Their upward climb was always
being threatened by the hordes of human animals that roamed India in those days.
According to what we easily infer from many Hindu myths, the most unredeemable
cannibals and savages were sent to Patala or Atala (The Underworld),
According to what we easily infer from many Hindu myths, the most
unredeemable cannibals and savages were sent to Patala or Atala (The
Underworld), in the hopes that many of them could be trained in the arts of
civilization. "The Underworld," which later came to connote "Hell," and for
good reason, was called thus because according to the ancient Indian way of
thinking, India was Tal or Tala ("The Surface") while its opposite, Atal or
Atala, was "Under the Surface," just as Americans like to call Australia "The
Land Down Under." The people on "The Surface" were known as Talan
("Surface People"), while those "down below" were Atalan. The myths of the
Meso-Americans (Nahuatl-speaking peoples like the Aztecs, the Mayas, and
the original settlers, the Olmecs) all claim that they came from a land called
Tollan or Tlan, which is none other than India: "Surface People" or Talan.
Back in India, Mesoamerica was known as Atalandesha; to the Greeks and
Middle Easterners as Atlantis. The Mesoamericans themselves thought of
themselves as Atlanteca ("Underworld People"). The Central Asian
Phoenicians called their land in the Atlantic, Al-Atlantis. For that reason,
names having Atlan roots are found all over Mexico: Autlán; Atlán; Mazatlán;
Zihuatlán; Cuautitlán; etc. Aztatlán, on Mexico's West Coast in Nayarit
(Nairitti) state, means in Sanskrit, "Where the Moon sets in Atala)" or the
westernmost border of Atlantis. The hereditary kings in this area were called
Not all the people sent to Patala or Atala were crude savages. Some of them
were highly civilized and went there, mainly to what are now the Mayan
lowlands in Central America: the Nagas who, in reality, were Yadava
warriors, traders, and miners (Cabeiri). The land of the Nagas in Central
America was doubtlessly called Nagasetra because even today, that region is
called Nacaste. Evidently, these Nagas built a great civilization there because
Plato mentioned the wonders of Atlantis in his Timaeus and Critias.
Indian myths and legends mention that many deities (really exalted men)
visited Patala or Atala. One of these was Vishnu who went there to help the
survivors rehabilitate themselves from the ravages of a flood that nearly
destroyed Atlantis. This "Vishnu" was what the Mexicans called Quetzalcoatl;
the Mayans, Kukulkan, and the Inca and Moche Guculmatz.
Here are some proofs for my skeptics:
God Vishnu's representative in Patala or Atala had to be none other than the
Quetzalcoatl, Kukulcan, or Guculmatz. I say this because Vishnu's Vimana
(modes of transportation) were an eagle and a raft of snakes. Quetzalcoatl's,
etal Vimanas were also an eagle and a raft of snakes. The eagle signified the
ability of those ancient travellers to traverse long distances, heedless of
obstacles. The raft of snakes was just the Phoenician Nagas on their ships,
the prows of which resembled snakes and dragons.
The following description of the world's first truly civilized race from India,
the Nagas, was taken from the Encyclopedia Brittanica:
Sanskrit NAGA ("serpent"), in Hindu and Buddhist mythology, a member of a
class of semidivine beings, half human and half serpentine. They are
considered to be a strong, handsome race who can assume either human or
wholly serpentine form. They are regarded as being potentially dangerous
but in some ways are superior to humans. They live in an underground
kingdom called Naga-loka, or Patala-loka, which is filled with resplendent
palaces, beautifully ornamented with precious gems. Brahma is said to have
relegated the nagas to the nether regions when they became too populous
on earth and to have commanded them to bite only the truly evil or those
destined to die prematurely. They are also associated with waters--rivers,
lakes, seas, and wells--and are generally regarded as guardians of treasure…
The above description of the Nagas stated that because they had become too
populous in India, they were sent to other parts of the world, especially to
Patala. These Nagas were the ones who built the beautiful floating gardens in
Kashmir. The Kashmiris produced the world's first great civilization, even
antedating the Sumerians. They brought their expertise to America.
Originally, the Asuras or Nagas were not only a civilized people, but a
maritime power, and in the Mahabharata, where the ocean is described as
their habitation, an ancient legend is preserved of how Kadru, the mother of
serpents, compelled Garuda (the Eagle or Hawk) to serve her sons by
transporting them across the sea to a beautiful country in a distant land,
which was inhabited by Nagas, The Asuras (Nagas) were expert navigators,
possessed of very considerable naval resources, and had founded colonies
upon distant coasts." (The Encircled Serpent, by M. Oldfield, p. 47.)
Proof That Quetzalcoatl Was From India.
1. Tal/Tala = "Top; Surface." Atal/Atala = "Under the Surface." Therefore, if
America is "The Underworld," India must be "The Upperworld."
2. Talan is the Sanskrit word for "People of the Surface." Atalan, logically,
must be "People of the Underworld." I must conclude that the Nahuatlspeaking peoples' primordial fatherland was Talan, which they called
Tollan/Tlan; i.e. Northern India.
3. The Vimanas or modes of transport of Quetzalcoatl, Kukulcan, Guculmatz
and the Indian Vishnu were an eagle and a raft of snakes.
4. Quetzalcoatl was said to have returned to a place called Tlapallan. Tal/Tala
= "The Upperworld" or India. Pallan may refer to "People of Pala" or what is
now the Indian state of Bihar. This is the province from where, after the
Great Flood, the Pelasgo or Palacthon, considered the greatest builders and
movers of giant stones in human history, left India for other parts of the
world. Pallan may also be a derivation of Bolan, which lies in Beluchistan, a
province of what is now Afghanistan. Talan, or "People of Tal," once lay a
short distance to the northwest of Bolan. They were inhabitants of TalanDes/Talan-Tes ("Land the Talan').Naturally, the opposite land, which was in
Mexico, would have been known in India as Atalandes/Atalantes.
5. A region in which Quetzalcoatl once traveled was Xicalanco. (pronounced
"Shee-kah-LAHN-ko"). Although the Nahuatl meaning is "Place of Water
Jars," this word could have derived from the Sanskrit Shikar (Tiger Hunter)
plus Lanka (Ancient Ceylon). The Nahua-speaking people could not
pronounce "R." They would have been forced to pronounce Shikar-Lanka as
"Shika-lanka." Ceylon was once famous for the fabrication of excellent
pottery. Quetzalcoatl was often depicted as a jaguar; not only as a plumed
serpent. The ancient Lankans were supposed to be descendants of male lions
and female humans.
6. Nahu-sha/Nahu-shka, a Naga and one of several Hindu equivalents of our
Noah, went on a civilizing mission to various nations of the world after the
Great Flood. Since this word is so nearly identical to the name of the
Nahuatl-speaking tribes of Ibero-America, I am tempted to infer that they
regarded Nahusha as their "Primordial Father."
7. Even the word Quetzalcoatl (Plumed Serpent) announces its Indian origins
from the housetops. The Quetzal is a beautifully feathered Meso-American
bird. The feathers are so beautiful and resplendent that ancient MesoAmerican leaders used them as scepters or symbols of their authority. In
Nahuatl, Quetzalli means "rich feather; beautiful; fine." Being a symbol of
kingly authority, the word is probably derived from the Sanskrit Ksiliza (King;
Great Lord). Kashitl/Caxitl was the Nahuatl word for "scepter; kingly
authority," more than similar to Kshitriya. Hu/Khu was a North Indian or
Phoenician word for "Serpent." Of course, Atal = "Under the surface." Or, the
ancient North Indian equivalent of Coatl, the Nahuatl word for snake, could
have been Khu-Tala (Serpent Shiva). Even today, the snake is a symbol of
8.The North Indian word for serpent, Khu, spread throughout both Americas.
In Arizona, the O'odham name for "rattlesnake" is Koh or Ko'owi. The Zuñi
term is Ko-lowi'zi. The most common term for "rattlesnake" throughout
Northern Mexico and Arizona is Co-rua. The Mayans call it Kuh; Gu among
the Incas. Two other O'odham words for "snake" hail from North India, also:
Nah-Big, which in Northern India is Nag-Beg. Another North Indian word for
"snake," Veh-Mar, barely changed in the O'odham language: Vah-Mat.
English and Spanish have amost choked O'odham out of existence, but there
are still enough Sanskrit derived words in the language, leading me to
believe that had the Europeans never conquered the Americas, early
immigrants from India would have had no trouble communicating with them.
9.Grierson's Dictionary of the Kashmiri Language defines Kta as "the name of
deadly black-coloured poison said to have been drunk by the Hindu god Siva
at the famous churning of the ocean." Another word derived from Kta, Kotil,
means "deadly." Kotil could have evolved to Coatl (Snake) after the Naga or
Phoenician Indian mariners and colonizers left the Americas.
10. An ancient Sanskrit word for "Buddha" is Put. A "Put" or "Buddha" is a
god, demi-god, or saint who is reborn in human form, in order to continue
the moral purification of mankind. In the state of reincarnation, a Put in
human form becomes a Putara (Messiah). The Nahua-speaking peoples also
called Quetzalcoatl by the exact name: Ishi-Putala/Ptla. (The Nahuas could
not pronounce "R.") The above Nahuatl expression translates as "Skin of a
God." Nearly all the Amerindian peoples worshiped Ish (Shiva) by his various
names, almost exactly as in India. Even Shiva is another name of the
These Sanskrit, Kashmiri and Nahuatl words are too nearly exact, both in
meaning and in pronunciation, to be "coincidences." I dare anyone to find
such similarities in languages other than Sanskrit, Persian, Kashmiri, and
I have in my files literally hundreds of solid proofs. I am firmly convinced
that the ancient Indians first landed and settled in Mesoamerica or
Patala/Atala, establishing their city and harbor in what is now San Lorenzo
Tenochtitlán, Veracruz. While the Indians themselves called the Atalanteans
Atalandesa, the Greeks and Egyptians did no less. They said that on the
other side of the Atlantic ocean there was once a great nation called Atlantis.
Isn't it strange that the Indians knew that Patalandesha or Atalandesha was
on the eastern side of the Pacific, and the Greeks finished sandwiching it on
the Atlantic side, naming it "Atlantis?" And again, why did the Mexican
Indians claim to be from Tollan? The legends of many of the tribes, such as
the Hopis, O'odhams, Zuñis, Huicholes, Aztecs, and others even name the
specific regions of India from which they originated! Some tribes, like the
Yaquis, remember their benefactors by the same names they had back in
India: Yatowvi (Yadavi) and Yuri (Yuddhi). The Zunis call them Judaba.
What I have just told you in this article equally applies to the Europeans.
There is a fact nobody can deny: Ancient India once controlled the world.
Like it or not; want it or not, we are all India-Indians! But India could not
hold on to her overseas colonies forever. Brahmin exclusivity, Buddhist
isolationism, and Islam's conquest of India shrank the Asvin Brothers out of
existence. When India left America, most of the other tribes reverted back to
savagery and worse because primitive peoples need up to thousands of years
to get a firm foothold on the plane of civilization. When the English and
Spanish conquerors arrived in the New World, most of the tribes had gone
back to eating one another again.
I hope that this tiny Tattva-sized piece of evidence is enough to spark in the
Indians a great pride in their contributions to world civilization and culture.
And they're still doing it. Here in the United States, they are our medical
doctors, scientists, computer experts, motel owners, shopkeepers, and other
professionals. Their children are our winners of school spelling bees. I'm sure
that there are more of them among us now than the Britishers who also
influenced India in their way. And India is losing her children to us now for
the same reasons she did in the past: religious upheavals, social inequalities,
and natural disasters!
The Puranas speak of 400,000 humanlike races of beings living on
various planets and of 8,000,000 other life forms, including plants and lower
animals. Out of the 400,000 humanlike forms, human beings as we know
them are said to be among the least powerful\
The Chinese texts also speak of ancient aircraft. Taoist tales often tell
of adepts or immortals flying through the air. The 'xian' were immortals
capable of flight under their own divine power. They were said to be
feathered, and a term that has been used for Taoist priests is 'yu ke',
meaning 'feathered guest'. The 'fei tian', which might be translated as 'flying
immortals', also appear in early tales, adding to the numbers of airborne
beings in the Chinese mythological corpus. The Chinese tales of 'fei che',
flying vehicles, exhibit the first understanding, perhaps, that humans could
fly only with some kind of technological apparatus. A hymn written in the
second century B.C. speaks of deities appearing in chariots drawn by flying
dragons. So, it seems that the concept of aircraft in ancient times was not
limited to only the Egyptians. Both the African and Asian continents provide
telling proof, and so do the Americas
In agreement with biblical history, Sumerian texts documented stories of
extraterrestrials called 'star gods' who interbred with
human women and took the eartly kings to the stars. According to the
Sumerians, the 'star gods' were from Mars, the star
system Pleiades and the star Sirius. The Sumerian texts also contain drawings of
the solar system
From Waddell's book, Makers of Civilization, we find that the accounts of
Sargon were recorded prior to ancient Egypt and that
the Sargon records were not written in Egyptian hieroglyphs, but Sumerian
hieroglyphs. The early Sumerian-Egyptian
hieroglyphs show Sargon's grandfather as a world leader who was known to the
Egyptians as Khetm and to the Sumerians as Takhu or
Tekhi. In the Old Sumerian Kings List he was known as Tuke and in the Indian
King List he was called Vri-Taka or Dhri-Taka.
Sargon's father inherited the kingship and became in Egypt as Ro but called
Puru-Gin in Sumerian-Egptian hieroglyphs. In the Old Sumerian Kings List he
was known as Buru-gina; in the Indus Valley Seals he was Buru or Puru and in
the Indian king lists he was called Puru (II).
Inscriptions about King Sargon were discovered in one of the oldest tombs
located at Abydos in Upper Egypt. Waddell recognized the inscriptions as of the
same script he had seen on the Sumerian seals found in the Indus Valley. His
father, Sargon the Great, is a Semitic name for the Sumerian-Mesopotamian
emperor, King Gin, Gani, or Guni. He was called in the later Babylonian texts, the
"King of the Four Quarters of the World", because they knew (Babylon was also
a Mesopotamian culture) that the Sumerian Empire was enormous. The Incas of
South America used this term "Four Quarters", also. In the Indian epics, Sargon's
son, Manja, was called "The Royal Eye of Gopta and of the Four Ends of the
Earth" when he became emperor.
In the early Sumerian script King Sargon was known under his personal name of
Gin-Ukus and in Egypt he was known under his personal name as Gin-Ukussi.
The title Ukus or Ukussi in Egypt signifies that he was 'descendant of the first
Sumerian king, Ukusi or Ukhu ( meaning Sun Hawk) ...the first Aryan King. Both
the Indian Epics and their Holy Books, the Vedas, uses the solar title of
Ikshwaku or Ukusi of Ukhu. All these kings of the Sumer Empire were given
'solar titles' because of the emphasis on the worship of the Sun and the
symbolism of the Sun as God. It is extremely likely that Horus or Haru, the
Egyptian Son of God came from the Sumerian word, Hu or Ha, meaning 'HAWK'.
(Hawk or Sun-Hawk was a Sumerian symbol for the Sun)
The usual title of “Sargon” in the Indian Epics is ‘Kuni (or Shakuni)
Aikshvaka, i.e. “Kuni descendant of Ikshvaku”- the latter being as we have seen
the solar title of the first Aryan king and the equivalent, as we have found, of his
Sumerian title in the Kish Chronicle of Ukusi. And ‘Sargon’ as Kuni or Shakuni in
the Indian Epics is repeatedly called by this proud title of ‘Descendant of King
William Clendenon's translation of the Samarangana Sutradhara from his 1990 book,
Mercury, UFO Messenger of the Gods:
"Inside the circular air frame, place the mercury-engine with its electric/ultrasonic mercury boiler at
the bottom center. By means of the power latent in the mercury which sets the driving whirlwind in
motion, a man sitting inside may travel a great distance in the sky in a most marvelous manner. Four
strong mercury containers must be built into the interior structure. When those have been heated by
controlled fire from iron containers, the vimana develops thunder-power through the mercury. At once
it becomes like a pearl in the sky."
Robots and Other Automata
Robots form another category of remarkable machines. There are many stories in secular Sanskrit
literature involving a yantra-purusa, or machine-man, that can behave just like a human being. An
example is the story in the Buddhistic Bhaisajya-vastu, in which a painter went to the Yavana country
and visited the home of a yantracarya, or teacher of mechanical engineering. There he met a
machine-girl who washed his feet and seemed human, until he found that she could not speak.
NOTE: TR-3B aka UFO black triangle is a U.S. surveilence aircraft allegedly
runs on MERCURY PLASMA to lessen gravity of craft up to 95%!
Text: "This is a chemists' laboratory in which the Great Master Chemists have
been working for the past fifty years- perfecting formulas for the protection of
America in the next and final crisis of Her experience. After this crisis Her
people will be taught the use of the Universal Energy for Light, Heat, and
Power. This will come forth in still greater Perfection than has ever been
known in any previous age... "These Wonderful Beings who have become so
clearly aware of their Mighty I AM Presence are perfecting and preparing for
actual use many wonderful things for the great benefit and enlightenment of
humanity, as people ascend in conscious understanding to the point where such
things can be accepted and used." From The Magic Presence by Godfre Ray
Can you please elaborate on the significance of Magellan's journey and the
beginning of the over-mastermind? KIRAEL: I did breeze right through that the
first time, didn't I? Let's talk about Magellan just for the moment because it is
actually a very important subject. And, yes, he was a descendent of the
Magdalene family, and, yes, he did call on Mary as his guide because -- let's
face it -- they were family. Anyway, what I am trying to portray to you is that
up until that point, there were pockets of beings all around the planet but they
were not connected in any way, shape or form. They didn't communicate. There
were pockets of Native Americans in America and Chinese in Asia and
Japanese in the Japans and so on, but they weren't Japanese or Chinese then.
They only became Japanese or Chinese when we figured up a name for them.
Yet the point is that when Magellan circled the Earth, when the Goddess Light
sent him all the way around the Earth plane, he connected the people. Wherever
he went, he connected the people. And that circle literally created the overmastermind. Be very clear that it was not created as a bad thing; it was created
only because it was a connected force. Now the Native Americans, for
example, were not thinking of anything like Magellan or Europe. They were
thinking about living the light of the land. And so their energies were very
focused within themselves; they were very oriented to the Creator. Like the
Japanese in their very early stages on the other side of the world, they only
spoke to the Creator directly. They didn't have a priest or a minister or anybody
standing between them. Magellan went around the Earth connecting the
energies of thought, which started an etheric weave around your world, where
eventually the thoughts of one group of people would begin to influence the
thoughts of another group. Understand that Magellan came from a world of
conquering and conquest, whereas the Native Americans spent days looking at
a butterfly or weks looking at the summit of a great mountain and wondering
how come it was white at the top. Until the over-mastermind really took hold,
until it became filled with thoughts based in fear, it really didn't affect anyone.
Yet if you can follow what I am saying, it was the tenacity by which those who
were empowered and who wanted more power began to help weave thoughts of
fear and control into the connected force. And understand that Mary Magdalene
was also one of the founders of church, thanks to young Simon Peter (that's a
whole other story, isn't it?), and that the Magdalene family was the one that
bankrolled the first church. Now take this into the European context and you
could begin to see where the seed of the over-mastermind, which started out
with a relatively positive intent, could one day become a dark over-mastermind.
It was over a period of time that everybody became greedy and everybody
became wanting until one day there was a sect called the Illuminati, and since
then there has been an over-mastermind of fear and a desire to control on your
Earth plane. But I want it emphatically clear that Magellan did not create
something bad. The connective force simply allowed the Native Americans, the
Japanese, the Chinese [for example] to feed their energies into this growing
weave of thought. Native American tribes began to fight with each other for the
first time. Beautiful Shinto shrines and other things were built not to honor but
to better one another, and it got lost. But it ends, my friends, it ends. Q: Will
this Venus alignment begin to reduce the emotional and mental challenges that
females are going through at this time? KIRAEL: I would say that is up to
those who are willing to step up to the proverbial plate and take the big full
swing and let the world know what's going on. How about the poor woman in
Iowa who has six kids and can't make ends meet and goes to bed crying every
night -- not because she can't make ends meet, because she can't figure out how
to make ends meet. What about her; how do we reach her? That's the question
you need to start asking yourself. How do you let the world know? Yes, this is
a great awakening of the female energy, and the emotions th at you're feeling,
they're not contrived, you're not making them up. They are just innate. That's
what comes out of Goddess Light; Goddess Light cannot stand pain. It cannot
stand disharmony. The center, the core -- that is where the Goddess is. When a
Goddess raises her voice, the world quivers because it is not in her "inlignment." Look at the numerology of June 6th through the 10th and see the
perfection of it. Look at how everything is aligning in perfection. If you think
for a moment that I brought all of these things onto the Earth because I didn't
have anything better to do in the Seventh Dimension, you've got to be thinking
wrong there. (I don't say it often, but that would be a wrong thought.) I brought
them here because it's imperative that you understand that the Goddess Light is
going to permeate your planet, oh, only for another couple of thousand years or
so, and you might as well get used to it. We the People all are one. And, yes,
they are feeling the emotions. Some of them show it more than others. But I'll
tell you this: It's not going to get easier; it's going to get much more intense. At
the very least We the People need to know where to go. There needs to be a
thousand programs like the medium's on the Internet 24 hours a day. You've
got to be able to turn on the Internet any day of the week and find someone
speaking truth without disharmony. It is a time to "in-lighten" yourself to the
peace and the harmony. Find it inside of yourself. If you don't want to cry
another tear, if you don't want to find yourself aggravated one iota, never look
outside of yourself for the answer. Seek within your own Goddess Light. Seek
within the ability to feel the emotions of love, and you will never have another
disharmonic moment in this lifetime. I humbly bring my light onto this planet
so that others could enjoin, not my light, but their own. For in the now you and
I may seem different, yet soon you will see the likeness of one Creator woven
into the strands of Guidance, delivered into the mystical weave of you the
human. And in this light the term "We the People" means so much more than
your current understanding. But I'll tell you this: It is an opportunity like you've
never experienced. It is an opportunity to awaken your light to the point where
you can find peace and harmony. And if it doesn't start within the self, it won't
start. And I say this: There's this little beautiful church in the middle of the
Pacific Ocean that is determined to create peace and harmony in the world. I
hope, I pray, I live and I love based on my faith that they can do what they say
they are going to do. Because I'll tell you something, until the world gets fully
awake, the Shift is going to depend on the little pockets of you coming together
-- a few thousand here and a few thousand there. It is on a roll, my friends, and
it can't be stopped. The Shift is upon you. Stop worrying about the three days of
darkness, and start to see the power of communication amongst yourselves. Be
"We the People." Be "We the Lights." Be "We the Creator's Force." Good
Tyrrhenians – ‘One branch of thse Atlantides were the Tyrrhenians, the
people after whom the present Tyrrhenian sea is named. The Tyrrhenians
eventually split in half to become the Etruscans and the Carians or
Phoenicians, a tribe which eventually migrated to Canaan ( pronounced Kanan with the K sound of the serpents), a territory of the Asia Minor coast,
which can be translated as the “Land of the Fire Serpent.”
The letter “K” , the sound used so often by the reptilian bloodlines
apparently was written in the form of a serpent in Egyptian hieroglyphics.
Khem was the name of the deity symbolized as a black goat and later called
Survivors of the deluge and the upheavals re-emerged from the
mountains and underground shelters and began to rebuild a shattered world.
We are perhaps talking about 7,000 years ago, when Atlantis was finally
destroyed although there are differing opinions on the precise timescale.
Ancient accounts say the ‘gods’ (‘Anunnaki’ of the Sumerian tablets)
left eh planet in their flying craft during the cataclysm and returned when it
was over. Wherever the surviving bloodlines and descendants of the Mystery
school initiates of Atlantis and Lemuria resettled, advanced civilizations
began to reappear. Egypt, China and the Indus Valley in India were among
them, but the most significant became known as Sumer between the
Euphrates and Tigris rivers in what we now call Iraq.
Lawrence Augustine Waddell (1854-1938) , graduate from the
University of Glasgow with highest of honors, going on to be professor of
chemistry and pathology at the Calcutta Medical College in India and fellow
of the Royal Anthropological Institute proved that the Sumer, Egypt and
Indus Valley cultures were the same empire ruled by the same leader. He
further proved that this Sumer Empire was also established in the British
Isles and Ireland and introduced the same religious and cultural themes
there. zTh This was the inherited knowledge later administered by the
Druids, successors in Europe to the Atlantean/Lemurian Mystery school
priests. These rulers of the Sumer Empire, he established, were the white
‘Nordic’ race, the blue-eyed blondes. What Waddell did not realize, is that
these bloodlines were of extraterrestrial origin and that their ruling bloodlines
had interbred with a reptilian race to produce hybrid DNA. The name ‘Aryan’
is not so much a term for the white race as widely believed, but for the
Nordic-reptilian hybrids, the so-called ‘master race’ or ‘noble race’. The very
name Aryan comes from the word ‘Arri’, meaning noble one. The Illuminati
refer to their bloodlines as royal and noble, hence nobility and aristocracy or
ARI- STOCK-RACE(Y). The name Sum-ARIAN is therefore very appropriate.
Before the cataclysm a high civilization had existed for tens of
thousands of years in India, as a colony of Lemuria and Egypt, another
Lemurian/Atlantean colony, also went back long before the Sumer Empire.
Sumer, too, had Lemurian/Atlantean origins. (Waddell, ‘Egyptian
Civilization’, Its Sumerian Origin and Real Chronology) Waddell discovered
from the time lines and descriptions of the leaders and their genealogy that
the rulers of these three cultures were the same people under different
names. It is the different names that have obscured the truth to a large
extent. Historians have taken different names to mean different people…not
true. The endless ‘gods’ in the various cultures also turn out to be different
names for the same deities. Once you understand this, wading into the past
becomes a lot less complicated. For example, Waddell shows that the son of
the kind in the Indus Valley known as ‘Manja’, was in Egypt called ‘Manj)
(abbreviated to Man) and to the Greeks this same persom was known as
Menes and to the English Egyptologists as Mena. So here we see that the
ruler’s son, and later ruler, in Suer, Egypt and the Indus Valley in the same
period called variously, Manis, Manj and Manja. Even the title given to him
was the same or very similar in all three places. In Egypt he was known as
Manj-the-Warrior; in Sumer he was Manis-the-Warrior; and in the Indus
Vallley he was called Manja-the-Shooter.
His father, Sargon the Great, is a Semitic name for the SumerianMesopotamian emperor, King Gin, Gani or Guni. He was called in the later
Babylonian texts, the ‘King of the Four Quarters of the World’. The Incas of
south America used their term ‘Four Quarters’ also. In the Indus Valley clay
seal records, Sargon and Manja or Menes also called themselves and their
dynasty Gut or Got (Goth to the Romans) and the titles Bar or Par which
menas ‘Pharaoh’, according to Waddell. Gut or Got became “God”, a term
used by the later Goths. All non-Latin languages in Europe are derived from
the Gothic, including English, and the ancient Swedish language is still called
‘Sueo-Gothic’. The former name for Denmark was ‘Goth-land’ and a
derivative was ‘Jut-land’. Gothic architecture, so beloved of the bloodlines
and Illuminati, comes from the same source and the horned hedgear worm
by the kings and leaders of European tribes and kingdoms: But these
symbols, styles and customs go much further back to Atlantis and Lemuria.
The name ‘Catti’ for the ruling clan of the Ancient Britons and pre-Roman
coins is a dialectic form of Goti or ‘Goth’. When the Illuminati built the great
‘Christian’ cathedrals of Europe, full of pagan symbolism and ancient pagan
sacred sites they used the ‘Gothic’ syle of architecture. The symbolism of the
‘Eye of Gopta’ may relate to the Illuminati symbol, the all-seeing eye or Eye
of Horus, which you will find at the top of the pyramid on the US dollar bill
and on the reverse of the Great Seal of the United States. The same symbols
used by this ancient Sumerian dynasty are still used by the Illuminati today,
because they are the same bloodlines and are working with the same
knowledge, hidden away since ancient times within the Mystery school and
secret society networks. And the reptilian ‘gods’ of Atlantis and Lemuria seed
these bloodlines.
The Sumer Empire included much of the world and its is from this
same knowledge and information source that all the religions have emergedthe continuation of the knowledge and bloodlines of Atlantis and Lemuria.
They may interpret this base information slightly differently and emphasise
different strands, but the core from which they have come is the same; the
Atlantean, Lemurian and Sumer Empires and their belief system, not least its
focus on the worship of the sun.
The Sumerian story of King sargon is a classic case. They said that his
mother floated him in a basket of rushes on the river and he was found by a
member of the Sumerian royal family who brought him up as their own. The
Hebrews, or rather their priests, the Levites, later took this ancient story
from the Sumerian accounts and used in their story, inventing the character
known as Moses. The Old Testament is founded on Sumerian accounts,
edited and rewritten as required, to create a manufactured history and
religion called Judaism. The New Testament is based on symbolic stories
repeated over and over in the thousands of years before its creation and
based on the Sumerian (Golden Age) religion and history known as
Christianity. ( Two prison religions and falsified histories in one book) King
Sargon was a major Sun worshipper and these rulers of the Sumer Empire
were give the title, “Son of the Sun”, as they were in Lemuria. Could this
mean son of Sirius? To the Sumerians (like the Lemurians and Atlanteans),
the Sun was a symbol of “God” and from this title Son of the Sun later came
the idea of a ‘Son of God’. Sumerian emperors were also often known as
‘The One Lord’.