Doc Rev 1/8/93 Atlas Data Product Documentation Digital Chart of the World (DCW) Strategic Mapping, Inc. (File Release Jan 8, 1993) Definition ---------The Digital Chart of the World (DCW) is a comprehensive 1:1,000,000-scale vector base map of the world. The DCW is based on (1) 270 Operational Navigational Charts (ONC) produced by the Defense Mapping Agency and the mapping agencies of Canada, Australia, and the United Kingdom, and (2) six Jet Navigation Charts covering the Antarctic. The DCW was designed for a wide range of military, scientific, and educational applications. The DCW has been developed in consonance with a new GIS data format known as the Vector Product Format (VPF), which is a US Department of Defense Military Standard. Description ----------Strategic Mapping Inc. has converted the original DCW to Atlas format. The Atlas DCW contains only the geographic files. The original DCW has seventeen "thematic coverages",(also called thematic layers in the original DCW) which have several sub-classes. For example, Aeronautical, a thematic layer, has five types of "features": Active civil, Active civil & military, Active Military, Added from ONC when not in DAFIF, and other. These five types make five unique "features" of the original DCW. As a result, the original DCW has around 273 different "features". The Atlas DCW is composed of 183 layers. Elevation data is licensed and packaged separately. Some of the "features" have been combined into one layer of Atlas DCW and some "features" have been expanded into a few layers. This is explained in the data dictionary, which defines the different layers in the Atlas DCW and the corresponding "features" of the original DCW. The original DCW uses 5 x 5 degree tiles. These have been combined into geographic files covering 15 x 15 degrees. A typical 15 x 15 degree tile occupies about 15 megabytes. Due to the tile structure, continents are defined as sets of tiles, rather than by conventional boundaries. The DCW is packaged on four CDs using approximately the same distribution of tiles and continents as in the orginal DCW. Where a tile covers part of more than one continent, the tile is duplicated on two or more CDs. To reduce cluttering on the screen, some layers of the Atlas DCW have been turned off. You can turn on, off, or toggle any layer by changing the layer settings. Execute the Display-Layer-Setting command to access the screen for changing the layer settings. Conventions ----------The primary name (_Name) for each feature contains the "feature code" from the original DCW. The secondary name (_Name2) is blank in most layers. _Name2 is populated in the Populated Places, Cultural Landmarks, Aeronautical, and a few other layers. The unique ID (_ID) for each feature is a 13-character code of the following form which uniquely identifies the feature anywhere in the world: aaaabbcnnnnnn aaaa bb c nnnnn = = = = tile original DCW "thematic layer" "feature" type "feature" number The first four characters aaaa defines the 5 x 5 degree tile of the original DCW to which this feature belongs. The next two characters, bb, define the thematic coverage of the original DCW for that "feature", for example: PP means Populated Places. Following is the list of different thematic coverages used in the original DCW: AE CL DQ DN DS HY HS LC OF PH PO PP RR RD TS = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = Aeronautical Cultural Landmarks Data Quality Drainage Drainage-Supplemental Hypsography Hypsography-Supplemental Land Cover Ocean Feature Physiography Political/Ocean Populated Places Rail Roads Roads Transportation Structure UT = Utilities VG = Vegetation The seventh character, c, defines the type of "feature", for example: A stands for area. Following are the different types available; A P L T = = = = Area Point Line Text During the production of DCW, names were also digitized as and where they appeared on the maps. This digitized text generated the "Text" layer. This text, starting at a fixed lat lon, is different from a typical AGIS label in a layer. The last six characters, nnnnnn, are the "feature" numbers for the feature. File Names ---------Use the DOS DIR command to obtain a list of files on each disk. There is one geographic file for each 15 x 15 degree tile. Atlas DCW geographic files for each 15 x 15 tile are named as follows: DCW_aa.AGF, AIF, AGX, ANX, and LYR (five files) aa = two letter identifier for the 15 x 15 degree tile. Refer to the printed map, provided with the disks, for the two-letter tile identifier. In addition the following two files come with each DCW order: DCW.DOC DMA_TECH.DOC (this document) Defense Mapping Agency technical documentation for the original DCW Note that the file DMA_TECH.DOC contains portions of the DMA's online technical documentaion that accompanies the original DCW in VPF format. We recommend that you read this file and print a copy for reference. Data Dictionary --------------Following is the data dictionary of the Atlas DCW. ATLAS DCW LAYER ----- ORIGINAL DCW LAYER DESCRIPTION -------- ----------- B_BOUND_INTRNL POL1_2 POL1_3 POL1_7 POL1_8 POL2_1 POL2_2 POL2_3 Dejure I B - approx B Dejure I B - indefinite B Dejure I B - river Dejure I B - polygon closure line Defacto International Boundary - definite Defacto I B - approx B Defacto I B - indefinite B B_BOUND_MAJOR POL5_1 POL5_7 POL5_8 Major Administrative Boundary - definite Major A B - river Major A B - polygon closure line B_BOUND_PRIMARY POL4_1 POL4_2 POL4_7 POL4_8 Primary Primary Primary Primary B_BOUND_TREATY POL6_1 POL6_3 Treaty or occupancy line - definite Treaty o c l - indefinite B B_INT_DATE_LINE POL13_9 International Date LIne B_MARITIME_LMT OFL3 Maritime area limits B_OCEAN_DEMARK POL8_8 Ocean demarcation line - polygon closure line B_TILE_BOUNDARY POLZ_9 DCW 5 by 5 degree tile boundary G_ESCARPMENT PHL3 Escarpments, bluffs, cliffs G_ICE_CLIFF PHL5 Ice cliffs G_LEVEE_DIKE PHL1 Levees, dikes, eskers G_ROCK_OUTCROP PHL2 PHL6 Rock strata outcrops Crater (only 2 in data set) H_CANAL DNL4_9 DNL4_11 Canals, aqueducts, flumes, penstocks, kanat Canals, a, f, p, k - above ground H_CANAL_ABAND DNL4_7 Canals, a, f, p, k - abandoned H_CANAL_UC DNL4_8 Canals, a, f, p, k - under construction Administrative Boundary - definite A B - approx B A B - river A B - polygon closure line H_CANAL_UNDGD DNL4_10 Canals, a, f, p, k - underground ATLAS DCW LAYER ----- ORIGINAL DCW LAYER DESCRIPTION -------- ----------- H_COASTAL_CLOS POL7-4 POL7_9 Coastal closure line - manmade coastline Coastal closure line H_COASTLINE POL10_1 POL10_2 POL10_3 POL10_4 POL10_5 POL10_6 Coastline Coastline Coastline Coastline Coastline Coastline H_DAM DNP6 Dam H_GLACIAL_LMT DNL5_99 Glacial limits H_GLACIER_SNOW DNA4 Snowfields, glaciers, ice H_ICE_FREE_LMT DNL7_99 Ice free limits (land/ice line) H_ICE_LINE POL9_2 POL9_6 Ice line - fluctuating Ice line - ice cliff H_ICE_TO_OCEAN DNL6_99 Snowfield, glacier, land ice to water ice H_ICE_WATER_B POL11_2 Ice/water line - approximate or fluctuating H_INUNDATED_ARE LCA14 Inundated areas H_LAND POA1 Land H_LOCK/GATE DNP5 DNP7 Lock Sluice gate H_OCEAN_ICE POA3 POA4 POA5 Polar ice Pack ice Shelf ice H_OCEAN_WATER POA2 Open ocean H_RAPID DNP4 Rapids _RESERVOIR DNP2 - definite fluctuating unsurveyed manmade undetermined ice cliff Reservoir H_SEAWALL POL12_4 Seawall - manmade coastline H_SHORELINE DNL2_3 Inland shoreline - definite H_SHORELINE_IND DNL2_4 Inland shoreline - indefinite H_SMALL_ISLAND DSP2 Small inland water islands H_SMALL_IS_OCN POP1 Small island ATLAS DCW LAYER ----- ORIGINAL DCW LAYER DESCRIPTION -------- ----------- H_SMALL_LK_GLC DSP1 Small lakes, small glaciers H_SPRING_WELL DNP1 Spring, well, waterhole H_STREAM DNL1_1 DNL1_5 Streams, rivers, channelized rivers - perennial Streams, r, cr - unsurveyed perennial H_STREAM_INTMT DNL1_2 DNL1_6 Streams, r, cr - non-perennial Streams, r, cr - unsurveyed non-perennial H_WATER DNA1 Inland water - perennial H_WATERFALL DNP3 Falls H_WATER_INTMT DNA2 Inland water - non-perennial H_WETLAND LCA15 Undifferentiated wetlands H_WET_SAND DNA3 Wet sand H_WET_SAND_LMT DNL3_99 Wet sand limits L_CULTIVATED_GD LCA3 Cultivated areas, gardens L_DISTORTED_SUR LCA11 Distorted surface areas L_FISH_POND_HAT LCA6 Fish ponds, fish hatcheries L_LAVA_FLOW LCA10 Lava flows L_MINE LCP1 Mines L_MISC_LAND_COV LCP3 Unusual land features L_NATURAL_LNDMK LCA13 Landmark areas - natural L_OIL_GAS_FIELD LCA8 Oil fields, gas fields L_PEAT_CUTTING LCA4 Peat cuttings L_QUARRY_MINE_D areas LCA7 Quarries, strip mines, mine dumps, blasting L_QUARRY_MINE_D areas LCP2 Quarries, strip mines, mine dumps, blasting L_RICE_FIELD LCA1 Rice fields L_SALT_PAN LCA5 Salt pans L_SAND LCA12 Unconsolidated materials (Sand portion) M_CULTURL_LNDMK CLA Cultural land mark areas ATLAS DCW LAYER ----- ORIGINAL DCW LAYER DESCRIPTION -------- ----------- M_CULTURL_LNDMK CLL Cultural landmark linear features M_CULTURL_LNDMK CLP Cultural landmarks O_MISC_OCEAN_FT OFL1 Miscellaneous ocean features O_REEF OFL2 Reefs O_ROCK OFP1 Rock isolated or awash O_WRECK_EXPOSED OFP2 xposed wreck P_CITY PPA1 Built-up area P_CITY_C PPP2_C Populated place associated with city polygon (name in all caps) P_CITY_S PPP2_S PP polygon (name in mixed letters) P_CITY_U PPP2_U PP polygon (unnamed) P_KAMPONG PPA2 Kampong P_POPULTD_PL_C P_POPULTD_PL_S P_POPULTD_PL_U PPP1_C PPP1_S PPP1_U Populated place (name in all caps) PP (name in mixed letters) PP (unnamed) P_VILLAGE PPP3 PPP4 Village, strategic or landmark place Kampong R_BRIDGE TSL1_2 TSL1_3 Road - Bridge Road - Causeway R_BRIDGE TSP1_2 TSP1_3 Road - Bridge Road - Causeway R_CONNECTOR RDL8_4 RDL8_5 Connector - compiled Connector - compiled from adjacent newer ONC R_CONNECTOR_ARB RDL8_9 Connector - arbitrary R_DOUBTFUL RDL2_3 RDL3_3 Primary o s r - existence doubtful Track, t, f - existence doubtful R_DUAL_LANE RDL1_1 RDL1_2 RDL1_5 Dual lane highway - functional Dual lane h - under construction Dual lane h - compiled from adjacent newer ONC R_FERRY TSL1_5 Road - Ferry R_FERRY TSP1_5 Road - Ferry ATLAS DCW LAYER ----- ORIGINAL DCW LAYER DESCRIPTION -------- ----------- R_FORD TSL1_6 Road - Ford R_PRIM_SECND RDL2_1 RDL2_2 RDL2_5 Primary or secondary road - functional Primary o s r - under construction Primary o s r - compiled from adjacent newer R_TRAIL RDL3_1 RDL3_2 Track, trail, footpath - functional Track, t, f - under construction R_TUNNEL TSL1_4 Road - Tunnel R_TUNNEL TSP1_4 Road - Tunnel T_BRIDGE TSL2_2 TSL2_3 Railroad - Bridge Railroad - Causeway T_BRIDGE TSP2_2 TSP2_3 Railroad - Bridge Railroad - Causeway T_CONNECTOR RRL8_1 RRL8_4 RRL8_5 Connector - functional Connector - compiled Connector - compiled from adjacent newer ONC T_CONNECTOR_ARB RRL8_9 Connector - arbitrary T_FERRY TSL2_5 Railroad - Ferry T_FERRY TSP2_5 Railroad - Ferry T_MULTI RRL2_1 Multiple track RR - functional T_NONOPERATING RRL1_2 Single track RR - abandoned, destroyed, under construction Multiple track RR - abandoned, destroyed, under construction Connector - abandoned, destroyed, under construction ONC RRL2_2 RRL8_2 T_SINGLE RRL1_1 RRL3_1 Single track RR - functional Light RR - functional T_STATION TSP2_8 Railroad - Station T_TUNNEL TSL2_4 Railroad - Tunnel T_TUNNEL TSP2_4 Railroad - Tunnel T_YARD TSP2_7 Railroad - Yard U_ELECT_LINE UTL1 Power transmission line ATLAS DCW LAYER ----- ORIGINAL DCW LAYER DESCRIPTION -------- ----------- U_PIPELINE_SURF UTL3 Pipeline - above ground U_PIPELINE_UNDG UTL4 Pipeline - underground U_TELE_LINE UTL2 Telephone or telegraph line VG_FOREST_DECID VGA41 Deciduous forest VG_FOREST_EVRGN VGA42 Evergreen forest VG_FOREST_MIXED VGA43 Mixed forest VG_RANGLND_HERB VGA31 Herbaceous rangeland VG_RANGLND_MIXD VGA33 Mixed rangeland VG_RANGLND_SHRB VGA32 Shrub and brush rangeland VG_TUNDRA_ALPIN VGA83 Alpine tundra V_CIVIL_AIR AEP1 Active civil V_CIVIL_MILIT_A AEP2 Active civil & military V_MILITARY_AIR AEP3 Active military V_ONC_SOURCE_A AEP5 Added from ONC when not in DAFIF V_OTHER_AIR AEP4 Other X_DQ_TEXT DQT Data Quality annotations X_G_TEXT PHT Physiography annotations X_H_TEXT DNT Drainage annotations X_L_TEXT LCT Land cover annotations X_M_TEXT CLT Cultural landmarks annotations X_O_TEXT OFT Ocean features annotations X_PO_TEXT POT Political/oceans annotations X_P_TEXT PPT Populated places annotations X_R_TEXT RDT Road annotations X_TS_TEXT TST Transportation structures annotations X_T_TEXT RRT Railroad annotations ATLAS DCW LAYER ----- ORIGINAL DCW LAYER DESCRIPTION -------- ----------- X_U_TEXT UTT Utilities annotations Z_CONNECTOR DNL8_99 POL88_9 connectors Connector Z_NULL DNAZ LCAZ PPAZ VGAZ Z_ONC_MOD_BOUND DNL1_88 DNL2_88 DNL4_88 DNL5_88 DNL6_88 DNL8_88 DNLZ_88 DNLZ_99 Streams, r, cr - ONC module boundary Inland shoreline - ONC module boundary Canals, a, f, p, k - ONC module boundary Glacial limits - ONC module boundary Snowfield, g, litwi or o - ONC module bound connector - ONC module boundary - ONC module boundary - null Z_UNCODED DNA DNP DSP LCA LCP OFP POA PPA RDL RRL VGA uncoded uncoded uncoded uncoded uncoded uncoded uncoded uncoded uncoded uncoded uncoded Correction Policy ----------------If you discover an error in a file, please notify technical support. If possible, a correction will be made to the file. Please note that the original DCW data set contains many errors, inconsistencies, and irregularities due to conditions and methodology of its production and source ONC chart data. Any file may be returned within 30 days of receipt if an error other than in the original DCW data is discovered and cannot be corrected.