Course Plan

‫اخلطة الدراسية للمقرر العملي‬
Practical course Lesson Plan
Weekly Hrs.
‫عدد الساعات األسبوعية‬
Course Name
‫اسم املقرر‬
Course Code
‫رمز املقرر‬
EN 219
Airport Facilitators
Course Objectives
‫أهداف املقرر‬
(1) To read with ease and understand
satisfactorily basic English texts related to
Course Textbook- Unit 1 Writing Paragraph1
Writing from a topic
Course Textbook Unit 2 Writing paragraph 2 ( Writing from a
Course Textbook Unit 3 ( Quiz 1 oral Reading)
Writing paragraph 3 ( writing from topic)
Course Textbook Unit 4
Quiz 2
Writing Paragraph 4- Writing from a topic Written
Course Textbook Revision Writing Paragraph 5 ( Writing
from a topic )
( 2 ) To communicate verbally, at an
intermediate level, in work-related
environment, and .
(3)to use English to write simple
grammatically correct sentences and short
paragraphs on work-related topics.
Course Textbook Sample Midterm Exam / Writing Revision
‫موعد اختبار منتصف الفصل‬
Mid-term Exam Date
air navigation.
Midterm Exam
(Written Exam )
‫يبلغ املدرب مجيع املتدربني ابملوعد‬
Course Textbook Unit 5
Writing Paragraph 1-final ( Write from a topic )
‫ درجة‬100 ‫توزيع الدرجات الكلية واليت جمموعها‬
Grading Policy ( Total of 100 )
Course Textbook Unit 6
Quiz 3 speaking
Writing Paragraph 2- final ( Write from a topic )
‫االختبار الفصلي‬
Final Exam
Course Textbook Unit 7
Quiz 4 written
Writing Paragraph 3 –final ( Write from a topic )
Course Textbook Unit 8 A
( Writing from a topic )
‫اختبار منتصف الفصل‬
Mid-term Exam
‫االختبارات القصرية‬
Course Textbook Unit 8 B
Final Review
‫موعد بداية االختبارات النهـائيـة‬
‫ختم القسم‬
Final Exams
Dept. Seal
Course Plan
Spring Semester 2015
EN 219
Third Semester
Air Navigation ( Airport Facilitators)
6 hours/week
General Objectives:
read with ease and understand satisfactorily basic English texts related to air navigation
communicate verbally, at an intermediate level, in a work-related environment, and
use English to write simple grammatically correct sentences and short paragraphs on workrelated topics
Skills to be developed:
skimming and scanning for specific information
pronunciation, intonation, punctuation marks
reading comprehension ( answering open-ended questions, multiple-choice,
true/false, sentence completion, contextual reference)
Vocabulary ( cloze exercises and multiple choice utilizing technical vocabulary )
(write definitions on items related to air navigation, composing short paragraphs
And labeling diagrams )
Listening {Lab}
( listen and respond, listen and repeat )
1. English for Air Navigation ( Air Traffic Control )
by Androulla Panayiotou
2. Airspeak ( Radiotelephony Communication for Pilots )
by Robertson and Johnson
EN 219 -- English for Air Navigation ( Airport Information Officers)
Grading System:
Class assessment:
10 marks
Quizzes ( 2 written )
( 10 marks + 10 Marks )
10 marks
Application/activities_____________________10 marks
1 oral reading quiz ( 5 marks )
1 oral class presentation ( 5 marks )
10 marks
2 lab ( 5 marks + 5 marks )
Midterm Exam:___________________________20 marks
20 marks
Final Exam:________________________________60 marks
60 marks
Week 1
provide an overview of the course
explain course objectives and goals
EN 219 -- English for Air Navigation ( Airport Facilitators )
Week 2
Class Textbook ( henceforward CT) Unit 1: General Information about Kuwait ( pp. 11-16 )
Week 3
(CT) Unit 2: Kuwait: Reles and Regulations ( pp. 18 - 22 )
Quiz # 1 - Lab ( Oral Reading )
Week 4
(CT) Unit 3: Kuwait Visas and Permits ( pp .24-29)
Quiz # 2 -- Class ( written )
Week 5
(CT) Unit 4 : Airline Services ( pp. 31 -44 )
Week 6
(CT) Unit 5: Passenger Services (46-54)
Quiz # 3 ( Lab ) -- Listening Comprehension
EN 219 -- English for Air Navigation ( Airport Facilitators )
Week 7
(CT) Unit 6: The Departing and Arriving passenger: The Airport ( pp56- 74)
Week 8
Midterm exam
Week 9
(CT) Unit 7: The Departing and Arriving passenger : The Baggage pp. (87-93)
Week 10
(CT) Unit 8: The Departing and Arriving passenger : The Baggage pp (95- 105)
Quiz # 4 -- Class -- ( written )
Week 11
(CT) Unit 9 : The Departing and Arriving passenger : ( International Passengers : pp 107- 113
Week 12
(CT) Unit 10: The Departing and Arriving passenger : ( International Passengers : pp 115-125
Quiz # 5 ( Lab ) Listening Comprehension/Speaking
EN 219 -- English for Air Navigation ( Airport Facilitators )
Week 13
Quiz # 6 -- (Students' class oral presentations )
Lab: Airspeak 2.2 cont.
Week 14
Reading/Discussion ( newspaper/magazine articles related to air navigation )
Week 15
(CT) Revision
EN 219 -- English for Air Aviation ( Airport Facilitators )
Written Exam -- 20 Marks
Guidelines for Midterm Exam
EN 219
3rd Semester (Jan2015 – May 2015 )
-20 Marks
English For Air Navigation (Airport Facilitators )- Unit 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
( For examples of the types of questions -- please refer to the class textbook )
I. Reading Comprehension
A. Complete the following statements with the right answers from a, b and c: ( 3 Marks)
( 6 x.5 )
B. Based on the story, which of the following statements are TRUE (
) and which are
FALSE ( X ): (2 Mark ) ( 4 x .5 ) Write a true statement for the false one.
C. Answer the following questions in complete sentences. ( 2 Marks ) ( 4 x .5 )
D. What do the underlined words mean? Choose the right answer from a, b and c:
( 2 Mark ) ( 4 x .5 )
II. Vocabulary
A. Fill in the blanks with the words given below. ( 5 marks ) ( 10 x .5 )
B. Answer the following questions with the right answers from a, b and c .( 2 marks ) ( 4 x.5
III. Writing
A. Write questions asking for the following passenger information. ( 2 marks ) ( 4x .5)
B. Answer the following passenger questions in complete sentences. ( 2 marks ) ( 4 x .5)
EN 219 -- English for Air Navigation (Airport Information Officers)
(Jan 2015 – May 2015 )
Written Exam -- 60 Marks
Guidelines for Final Exam
EN 219
TOTAL -- 60 Marks
3rd Semester
English For Air Navigation - Unit 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10
( For examples of the types of questions -- please refer to the class textbook )
I. Reading Comprehension
A. Complete the following statements with the right answers from a, b and c: ( 6 Marks)
B. Based on the story, which of the following statements are TRUE (
) and which are
FALSE ( X ): (6 Mark ) ( 6 x 1 ) Write a true statement for the false one.
C. Answer the following questions in complete sentences. ( 6 Marks ) ( 6 x 1 )
D. What do the underlined words mean? Choose the right answer from a, b and c:
( 6 Mark ) 6 x 1 )
II. Vocabulary
A. Fill in the blanks with the right words from the list given below:
( 10 Marks ) ( 10x .5 )
B. Circle the correct answer : ( 7 marks ) ( 7 x 1 )
III. Writing
A. Write questions asking for the following passenger’s information: ( 8 marks ) ( 8 x 1 )
B. Answer the following passenger’s questions in complete answers . ( 8 marks ) ( 8 x 1 )
C. Write sentences using the following words . ( the sentences must related to aviation) ( 8 marks )
( 8 x1 )