Curriculum Vitae NILANJAN HALDER Nevada Nanotechnology Center Dept. of Electrical & Computer Engineering University of Nevada, Las Vegas (UNLV) NEVADA - 89154-4026; USA. Ph: 1-702-895-3775 (Nano Lab), 1-702-895-4183 (Dept. Office) Fax: 1-702-895-407 email: Education: 1. Post Doctoral Research [July, 2006 – present] Department of Electrical and Computer Engg. University of Nevada, Las Vegas (UNLV) Field of Research: Nanotechnology Advisor: Dr. Biswajit Das, Professor, Dept of Electrical Engg., UNLV. 2. Doctoral Research [October, 2001 – June, 2006] Department of Electronic Science University of Calcutta (Kolkata, India) Dissertation: “Studies on the Electrical and Optical Characteristics of Epitaxial In1-xGaxP and Dilute GaAsN” Advisor: Dr. S.Dhar, Professor, Dept. of Electronic Sc., University of Calcutta. 3. Master of Science in Applied Physics [August, 2001] Sikkim Manipal Institute of Technology Sikkim Manipal University, (Gangtok, India) 4. Bachelor of Science in Physics [July, 1999] Bhairab Ganguly College University of Calcutta (Kolkata, India) Research Interests: Epitaxy and thin films, Semiconductor devices and heterostructure, Optoelectronics and Nanoelectronics, High Vacuum systems. -1- Research career Presently appointed as Post-Doctoral Research Scholar, in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engg., University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Started working for Ph.D. thesis under the supervision of Prof. S. Dhar from 15.10.01 and registered for Ph.D. program under Dept. of Electronic Science, Calcutta University on 7.8.2002. Appointed as a Project Assistant from 8th April 2002 to 31st March 2003 in a AICTE (All India Council for Technical Education) funded project entitled “Growth of InGaP layer by liquid phase epitaxy and studies of its device structure” in the Department of Electronic Science (C.U.). Appointed as a Project Officer in a Ministry of Information Technology (Govt. of India) funded project entitled “LPE growth of GaSb and InGaAsSb for mid infrared Photodetectors” in the same department under Prof. S. Dhar from March 2004 to January 2006. Helped in the successful running of the project “Development of Ultra high Purity Gallium for Epitaxial and Optoelectronic Applications” funded by Defence Research and Development Organization (DRDO), Govt. of India, in the Dept. of Electronic Science, Calcutta University. Undertook the charge of the PG lab “Semiconductor materials & Optoelectronics Laboratory” as an instructor in the same department. Also involved in regular maintenance of the lab and designing experiments for the PG students. Peer Advisor: Helped eight (8) graduate students in the successful completion of the Master’s project under the Electronic Science program of the University of Calcutta through regular laboratory research work. Awards & Fellowships 1. National Scholarship in Secondary Exam. (West Bengal Board of Secondary Exam.) 1993, awarded by Ministry of Human Resource Development, Govt. of India. 2. Rai Bahadur Jogendranath Ghosh Overseas Scholarship of the University of Calcutta for the year 2006-2007 for pursuing Post Doctoral studies. -2- Research Expertise: Doctoral Research My field of specialization includes “ III-V compound semiconductor growth and characterization, optoelectronics”. During my postgraduate research I was involved in extensive Liquid Phase Epitaxial growth of two technologically important semiconductor materials InGaP and GaAsN. A large part of my research was related to optimization of the layer properties and heterojunction characteristics through suitable modification of the growth technique. The electrical and optical properties of the grown layers were studied through various techniques like temperature dependent Hall Measurements, High Resolution X-ray Diffraction measurements, optical transmission measurements, photoconductivity, photocapacitance and photoluminescence measurements. In characterizing the semiconductor layers emphasis was given on the detection and physical origin of defects, deeplevels and impurities and measurement of the electrical effects, which they produce. Material and device characterization In the course of my research, I did detailed characterization and measurements on materials and devices using the following techniques - Temperature ( 70-300 K) dependent Hall measurements - Electrical (C-V, I-V) measurements of metal-semiconductor Schottky diodes fabricated on the epitaxially grown layers - Low temperature (10 K) photoconductivity and photocapacitance measurements (experimental set up consists of Kiethley source measure unit, Lock in amplifier, Optical chopper, Helium Cryogenerator etc.) Post Doctoral Research At UNLV I am doing research in nanofabrication techniques such as the nonlithographic template based fabrication technique which involves the electrochemical annodisation and subsequent etching. I also have hands on experience with sputtering and nanocluster deposition using Ultra High Vacuum Oxford Nanocluster deposition system -3- Summary of the Doctoral (Ph.D.) research work The work is devoted to the growth and characterization of two technologically important III-V compound semiconductors, InGaP and dilute GaAsN, pseudomorphically grown on <100> semiinsulating or n+ GaAs substrates. The layers for the study were grown by the in-house horizontal liquid phase epitaxy (LPE) system in the Department of Electronic Sience, Calcutta University, employing sliding boat technique under an ambient of ultrapure hydrogen . The important results derived from the overall study are the following 1. Properties of Fe doped and undoped InGaP layers grown on GaAs substrates by LPE are investigated. Fe in III-V compounds is known to produce a deep acceptor level, which is responsible for compensation of donors. Low temperature photocapacitance and photocurrent experiments on our layers detect a 1.0 eV hole trap, which is present in Fe doped layers only and is related to Fe concentration in the layers. It is suggested that the 1.0 eV trap is the center responsible for compensation of donors. 2. The possibility of reducing the background impurities in InGaP layer grown by LPE, by adding small quantities of Er to the growth melt has been explored. Hall measurements showed that Er reduces the background impurities in the grown InGaP layers. Slight increase in layer-substrate mismatch, as a result of Er addition due to the formation of ErP in the growth melt is revealed by double crystal X-ray diffraction (DCXRD) experiments. Photocapacitance experiments indicated the presence of one 0.66 eV electron trap and one 0.95 eV hole trap in the Er doped material only. A similar 0.9 eV hole trap was also detected in Fe-doped InGaP and is attributed to phosphorous vacancy. 3. GaAsN layers for the first time have been successfully grown by LPE using a saturated melt of GaAs in Ga to which little amounts of polycrystalline GaN was added as the source of nitrogen. Room temperature Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) absorption indicated the presence of nitrogen in the grown layers. High-resolution X-ray diffraction studies indicated change in lattice constant of the layers with respect to the substrate from which nitrogen content in the layer was obtained. Bandgap reduction of about 100 meV due to nitrogen incorporation in the layers grown from LPE growth melt containing 1 wt% GaN, was measured by optical transmission measurements and low temperature photoluminescence (PL) measurements, from which again the nitrogen content in the sample was found out. In addition, we have done photocurrent measurements on reverse biased gold Schottky barrier diodes fabricated on the same layer surface to further substantiate the results obtained from the above experiments. 4. The origin and nature of the deep levels present in our LPE GaAsN samples were investigated. Low temperature photocurrent and photocapacitance measurements revealed the presence of an electron trap with ionization energy of 0.65 – 0.67 eV in the as-grown layers whose origin was related to interstitial (N-N)As defects. High temperature -4- annealing of the layers almost removed the trap and new electron traps at 0.8 eV and 0.9 eV were produced. It has been suggested that during the annealing process, (N-NAs) defects, due to their lower energy of formation, are converted to more thermally stable (AsGa – NAs) or (AsN)As defects which might be the source of the new electron traps. It is further supported by performing the experiment on GaAsN layers grown with varying nitrogen content. The addition of Er to the same growth melt and subsequent high temperature treatment was found to remove nitrogen from the grown layer as revealed by PL experimenmts and no electron trap was detected in the same materials. This result confirmed that the electron traps detected in our LPE- grown GaAsN layers are due to nitrogen. Thus through a novel experiment (Er treatment of melt), a direct proof of relation of the observed traps in the LPE grown material to nitrogen, was demonstrated. 5. Also some work on LPE growth of GaSb layers and purification of GaSb LPE-melt by adding small amount of Er to the growth melt have been done. Work on the growth of GaSbN and InGaAsSbN layers on GaSb substrate was performed. HRXRD and EDAX measurements on the grown GaSbN layer showed that a considerable percentage of nitrogen is incorporated in the layers. This again is the first successful report of the growth of GaSbN using LPE technique. List of Publications Archival Journal Articles 1. Observation of 0.7eV electron trap in dilute GaAsN layers grown by Liquid Phase Epitaxy S.Dhar, N.Halder, J.Kumar, B.M. Arora Applied Physics Letters (American Institute of Physics) – August 9, 2004 – Volume 85, Issue 6, pp. 964-966 2. Detailed studies on the origin of nitrogen-related electron traps in dilute GaAsN layers grown by liquid phase epitaxy S.Dhar, N.Halder, A.Mondal, Bhavtosh Bansal and B.M.Arora Semiconductor Science and Technology (Institute of Physics, U. K.) December 2005 -Volume20, Issue 12, pp. 1168-1172. 3. Investigation of Deep Level Traps in Dilute GaAsN Layers Grown by Liquid Phase Epitaxy S.Dhar, N.Halder, A.Mondal Thin Solid Films, Elsevier Journal (in press) [ doi:10.1016 / j.tsf.2006.07.116 ] 4. Growth of dilute GaSbN layers by liquid-phase epitaxy A.Mondal, T.D.Das, N.Halder, S.Dhar, J.Kumar Journal of Crystal Growth, Vol- 297, pp. 4-6 (2006). -5- Conference / Symposium presentations 1. Characteristics of Metalorganic Vapor Phase Epitaxial In0.49Ga0.51P grown on Liquid Phase Epitaxial In0.49Ga0.51P/ GaAs. S.Dhar, Sarani Basu, N.Halder, B.M.Arora. Sixth International Conference on Optoelectronics, Fiber Optics and Photonics (PHOTONICS-2002), TIFR, Mumbai, India (2002) 2. Deep levels in InGaP layers doped with Fe. S.Dhar and N.Halder. XII International Workshop on the Physics of Semiconductor Devices (IWPSD-03), Madras IIT, Chennai (2003). 3. Photoemission spectroscopy of Si-implanted GaN S.Dhar, Sarani Basu, N.Halder XII International Workshop on the Physics of Semiconductor Devices (IWPSD-03), Madras IIT, Chennai (2003). 4. Transport properties of n-type GaAs from the analysis of temperature dependent capacitance voltage technique Ashok Rao, Kaustav Chakrabourty, Rema Bhattacharya, Nilanjan Halder. Indian Science Congress (2003). 5. Rare-earth and Transition metal doped InGaP: Growth and Characterization. S.Dhar and N.Halder. International conference on Communication, Device and Intelligent Systems, Jadavpur University, Calcutta (2004). 6. Growth of Dilute Nitrides by Liquid Phase Epitaxy. S.Dhar, N.Halder, J.Kumar. International conference on Communication, Device and Intelligent Systems, Jadavpur University, Calcutta (2004). 7. Dilute GaAsN layers grown by liquid phase epitaxy. N.Halder and S.Dhar. International conference on Computers and Devices for Communication, University of Calcutta, Kolkata (2004). 8. Liquid Phase Epitaxial Growth and Characterization of Dilute III-V Nitrides. S.Dhar, N.Halder, J.Kumar, B.M.Arora. International conference on Optoelectronics Technology, Jalgaon, North Maharashtra University (2004). -6- 9. Dilute GaAsN layers grown by Liquid Phase Epitaxy N.Halder XVII Young Physicists’ Colloquium of The Indian Physical Society (YPC – 2004), Saha Inst. of Nuclear Physics, Kolkata (2004). 10. Nitrogen – related Deep Levels in Dilute III-V Nitrides Grown by Liquid Phase Epitaxy S.Dhar, N.Halder, A.Mondal Seventh International Conference on Optoelectronics, Fiber Optics and Photonics (PHOTONICS-2004), Kochin University, Kochi. (Dec 2004) 11. Er Gettering of Impurities in GaSb Layers Grown by Liquid Phase Epitaxy S.Dhar, A.Mondal, N.Halder Seventh International Conference on Optoelectronics, Fiber Optics and Photonics (PHOTONICS-2004), Kochin University, Kochi. (Dec 2004) 12. Investigation of Deep Level Traps in Dilute GaAsN Layers Grown by Liquid Phase Epitaxy S.Dhar, N.Halder, A.Mondal 3rd International Conference on Materials for Advanced Technologies (ICMAT-2005), Singapore (3-8 July, 2005). 13. Structural, optical and transport properties of ZnO Thin Films R.Chandramohan, L.S.Hsu, V.N.Mani, S.Dhar, N.Halder 3rd International Conference on Materials for Advanced Technologies (ICMAT-2005), Singapore (3-8 July, 2005). 14. Nitrogen-related deep levels in dilute GaAsN layers grown by liquid phase epitaxy N.Halder Young Scientists’ Colloquium 2005, Material Research Society of India (MRSI, Kolkata Chapter), Saha Institute of Nuclear Physics, Kolkata (July 08, 2005). 15. Growth and characterization of dilute GaSbN and InGaAsSbN layers A. Modal, N. Halder, and S. Dhar International Conference on Electronic and Photonic Materials, Devices and Systems (EPMDS-2006), University of Calcutta, Kolkata (January 4-6, 2006) 16. Characteristics of dilute GaAsN layers grown by liquid phase epitaxy N. Halder, A. Mondal, and S. Dhar International Conference on Electronic and Photonic Materials, Devices and Systems (EPMDS-2006), University of Calcutta, Kolkata (January 4-6, 2006) -7- 17. Liquid Phase Epitaxial growth of Fe-doped and Er-gettered InGaP layers N.Halder Presented in One day seminar on “Material Physics” organized by Material Research Society of India (Kolkata Chapter) and The West Bengal Academy of Science and Technology to commemorate The World Year of Physics, Saha Institute Auditorium, SINP, Kolkata. (19 th September, 2005) Workshop / School attended 1. Indo-Japan Workshop on Crystal Growth and Applications of Advanced Materials for Optoelectronics Crystal Growth Center, Anna University, Chennai-600 025, India (Dec 7-10, 2004). 2. International Workshop on Crystal Growth and Characterization of Advanced Materials Crystal Growth Center, Anna University, Chennai-600 025, India (Jan 9-13, 2006). 3. nanoAware: An Nanotechnology Awareness Program ( Under Technical Education Quality Improvement [TEQIP] Program) University College of Science and Technology, University of Calcutta, Kolkata-700009 (March 24-25, 2006) 4. Theme Meeting on Self-assembly Routes for Nanotech Materials (SARNaM-06) Bhaba Atomic Research Center (BARC), Mumbai (April 26/28, 2006) Professional training 4th ASME Nano-Training Boot Camp; University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, US (10-14 July, 2006) -8-