Rural Landowner Survey / Data Collection Form

VSN Natural Resource and Land Use Data Gathering
The Valley Stewardship Network is reaching out to landowners in an effort to update and
map land features within the unique and irreplaceable Kickapoo River Watershed.
Unfortunately, much of the existing data for our area is incomplete, dated, or in the case of
computerized parcel mapping, totally absent.
We all know that good land stewardship depends upon accurate information about natural
features, present conditions and current influences. It is our goal to compile specific information
about a number of privately-held lands that can be used to update public data sources and
combined to create updated mappings of the Watershed. By stringing together a number of
parcels along the Kickapoo and its tributaries, we can develop a clearer picture of the factors
influencing water quality, vegetation, wild life, and other natural resources of the region.
Geographic Information System (GIS) mapping is the data repository for this compilation of
biophysical and social data. As data are compiled, every effort will be made to format the
information for ease of access by the general public. GIS may also be used to analyze the data
for planning purposes. Rural government will be able to see an updated view of current
occupancy overlaid with physical features data that can indicate those areas best suited for
development and those better left in conservation, agricultural or other uses. Updated mapping
will be a major contribution to community-based comprehensive planning that strives to meet
your needs as a watershed resident.
As an individual landowner, you will work from aerial photos, topographic maps and soils
information to develop a detailed profile of your property. You will be able to create base maps
for you own use that will help you make informed choices about the management of your
property. This is an ambitious project that will take some time to substantially complete, but
every journey begins with a single step. Thank you for your participation.
If you have questions or would like assistance, please contact the Valley Stewardship
Network at 637-3615 or by email at
VSN Data Collection
Rural Landowner Survey / Data Collection Form
Owner (s): _________________________________________________________________
1. Location:
County______________ Township ______________
Section___ Town____ Range_____
GPS reference point:
Describe physical location of reading: ___________________________________
2. How many acres do you own?
_________ acres
3. How long have you owned?
_________ years
4. Based upon the aerial photo provided, what changes in land use have occurred on
your property? (Roads, structures, land taken out of cultivation, etc.)
Please describe here and indicate updated information on aerial or base map.
5. What water features are present? Describe in detail.
Springs: ________________________________________________________
Feeder streams: (name): ___________________________________________
Kickapoo River: ___________________________________________________
VSN Data Collection
6. Sketch on aerial photo or USGS topo and estimate how many acres, or other units, are:
_____ Forest - Trees average more than 15 feet tall; at least 60% canopy cover
_____ Woodland - Trees average more than 15 feet tall; 20-60% canopy cover
_____Orchard / Plantation - Same as above but with regular spacing
_____Brush - Trees & shrubs generally less than 15 feet tall with high density of stems
_____Fencerows - Trees and shrubs of mixed forms along borders such as roads, fields
_____Wetland - Generally low, dense plant cover in wet area
_____ Swamp
_____ Bog
_____ Seasonal floodplain
_____ Other (Describe:__________________________________________)
_____Grassland - Mixed plants with grasses dominant
Pasture history?________________________________________________
_____Field - Tilled or recently tilled farmland
Crop history? __________________________________________________
_____Sand or gravel deposit
Actively mined? ________________________________________________
_____Bluffs or rock outcroppings
7. Are there any exemplary, rare or endangered species present?
Plants: _____________________________________________________________
Animals: ____________________________________________________________
VSN Data Collection
8. Are any alien invasive species present? Indicate location on arial/base map and note
quantity below using…Small (less than 100 SF) - 0 / Large (more than 100 SF) - X
___Garlic Mustard
___Prickly Ash
___Multiflora Rose
___Box Elder
____Not sure. I would like more information on invasive species
9. Are there sites of archaeological interest? Please describe. _______________________
(Note: Cultural data will be held as confidential)
What portion of your property is presently enrolled in any of the following programs?
Managed Forest Law (MFL)
_________ Acres
Conservation Reserve Program (CRP)
_________ Acres
Conservation Reserve Enhancement Program (CREP)
________ Acres
Other (Please describe)________________________
________ Acres
1. How would you describe the main use(s) of your property:
______ Single family residential
______ Farmstead
______ Agricultural crops, orchards
______ Livestock related activities
______ Leisure activities
______ Commercial Use
______ Mixed Use (Explain: ________________________________________)
______ Other (Describe: ___________________________________________)
VSN Data Collection
2. Do you intend to change the use of your property in the next 10 years?
______ No
______ Yes
How? ______________________________________________________
3. Based upon the aerial photo provided, what changes in land use have occurred on the
area surrounding your property? (Roads, structures, land taken out of cultivation, etc.
Please describe here and indicate updated information on base map.
1. I would be interested in participating in surveys that identified:
______ Plant communities
______ Wildlife
2. I would be interested in participating in other VSN initiatives:
______ Water Quality Monitoring
______ Stewardship Activities
______ Community Planning Activities
Valley Stewardship Network
124 ½ South Main St
Viroqua, WI 54665
VSN Data Collection