Task 1. Patient N., 35 years old with chronic hypo

Task 1.
Patient N., 35 years old with chronic hypo-acid gastritis for the purpose of
physiotherapy asked to perform test Martin (20 squats for 30 seconds). Identify what
is this test?
A. Dynamic quality
B. Dynamic quantitative
C. Static qualitative
D. Static quantitative.
Task 2.
Patient A., 57 years is 7 days on treatment for acute large-focal myocardial infarction.
The patient was assigned therapy. Expanded bed mode. Identify the main problem
gymnastics for patients with this mode?
A. Prevention of complications and prepare the patient for transfer to the next mode
B. Preparing the patient for transfer to the next mode, stimulation peripheral blood
C. Stimulation of blood circulation and metabolism in the myocardium
D. Prevention of complications, improve mental and emotional state
E. Improving the mental and emotional state and stimulate peripheral circulation.
Task 3.
Patient S., 40 years old is hospitalized about asthma, endogenous forms. Complaints
of frequent asthma attacks, shortness of breath on exertion and average in the course.
OBJECTIVE: percussion over lungs -the box sound auscultation, a large number of
wheezes in all fields on the left leg along v. saphena magna red skin, swelling and
pain on palpation. Identify contraindications for physical therapy appointment in this
A. Worsening leg vein thrombosis
B. Aggravation of asthma
C. Shortness of breath on exertion, with an average
D. Respiratory failure of II stage
E. Increased response to orthostatic test.
Task 4.
Patient M., 40 years old, is on sanatorium treatment for biliary tract diskenesia by
hyperkinetic type. Feeling satisfactory. From other internal organs pathological
changes were detected. In imposing physical therapy performed test Martin. Increase
in heart rate of 50%, systolic blood pressure, 35%, diastolic AT decreased by
10%. Recovery time - 2 min.
Identify the type of reaction of the cardiovascular system to exercise in this patient.
A. Normotonic reaction
B. Asthenia (hypotonichna) reaction
C. Hypertensive reaction
D. Distonichna reaction
E. Stepwise reaction.
Task 5.
Patient S., 47 years acute transmural myocardial infarction posterior wall of the left
ventricle. The fifth day of illness, the flow is not impeded. HR - 94 bpm. per min.,
AT - 105/70 mm Hg., body temperature is 36.8 º. Identify driving mode patient.
A. Strict bed
B. Extended bed
C. Semi-bed
D. Ward
E. Free.
Task 6.
Patient I., 35 years suffers dyskinesia bile-output paths in hypotonic type. At the time
of exercise therapy was determined by using physical performance test PWC 170.
Enter physiological patterns that are included in this test method.
A. rectilinear nature of the changes in heart rate and load
B. Implementation of the load with a heart rate that corresponds to the zone of
optimal functioning of the cardiovascular system
C. Continuous increase in heart rate during the test load
D. Stability heart rate when performing test
E. straightness load changes and heart rate and performance load at heart rate zone
that corresponds to the optimal functioning of the cardiovascular system.
Task 7.
Patient I., 39 years old came to the department with a diagnosis of lower-holdings
left-sided pneumonia. The complaints of general weakness, pain, sweating.
OBJECTIVE: pallor of skin. temperature of 37.6, percussion in the lower parts of the
left little blunting. Auscultation: ibid weak breathing, fine-bubble wheezing.
Subsequently, after 5 days of satisfactory condition, temperature normal, breathing
weakened, no wheezing. Reaction of 10 squats satisfactory recovery period after
exercise 4min. Test rod - 40 sec., Ghencea - 20 sec. Patient intended gymnastics,
mode ward. Identify the patient forms gymnastics including motor mode
A. Morning and physiotherapy
B. Morning, therapeutic exercises, individual assignments, walk down the hall
C. Morning, therapeutic exercises, gait dosed at 1000-2000m
D. Individual tasks dosed procession in 1000-2000m
E. Therapeutic exercises, health path.
Task 8.
Patient B., '25 came to the department about the aggravation of stomach ulcer with
complaints of severe pain in the epigastric region, nausea, vomiting, weakness, marks
the periodic pain in the lumbar region. The patient with 10 years right-side scoliosis
lower thoracic spine. Specify the key indicators of severity of the patient.
A. expressed painful syndrome, nausea, vomiting
B. nausea and vomiting
C. Weakness, nausea
D. nagging pain, weakness
E. nagging back pain, scoliosis of II st.
Task 9.
The patient, 43 years of II degree of obesity. When the sample Martin HR increased
by more than 120%, pulse pressure decreased compared with rest, recovery time
exceeded the standard. Specify the indicators that point to an inadequate patient load.
A. A significant increase in heart rate after exercise II.
B. Reduction of pulse pressure after exercise
C. Long recovery period after exercise
D. A significant increase in heart rate and a decrease in pulse pressure after exercise.
E. Inachne increase in heart rate, decrease in pulse pressure and a long recovery
period after exercise
Task 10.
Patient G., 57 years old suffering from hypertension and stage II. OBJECTIVE:
varicosity of the lower extremities. On examination, the surgeon showed signs of
chronic thrombophlebitis. From other internal organs violations were found. AT
150/90 mm Hg. century. Heart rate 84 beats. per min. Indicators orthostatic test
increased.Identify contraindications to the use of exercise therapy in a patient at the
present time.
A. exacerbation of chronic thrombophlebitis
B. Varicose Veins
C. Increased orthostatic reaction
D. Excess weight
E. Hypertension II a stage.
Task 11.
Patient, 26 years old was admitted 6 days ago in therapy department complaining of
intermittent epigastric pain, heartburn, loose stools. OBJECTIVE: satisfactory
condition, pale of skin. Cardio-vascular and respiratory diseases have been identified.
Abdomen soft epigastric region painful on palpation. In the study of gastric juice
revealed high levels of acidity. Diagnosed chronic gastritis with increased secretion
in the acute stage. Patient intended gymnastics, mode ward. Identify patient forms
gymnastics for the profile.
A. Morning and therapeutic exercises, individual assignments
B. Morning gymnastics, individual tasks
C. Therapeutic exercises, therapeutic gait
D. morning and physiotherapy
E. Morning exercises, therapeutic gait.
Task 12.
Patient, 43 years old, is hospitalized on hypertension II. Because treatment decreased
AT and is 145/90 mm Hg., heart rate - 78 beats per minute. Feeling sick satisfactory.
From other organs and systems pathology were found. Patient intended therapeutic
exercise.Select a functionally dynamic test to help determine the nature of the
patient's adaptation to exercise.
A. Orthostatic test
B. Test Stange
C. Test Ghencea
D. Martin Test
E. 2-minute run in place.
Task 13.
Patient J., 27 years old suffering diabetes, type I, moderate, retinopathy, sciatica
(remission). Seen from the breach of the musculoskeletal system - round spin
violation form feet. There pyoderma. Identify violations caused diabetes.
A. Disorders of the musculoskeletal system
B. sciatica, pyoderma
C. disorders of the musculoskeletal system, retinopathy
D. Pyoderma, retinopathy
E. radiculitis, disorders of the musculoskeletal system.
Task 14.
Patient K., 59 years old suffering from hypertension stage II, preparing for discharge
from hospital. Patient intended gymnastics, free mode. Pick sick form of exercise
therapy for the profile.
A. Morning and therapeutic exercises, individual assignments, therapeutic gait
B. Clinical gait, individual tasks
C. Therapeutic exercises, therapeutic gait
D. Therapeutic exercises, individual assignments
E. morning and physiotherapy.
Task 15.
Patient A., 52 years old suffering from chronic obstructive bronchitis 15 years.
Complaints of cough, recurrent attacks of breathlessness, shortness of breath with
little exertion and during the course. OBJECTIVE: moderate cyanosis of lips;
auscultatory - a large number of wheezes over all fields, muffled heart tones. HR - 92
bpm. per min. What are the main parameters that determine respiratory failure
A. Increased heart rate
B. Shortness of breath on exertion
C. Many wheezes in lungs
D. Periodic attacks of breathlessness.
Task 16.
Patient T., 49 years is in the cardiology department with a diagnosis of coronary heart
disease, angina, III FC. OBJECTIVE: tachycardia (heart rate of 94 bpm. / Min.),
Voiceless heart tones. Reaction of 5 squats unsatisfactory. What are the main signs of
circulatory failure.
A. voiceless heart tones
B. tachycardia
C. voiceless heart sounds, tachycardia
D. Poor response to physical exertion, tachycardia
E. tachycardia, poor response to exercise.
Task 17.
Patient A., 51 year is at the sanatorium treatment of obesity III. The patient revealed
varicose veins of the lower extremities. The patient has been physical therapy.
Identify the basic assumptions of the patient to perform exercises
A. Lying on her back, on her side, standing on all fours, sitting
B. Lying on his back on the hand on the abdomen
C. Lying on your back, sitting, standing.
D. Sitting, standing.
E. Sitting, standing in the course.
Task 18.
Patient A., 52 years old is being treated for chronic obstructive bronchitis in acute
stage. Periodically (1-2 times daily) disturbing bouts of breathlessness. After tracking
patient intended exercise therapy, treatment ward. Choose exercises that help relieve
or reduce bronchospasm.
A. Breathing exercises with the pronunciation of sounds on the exhale and breath
after exhalation
B. Deep breathing with prolonged exhalation
C. Breathing with mechanical amplification exhale (through compression of the chest
on exhalation)
D. Breath of forced expiratory
E. Diaphragmatic breathing.
Task 19.
Patient N., 43 years old admitted to the allergy department with complaints of
prolonged state of breathlessness. The attack lasted more than an hour, not liquidated
by conventional means. OBJECTIVE: cyanosis of the face and lips, noisy breathing,
wheezing distance, percussion: The box of lung sounds, auscultatory: over all lung
fields dry and whistling wheezing, chest barrel shape. What are the complications of
this disease.
A. Long asthma attack
B. Cyanosis face and lips
C. Remote wheezing when breathing
D. A large number of wheezes in all lung fields
E. box sound during percussion.
Task 20.
Patient, 56 years old, suffers from coronary artery disease. Two years ago, suffered a
small-focal myocardial infarction. Recovery period has passed without
complications. During the year, the patient visits the swimming pool.
Select the test that can be used to determine patient physical capacity
A. Test PWC 170
B. Test PWC 150
C. Harvard step test
D. Test Navakki
E. 12-minute Test Cooper.
Task 21.
Patient, 60 years old, a teacher, suffering diabetes, type I, light flow. Engaged in a
physical therapy clinic. Determine for which muscle groups are mostly chosen to
exercise the patient.
A. For medium to large
B. Large
C. Medium
D. For small
E. For small and medium.
Task 22.
Patient E., 37 years old suffering from hypotension syndrome cardiology. Notes
weakness and rapid fatigue. There are currently AT-100/60 mm Hg. century. HR-86
bpm. per min. Specify special exercises to be used in patient procedures
A. relaxation exercises in alternation with pressor and speed-strength exercise
B. Practice the balance in alternation with exercise pressor
C. Exercises muscle relaxation and balance
D. Training Exercises for the vestibular apparatus
E. Exercises coordination and balance.
Task 23.
Patient 3., 42 years, is in outpatient treatment on exacerbation of chronic gastritis
with secretory insufficiency. Sick 4 years exacerbation occur occasionally.
Complaints slight stomach bloating, intermittent pain. The feeling of fullness,
unpleasant taste in the mouth, After one week of treatment the patient's condition
improved significantly, no complaints. Determine the severity of the disease in a
A. Light current
B. The average severity
C. Heavy flow
D. healthy.
Task 24.
Patient X., '45 treated for obesity IIst. Feeling satisfactory, AT 150/90 mm Hg.
century. Reaction of 20 squats normotonic. The period of recovery slowed. Patient
intended gymnastics, free mode.Identify forms of physical therapy, which should be
A.Morning and therapeutic exercises, individual assignments, therapeutic gait
B. Therapeutic exercises, individual assignments
C. morning and therapeutic exercises.
D. morning exercises, individual assignments
E. morning and therapeutic exercises, therapeutic gait.
Task 25.
Patient, 42 years old, worker cement plant located in pulmonology department 10
days with a diagnosis of right-pleurisy. During treatment the patient's condition
improved significantly, temperature 36.7, decreased pain in the side with a deep
breath, radiographically clear contours exudate is not defined. Percussion in the lower
right blunting. There auscultatory pleural rub, BH - 78 beats / min., AT 125/80 mm.
Hg. century. The response to exercise (squats .10) satisfactory.
Identify patient driving mode for gymnastics classes
A. Free
B. Ward
C. Advanced bed
D. Strict bed
E. Coaching.
Task 26.
Patient I., 40 years is in the office on the second stage of rheumatic activity. After
treatment being satisfactory, disappeared rales in the lungs and swelling of the lower
extremities, the liver was reduced to the costal arch.
What are the indicators that point to reduce heart failure.
A. Satisfactory health
B. Reduction of liver and wheezing in the lungs
C. The disappearance of edema of the lower extremities
D. Reduced liver disappearance of edema of the lower extremities
E. Reduced liver disappearance of wheezing in the lungs and swelling of the lower
Task 27.
Patient I., aged 56 entered the cardiology department of hypertensive crisis. AT
220/140 mm Hg. century., protein in the urine in the fundus swelling of the papilla of
the optic nerve. On an electrocardiogram - reducing the amplitude of the complex
QRS, signs of earlier myocardial infarction. Last six hypertensive crises have become
more and more intense. After 2 weeks of treatment AT decreased to 170/110 mm Hg.
century. Determine the severity of the disease in rest of this patient.
A. Hypertension Stage III
B. Hypertension Stage II b
C. Hypertension II and stage
D. hypertension and I stage.
Task 28.
Patient G., 32 years is 10 days on treatment for asthma, endogenous forms of
moderate severity. Patient intended gymnastics, mode ward.
Identify the main problem gymnastics in that period.
A. Reducing the MOU, the removal or reduction of bronchospasm
B. Relaxation of the respiratory muscles, strengthening and development of the
respiratory muscles
C. Prevention of emphysema
D. Balancing of excitation and inhibition in the central nervous system, the regulation
of emotional state
E. Removal of abnormal cortico-visceral dominant, improve oxygenation and gas
Task 29.
Patient N.. '45 Is at the department two weeks for chronic gastritis with secretory
insufficiency in the acute phase. Came with complaints of epigastric pain, belching,
nausea, feeling pain in stomach after eating. OBJECTIVE: the functional study of
gastric juice secretion detected failure and acid-secretory function of the stomach.
After treatment the patient's condition improved, disappeared dyspeptic symptoms,
pain. Cardio-vascular and respiratory disorders were not found. Reaction of 20 squats
- normotonic.
Identify the main indication for the designated physical therapy patient
A. The disappearance of dyspeptic disorders and ailments normotonic response to
B. No violations of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems
C. Lack of malaise, normotonic response to exercise
D. The disappearance of dyspeptic disorders and their absence from the circulatory
system and respiratory system.
E. No violations of the circulatory system and respiratory normotonic response to
Task 30.
Patient P., 52 years old builder. A week ago, went to the hospital with a diagnosis:
ulcer 12 duodenal ulcer in the acute stage. As a result, more complex treatment
condition improved: reduced night and hunger pains, heartburn disappeared, normal
sleep. OBJECTIVE: palpation slight pain in pyloroduodenal zone. Reaction to
measured physical load is satisfactory.
Identify the driving mode to the patient.
A. sparing
B. Free
C. Ward
D. Extended bed
E. Strict bed.
Task 31.
Patient R., 41, 10 days ago came to the department for chronic cholecystitis
(calculous not) complaining of intense pain in the right side, which gives the neck,
right shoulder. Palpation pain in the projection of the gallbladder. At this time the
patient's condition improved significantly. Designed gymnastics, treatment ward.
Hence you sick main tasks for this exercise therapy regimen.
A. Normalization of cortico-visceral regulation, increased blood flow in the liver and
abdominal stimulation outflow of bile from the gallbladder.
B. General-firming effect on the body, strengthening the muscles of the abdominal
C. Increased blood flow in the liver and abdominal normalization of metabolism.
D. The circulation and respiration
E. Normalization of cortico - visceral regulation, stimulation of metabolism.
Task 32.
Patient K., 35 years old suffering from dyskinesia biliary tract in hypokinetic
(hypotonic) type, said constant dull pain in the right side, bitterness in the mouth,
belching, which increase with excitement. Patient recommended physical therapy,
treatment is free.
Select sick assumptions for specific exercises.
A. Lying on the back, left side, sitting, standing, moving
B. Lying on your back, sitting, standing
C. Lying on your back, standing on all fours
D. Lying on his back, on the side
E. Lying on her back, on her stomach .
Task 33.
Patient A., 36 years old obese II stage, chronic bronchitis in remission. Asked for
advice about exercise therapy. The examination revealed right-upper thoracic
scoliosis spine 1st, flattening of the foot. Reaction to measured physical load
unsatisfactory (increase in heart rate over 100%, 5 min recovery period. 20s.).
Identify the reasons for the poor response of the patient to exercise.
A. The presence of obesity II stage scoliosis and II degree
B. Availability of obesity II stage of chronic bronchitis
C. The presence of obesity second stage, the flattening of the foot
D. The presence of chronic bronchitis, scoliosis 1-second degree
E. The presence of scoliosis and II degree, flattening of the foot
Task 34.
Patient mean, 40 years is obese. The body weight of the patient than adequate for
Determine the degree of obesity of the patient.
A. Obesity and stage
B. Obesity II stage
C. Obesity stage III
D. Obesity IV stage.
Task 35.
Patient E., 62, mechanic, suffers from diabetes mellitus type II, moderate, coronary
artery disease, angina FC II. Patient intended therapeutic exercise. Reaction of 10
squats satisfactory.
Identify patient driving mode.
A. Free
B. Ward
C. Semi-bed
D. Extended bed
E. Strict bed