FIFE ACCESS FORUM TUESDAY 9th DECEMBER 2014 – FIFE HOUSE, GLENROTHES MINUTE OF MEETING PRESENT: Liz Pullar, British Horse Society; Johanna Willi, Scottish Wildlife Trust; Ian Wilkinson, Scotways; James Adam, National Farmers Union of Scotland; John Stewart, National Farmers Union of Scotland; George Berwick, Cyclist Touring Club; James Lamont, National Farmers Union of Scotland; Beryl Leatherland, Community Representative; Douglas Christie, Scottish Land & Estates; Robbie Blyth, Fife Coast & Countryside Trust; Cllr. Fiona Grant; Cllr. Peter Lockhart; Chic Nash, Ramblers Association & Chair Fife Access Forum; Neil White, Forestry Commission; Patricia Galfskiy, Fife Rural Partnership; Neil Sutherland, Markinch Heritage Group ATTENDING: Sarah Johnston, Access Officer; Craig Gilbert, Information Assistant APOLOGIES: William Campbell, Fife Community Safety Partnership; Aileen Davis, Forth & Tay Disabled Ramblers; Vice Chairperson Fife Access Forum; Alison Irvine, Team Leader (Access) 2. MINUTE OF MEETING OF 30th SEPTEMBER 2014 The minutes were approved as an accurate record, proposed by Beryl Leatherland, seconded by Ian Wilkinson. 3. MATTERS ARISING a) Ref 3.3 Signage, Lower Largo to Elie Alison had spoken with Fife Society for the Blind. The route they were on is not a core path or the coastal path, hence lack of signing and locked gates. Alison has passed on to FCCT that the signs are unclear at Dumbarnie nature reserve. b) Ref 9a National Access Forum/Local Access Forum meeting – report by Beryl Leatherland. Beryl informed the group of her visit to the meeting, saying that it was mainly an equine access audience. She had two further points to her report: i) Riders stressed that they DO value access rights, not wanting to jeopardise this by being irresponsible; ii) Riders are keen to do things to help wherever possible, i.e. cutting branches down, and some have installed gates at their own expense. Chic thanked Beryl for her report. 4. TOPIC WORKING GROUPS (a) Communication Sub Group Chic asked the group to think about themes for next year’s Seminar(s). One idea he had was around the concept of path maintenance and how to promote this. Chic mentioned that Markinch Heritage Group, for example, had been very pro-active in this department and wondered if there could be more of an asserted campaign to help other community groups, including items such as insurance, risk assessments etc. Neil Sutherland asked about the training aspect in relation to funding for skills on handling strimmers and other equipment, and wondered if Fife Council had any available training. Robbie from FCCT answered by saying he’d looked into this and had approached Fife Council Community Schools, and had managed to approve a training course for ILA in partnership with Glenwood High School for over 16 year olds, non-degree, earning less than £22K a year. He also said the course could be open for people who have retired. Robbie to send a link and submit details of the course to the Access Team. RB Sarah mentioned that other groups have lent out equipment in the past (eg Burnturk) so that was always a possibility. Cllr. Fiona Grant said that there may be funding applicable via Fife Council, and asked to be in the loop for any communication to see if she could help. Cllr FG Chic said the visit to Oatridge would be useful for groups to see for training purposes, and wondered whether this could be incorporated into a Seminar. Patricia wondered whether the army could help once they moved to Leuchars. Discussion then ensued into what happens currently with overgrown paths detailed in the Access Reports. Sarah explained the current method of checking the maintained layer in the Council first, of which some paths are included (historically), but also that in the past the criminal payback team had been used, but more often than not the issue of overgrown paths are recorded to help identify priority routes in the future, as there is no budget to maintain all the paths that come to the access team’s attention. Robbie said that the FCCT do maintain some via an SLA with Fife Council. Neil White said that the Forestry Commission do have community funding available for up to £12K and would let the Access team know how to go about accessing this via the Forum’s website. Neil to pass information to Craig. Neil Sutherland and Cllr. Peter Lockhart asked whether the list of maintained paths could be made public. Sarah explained that the access team doesn’t hold this information so could not comment on why it wasn’t public. It was agreed that any other ideas for the Seminar(s) to be e-mailed across to the access team. NW/CG All (b) Report on evening seminar 7.10.14 The report was circulated to the group. Chic asked Neil Sutherland to provide a small presentation on Markinch Heritage Group’s mobile app, as this had been raised at the seminar. Neil said that the app had been to bring heritage to a younger audience via smartphones, although the information was similar to that of the leaflet that was produced. It has more interactive features, and uses GPS to beep when at a particular feature to provide more information. The app has been available online as a free download (in Android and I-phone) for a year. He stressed the need for a good specification on what you wanted an app to do, as Markinch Heritage Group had done, before approaching a developer, and also what platform is required (i.e. Android or I-phone). He informed the group he had received quotes ranging from £10K - £30K for the app, but had managed to find a company to do it for £5K, which had been fortunate. Patricia asked whether local university graduates would perhaps be keen to do an app as part of their course. Cllr. Peter Lockhart asked about updating of apps and whether there was a contact etc. John Stewart said that the average access taker would be more interested in access issues such as locked gates etc, than from using an app, and wondered if this was indeed, in the remit for FAF to produce, instead of having this sort of thing done at a national level. In his view, apps did not fit in with the FAF’s constitution. Chic echoed this opinion, but asked Neil whether he could send an article of his experience on setting up an app so it could be displayed on the Forum’s website as an information resource. Neil to liaise with Craig on this. NS/CG Chic thanked Neil for his time. 5. ACCESS ENQUIRIES REPORT (a) Porterfield Alison has visited the site twice in last three months to check for horse dung – there has been some but not too bad. The path was muddy but seemed to be mainly from the volume of foot and bike traffic. No hoof-prints in evidence when she was there. She had also spoken to one of the two other liveries in the area. Liz Pullar confirmed she had also spoken to the riding school, who were not aware of any issues via Mr. Carstairs. They didn’t use the route as much as had been suggested (a few times a week). The route was important to them to gain access to back of Comrie. The high street is not suitable for riding (due to the heavy traffic). Alison had also tried to get copies of Community Council minutes; none are available online and only a few copies have been lodged with Fife Council. None of these mentioned horse related issues. The Community Council in the area has now disbanded as not enough people came forward to join in November community council elections. (b) Raith Alison has provided final information to the gamekeeper, and the gamekeeper has been asked to give the access team feedback of how the shooting season is doing this year. Chic mentioned that there is no actual signage present on the ground, which Ian felt was still a problem for public awareness of the issue. (c) Elie Sarah said that following the FAF visit, the recommendation was to not support the landowner in closing the route off. Sarah has written to the landowner and stated that if he wanted to apply to close it would go through the legal channels. The landowner has not yet responded. Robbie said that Elie was a designated bathing beach, and that a management review between FCCT and Fife Council would be taking place on the dunes in the area. (d) Any other issues raised from report Sarah informed the group that she had received issues about primary school playgrounds (the main issue dog walkers letting their dog poo on school grass), and expected more issues on this in the future. Cllr. Peter Lockhart asked about the locked gate issue at Cowdenbeath. Alison to e- AI mail an update. George Berwick asked about stones around a reservoir at Balmerino. Sarah to SJ investigate and report back to George. 6. CORE PATHS UPDATE (a) Implementation and signing team update Current team are due to finish on 16th January with slight chance of 2 – 3 weeks extension. The project has been put forward for a COSLA excellence award and has reached the Bronze Award stage to date. Plans for next year are to set up a team which will work jointly with the Allotments Officer, Biodiversity team and Floral Enhancement Officer to carry out maintenance and development projects on paths and sites across Fife. There is no external funding for this. Likely to be a two year project in the first instance. Sarah also said that the apprentices being used by the current team and past teams had gone on to find employment, and was proud of this track record. (b) Diversion and Deletions – Gallowridge This has been approved by Fife Council. Core path diversion is complete and right of way diversion is currently being progressed to advert stage. Ian Wilkinson said the new route was better than the old one. Sarah said the right of way needed a different process to be formally diverted, of which the public can object if required, but didn’t see any issue for this one. (c) Path Project Updates (i) Colinsburgh – Works on path nearing completion and may be finished by Christmas. (ii) Moor Road, Cupar – Awaiting results of grant applications. Problems are being caused by the fact that the path appears to have no owner. 7. ANY OTHER BUSINESS (a) Membership nominations reminder for 2015 Chic informed the group that nominations would be sought next year, around June. Chic also stated he would be retiring as Chair of the Forum. George asked if there was a constitution limit on membership. Chic said there was no limit except for the Chair and Vice-Chair members. (b) Catering at FAF meetings Chic asked the members whether they could live without sandwiches at the Forum meetings, in order to save money due to budget restrictions. It was agreed to no longer have sandwiches but only have tea/coffee and biscuits. (c) Confidential Item Item 4.6 of the Fife Access Constitution was utilised at this point, with members of the public asked to leave as a confidential item related to an access issue was discussed. 8. DATES OF NEXT MEETINGS 2015 Tuesday 10th March 2015 Tuesday 9th June 2015 Tuesday 8th September 2015 Tuesday 8th December 2015