2014 Church School Workshop 101. How Do We Grow the Church

2014 Church School Workshop
101. How Do We Grow the Church Sunday School with Pastor & People?
Facilitator, Dr. Bryant S. Cheek, Sr., Laurens SC
The facilitator will share insights, instructions, information and guidelines from a pastor’s
point of view. The essential question in this session will be, “How can the pulpit become more
creative in communicating the importance of church school?” Pastors and people will learn
how to develop Biblical Models through creative preaching, teaching from Sunday morning
messages that will motivate members to attend Sunday school.
102. Conflict Management & Church Renewal through Sunday School
Facilitator, Dr. Johnny L. Jonson, Jr., Laurens, SC
The participants will learn how to apply specific conflict management methodology from biblical
models. An example of such a method is: Robert Bolton suggests six steps to a problem solving
method. They are: (1) define the problem in terms of needs, not solution; (2) brainstorm
possible solutions; (3) select the solutions that will best meet both parties’ needs and check
possible consequences; (4) plan who will do what, where, and by when; (5) implement the plan;
(6) evaluate the problem-solving process and at a later date, how well the solution turned out.
103. Ministering To The Life of The Church From The Cradle To The Grave
Facilitator, Dr. Toney Parks Greenville, SC
This course focuses on various social, physical and spiritual needs of members at different
stages of their life. The participants will learn the different stages each group experience at
different points in their life. The church needs to be able to reach out to them and minister to
them at that point in their life. Example is: (1) Infancy: How does the church prepare and deal
with infants and parents just giving birth to children. Is the church friendly to new parents?
(2) Toddlers: is Sunday school material relevant to this group? Is the furniture and teacher
equipped? (3) Preadolescence: developmental issues. (4) Adolescence: critical age group,
helping them to deal with peer pressure. (5) Young Adult: dating and building relationships.
(6) Middle age: help parents deal with empty nest and focusing on their marital relationship
now that the children are gone. (7) Senior adults: dealing with aging and preparing for medical
issues and understanding the different way of reaching a growing population. These are a few
examples of how the church can intentionally y reach out to each group. The church must be
prepared to respond to the various culture factors facing each group.
104. Leadership Simulations for Staffing Sunday School with Faithful Workers
Facilitator, Dr. Lucious Dixon, Manning, SC
This course seeks to give Biblical insights surrounding how to staff your Sunday School with
the most effective workers. The facilitator will explore topics regarding the importance of a
staff, the number of people to have on a staff, looking for new staff members, and identifying
faithful staff members.
105. Reenergizing the Sunday School through Reinvigorated Teachers, Maybe It Is About
Facilitator, Sister Cleo Brown, Charleston, SC
“Maybe it is About You” is part 1 of a series designed to reenergize teachers who have a
comfortable teaching routine but who want to be more effective and passionate about their
calling. This class of introspection and reflection focuses on YOU the teacher and how you can
respond with renewed passion to this awesome call of God to teach his people. One day about
YOU will lead to even greater days about HIM!!!!
2014 Church School Workshop
106. Church Marketing: Shoestring Budget Marketing, Cadillac Results With No Money”
Facilitator, Sister Marnie Robinson, Columbia, SC
This course is designed to look at and understand what is church marketing? What is church
marketing and how can it help my church ministry? The student will learn how to maximize
the dollars they have in the budget without spending all of the money on one project. The
student will learn how to build your marketing strategy or strategies and obtain the Cadillac
return on your investment.
107. Preparing for the C.O. Jackson & N. J. Brockman Oratorical Contest: Making it
This workshop is designed for District Oratorical Advisors, Oratorical Coaches, and interested
contest participants (Graduating High School Seniors, Rising College Freshmen, Sophomores,
and Juniors).
The facilitator will share the history/purpose of the contest, plans for
preliminary contestants, requirements for eligibility, topics for speeches (theme), time limit,
responsibilities of the judges, filling out personal data sheet, awards, and the official scoring
sheet/items that the contestant will be judged on. The facilitator will also share ideas for
motivating and inspiring the youth of our congregations to participate in oratorical contests
sponsored by our State Congress of Christian Education.
108. Leadership Insights for The Sunday School Teacher and the Students
This course seeks to train Sunday School teachers. The following topics will be explored:
personal discipline, effective study habits, identifying the purpose of the lesson, teaching
strategies that work, and capturing the attention of your audience/students.
109. Creative Sunday School Activities for Children
This course seeks to teach creative methods used to take the gospel to children. The course
will examine biblical models surrounding the importance of children receiving the gospel.
Participants will receive effective teaching strategies that will include; drama activities, art,
word games, and other effective instructional strategies to teach children about the gospel, and
how to involve children in a lesson that will have a powerful impact on their lives.
110. Getting Church Leaders to Attend Sunday School?
This course is designed to teach participants the importance of spiritual and personal growth
within the Sunday School. Essential questions will include; “Why should church leaders
attend Sunday School? What biblical model can we examine that relates to leadership
attending Sunday School? How often should a leader attend Sunday School? Who are the
leaders within your church? Do church leaders have influence with the congregation?”
111. Leadership Models for Building Healthy Families through Sunday School
This course is designed to teach participants the role of the family within the church school.
Essential questions explored will be, “How do we define family? How does a healthy family
look? Why Sunday School?” Participants will also learn techniques to help strengthen, guide,
instruct, inform and teach principals defining the meaning of healthy families.
112. Leadership Methods for Building Sunday School Programs to Meet the Needs of the
This course will survey the needs of the church, and train participates how to properly collect
and analyzes the data from the survey. The facilitator will also provide strategies for using the
data to build an effective Sunday School program.
113. Leadership Methods for Reaching the Sunday Morning Crowd for Sunday School
This course is designed to reach congregation members whom may be actively involved in
Sunday morning worship, but does not participate in Sunday school. The participants will gain
2014 Church School Workshop
knowledge on reaching within the church evangelically to disciple believers and help them
understand the importance of Sunday School.