Promoting safe child contact within a national framework of Child Contact
Reg Charity
Associate Commercial
No. 1078636
Information ‘for profit’ organisations only
Associate Commercial Status
For organisations which may or may not currently offer direct contact services on a ‘for profit’ basis
and which do not satisfy some or all of the Enhanced Accreditation/Accreditation Criteria so as to
qualify for Full Commercial Membership but who wish to access the support structures offered by
NACCC and Child Contact Centres to achieve Enhanced Accreditation/Accreditation.
For safety reasons, Enhanced Accreditation/Accreditation and Full Commercial Membership Criteria
should be achieved before referrals are accepted.
Associate Commercial status does not confer voting rights.
1. Meet Associate Commercial conditions (see above).
2. Return a signed Working Agreement to NACCC with the Associate Commercial Application Form.
3. Agree and work to NACCC’s Mission Statement and Values (see enclosed).
4. Accept and work to the NACCC National Standards for Child Contact Centres upon which
Enhanced Accreditation/Accreditation is based.
5. All Child Contact Centres offering supervised contact must undertake enhanced accreditation.
6. Enhanced Accreditation/Accreditation and Full Commercial Membership must normally be
achieved within 6 months of becoming an Associate Commercial.
7. To ensure NACCC database holds current organisation details.
8. Pay annual subscription and enhanced accreditation fees every three years.
1. Individual support from a member of the Regional
Support team.
2. FREE access to the NACCC Guidance Manual on
the NACCC website.
3. FREE access to the NACCC Directory of Child Contact
Centres on the NACCC website.
4. Centre services advertised through the website &
information line service, once accredited.
5. National Information line providing signposting
10. Visit from support staff for Enhanced
Accreditation criteria to be checked
when appropriate. If the Centre provides
supervised contact, enhanced
accreditation must be achieved at a cost
of 2 instalments of £600.
11. Regular copies of Contact Matters
magazine - Keeping you up-to-date
with Child Contact Centre & service
12. Credibility and status attached to
6. Attendance at NACCC AGM and Conference.
membership of a nationally recognised
7. Access to skills updating and development
Child Contact Centre organisation.
opportunities for staff, volunteers and members
of Trustee Boards.
8. Publications and resources at heavily subsidised
rates or FREE.
9. Use of NACCC CRB Disclosure processing facility.
13. Copy of Annual Review.
14. For avoidance of doubt – NACCC is not
in a position to provide legal advice.
Promoting safe child contact within a national framework of Child Contact
Reg Charity
No. 1078636
Associate Commercial
Mission Statement and Values
NACCC Mission Statement:
To promote safe child contact within a national framework of Child Contact Centres.
Values of NACCC:
Ensuring safety
Child centred within the family
Promoting equality, celebrating diversity
Independent and impartial
Respecting individuals, preserving confidentiality
Valuing and supporting voluntary service
Sharing skills and expertise to achieve better outcomes for children and their families
Membership of the National Association of Child Contact Centres is based upon the NACCC
National Standards for Child Contact Centres, originally agreed by the Membership and
updated by NACCC in line with legislation and good practice.
NACCC produces a Guidance Manual that underpins the National Standards and gives Child
Contact Centres clear guidelines on all issues that may occur in Centres. The Guidance
Manual is available free of charge to member centres.
NACCC has an enhanced accreditation/accreditation process for all Child Contact
Centres/Services including those applying for Associate Commercial status. This process
requires Child Contact Centres to achieve and then operate in accordance with NACCC’s
National Standards for Child Contact Centres. Once an Associate Commercial Child Contact
Centre obtains enhanced accreditation/accreditation they automatically move to Full
Commercial Membership. Any NACCC Child Contact Centre/Service that undertakes
Supervised Contact has to obtain Enhanced Accreditation.
Promoting safe child contact within a national framework of Child Contact
Reg Charity No.
NACCC Membership Structure
Associates – For organisations which may or may not currently offer direct contact
services on a not-for-profit basis and which do not satisfy some or all of the
Accreditation Criteria so as to qualify for Full Membership but who wish to access the
support structures offered by NACCC and Child Contact Centres to obtain accreditation.
For safety reasons, Accreditation/Enhanced Accreditation and Full Membership Criteria
should be achieved before a Child Contact Centre accepts referrals. All NACCC Child
Contact Centres/Services that offer Supervised Contact need to obtain Enhanced
Full Membership – automatic membership category for all NACCC Child Contact Centres
who offer direct contact services and who have achieved the requirements of NACCC
accreditation during Associate status. Those becoming a full member must be a ‘not for
profit’ organisation. Membership subscriptions will be paid on an annual basis.
Accreditation/Enhanced Accreditation must be renewed every 3 years.
Associate Commercials – For organisations which may or may not currently offer direct
contact services on a ‘for profit’ basis and which do not satisfy some or all of the
Enhanced/Accreditation Criteria so as not to qualify for Full Commercial Membership but
who wish to access the support structures offered by NACCC and Child Contact Centres
to achieve Enhanced Accreditation/Accreditation.
For safety reasons, Enhanced/Accreditation and Full Commercial Membership Status
should be achieved before a Child Contact Centre accepts referrals. All NACCC Child
Contact Centres/Services who offer Supervised contact need to obtain Enhanced
Full Commercial Membership – automatic membership category for all NACCC ‘for profit’
Child Contact Centres, who offer direct contact services and who have achieved the
requirements of NACCC Enhanced/Accreditation during Associate Commercial status.
Membership subscriptions will be paid on an annual basis. Accreditation/Enhanced
Accreditation must be renewed every 3 years.
Affiliation – The Affiliate structure is primarily for referral agencies such as family
lawyers, local authority departments, the judiciary etc that refer families to Child Contact
Centres/Services. Other organisations who are not eligible for any other membership
category but whose work impacts upon the work of NACCC and the services offered at
Child Contact Centres, can also apply for an Affiliate subscription.
Promoting safe child contact within a national framework of Child Contact
Reg Charity
No. 1078636
Associate Commercial Application Form
If your organisation wants to become an Associate Commercial of NACCC, please complete in
CAPITAL letters and return to NACCC, 1 Heritage Mews, High Pavement, Nottingham, NG1 1HN.
Name of Organisation:
Name for correspondence: Title:
Address (inc Postcode):
Telephone No:
Please tick which best describes your organisation
Operational Centre (for profit) 
Social Workers  Other (Please specify) ___________
Type of contact offered (please tick as appropriate)
Supported 
Supervised 
Both 
We have read NACCC’s Mission and Values Statements and share the statements therein.
We agree to work in accordance with the NACCC Working Agreement and have enclosed one signed
copy with this application.
The annual cost for Associate Commercials is £450. Please enclose a cheque for £450
made payable to NACCC. We also understand that the fee of 2 x £600 for enhanced
accreditation for supervised contact has to be paid during Associate Commercial status.
If this contact service venue is under the auspices of an organisation who has already
achieved enhanced accreditation at a different venue then there is a reduced fee of £400
covering the enhanced accreditation process. If this is the case, please give the
name/location of the centre/venue that is already accredited (if different from above):
Signed (on behalf of the
Full Name (please print clearly):
1. Introduction
This Working Agreement is for new services providing supervised child contact (CCCs) and working
towards Enhanced Accreditation of NACCC (known as Associates or Commercial Associates).
2. Background
NACCC believes that it is important to have:
A framework for establishing and running new CCCs
An appropriate basis for the safe, successful running of existing CCCs
A basis for the successful induction and training of volunteers and staff.
A means by which CCCs, their users, referrers and funders can monitor and evaluate the
service they are providing or receiving.
3. NACCC requirements
Any new CCC providing Supervised contact will therefore be expected to:
Sign this working agreement saying they are willing to work towards enhanced accreditation.
Achieve enhanced accreditation within 6 months of becoming a Commercial Associate/
Associate of NACCC
If a new CCC is unwilling to undertake accreditation they will not be able to become/remain a
Commercial Associate/Associate of NACCC.
However if there are special or exceptional circumstances why enhanced accreditation has not been
achieved within 6 months a new accreditation agreement may be approved by NACCC to an amended
4. NACCC Support for CCCs moving towards Enhanced Accreditation
NACCC is committed to providing on-going support to its Commercial Associates/Associates working
towards enhanced accreditation. This support will take the form of:
The provision of access to the NACCC Best Practice Manual within the first month of
The appointment of a named worker to guide the centre through the enhanced
accreditation process.
The named worker will visit the CCC within one month of it becoming an Commercial Associate/
Associate. They will then carry out additional visits or meaningful contact as appropriate at 6, 9 and
12 months during the first year of becoming an Commercial Associate/Associate of NACCC.
The named worker will send a report to the centre after each of these stages. The reports will identify
the issues discussed and the Action Plan agreed upon to address them.
Commercial Associates/Associates will also have access to on-going information and support, where
requested, from other NACCC staff.
5. Length of Enhanced Accreditation
NACCC enhanced accreditation is normally valid for three years. However NACCC reserves the right to
carry out additional checks to ensure a centre is being well-managed and run. The CCC will be given
notice of these checks and the areas they will be covering.
At the end of the three-year period the CCC will be expected to enter into and complete NACCC’s reaccreditation process for CCCs providing Supervised Contact to maintain enhanced accreditation
6. Suspension of Enhanced Accredited Status
Enhanced Accreditation will be suspended in the following circumstances:
Non-payment of annual subscription or other required sums
Failure to provide contact details
A complaint against the centre is upheld after a full investigation by NACCC where the complaint
evidences a breach of NACCC standards that has not been rectified
Failure to meet the enhanced accreditation timetable without reasonable excuse
Failure to cooperate with the assigned NACCC worker
Consequences of suspension
1. The CCC’s status will be amended in the NACCC Directory of Child Contact Centres and the
NACCC website
2. The NACCC helpline will not give out its details to enquirers other than if the CCC has been
suspended, if asked specifically
3. Where CAFCASS/CAFCASS CYMRU/NI Trust is a funder or referrer it will be notified
7. Termination of Enhanced Accreditation
Enhanced Accreditation will be terminated in the following circumstances:
The CCC ceases to exist
The CCC cancels its Commercial Associate/Associate status of NACCC
The CCC fails to respond to warning letters from NACCC
The CCC refuses to reasonably implement changes required by NACCC in order for it to
meet/maintain national standards and enhanced accredited status requirements.
Consequences of Termination
1. The CCC’s status will be deleted from the NACCC Directory of Child Contact Centres and the
NACCC website
2. The NACCC helpline will not give out its details to enquirers other than that its membership has
been terminated, if asked specifically
3. Where CAFCASS/CAFCASS CYMRU/NI Trust is a funder or referrer to the centre they will be
4. The local Family Justice Council will be notified
In order to re-join NACCC, the CCC will have to apply to be a Commercial Associate/Associate and
meet first enhanced accreditation standards.
8. Appeals Procedure
If the centre/service does not agree with a decision taken by a member of NACCC’s staff in respect of
its enhanced accreditation it should request a copy the Appeals Procedure. This will be sent to the
CCC by the NACCC office within five working days of the request being made.
Please sign two copies of this agreement and return one to NACCC and keep one for your files.
I agree to abide by and work within this agreement.
Name of Child Contact Centre
Position within CCC
Name – Yvonne Kee
Position – Chief Executive