St. Peter’s C of E (Aided) Primary School
Little Green Lane, Farnham, Surrey, GU9 8TF
: 01252 714115 Fax: 01252 721215
Head Teacher: Mrs Sarah Dunning MEd ALCM
St Peter’s C of E (Aided) Primary School
2014 -2015
VISION STATEMENT......................................................................................................... 2
PROSPECTIVE PARENTS ................................................................................................ 4
THE SPIRITUAL LIFE OF THE SCHOOL ......................................................................... 6
ST PETER’S CURRICULUM ............................................................................................. 7
SUBJECT AREAS ............................................................................................................. 9
HOMEWORK ................................................................................................................... 14
HOMEWORK TIMETABLE .............................................................................................. 15
EXTRA CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES ................................................................................ 16
EXTENDED DAY PROVISION......................................................................................... 16
HOME-SCHOOL LIAISION .............................................................................................. 17
COMMUNICATION .......................................................................................................... 17
HOME-SCHOOL AGREEMENT ...................................................................................... 17
DISCIPLINE AND SCHOOL RULES ............................................................................... 17
PUNCTUALITY AND ATTENDANCE .............................................................................. 18
HEALTH AND SAFETY ................................................................................................... 18
SCHOOL SAFETY AND SECURITY ............................................................................... 19
SUPPORTING THE SCHOOL ......................................................................................... 19
PTFA ................................................................................................................................ 20
SCHOOL MEALS ............................................................................................................. 20
PARKING ARRANGEMENTS ......................................................................................... 21
HEALTHY LIVING ............................................................................................................ 21
COMPLAINTS PROCEDURE .......................................................................................... 21
SCHOOL UNIFORM AND EQUIPMENT.......................................................................... 22
THE SCHOOL DAY ......................................................................................................... 23
TERM DATES 2014 – 2015 ............................................................................................. 24
THE GOVERNING BODY 2014 - 2015 ............................................................................ 25
SCHOOL STAFF 2014 - 2015.......................................................................................... 27
DISCLAIMER ................................................................................................................... 29
At St Peter’s we have high expectations where everyone achieves and
succeeds within a safe, inclusive Christian community. We promote
independence, respect and empathy. Through an exciting curriculum,
children are inspired to become lifelong learners and active world citizens.
“Thank you for showing an interest on our school. The choice of school for your child is one of the
most important decisions that you will make. We hope that our prospectus will illustrate our aims
and values and give you an idea of what we could offer your child”.
Sarah Dunning, Head Teacher
General Background and Introduction
St Peter’s is a Church of England Voluntary Aided Primary School in the Diocese of Guildford..
As the school has expanded rapidly over the past few years, new school buildings have been built
to provide a modern teaching block, a large hall and a new office space. Visitors to the school
often comment on the aesthetically pleasing design which links the modern area with the charm
and character of the original Edwardian buildings.
The grounds have been developed to provide an environmentally stimulating environment for
primary aged children. We are fortunate to have our own secure woodland and wildlife area which
is used regularly for outside learning. There is a large playing field and three playground areas.
There is a big focus on taking the learning outside into the environment and we are fortunate to
have a parent body which has really supported us with this initiative. Today St Peter’s is a thriving
two form entry school which will have 420 children on roll by September 2015.
The school participates actively in community events, both sporting and creative and has very
strong links both with Weydon Secondary School and other local primary schools. Children are
encouraged to look and think beyond St Peter’s school and to this end, children organise charity
events for local, national and global causes. We also have links with a charity school in Ghana
and have worked hard to achieve the National Fairtrade Award which requires us to embed an
understanding of global trade and justice in our curriculum. Although a school with a strong
Christian ethos, children are also taught to make links with other major religions. We encourage
diversity and inclusion in every way.
Prospective parents are warmly welcomed to visit the school and are invited to join one of our
school tours. An open evening is arranged annually in the autumn term. Please contact the
school for further details.
Before Starting School
The best help parents can give their child is to give him/her their time - time to answer questions
simply and honestly, time to give the child a variety of experiences by visiting places and
discussing daily life. Although each child will develop at a different pace, we hope that by the time
children start in the Early Years class, aged four, they can:
 manage alone in the toilet;
 dress themselves;
 say both their names and the road in which they live;
 do up buttons on coat;
 put on their own shoes and do up buckles;
 hold a knife and fork correctly and feed themselves unaided;
 recognise their own clothes and P.E. bag;
 hold a pencil and crayon correctly and
 use the correct gender pronouns (he/she) when referring to someone.
After being notified of a place, parents of children entering the school in September are invited to
an Induction Evening, usually in June or July. At this meeting the curriculum and organisation are
explained and parents have the opportunity to meet their child’s class teacher.Children starting in
the Early Years class have several opportunities to spend time in school during the Summer Term
prior to the September start.
Every effort is made to help children settle into their new school quickly and close links have been
established with the feeder nurseries. Everything is done to smooth the transition from nursery to
Early Years. Parents are asked to let the school know if there are any special circumstances, or
difficulties which could affect or prevent a child from settling down in the normal way.
The school’s guardian system is in place to welcome the young children in their early days at St
Peter’s. The guardians are older pupils who are paired up with individual children. They spend
time with them at playtime and support their learning throughout the year. In this way an early
relationship is built up between the youngest and oldest pupils in the school which helps to
develop the strong bonds in our St Peter’s family. Other new children are provided with a ‘buddy’
who will help them to settle in to the routine of school life and find new friends at St Peter’s.
At St Peter’s we are constantly striving to raise academic standards for all of our children. We
believe that the values and attitudes promoted by staff influence children’s behaviour and
attitudes. St Peter’s promotes a learning environment which reflects Christian values and
encourages spiritual development in preparation for taking one’s place in the wider world. The
Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural development is promoted not only through the curriculum but
through the ethos of the school and collective worship. Staff make links with all curriculum areas
wherever possible. This holistic approach aims to develop children as individuals and encourage
their motivation to want to learn.
Spiritual development is concerned with becoming a person in the fullest sense. It can
encourage our journey towards an understanding of ourselves, God the creator and the wonder of
the world around us.
Moral development relates to the child’s understanding of what is ‘right’ and ‘wrong’. As
children mature they will also develop an awareness of what is fair and just. They will be able to
apply their thinking to circumstances beyond their own immediate surroundings. At St Peter’s we
try to build on the moral training within the home while accepting that there may be different
approaches between home and school.
Social development refers to a child’s ability to understand and play their part within school,
the wider community and later, in wider society. Social development represents the abilities and
qualities that an individual needs to play a full and active part in society. At St Peter’s, the
Christian teachings ‘to love one another and to treat everyone as an equal’ are instilled from the
Cultural development allows a child to recognise that all cultural groups are distinctive. At St
Peter’s we celebrate the enrichment of the total community which flows from diversity of age,
gender, racial and social origins, abilities, culture and religion. We are committed to ensure that all
are given every opportunity to develop their talents to the full. Culture is the embodiment of shared
beliefs, knowledge, customs and values of that group. Children need to appreciate the distinctive
features of their own culture and those of others. This will help children to answer the questions
“Who am I?” and “Where do I fit in?”
We aim to remember that cultures are dynamic and are constantly being re-shaped. We offer
pupils an experience of life in a community founded on Gospel values. Through this and a variety
of educational experiences and interactions, we aim to prepare young people for a life working
with others in communities which may be diverse: socially, culturally and religiously. We recognise
that it is also important to help pupils to understand their own ethnic identity and cultural heritage
as well as helping them to understand others, irrespective of whether the school serves or is
located in an ethnically diverse community.
Worship takes place daily, either as a whole school, key stage or class. This is always of an
intrinsically Christian nature. It may focus on social or moral issues but will always include a
scripture reading and a Christian prayer. Worship is varied in the style and approach but the whole
school follows an agreed theme for the week so that children can explore and reflect over the
week. Typical themes would be events in the Liturgical Year or values such as Respect,
Forgiveness or Giving Thanks. We also devote time to themes which raise children’s global
awareness such as Inter-Faith Week and One World Week. Other religions are also covered. The
rota for Worship each term is available to parents so that they may share discussions at home.
Monday: Whole School Assembly
Tuesday: Clergy led Key Stage Assembly or Class Worship
Wednesday: Whole School Singing Assembly
Thursday: Class Worship
Friday: Whole School Assembly
The Clergy from St Peter’s Church present an assembly each week and we also invite others
such as the Baptist Church or representatives from other religions or the local community to
deliver assemblies throughout the year.
Children attend St Peter’s Church for a seasonal service at least four times in the school year.
These are joyous, whole school occasions where the service is led by the children.
Parents have the right to withdraw their children from all or part of the religious education and
collective worship provided but are asked to first discuss this with the Head Teacher.
Achievements and talents are celebrated at St Peter’s and parents are invited to watch these
Celebration Assemblies when their child is to receive an award.
Throughout the year each class takes turns to prepare an assembly related to their class learning.
Parents are again invited to watch.
At St Peter’s we offer a broad and inspiring curriculum which incorporates national changes from
September 2014. We encourage children to take responsibility for their own learning, while
enabling them to develop the skills and acquire the knowledge they need to become enquiring
independent learners. The curriculum is underpinned by a strong social, moral, spiritual and
cultural emphasis which enables children to learn about themselves and appreciate others as
We recognise the importance of building a strong home school link and together with parents; we
aim to help children to:
become happy, confident individuals who can empathise with others and treat everyone
with respect;
develop a natural curiosity and interest in other people and the world around them;
acquire a sound command of the National Curriculum subjects so that they become
lifelong learners;
develop spiritually and understand that they have a role to play in God’s world;
understand our connections with the local and wider world community and
develop respect for the diversity of life and God’s creation.
We aim to achieve this by
providing a safe and happy environment where physical and mental talents can be
establishing strong relationships based on mutual respect between adults and children in
the school;
developing staff both as a team and as individuals in order to achieve the highest possible
standards in teaching and learning; and
creating an inclusive environment where every individual knows that they are valued
St Peter’s follows the national curriculum with its stipulated hours of teaching. However, we also
endeavour to provide an extensive range of additional learning experiences which contribute to
pupils’ education. There are many clubs on offer spanning a range of sports and arts related
activities. We also have a number of school trips which take place locally and further afield to
support the curriculum. We ensure that every child can access the opportunities on offer at St
Peter’s. Wherever appropriate, external visitors are invited in to support the learning in specialist
We aim to enhance our teaching and learning by making sure that staff are up to date with recent
developments in education. We also participate in learning experiences with other schools to
ensure that our practice is current and challenged.
The Curriculum provides a necessary framework for basic skills and knowledge and ensures
continuity in a child’s education. At St Peter’s the school’s development plan will pick out areas to
be developed within a specific time frame. In such a way, the quality of learning is constantly
being challenged and improved. We have link subject governors who are trained to question and
challenge subject leaders and ensure that high standards are maintained.
We have high expectations of our children and teachers assess daily, using their observations to
inform their lesson planning. This ensures that teaching is child-focused. We know that children
learn best by experience and that success leads to enhanced learning. We aim to differentiate
learning to suit individual children’s needs. Children are formally assessed each half term and
teachers meet the head teacher and deputy head teacher to ensure that provision is made to keep
children on track.
We adopt whole class learning but within the class, the learning will be tailored to suit individuals’
needs, talents and abilities. We adopt a fluid approach allowing children to work at whatever level
is appropriate for them in a particular subject or topic.
Religious Education
In choosing a Church of England School for your child, we hope that you will support our
distinctively Christian ethos and your child’s journey in developing or exploring their faith and
As a Diocesan School, St Peter’s follows the Diocesan RE syllabus. Christianity is at the heart of
everything we teach at St Peter’s and in their weekly RE lessons, children are taught the
teachings and messages of the Gospels. Children enjoy the opportunity to ask questions and
explore the Christian faith more deeply. However, we are an inclusive school and we celebrate
diversity. Children today grow up in a multi-faith society. As such, we believe that it is important to
teach children to understand other religions and to explore the similarities and differences
alongside Christianity. Our RE syllabus does include units of work on other religions.
We are aware that for some families, school may be their first experience with Christianity. We
believe that a child should leave St Peter’s knowing the origins, teachings and principles of
Christianity. As they grow older and form their own opinions, they will have the knowledge and
understanding to make informed choices.
Parents are welcome to see the programme of study if they have any questions.
We follow the 2014 Curriculum and teach Mathematics daily. We aim to embed basic number
facts and principles in KS1 so that by KS2 children are able to apply their knowledge to problems
and work fluently with mathematical concepts. Wherever possible, Mathematics learning is applied
to everyday life situations. Children are encouraged to challenge themselves and to find different
ways to solve problems. Teaching is whole class with support and small group boosters provided
where necessary.
Parents can help by:
playing number based games, such as Snakes and Ladders, Ludo and Monopoly, which
involve sequencing, ordering and counting on;
talking about time and telling the time when the opportunity arises;
letting their children handle money and work out change when shopping;
encouraging them to help with activities which involve weighing or measuring such as
cooking or woodwork; and
using numbers in everyday life.
We follow the 2014 Curriculum for Literacy and aim to develop a love of reading and writing from
an early age. Children are taught to read through focused Phonics sessions and then progress
through the school’s reading scheme. Children are encouraged to talk and discuss in pairs and
groups and to plan their writing before committing to paper. The school values drama and
improvisation during English lessons and children are given many opportunities to speak in front
of an audience. Teaching is whole class with support and small group boosters where necessary.
Parents can help by:
ensuring that children listen when you or other members of the family speak and by asking
them to follow verbal instructions;
encouraging children to ask and extend their questions;
talking to them and encouraging them in turn to talk and extend their vocabulary;
encouraging them to attempt to read text in everyday situations;
suggesting that they write letters, notes and stories for themselves; and
encouraging children to use the library.
In KS1 Science is taught through topic work so that children learn to make connections with the
world around them. In KS2 Science is taught more formally, encouraging children to ask
questions, recognise trends, come up with predictions and draw conclusions. Wherever possible,
Science is of a practical nature and maximum use is made of the outdoor learning area.
Parents can help by:
making your children more aware of the world around them;
talking about their discoveries and asking them questions about what they have noticed;
watching Science related programmes (such as wildlife documentaries) with your child;
taking them out into the natural environment and drawing their attention to the wonder of
the natural world; and if at all possible; and
taking them to Discovery Centres and other science based exhibitions.
All teaching and learning is supported by ICT where appropriate. iPads and Notebooks are
available to enhance learning in specific subject areas and to develop computing skills. Internet
access is readily available and children are made aware of the potential dangers of using the
internet irresponsibly. Children learn to become proficient in the use of up to date technology as
soon as they join the school in Early Years.
Foundation subjects - In addition to the above subjects, the following subjects are taught
weekly: Geography; History; DT; Art; French; Music; PE; and PSHE.The emphasis is on
developing knowledge and skills within a creative context, so that children can explore and open
their minds to what the world has to offer:
Wherever possible, school trips and external visitors support the curriculum to make it as creative,
challenging and hands-on as possible.
Assessment and Reporting
Children’s progress is assessed continuously with formal assessments taking place each half
term. This enables any concerns to be addressed and interventions to be put in place. Parents’
Contact Evenings are held in the Autumn and Easter terms and a full report on your child’s
progress is sent home in the Summer term.
PSHE and Sex Education
This plays an integral role in our curriculum and is reflected in our vision. The teaching is linked to
our Christian foundation and the promotion of a caring ethos which respects everyone. An aspect
of this personal, social and moral education is teaching children about the care and working of
their bodies and the responsibilities of caring relationships.
St Peter’s follows the SEAL Sex Education programme. This programme requires close cooperation between home and school and parents are informed when sex education is being
Children have the opportunity to enjoy musical experiences through listening, singing, movement
and dance and by playing tuned and un-tuned percussion. We have a purpose built, brand new
music room which is spacious and home to our extensive instrument resources.
Currently all our Year 4 pupils learn to play the clarinet or the trumpet using the ‘wider opportunity
scheme’ taught by Surrey Arts. The children have the use of an instrument for the year and enjoy
performing in assemblies and concerts.
In addition to this whole year group opportunity, children are able to book individual instrumental
lessons which are held during or after the school day. At present we can offer: guitar, piano,
violin and clarinet. Whether children learn an instrument inside or outside school they are
encouraged to play in assembly and at special events.
There are many extra-curricular opportunities for children to take part in and these include: Young
Voices (choir for KS1) and Junior Choir and Recorder Club. The children taking part in clubs are
invited to join many events and these include: carol singing in Farnham town centre, carol singing
at the local Residential Home for the elderly, Farnham music festival and also at Church. Most
recently the choirs have sung during our All Family Service at church which is held in our school
hall once a term.
Performance Arts
We aim to incorporate drama and improvisation into the curriculum as much as possible. As well
as performances over the year, children are encouraged to enter the local talent show, Farnham’s
got Talent. There are many opportunities to speak in front of an audience both at assemblies for
parents and in church. We are privileged to have support from Weydon Secondary School in
dance. This year, Year Five children and then performed in front of a large evening audience.
Forest School (outdoor learning)
Since early 2014, St Peter’s Forest Schools has developed a new dimension to outdoor learning.
While it was initially intended as an intervention for children who would benefit from support for
social, communication and teamwork skills, it is now being extended more widely. In Early Years,
all children have the opportunity to experience learning in the environment which develops both
practical and motor skills and adds to their knowledge and understanding of the world.
In higher year groups, children are encouraged to take risks outside their comfort zone. They
usually do six sessions which end with a trip off-site enabling them to put their skills into practice
in a real forest. Feedback from children and parents has been very positive so this is an area of
learning which will continue to develop as we invest in specialist training for more staff.
Cookery in the curriculum
We have a fully equipped children’s kitchen. As well as Cookery Club, we now offer Cookery
during curriculum time to small groups of children. At the moment this is offered to two year
groups so that each child will experience Cookery over the year. Cookery instruction includes
learning about food groups and making sensible choices. These are life skills which will set
children up for the future. Cookery also involves working collaboratively, using maths skills,
developing scientific knowledge and creativity. It is a new development at St Peter’s and feedback
from children and parents has been very encouraging.
Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND)
St Peter’s welcomes children of all abilities and talents. While in most cases quality teaching will
adapt to a child’s individual needs, there are times when an individual will need extra support
either for a short time or for a sustained period of time. Children are supported in class in
whichever way is most appropriate. We have trained staff who have specialisms in specific areas
relating to learning and emotional needs. Additional support from the Local Authority will be
sought in some cases and parents will be involved at all stages of their child’s journey through
education. The overriding aim for any child with SEND is for them to become independent in their
learning and their life skills.
Please see the website for further information.
More Able
At St Peter’s we believe that many children have the potential to excel in specific areas of the
curriculum. We aim to uncover a child’s latent talents. Where a child is identified as having a
special talent or ability, teaching will be differentiated to ensure that suitable challenges are
available. This may be through enrichment activities such as specific problems or research based
activities or problems requiring more advanced thinking skills. There are also occasions when
children are challenged in small groups either by a member of school staff or an external visitor.
There are opportunities to collaborate with children from other schools in many areas of the school
curriculum and Weydon School also organises challenges for specific Year 5 and 6 children.
Enrichment activities are also available through Confederation collaboration.
Pupil Voice
Children are encouraged to stand for election to four school committees: School Council, Worship,
Eco and Fairtrade. Their role is to represent their peers’ views on issues relevant to a specific
committee. Children’s opinions are also sought by staff when seeking feedback on lessons and
their enjoyment of specific subject areas. From time to time children complete surveys to express
how they feel things are working. In this way, staff can continue to enhance the learning
experience at St Peter’s.
School Council
St Peter’s has an active School Council with class representatives elected by their peers. The
Council meets regularly to discuss ideas which have been put forward by pupils. They also take
other issues back to their classes and canvass responses and feedback.
The School Council is involved in organising charity events which normally include a local,
national and global charity. Charity Day is held during the school day each year and is organised
entirely by the children who also decide where the money should go. Recent beneficiaries have
The Farnham Food Bank;
UCC Future Leaders- Ghana;
Traidcraft Exchange;
Christian Aid;
Cancer Research;
Shooting Stars Chase Children’s Hospice;
Children in Need and
Christmas Boxes for Farnham’s elderly.
St Peter’s believes that the children should decide what they like about their school and what they
would like to see improved. As an example, the Council has worked very closely with the PTFA to
decide how the outdoor environment could be improved, both for learning and play.
Fairtrade Committee
The Fairtrade Committee was set up in 2013 to steer the school’s work towards becoming an
accredited Fairtrade School. The Committee also has adult representatives. Meeting at least twice
a term, the committee is responsible for ensuring that Fairtrade issues are promoted both within
the school and the community. They have run stalls at Parents’ Evenings and the Christmas Fair
and ensured that all classes are kept up to date with developments.
The Committee has also led whole school assemblies to ensure that everyone both children and
adults alike, are up to date with the school’s mission to remain a Fairtrade School. Children have
also taken the message into the community by conducting research in the town centre to analyse
people’s understanding of Fairtrade. We now have Fairtrade Status.
Eco School Committee
The Eco- Committee was established in September 2014 to become the driving force behind the
school’s commitment to becoming an Eco-School. The representatives will be responsible for
ensuring that all classes are eco-aware by raising awareness of energy waste, recycling and
sustainability. They have completed an initial audit of the school’s environmental status and will
now work on an action plan to instigate improvements.
Worship Committee
In November 2014, the school’s new Worship Committee will join up with Waverly Abbey pupils to
focus on worship within the school at all levels. The aim is for children to become more pro-active
in leading school worship but also to give valuable feedback on how adults are delivering worship.
This is an innovative partnership which will also give the pupils the experience of working
alongside pupils from another school so that they can share and develop ideas together. The
Diocese is also supporting this new initiative.
There are other roles of responsibility open to children as they move up through the school. These
 Prefects;
 Sports Captains;
 Young Leaders;
 Guardians and
 House Captains.
‘A good, well-managed homework programme helps children to develop the skills and attitudes
they will need for successful lifelong learning. Homework also supports the development of
independent learning skills and provides parents with an opportunity to take part in their children’s
education.’ Department for Education and Skills.
Effective Homework
Regular homework is important as it gives pupils the opportunity to practise at home the
tasks covered in class. It also helps children to become confident and independent in their
learning, which will help throughout their time at school and in adult life
The focus of the homework will primarily be on using and applying literacy and numeracy
skills. Regular reading at home, especially reading with parents, will be encouraged
As the children progress through the school the amount of learning will increase as this
helps to ease the transfer to secondary school. Occasionally the teachers will set a project
over a period of time and details will be shared with the parents. These projects may have
a focus on geography, history or science
The role of parents with supporting homework
Parents should endeavour to:
 provide a reasonably peaceful, suitable place, in which their child can do their homework;
 make it clear to children that they value homework, and check that it is carried out
 encourage children and praise them when they have completed homework;
 become actively involved in joint activities with their children – and have fun together!
 any problems or queries about homework may be discussed in the first instance with the
class teacher.
Homework should be differentiated so that it can be accessed by all children at an appropriate
level. If you find that the homework coming home is either not challenging enough or that your
child is struggling, please contact your child’s class teacher.
See overleaf for a Homework Timetable Guideline
Year R
Reading five times a week
Year 1
Reading five times a week
Weekly spellings
Reading five times a week
Weekly Spellings
10 mins Numeracy
10 mins Literacy
Occasional project based learning across humanities
and science which will ‘replace’ numeracy and literacy.
Reading five times a week
15 minutes Literacy
15 mins Numeracy
Weekly spellings
Occasional project based learning across humanities
and science which will ‘replace’ numeracy and literacy.
Reading five times a week
20 minutes Numeracy
20 minutes Literacy
Weekly spellings
Occasional project based learning across humanities
and science which will ‘replace’ numeracy and literacy.
Reading five times a week
30 minutes Numeracy
30 minutes Literacy
Weekly spellings
Occasional project based learning across the
humanities and science
Reading five times a week
30 minutes Numeracy
30 minutes Literacy
Spellings for test.
Occasional project based learning across humanities
and science
Year 2
Year 3
Year 4
Year 5
Year 6
St Peter’s children benefit from a wide range of extra-curricular clubs which cover many different
interests. The clubs give children additional opportunities to develop an existing interest or explore
new ones. Clubs are run both by school staff and external providers. There are clubs before
school, after school and at lunch times. A clubs timetable is published each term. For example:
Gardening Club, Cricket Club, Cookery and Golf to name a few.
Please see our website for clubs as these change on a termly basis.
Sport plays a big part in St Peter’s life. We have football, netball, swimming, rounders and cross
country teams and compete regularly against other schools. We have several sports and fitness
clubs and children are encouraged to participate in as much as possible. Sports Captains and
Young Leaders from Year Six are enthusiastic ambassadors for lifelong fitness and work hard to
encourage a love of sport throughout the school. Curriculum swimming is provided in upper key
stage two for targeted children. These take place at Farnham Sports Centre during the summer
Educational Visits
Educational visits not only support the learning mentioned earlier, but are also an important part of
a child’s whole school experience. All classes usually have at least two trips in a school year.
There are also occasional workshops held during the school day. Recent school trips have
included: The Science Museum, The British Museum, RHS Wisley, Southsea, Queen Elizabeth
Country Park, Guildford Cathedral, Petworth House, Selborne Science Centre, Farnham’s Dig,
The Water Meadows and Alice Holt.
Residential Experiences
Year Six has a week’s residential each year. The venue has changed from year to year but is
likely to be an outdoor pursuit PGL centre for the next couple of years. This experience gives
children the chance to step outside their comfort zone and experience activities that they have
probably never tried before. It is also a great bonding and team building occasion which develops
independence and maturity before moving onto secondary school.
We are also planning short stay residentials for other KS2 year groups.
(BASE – Before and After School Experience)
Pupils attending St Peter’s are able to attend a breakfast club from 7.45am each day where they
can choose from a range of cereals, toast, fruit and yogurts. There are games and activities
available and children go from straight from BASE onto class ready for registration.
After school provision is also available and runs two sessions from 3.15pm-4.30pm and from
4.30pm-5.45pm. Children can of course stay for the double session. A light snack and drinks are
provided and there are organised activities as well as free play. The emphasis is on allowing
children to unwind after the school day and providing a relaxed, safe and enjoyable environment.
Both breakfast and after school clubs are run by experienced and qualified staff who follow with St
Peter’s policies and support our ethos.
Places for both these provisions need to be booked well in advance as places are limited.
We believe that a child’s education should be a partnership between the school and parents. We
invite parents to become actively involved in this process.
Class teachers are available for consultation by appointment. If parents would like an update on
their child’s progress or are worried about their child in any way they are invited to meet with the
class teacher to address concerns. Appointments to speak to staff can be made by completing
the request form available from the school office.
The school communicates regularly with parents via letters, newsletters and ParentMail. In
addition to this, urgent notices concerning the school will be placed on the school website and occasionally via text message.
It is imperative that the school has the correct and up to date contact details of all parents and
In order to promote greater co-operation and understanding, St Peter’s has developed a HomeSchool Agreement. Our aim is to provide the School, the pupils and the family with a clear
statement of what is expected from each other. Families joining our school will be given a copy of
our agreement.
School rules are primarily for the safety of the children and for the smooth running and good order
of the school. Standards of behaviour at St Peter’s are high and pupils develop a sense of
responsibility towards others. Rules are regularly reinforced in the classroom and assemblies.
Parents are expected to support these rules.
The three whole school rules are:
Treat others as you would like to be treated
Keep your hands, feet and property to yourself
Follow the instructions from all adults
In addition to these, teachers negotiate with their pupils other classroom rules.
We believe in a positive approach to discipline and there are excellent reward systems in place in
the school. In order to provide a secure and positive learning environment, it is important that all
children follow the rules. Class teachers will inform parents and discuss any concerns they have
regarding inappropriate behaviour.
Bullying of any type will not be tolerated at St Peter’s School. While it is acknowledged that
bullying exists within all schools and establishments to some degree, it is clearly unacceptable
behaviour and every attempt will be made to eradicate bullying, as and when it occurs.
Children at St Peter’s have good relationships with adults and know that there is someone who
will listen and help.
Children are expected to arrive by 8.40am when the school bell is rung. Between 8.40 and 8.50
the children have pre-school study time in class and at 8.50am the register is taken. All children
are expected to be in school by this time. Children who arrive late not only disrupt the class
learning but can also become anxious themselves. Punctuality is a good lesson to learn for life.
Late arrivals must report to the School Office to be recorded in the ‘late book’ and marked in the
register as late.
If your child has an appointment in school hours, please report to the School Office when
collecting and returning them to school. In the interests of safety, you will be asked to sign
children ‘in’ and ‘out’. Staff will update the register.
Children who are frequently away from school will not make the best possible progress with their
learning. There is no room in the school curriculum to repeat lessons. Parents are requested not
to keep their children absent without good reason. The school should be notified in advance by
letter of planned absences, for example, for hospital appointments. We strongly discourage
families from taking holidays during term time and only in very exceptional circumstances would
the Head teacher authorise such absences. If you need to request authorisation then please
obtain a special ‘leave of absence’ form from the office.
Please keep your child at home for at least 48 hours after a bout of sickness or diarrhoea. When
a child is away, the school should be phoned on the first morning of absence and, if the illness is
prolonged, progress reports are welcomed. It is now a local government requirement that an
absence should be explained in writing upon the child’s return to school.
It is important that the school is notified of any health problems before a child starts at the school.
If a child is on long-term medication for a condition such as asthma or diabetes and requires
treatment during the school day this can usually be arranged but must be discussed in detail
The school nurse carries out routine health checks on Reception Classes and Year 6.
The office staff and lunchtime supervisors are first aid trained and treat minor injuries. Parents will
be contacted if a more serious injury is sustained or in the case of illness when it is considered
that the child should be sent home. It is therefore important that contact telephone numbers are
kept up to date.
No child is allowed to leave the premises during school hours. If there is a change in the person
collecting the child the school must be informed.
All visitors must report to the School Office to collect a Visitor’s Badge, which must be
returned on departure.
The safety of all our children is of paramount importance to everyone. The school grounds are
bounded on all sides by a secure fence and the school gates are closed at all times, except at the
start and the end of the school day. This creates a safe environment for all children and staff.
When children go on school trips, all coaches are booked through reputable companies, and have
seat belts provided. The School Trips policy requires a risk assessment to be carried out in
accordance with Local Authority guidelines.
Parents are asked never to publish photos of children from St Peter’s School on social
media sites.
The School Fund
The School Fund is used at the Head Teacher’s discretion for the benefit of the children of the
school. Typical uses are: to subsidise school visits, swimming, theatre group visits to the school,
special purchases of books and materials, membership of local school sports organisations, to
name but a few.
Each term we ask parents to contribute towards this fund. At present suggested contributions are
£15 a term or £45 a year. All donations are extremely welcome. (Cheques should be made
payable to St. Peter’s School Fund).
This fund is quite separate from the PTFA funds.
Charging Policy for Educational Visits
As a result of the 1998 Education Reform Act the school asks for voluntary contributions to cover
the cost of trips and special activities during school hours. If insufficient money is raised a
particular activity may have to be cancelled as the school budget is not large enough to support
the cost of these trips without voluntary contributions.
No child will be excluded because they are unable to pay the full cost. In the case of financial
hardship, the Head Teacher should be contacted so that alternative financial arrangements may
be considered.
The School warmly welcomes offers of help from parents and grandparents. There are many roles
where parents can support children in the school. At present, as well as listening to children read,
family members help to accompany pupils to swimming lessons, help with gardening, support on
educational visits and help to run the school library. Volunteers will not necessarily be helping in
their child’s year group. All volunteers are expected to have a DBS (police check) which the
school can organise for you. Please contact the School Office if you would like to be involved or
require more information.
Parents automatically become members of the school Parent, Teacher, Friends Association on
the admission of their children to the school. The committee devotes time, effort and thought to
the running of the PTFA. Due to their efforts many thousands of pounds have been raised over
the years and used to improve facilities for the pupils. The AGM is held during the Autumn Term
and a number of fundraising functions during the year bring parents and staff together socially.
Recent PTFA organised events have included: Summer Fair; Children’s Discos; Mad March Hair
Day; Mother’s Day and Father’s Day sales; Valentine cake stall; Quiz Evening; Mufti Days; Bonfire
Night Fireworks; Christmas Fair; Summer Fair and Farnham Carnival float.
Since September 2014, all children in Early Years and KS1 are entitled to a free school lunch. We
have a talented chef and our own on-site kitchen which means that our children have healthy,
nutritious meals with an element of choice. We would encourage all children in KS1 to take up
this offer because as well as guaranteeing a wholesome meal, children gain confidence in using
cutlery, serving themselves and making choices. Together with the social attraction of sharing a
meal together, this helps to increase a young child’s independence. Children may of course eat
packed lunches brought from home. Older children may also opt for school lunches. Children of
parents receiving Family Income Support or Job Seekers Allowance are entitled to free school
lunches. Please apply to the School Office. All information is treated in confidence. Menus for
school meals are available in advance. All dietary requirements can be discussed and provided
For safety reasons hot drinks, glass bottles and cans are not allowed in packed lunches.
N.B. As we have a number of pupils with severe nut allergies, nuts should not be brought
into school.
One week’s notice is required for a change from school meals to packed lunches, or vice
Parking on site is reserved for staff only. We show respect to our neighbours by asking all parents
and visitors to park sensibly by ensuring that driveways, grass verges and the yellow zig zag lines
are kept clear at all times. We also ask parents to support our informal one-way system when
driving along Little Green Lane. School traffic flow is from Shortheath Rd towards Greenfield Rd
(i.e. down the hill). Families are encouraged to walk to school wherever possible.
The school grounds and buildings are a strictly non-smoking area.
For health and safety reasons, dogs are not permitted anywhere on the school premises.
The exception is an Assisted Living or Guide dog for the blind.
Children may bring a fruit or vegetable snack for break time. In KS1 fruit or vegetables are
supplied free of charge each day.
Water in plastic bottles should be brought in for drinking during the day. It is essential to
encourage children to drink sufficient quantities of water throughout the day. Water bottles
can be purchased from the School Office along with uniform.
You can order morning milk for your child - details are available from the School Office.
A PE kit must be in school at all times. There are occasions when timetables have to
It is important that we have an accurate, up to date record of your address and telephone number
including, if necessary, a telephone number where you can be reached in an emergency at your
place of work. All information is kept in the strictest confidence.
Should a pupil become ill during the day we have only minimal care facilities and will therefore
telephone you so that you may collect your child. If a serious accident should occur we would call
an ambulance and inform you, or your named contact immediately.
Any concerns or complaints should first be raised with the class teacher. If the matter cannot be
resolved an appointment should then be made to see the Head Teacher. A formal written
complaint will be dealt with in accordance with the school’s Complaints Procedure (copies are
available from the School Office). In the unlikely event of the matter needing further consideration,
parents are asked to contact the Chair of Governors in confidence at the school address. In an
extreme case, the Local Authority has formal procedures to support parents and resolve matters.
It is hoped that all differences and concerns can be resolved by early discussion. The Head
Teacher and staff work in partnership with parents through close co-operation and honest open
communication. We would ask parents to refrain from discussing any concerns they have on
social media sites as this will never improve communications or resolve issues promptly.
Green V —neck Sweatshirts
Green Cardigans
El 1
White Polo Shirts
10-11 12
£9.50 £
£11 £
School Tie
Green PE T-Shirts
Book Bag
Gym Bag
Water Bottle
If you wish to have your child’s ears pierced, please do so at the beginning of the summer
holidays so that earrings can be removed for PE. Staff are not allowed to assist with the removal
of earrings and a child cannot participate in PE wearing earrings. Please consider whether your
child needs to wear earrings with school uniform.
Hairstyles are expected to be sensible and not a distraction. Hair gel, highlights and coloured hair
are not permitted. All long hair should be tied back using a green tie. No decorative or floral hair
trimmings are allowed.
No mobile phones are permitted in school unless a child needs the phone for after school in which
case please discuss this with the Head Teacher. The phone will then be kept in the school office
until the end of the day.
All uniform and equipment must be named. Lost property is usually kept in the School Office,
however the school cannot be held responsible for loss or damage to personal property.
Lollipop Tree Nursery operates in the bungalow on our school site. Nursery children use a
separate playground area and soon become familiar with St Peter’s School. If you are interested
in a place at the nursery please contact Mrs Marie France Groves through our School Office.
Our children are taught in mixed ability classes.
Morning Session
8.50am - 12.00pm
We expect children to be in school on time as learning begins the minute they arrive.
Children can be dropped off from 8.30am and the classrooms will be open from 8.40am after the
school bell has been rung.
Break time for the whole school is at 10.15am
Afternoon Session
1.00pm - 3.15pm
The children in Key Stage 1 sometimes have an afternoon break from 2.15pm-2.30pm depending
on their learning that afternoon.
The hours spent on teaching during the normal week are 21.25 hours for 4 to 7 year olds, and
23.45 hours for 8 to 11 year olds.
Extended Day (BASE- Before and After School Experience)
Breakfast Club from 7.45am - 8.45am - After School Club from: 3.15pm- 5.45 pm
Please see the Office staff if you require a place.
TERM DATES 2014 – 2015
Autumn Term 2014
Term Starts
Half Term
Term Ends
2nd September 2014
27th October 2014 – 31st November 2014
19th December 2014
Spring Term 2015
Term Starts
Half Term
Term Ends
5th January 2015
16th February 2015 – 20th February 2015
27th March 2015
Summer Term 2015
Term Starts
Half Term
Term Ends
13th April 2015
25th May 2015 – 29th May 2015
21st July 2015
2nd September 2014
3rd November 2014
5th January 2015
23rd February 2015
1st June 2015
Vice Chair
Mr John Bolton
Foundation Governors
Rev. Dr. Anne Gell
Mr Peter Marriott
Mrs Jill Yates
Mr John Bolton
Mrs Nicky Hill
Mrs Kathryn Virji
Local Authority Governor
Additional Skills
Mrs Pip Bridge
Head Teacher Governor
Mrs Sarah Dunning
Teacher Governor
Ms Sarah Booth
Staff Governor
Mr Mick Sturgess
Parent Governors
Mrs Karen Padrick
Clerk to the Governors
Mr Michael Barnett
SCHOOL STAFF 2014 - 2015
Head Teacher
Mrs Sarah Dunning
Deputy Head Teacher Mrs Sarah Marshall
Teaching Staff
Mrs Katie Marshall
Mrs Catherine Passmore
Mrs Susannah Russell
Mrs Nicky Hill (maternity cover)
Mrs Jenny Williams
Ms Vivienne Brown
Miss Sarah Booth
Mrs Caroline Hyland
Mrs Anne Bench
Mrs Vanda Bolton
Ms Jackie Edmonds
Mrs Lesley Tuson
Mrs Donna Kazakos
Miss Emily Mitchell
Mrs Wendy McCann
Mrs Donna Kazakos
Mrs Barbara Schorah
Mrs Claire Cobb
Mrs Jana Harrington
Teaching Assistants
Mrs Sara Bateman
Mrs Jane Cook
Mrs Sue Cunningham
Mrs Sarah Curry
Mrs Daisy Edwards
Mrs Anne Franklin
Miss Jo Franklin
Mrs Vivien Groves
Mrs Gayle Gunner
Mrs Sally Major
Ms Jade Merry
Mrs Kirsty Scudder
Miss Janeen Sinden
Mrs Ann-Marie Usher
Year R
Year R
Year 1
Year 1
Year 1
Year 2
Year 2
Year 3
Year 3
Year 4
Year 4
Year 5
Year 5
Year 5
Year 6
EYFS Leader/Music
KS1 leader (SLT) / Maths
KS2 leader (SLT) Science
PPA Cover
PPA Cover
PPA Cover
SEND Assistant
Midday Supervisors
Miss Kerry-Ann Usher
Mrs Nicola Webzell
Mrs Marina Yershova
Mrs Carol Bridger
Mrs Debbie Cogbill
Mr Mick Sturgess
Mrs Angela Holloway
Mrs Carol Lothian
Mrs Shirley Middleton
Mrs Shelley Fassett
Mrs Kari Sholl
Mrs Rachel Vincent
School Business
Mrs Fiona Hopkins
Finance Assistant
Mrs Kate Parry-Shield
ICT Technician
Mr Ben Snedden
Revd. Dr. Anne Gell, St. Peter’s Church, Wrecclesham
Rachel Sturt (assistant chaplain)?
Home /School
Link Worker
Mrs Rosemary Pointon
School Secretary
Mrs Nicola Molony
School Assistants
Mrs Davina Skingley
Mrs Sally Major
Site Manager
Mr Mick Sturgess
Extended Provision
Mrs V Wilson
Mrs Emma Bromhead
Mrs Sarah Hutchings
Lunch Servery Staff
Mrs Carol Stewart
Mrs Sarah Reid
Mrs Lindsay Sinfield
Mrs Shirley Middleton
Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of this information. However the distribution
of this information cannot imply a commitment on the part of the Governing Body to maintain its
current policies or arrangements without change for the duration of a pupil’s time at the school