Transition Planning Resources - Whittier Union High School District

“In the second half of the school year, many parents hear the clock ticking louder and
louder as graduation nears. This day comes before you know it.
Hopefully, you have been working closely with your child’s IEP team through high school to
ensure that appropriate transition goals have been established and your child's progress
toward these goals has been measured and documented.
In this issue of the Special Ed Advocate, we take a closer look at transition planning and
transition services to ensure that our children are prepared for further education,
employment and independent living. You'll find advice, transition checklists, and tips to help
your child make a successful transition.”
IDEA 2004 Transition Checklist
“IDEA 2004 describes the required components of the transition plan. During your child’s
high school years, it is essential that the IEP team adhere to these requirements.
The student must be invited to participate in IEP meetings to discuss his/her goals
for life after high school.
You may request several IEP/Transition Planning meetings during the school year.
You may invite representatives of local agencies to these IEP meetings to discuss
transition goals and services to support those goals.
The IEP, including the transition plan, should be based on person-centered planning,
and reflect the student’s interests and skills.
o The work experiences or “community based work assessments” (CBWAs)
chosen should be based on the student’s interests and abilities. Students
should NOT be placed in a community based work assessment simply because
it is available.
o Any placement should help the student develop skills in a setting that is of
personal interest to him/ her and where his/her unique abilities can be
successfully utilized and improved with job coaching.
Annual transition goals in the IEP should lead to successful post- high school
Progress should be documented and measurable.
o Ask for progress reports about your child’s community based work
experience. Discuss with the IEP team how your child will meet the goal of
being employed after graduation, without a lapse in supports and services.
o Maintain a portfolio and resume of your child’s experiences, progress reports,
and favorable reviews from your child’s supervisors.”
Transition Planning Checklist
“While IDEA 2004 provides the legal requirements for transition services to support your
child’s goal of employment in the community or further education, there are several things
that parents and students must do to prepare for life after high school.
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Confirm the date of your child’s graduation. Federal law states that your child's
eligibility for special education ends when s/he graduates from high school with a
regular diploma or until the child reaches the age of eligibility for a free appropriate
education under State law.
Clarify whether your child will receive a regular high school diploma or a certificate of
Clarify that you child will be able to fully participate in the graduation ceremony.
Find out what local agencies provide job coaching for transitioning youth. Contacting
adult provider agencies before your child graduates or “ages out” will help to ensure
that your child will continue to receive services after graduation. This may also
prevent your child from being placed on a long waiting list for adult services.
o You are entitled to invite representatives from other agencies to your child’s
IEP meetings.
o If the IEP Team, which includes the parents and the child, determine that
your child’s transition needs can be met by participating in transition
programs on college campuses or in community based settings, these
services should be included in the child’s IEP.[3]
If appropriate, invite the child’s supports coordinator from your local Office of Mental
Retardation to IEP meetings during the last year of high school. This person can help
to coordinate post-high school support services.
If your child will be eligible for services through Vocational Rehabilitation, schedule
an appointment for an intake interview and file the necessary paperwork with the
Office of Vocational Rehabilitation ahead of time. Request that a Vocational
Rehabilitation counselor attend the IEP meeting no later than spring of the your
child’s last year in high school.
Discuss your child's transportation needs. If s/he will need assistance getting to and
from work, request and fill out applications for public transportation services.
Request information about social/recreational opportunities for young adults with
disabilities in your community. Ask for their contact information.
Request information about post-high school training programs at local vocational
schools, community colleges, business schools, and state-affiliated training schools.
When your child graduates from high school, you and your graduate should celebrate
accomplishments -- and the transition to adulthood. “
“With the new emphasis on transition planning in IDEA 2004, and online resources such as and, more students with disabilities are
preparing for further education, employment and independent living as productive, active
members of their communities.
IDEA 2004 Transition guidelines are summarized at
About the Authors
Jennifer Graham is a transition consultant and the editor of
Pete Wright is an attorney who represents children with special educational needs.
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ABOUT.COM Lisa Jo Rudy
“Question: Planning Ahead for Adults with Autism
How should parents plan ahead for their adult child with autism?
Answer: From Dr. Peter Gerhardt, [resident of the Organization for Autism Research and
expert in issues of adolescents and adults with Autism Spectrum Disorders:
Two major challenges to effective transition planning are 1) failure to start early enough and 2)
the fact that the adult service system in every state is different and there is no state in the union
for which there is an actual, legislative entitlement for adult services (although California does
come close). So the first recommendation is start the process early -- ideally by the time your
child is 14 years of age.
To start, parents must educate themselves about what services are available in their state, how
best to access these services and what funding streams help support which services (as that may
dictate eligibility). The best source of information on this topic will be parents of adult children
with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASDs) in your area. These groups can often be accessed
through the local chapter of the Autism Society of America (ASA).
If you are unhappy with your district’s resources and response, your recourse lies in the power of
the Individualized Education Program (IEP) process. Take advantage of that legal document to
develop and implement a comprehensive, individual transition plan for your child. It may not be
easy (and in many cases won't be), but nothing is legally comparable to the IEP after a child
turns 21. So please, use it before you lose it.”
Suggested Reading
Autistic Traits: A Plus for Many CareersTransition MapNational Listing of Services for Adults
on the Spectrum
Adults with Autism
Adults with Autism - Finding the Right Home for Your Adult Child with Autism
Financial Resources for Parents with Autistic Children
Related Articles
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Plan & Prepare: Transition to Adulthood
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Autistic Child and Future - Tips to Help You Plan for Your Autistic Child&#...
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What’s the Intent of a Summary of Performance?
by Wrightslaw
“When your child graduates from high school with a regular diploma or “ages out” of special
education, IDEA requires the school to provide a “summary of academic achievement and
functional performance.” The Summary of Performance (SOP) should include recommendations
about ways to help your child meet post-secondary goals.
The SOP must be completed during the final year of high school. It is most useful when
completed during the transition IEP process when your child has the opportunity to actively
participate in the development of this summary. The SOP should contain the most updated
information on academic achievement and performance, and include your child’s abilities and
Read more at Wrightslaw…
Life Journey Through Autism - Free Downloadable Autism
Resources from the Organization for Autism Research (OAR)
Available in English and SPANISH
Lisa Jo Rudy of About.Com says,
“This is a set of four FREE downloadable publications from the Organization for Autism Research.
They're a rare find because they cut straight to meat of tough topics such as Transition to Adulthood
(including resources on housing and jobs) and A Parent's Guide to Research (including information on
how to read and make sense of technical studies).
Available online as downloads
Offers usable information, resources
Addresses research, transition to adulthood
Useful for parents, teachers, AND self-advocate”
Visit Their Web Site
Autism Society of Los Angeles
Plan & Prepare: Transition to Adulthood
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There you will find the following description:
A Guide for Transition to Adulthood
“Adulthood is more than just a chronological state. Adulthood represents a time in one's life
where there are increased levels of independence, choice, responsibility, and personal control.
Adulthood is the defining period of one's life and, while we may look back fondly on our
childhood, it is our accomplishments as adults for which we are generally most proud. Why,
then, should adulthood for the person with an autism spectrum disorder be viewed any
differently? In this, the fourth volume in the OAR Life Journey Through Autism series, we
provide an overview of the Transition-to-Adulthood process, with an emphasis on:
The importance of early planning beginning no later than age 16 years and, at times, as early as
age 14 years (or younger).
The importance of collaboration between the transitioning individual, their family and friends,
interested community members, the schools' professional staff, and representatives from adult
service systerms in the transition to adulthood process.
The importance of community-based instruction in the development of skills associated with a
more independent adulthood.
The fact that individualized, effective transition planning is effortful and time consuming but,
when done well, a fulfilling life as an adult is possible.
If you are interested in obtaining a copy of the Guide, please fill in our request form. To
download the guide, click the cover below.
Download A Guide for Transition to Adulthood
To download right click on the above link and choose "Save Target As" to
save the guide to your PC. You will need the Adobe Acrobat Reader to view
the Guide.
To view this guide in Spanish, click here.”
Reproduction Policy:
These guidebooks are available for use by all those whose lives are affected by autism. In
keeping with OAR's mission, the information included in these books may be utilized for
personal use, teaching, research, for IEP meetings or any other capacity in order to facilitate the
dissemination of information. You may reproduce (print, make photocopies, or download) these
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materials without prior permission for non-commercial purposes. If used professionally, OAR
asks that you provide proper attribution of the source in all copies.
For other uses of materials, please contact OAR at
Post-secondary education
Help Your Teen with Autism Prepare for College
By Lisa Jo Rudy, Guide
Updated March 05, 2010 Health's Disease and Condition content is reviewed by the Medical Review Board
Get your teen with autism ready for college
Courtesy of Supernova/Getty Images
Insights from the Experts:
Adelphi University on Long Island in New York has made a commitment to its students with autism in
the form of a program called Bridges. The program's purpose is simple: to provide the support students
with autism need to succeed at Adelphi. Bridges is specifically for students who have already been
accepted to the university; but Dr. Ionas Sapountzis, Director of the University's Center for School
Psychology Program and Mitch Nagler, Director of Bridges, offer insights into how to prepare so that, by
the time you arrive on campus, your teen with autism is ready to succeed.
Start Building Independent Living Skills ASAP:
First and most importantly, say Nagler and Sapountzis, it’s important to start as early as possible
teaching independent living skills. Even in their early teens, it’s not too early to start building skills so
Autism Society of Los Angeles
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that autistic youngsters can wake themselves up, use a bank, shop for food, cook breakfast. “The earlier
you can start, the better.”
Have a Recent Neuropsychological Exam Completed:
Parents often assume that a high school IEP (Individualized Educational Program) is sufficient to prove a
need for accommodations in college. But Nagler says “You need a recent neuropsychological evaluation
to document your needs. The IEP doesn’t count. It’s helpful to have an IEP, but you need that psych
report.” Because a full evaluation can be very expensive, Nagler suggests parents consider having the
report completed through the school district.
Look for Schools That Offer Appropriate Supports:
Both students and parents can be proactive about finding the right school with the right supports. Says
Sapountzis, “It’s important to ask about these services ahead of time; when you look at different
schools, you can ask about this. Talk to the person in charge of the disability office. It’s public
information. You can then apply with that information in mind.”
Meet with Colleges' Disabilities Support Officers:
Once you’ve selected a few prospective schools, it’s time to meet with the disabilities support service
office at the school of interest. Nagler explains that almost every college and university has a disabilities
support service office, but “not all are autism friendly; students with autism may need unique
accommodations because of their learning styles.” Accommodations might include extra time for tests,
help with note taking and more.
Come to Campus Early to Plan for Transition:
In June, after you’ve been accepted to college, come to campus. Don’t wait until August when the entire
freshman class arrives. Meet with the director of disabilities support to plan for transition. “That part
hasn’t been worked out smoothly yet at most schools,” says Sapountzis, “so parents and kids must be
pro active. Take preventive action.” Unlike K-12 public education, colleges will not come to you with
identified concerns: you must document, communicate, follow up. “In college, YOU must say “I need
Understand That College Students Must Speak for Themselves:
While parents can and should be involved with the preparation process, it’s important for them to
recognize that they can’t get involved at the same level when kids are in college. In college, the student
must actively ask for help. Some students don’t want to do that, says Sapountzis, but anxiety and stress
can end a college career. It’s critically important that students are able to recognize danger signs and be
ready, willing and able to access the support they need.
More Options for College Prep:
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Not every teen with autism will be college bound. Even those with the intellectual ability to handle
college may not be ready for the social demands and executive functioning of a residential campus. If
your teen with autism is among those who can handle the coursework but not campus life, there are a
few options to consider.
Junior college in your local area is a good choice for students who are ready to taste
independence but not quite ready to take off on their own.
Distance learning from home is a good possibility for some students who find typical classes and
lectures don't work for their learning style.
College prep programs are springing up across the country, offering intensive residential
programs to prepare teens for independent living. Some of these are associated with
universities, others are standalone.
Whatever direction you take, the keys to success are preparation - both for the student and for the
school. If you're not sure that your child or their school of choice are ready for the challenge, it's okay to
wait, or to take it a step at a time.
More About College
Going Through College with Asperger Syndrome
College Information
Causes of Stress In College Students
More About Education and Autism
Educational Options for Children with Autism
Top Autism Education Websites
Public School and Autism Education
Autism and College
Autism College - Preparatory Programs to Help Kids with Autism Succee&helli...
What Is Transition Planning for the Teen with Autism?
Going Through College with Autism: Hints and Tips
Programs to Prepare Teens with Autism for College
Quick Guide to Accommodations on the SAT
for Students with Disabilities, from Wrightslaw
on the questions we receive about accommodations on college boards (SATs), there
is a great deal of confusion about how to obtain accommodations on the SAT. We decided
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Plan & Prepare: Transition to Adulthood
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there is a need for a quick guide to accommodations on the college boards (SATs). Our
research editor, Sue Whitney, provided the information in this Quick Guide to
Accommodations on the SAT.”
Post-secondary education
Transitional Learning Charter
College of the Canyons Campus
This program was founded for students with developmental disabilities who needed continued support
from the William S. Hart Union High School District in order to be successful in postsecondary
educational settings.
Students who graduate from the District can apply to this Charter School. The classrooms are located on
the COC campus. Students become acclimated to the COC campus during the summer before they
graduate. During the summer, the students can take placement tests, take personal development 101,
which is an introduction to studying and learning at COC, learn to get to the College by the local transit
system, and decide on classes they will take in the fall semester.
Students can take classes which will lead to an AA degree or they can take classes which will lead to a
certificate of competence in a trade/profession. Students in the program check in with staff to insure
that they are following the course syllabus, are studying appropriately for the class, and meeting course
deadlines. In addition, to the support they receive for college classes, students also complete a career
portfolio, which allows them to prepare for employment. By completing the portfolio, they learn about
job applications, resume writing, introductory letters, and interviewing.
Students receive additional support from the academic center and career planning center of the College.
Students must maintain academic and behavioral standards which are required by the College.
Students can participate in weekly group counseling sessions provided by the local mental health
agency. The group meets on a variety of topics which are pertinent to their lives. The counseling
component is encouraged but not mandatory. On Fridays, most students do not attend classes at the
College and thus are free to plan community based outings with their peers. These outings are meant
for supporting social skills and for developing friendships.
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(Note from E. Iland, Hart District parent: This program, designed with the needs for College-Bound
adults with ASD in mind, can serve as a model for other communities).
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