WORLD METEOROLOGICAL ORGANIZATION CBS/SG-RFC 2001/Doc. 2.2(7) (27.II.2001) _____________ _______ COMMISSION FOR BASIC SYSTEMS STEERING GROUP ON RADIO FREQUENCY COORDINATION ITEM 2.2 GENEVA, 3-8 MAY 2001 ENGLISH only WORKING DOCUMENT- ANALYSIS OF POSSIBLE SHARING OF THE BAND 16831690 MHZ BETWEEN METEOROLOGICAL SATELLITE (GVAR) GROUND STATIONS AND MOBILE STATIONS OPERATING IN THE MOBILE SATELLITE SERVICE (GSO) IN THE UNITED STATES (Submitted By David Franc, National Weather Service) Summary and Purpose of Document This document, prepared by the United States has been submitted to the May 2001 meeting of ITU Working Party 7C. The document is provided to the WMO SG-RFC for information purposes. Action Proposed Members of the SG-RFC are invited to review and comment on the document prior to its formal presentation at the May 2001 meeting of Working Party 7C. INTERNATIONAL TELECOMMUNICATION UNION RADIOCOMMUNICATION STUDY GROUPS Document 7C/XX-E 8D/YY-E XX May 2001 English only United States of America WORKING DOCUMENT- ANALYSIS OF POSSIBLE SHARING OF THE BAND 16831690 MHZ BETWEEN METEOROLOGICAL SATELLITE (GVAR) GROUND STATIONS AND MOBILE STATIONS OPERATING IN THE MOBILE SATELLITE SERVICE (GSO) IN THE UNITED STATES 1.0 Introduction. Resolution 227 calls for the completion of technical studies within the ITU-R regarding sharing between the Mobile-Satellite Service (MSS) and the Meteorological Satellite Service (Metsat) GVAR and S-VISSR Earth Stations. The GVAR stations, deployed with ITU Region 2, are used for user-reception of meteorological satellite processed data within the GOES footprints. S-VISSR is a similar system deployed in ITU Region 3 and meteorological data is received from the Japanese GMS meteorological satellite. This study investigates the feasibility of the GSO MSS sharing spectrum within the band 1683-1690 MHz with the Government operated Metsat GVAR receive stations within the United States. It has been determined that there a many more non-Government GVAR stations operated within the U.S. However, identification of those stations for inclusion in this analysis proved to difficult in the time frame available for completion of this document. 2.0 Deployment of GVAR Stations within The United States. The GVAR signal is received by many locations within the United States from both GOES East and GOES West. Users of the data include the government agencies, commercial weather services, universities, research institutions, and other government facilities. Operators of GVAR receiving stations are not required to register their stations. As a result, identification of the non-government stations proved to be extremely difficult and ultimately could not be accomplished. Identification of the systems operated in support of the U.S. Government operations was accomplished for this study. The stations listed in this document are all the stations known, to date, to be operated in support of U.S. Government operations. Table 1 is a list of stations where sufficient data could be obtained in a timely manner to accomplish the development of example exclusion zones. Example exclusion zones are provided since the GSO MSS MES characteristics and deployment may be slightly different that what was used in this study, resulting in exclusion zones that could be slightly different size. Table 2 is a list of additional stations where sufficient data could not be obtained to accomplish a thorough analysis of required exclusion zones. The information in these lists does not preclude the identification of additional existing or new GVAR stations at a later time. TABLE 1- Locations of Government Fixed GVAR Stations Operated in the United States- Sufficient Data Available to Perform Analysis of Required Exclusion Zones Site or User NWS Tropical Prediction Center NWS Severe Storms Prediction Center NWS Specialized Center for Aviation NWS Southern Region Headquarters NOAA Office of Atmospheric Research- CSU CIMSS University of Wisconsin NWS National Operational Hydrologic Remote Sensing Center NESDIS, Suitland NESDIS Wallops Island CDA National Data Buoy Center Goddard Space Flight Center Site #1 Goddard Space Flight Center Site #2 Goddard Space Flight Center Site #3 NASA Langley Research Center Federal Aviation Administration NASA Johnson Space Center Latitude 25 45’ 14” N Longitude 80 23’ 2” W 35 14’ 0.48” N 97 27’ 40.2” W 39 16’ 37.62” N 94 39’ 48.96”W 32 45’ 3.9” N 97 19’ 57.6” W 40 34’ 41.7” N 105 4’ 51.96” W 43 4’ 50.94” N 89 25’ 55.86” W 44 51’ 35.64” N 93 31’ 38.58” W 38 50’ 59.36” N 37 56’ 48” N 76 55’ 51.9” W 75 27’ 33” W 30 21’ 18” N 89 36’ 46” W 39 00’ 2” N 76 50’ 30.5” W 38 59’ 48” N 76 50’ 58.2” W 38 59’ 33.6” N 76 50’ 22.8” W 37 5’ 40” N 76 20’ 31” W 28 5’ 27.06” N 80 38’ 17.82” W 29 33’ 36” N 95 5’ 9.6” W TABLE 2- Government Fixed GVAR Stations Operated in the United States – Insufficient Data Available For Exclusion Zone Analysis (1) Location Approximate Latitude 38 35’ N 34 56’ N 42 29’ N 41 8’ N 35 6’ N 30 11’ N 21 20’ N 21 22’ N 36 36’ N 38 35’ N 32 23’ N 36 56’ N 41 7’ N 33 54’ N 30 29’ N Approximate Longitude 89 54’ W 117 56’ W 71 16’ W 95 53’ W 79 14’ W 89 36’ W 157 56’ W 158 W 121 53’W 121 30’ W 106 28’ W 76 18’ W 111 58’ W 117 16’ W 86 32’ W Scott AFB, O’Fallon, IL Edwards AFB, Edwards, CA Hanscom AFB, Bedford, MA Offutt AFB, Bellevue, NE Ft. Bragg, Fayetteville, NC Stennis AFB, MS Hickam AFB, Oahu, HI Pearl Harbor, Oahu, HI Navy FNMOC, Monterey, CA McClellan, AFB, Sacramento, CA White Sands Missile Range, NM Norfolk Navy Base, Norfolk, VA Hill AFB, Ogden, UT March AFB, Riverside, CA Eglin AFB, Okaloosa, FL Point Magu, CA Robins AFB, GA 32 38’ N 83 35’ W Tinker AFB, OK 35 25’ N 97 23’ W Peterson AFB, CO 38 49’ N 104 42’ W Keesler AFB, Biloxi, MS 30 24’ N 88 56’ W USAF Valley Forge, PA 40 5’ N 75 28’ W Jacksonville, FL 30 20’ N 81 39’ W Whidbey Island, WA 48 21’ N 122 39’ W Roosevelt Roads, PR Coronado NAS, San Diego, CA 32 42’ N 117 2’ W Nellis AFB, Las Vegas, NV 36 14’ N 115 2’ W Pensacola, FL 30 28’ N 87 12’ W Davis-Monthan AFB, AZ 32 10’ N 110 53’ W Anderson AFB, Guam Elmendorf AFB, Anchorage, AK 61 15 N 149 49’ W Notes: (1)- Additional work is required to collect data and perform exclusion zone analysis. TABLE 3- GOVERNMENT MOBILE AND TRANSPORTABLE GVAR STATIONS OPERATED BY THE UNITED STATES IN ITU REGION 2 At least 50 Mobile/Transportable StationsOperated within the GOES East and GOES West Defense and Disaster Response Operations Footprints 3.0 Analysis. 3.1 Fixed GVAR Station Locations. Sharing between the GSO MSS and fixed GVAR stations may be feasible if exclusion zones can be established and enforced around the GVAR receivers and the number of GVAR receivers is relatively low. Sharing would become infeasible if the number of GVAR stations is large so exclusion zones would prevent MSS operation in large geographic areas. Development of example exclusion zones was performed using the propagation model in ITU-R Recommendation P.452-8, with terrain data. In addition, site conditions such as antenna heights were considered. ITU-R Recommendation P-452-8 is designed for analysis of interference between systems, operated above 0.7 GHz, on the Earth’s surface. It considers all propagation mechanisms that contribute significantly to the propagation of interfering signals, including diffraction, ducting, and troposcatter. The model was configured for use of the Metsat long-term interference criteria and as a result, a time percentage of 20% was used in the model. The resulting contours show the areas where MSS operation would exceed the long-term criteria for more than 20 % of the time. In most cases GVAR receive stations operate two antennas for reception from both GOES East and GOES West. 3.1.1 MSS Mobile Earth Station (MES) Characteristics. Primary interest in the band 1683-1690 MHz is to satisfy the spectrum requirements of the GSO MSS. This analysis will use the characteristics of newer generation GSO MSS systems identified in Recommendation ITU-R M.1184-1. The characteristics used in Recommendation ITU-R SA.1158-2 are no longer valid for future systems. The GSO MSS characteristics necessary for the analysis are summarized below in Table 4. The antenna gains of the newer generation GSO MSS MES’s vary, but are typically lower gain than older MES’s. An antenna gain of 4 dBi, directed towards the horizon was selected for the analysis. The height of the MES antenna above terrain is not a value specified in M.1184-1. Discussions with GSO MSS users within the U.S. revealed that while many MES’s are operated while on or very near the ground, they are also operated from rooftops of buildings periodically. Therefore, an antenna height of 20 meters was used in the analysis. The density of GSO MSS MES’s that could be expected to operate around a metsat station is not readily available. For this study, contours were modelled for two cases: 1) a single MES contributing interference to the GVAR station and 2) 32 MES’s contributing to interference of the GVAR station. For the second case, the selection of 32 MES’s was to show the effect of aggregate interference from a significantly large number of stations. It is not intended to imply that this is the number of stations that could contribute to the interference. The actual value could be higher or lower. TABLE 4- GSO MSS Mobile Earth Station Characteristics Antenna Gain (dBi) 4 MSS MES EIRP (dBW) 16 Modulation Scheme OQPSK Channel Spacing (kHz) 10 Antenna Height (m) 20 3.1.2 GVAR Earth station Characteristics. The GVAR stations are receive only and generally use a 7 meter (approximate) parabolic antenna. The sharing criteria specified in Recommendation ITU-R SA.1161-1 is used in plotting the interference area contours. The full –145.4 dBW per 2.11 MHz is used for the single MES contour. A value of –160.4 dBW per 2.11 MHz, 15 dB lower, is used to plot the contour associated with 32 MES’s contributing interference. The locations of GVAR antennas vary from ground installations to installations on the roofs of tall buildings. For the analysis, the antenna azimuth and elevation necessary for maintaining a link with the GOES satellite was considered. Therefore, the antennas were configured to track the GOES satellite and antennas at higher latitudes have lower elevation angles. TABLE 5- GVAR Earth Station Typical Characteristics Antenna Type Antenna Size (m) Modulation Scheme Bandwidth (MHz) Appendix 29 7 BPSK 4.22 Criteria, 1 MES (dBW/2.11 MHz) -145.4 Criteria, per MES, 32 MES’s (dBW/2.11 MHz) -160.4 Antenna Height (m) Varies from ground level to rooftop installations 3.1.3 Analysis Results. The exclusion zone size required to protect the fixed GVAR stations varied considerably depending on the GVAR station parameters and the local terrain. Annex 1 contains the individual plots for the required exclusion zones around each of the fixed stations identified in Table 1. Most stations have two antennas for receiving from both GOES East and GOES West. Only the plot for the antenna that requires the larger exclusion zone is provided in Annex 1. Figure 1 provides a mosaic of the exclusion zones, based on 1 MES’ circular contours, in the United States that include the exclusion zone areas that are required to protect the identified fixed Government GVAR stations. In addition, the map includes identification of those stations where insufficient data was available to complete an exclusion zone analysis. A standard 100 km radius exclusion zone is drawn for those stations where insufficient data was available. Circular exclusion zones are the easiest to implement, requiring the satellite to only calculate a distance from the near-by GVAR station(s) before allowing the MES to transmit. More complex exclusion zone shapes would reduce the amount of area that an MES would be prohibited from operating within, but may be too complex to be feasible. Figure 1 shows the fixed Government GVAR stations identified to date. Identification of additional stations is possible in the future. The analysis results indicate several trends worth noting. First, most sites where terrain shielding was the dominant propagation limitation show that there is little difference in the required exclusion zone for a single MES and the aggregate effect of 32 MES’s. Annex 1 Figures B, E and F are good examples. However, there are a few exceptions where interference occurred a high point in the terrain at a much further distance for the 32 MES case that did not occur in the 1 MES case. Figures D and K in Annex are examples. A significant number of GVAR stations are operated along the coast, where ducting is the dominant contributor to the interference. Figures C, I, J, N, O, and P cases where ducting is the dominant interference contributor. In these cases, the curve for the 32 MES’s is most likely not valid since the probability is very low of many MES’s meeting the correct geometry for ducting into the GVAR station. The analysis contained in this study is based on some assumptions of the GSO MSS MES characteristics and deployment. If exclusion zone implementation was considered feasible a more thorough analysis using more applicable MES characteristics and deployment scenarios is required. 50N 45N 40N IDENTIFIED GVAR STATIONINSUFFICIENT DATA FOR THOROUGH EXCLUSION ZONE ANALYSIS 0 SCALE (km) 200 130W IDENTIFIED GVAR STATIONREQUIRED EXCLUSION ZONE 400 120W 110W 100W 90W 80W 70W FIGURE 1- MAP SHOWING CIRCULAR AREAS THAT ENCOMPASS THE EXCLUSION ZONES WHERE MSS OPERATIONS WOULD BE PROHIBITED, TO PROTECT EXISTING GOVERNMENT OPERATED GVAR RECEIVING SYSTEMS (STATIONS WHERE INSUFFICIENT DATA AVAILABLE HAVE 100 KM RADIUS EXCLUSION ZONES INDICATED. LARGER ZONES (UP TO 250 KM RADIUS) MAY BE REQUIRED WHEN DATA IS MADE AVAILABLE FOR ANALYSIS. 35N 30N 25N 20N 3.2 Mobile/Transportable GVAR Stations. Table 3 indicates the existence of at least 50 Government operated mobile/transportable GVAR systems that are used within the GOES East and GOES West footprints. Since these stations are mobile/transportable, coordination with the Mobile Satellite Service is not feasible. There is no manner in which to establish exclusion zones around these stations. Protection of the mobile/transportable stations is critical as they are used for defense operations and response to manmade and natural disasters within ITU-Region 2. Operation of these stations is required in countries within Region 2 other than the United States. Due to the inability of protecting these stations, use of the band 1683-1690 MHz by the MSS is infeasible. 4.0 Conclusion. Analysis of sharing between the GSO MSS and the GVAR receive stations operated in the meteorological satellite service indicates that the fixed U.S. Government GVAR stations could be protected with the establishment of exclusion zones around the stations. Example analyses are provided to indicate the magnitude of the exclusion zone sizes required. The only stations identified in detail in this study are for Government operations. Additional nonGovernment stations, numbering in the hundreds have also been identified, but without sufficient information to include in the analysis. If these additional stations are also included in the stations that must be protected, MSS operations in this band would be limited in geographic area. Furthermore, deployment of future GVAR stations will make sharing considerably more difficult and could require operational changes to the MSS system. The limitations placed on the MSS for protecting the fixed GVAR stations is not the limiting factor in the feasibility of MSS use of the band 1683-1690 MHz. The mobile/transportable stations cannot be protected with the use exclusion zones. Protection of a receive station where the location changes periodically and is unknown is not possible. The U.S. requires the capability to use these receive stations within the GOES (East and West) footprints for both defence operations and humanitarian efforts. As noted in Section 3.2, operation of these mobile/transportable stations is required within the entire GOES footprints, which encompasses more than ITU Region 2. In conclusion, MSS use of the band 1683-1690 MHz is not feasible within ITU Region 2. ANNEX 1PLOTS OF EXCLUSION ZONES FOR INDIVIDUAL FIXED GVAR STATIONS FIGURE A- Potential Interference Areas Around the NWS Severe Storms Prediction Center (Norman, OK) GOES West GVAR Station. FIGURE B- Potential Interference Areas Around the NWS Aviation Prediction Center (Kansas City) GOES West GVAR Station. FIGURE C- Potential Interference Areas Around the NWS Tropical Prediction Center (Miami, FL) GOES West GVAR Station. FIGURE D- Potential Interference Areas Around the NWS Southern Region Headquarters (Ft. Worth, TX) GOES West GVAR Station. FIGURE E- Potential Interference Areas Around NOAA Office of Atmospheric Research (Colorado State Univ.) GOES West GVAR Station. FIGURE F- Potential Interference Areas Around Cooperative Institute for Meteorological Satellite Studies (CIMSS) (Univ. of Wisconsin) GOES West GVAR Station. FIGURE G- Potential Interference Areas Around the NWS National Hydrologic Remote Sensing Center (NOHRSC) (Chanhassen, MN) GOES West GVAR Station. FIGURE H- Potential Interference Areas Around the NESDIS Headquarters (Suitland, MD) GOES West GVAR Station. FIGURE I- Potential Interference Areas Around the NESDIS CDA Station (Wallops Island, VA) GOES East GVAR Station. FIGURE J- Potential Interference Areas Around the National Data Buoy Center GOES West GVAR Station. FIGURE K- Potential Interference Areas Around the Goddard Space Flight Center GOES West GVAR Station- Location #1. FIGURE L- Potential Interference Areas Around the Goddard Space Flight Center GOES West GVAR Station- Location #2. FIGURE M- Potential Interference Areas Around the Goddard Space Flight Center GOES West GVAR Station- Location #3. FIGURE N- Potential Interference Areas Around the NASA Langley Research Center GOES West GVAR Station. FIGURE O- Potential Interference Areas Around the FAA Receive Station (Melbourne, FL) GOES West GVAR Station. FIGURE P- Potential Interference Areas Around the NASA Johnson Space Center GOES West GVAR Station.