Methods Sample of elephant calls and truck sounds. This paper is based upon a set of 2341 recordings of calls made by JP1,2 of African elephants in the wild and AS-H of Asian elephants and one African elephant in zoos (see Supplementary Table 1). The full JP dataset used in this paper included 1522 calls recorded from 10 adult/adolescent female African elephants, 78 calls recorded from 2 adult male African elephants, 158 calls recorded from 2 female African calves, and 341 calls recorded from 4 male African calves. Out of this dataset the following calls were measured for the analyses in this paper: 502 calls recorded from 9 adult/adolescent female African elephants, 64 calls recorded from 2 adult male African elephants, 66 calls recorded from 2 female African calves, and 183 calls recorded from 4 male African calves. In addition, 60 truck-like calls and 23 non truck-like calls were measured from a ten year old female African elephant named Mlaika. The full AS-H data set included 46 chirp-like sounds recorded during 2001-2002 from Calimero, an adult male African elephant. He rarely made any sounds other than chirps, and only one non-chirp sound was recorded from him. In addition, the AS-H data set included 53 chirps recorded from two adult female Asian elephants with whom Calimero lived at the Rome Zoo from the age of 4 years for 18 years before being transferred to the Basel zoo in 2000. The AS-H data set also included 142 chirps recorded from 7 other adult female Asian elephants from the Emmen Zoo. Measurements were made of all calls from Calimero and the Asian elephants. The full set of calls recorded from elephants varied from ten to 250 calls recorded per individual. In order to balance the amount of data per individual, two separate smaller datasets were constructed for the statistical analyses presented in the paper, using ten high quality calls randomly selected from each individual elephant. The first data set compared similarity between Mlaika’s truck-like calls and the recordings of the trucks and other African elephants. This ‘Mlaika dataset’ included ten calls from each of 9 1 adult/adolescent female African elephants, 2 adult male African elephants, 2 female African calves, 4 male African calves, Mlaika’s non truck-like calls, Mlaika’s truck-like calls, and 10 of the 42 truck recordings. The truck recordings were made from the stockade where Mlaika’s truck-like sounds were recorded. Mlaika was ten years old at the time the imitations were recorded, an age that is midway between juvenile and adult. Therefore, we included as many calves and adult/adolescent animals as possible from both sexes, subject to the requirement of at least 10 high quality calls. The second, ‘Calimero dataset’ compared similarity between Calimero’s chirp-like calls and the calls of other African elephants or the chirps of Asian elephants. Only 1 non-chirp-like call was recorded from Calimero, so we were not able to statistically compare his chirp-like to non-chirp-like calls. This ‘Calimero dataset’ consisted of 10 calls from each of 9 adult/adolescent female African elephants, 2 adult male African elephants, 2 female African calves, 4 male African calves, the chirps of 9 Asian elephants (including the two individuals Calimero lived with at the Rome Zoo from the age of 4 years for 18 years before being transferred to the Basel zoo in 2000), and Calimero’s chirp-like calls recorded at the Basel zoo in 2001-2002. The Calimero dataset involved all Asian and African elephants for which recordings of at least 10 high quality calls were available. Statistical Analysis of Similarity of Imitations to Models in the Mlaika and Calimero data sets. The parameters used in the initial analyses to describe the acoustic features of elephant calls were median bandwidth (Hz), duration (ms), and the maximum and minimum of the fundamental frequency (Hz). These were estimated by JP and AS-H based upon visual inspection of spectrograms. Bandwidth was eliminated from the final analyses presented in the paper because it did not provide much discriminatory power beyond the maximum and minimum of the fundamental frequency, and because it complicated description of the statistical results, adding unnecessary length to the paper. Supplementary Table 2 describes the distribution of duration, minimum fundamental frequency (f0min) and maximum fundamental frequency (f0max) for Mlaika’s truck-like 2 calls and the actual truck sounds and for Calimero’s chirp-like calls and chirps recorded from Asian elephants. Figure 2B and 2C use multidimensional scaling to present the results of discriminant analyses, using only the duration, f0min, and f0max for each call and excluding bandwidth. The data for each variable in the ‘Calimero’ and ‘Mlaika’ datasets were transformed (X’=1/ln(X)) to approximate a normal distribution and to decrease the correlation between the standard deviations and the means5. A 1-way MANOVA was calculated for each dataset using the manova1 function in Matlab 6.5. This function calculates the linear discriminant functions for the dataset, chosen to maximize the separation between groups (individuals), and generates Mahalanobis distances between each pair of group means. The classifications were bootstrapped (resampled with replacement) using the classify function in Matlab 6.5 (from R.E. Strauss website Five hundred bootstrap iterations were run to estimate the frequency distribution of the classification and determine the percent correct classification per individual. These bootstrap analyses determined that the correct classification of the discriminant analysis averaged 87% per individual for the Mlaika dataset classification and 81.5% for the Calimero dataset classification. When the discriminant analysis was run excluding bandwidth, the percent correct classification decreased to 73.5% (Fig 2B) and 62.6%(Fig 2C), respectively. This demonstrates that the multi-dimensional scaling of the discriminant analysis in Figs 2B and 2C provide a good representation of the full data set, and that deletion of bandwidth only caused a slight decrease in the correct classification scores. We designed a statistical test to compare Mlaika’s truck-like calls and Calimero’s chirp-like calls to the putative models for imitation: truck sounds or Asian elephant chirping calls vs. average African elephant calls. Another dataset was generated consisting of the median bandwidth, median duration, median minimum and median maximum fundamental frequency of each individual African or Asian elephant (from the 3 above ‘Calimero’ and ‘Mlaika’ datasets) plus 10 normal calls from Mlaika, 10 truck-like calls from Mlaika, 10 truck sounds, and 10 chirp-like calls from Calimero. Due to a small sample size and non-normal distribution of the variables, we compared the data using Kruskal-Wallis ANOVA and Mann Whitney U tests (Supplementary Table 3). For each variable of interest, there were 11 post-hoc comparisons made, therefore the significance level was set at =(0.05/11)=0.0045. Acoustic analysis of the complete sample of Mlaika’s truck-like calls. Using the entire sample of truck-like calls and truck sounds, Mlaika’s truck-like calls (N=60) did not differ significantly from the sounds of trucks (N=44) in either minimum of the fundamental frequency (Mann-Whitney U=1177.5; z=-0.67; p=0.07) or maximum of the fundamental frequency (Mann-Whitney U=1227.5; z=0.61; p=0.54). Though she was not able to match the truck’s duration (Mann-Whitney U=561; z=-4.99; p<0.001), the longest truck-like sounds she produced (median=6,984; range 685-14,372ms) were longer by almost two seconds than any other sounds measured from an African elephant (N=2236 for the full sample of calls for which JP has measured duration). Excluding Mlaika’s truck-like calls, the duration of measured African elephant calls ranged from 87-12,612 ms (median: 3,192 ms; inter-quartile range: 1,555–4,689). The extreme length of these truck-like calls emitted in spite of Mlaika’s relatively small size is strong evidence that she was attempting to match the long sounds of trucks. In order to test whether Mlaika tended to match the specific truck sound she heard at the time of her truck-like call, we compared the similarity of acoustic features of 39 truck-like calls and simultaneous truck sounds to the similarity of 60 truck-like calls and 60 randomly selected truck sounds recorded at separate times (see Supplementary Figure 1 for a spectrogram of a paired truck sound and truck-like call, and Supplementary Audio 1 for a wav file of the same example, in which Mlaika imitates a truck within a few seconds of hearing it). Only 44 truck sounds were recorded, so this analysis required some resampling of truck recordings. For each of Mlaika’s 60 truck-like calls, we randomly selected one truck sound recorded at a different time from the truck-like call for 4 the non-paired comparison set. For each parameter, we took recordings where trucks and calls occurred at the same time and subtracted the bandwidth, f0min, f0max, and duration measurements between the paired calls. This gave the difference in each of the parameters for calls recorded at the same time. We then did the same thing for the calls and truck sounds recorded at different times. We compared the two sets of differences with a t-test. There were no significant differences in the difference between acoustic parameters for truck-like calls and paired vs. non-paired truck sounds (t-test, p>0.6 for all 4 variables). Therefore, the truck-like call Mlaika produced upon hearing a truck was no more similar to the coincident truck sound than the truck-like calls she produced at other times. Mlaika appears to have matched the overall parameters of the trucks, rather than matching a particular truck at a given moment. Acoustic analysis of the complete sample of Calimero’s chirp-like calls. Calimero’s chirp-like calls (see Supplementary Audio 2 for a wav file of a Calimero chirp-like call and Supplementary Figure 2 for a spectrogram of this call) are similar in duration to Asian chirping calls (see Supplementary Audio 3 for a wav file of a chirp from a female Asian elephant and Supplementary Figure 3 for a spectrogram of this call), different in all parameters from adult African elephant calls, and different in duration and fundamental frequency from African calf calls (Supplementary Table 3). Comparing all 46 of Calimero chirps to the 195 chirps recorded from Asian elephants, the durations of Calimero’s chirps were remarkably similar to the chirps of Asian elephants (Calimero median=281 ms, Asian median=280 ms; Mann-Whitney-U= 4281; z=-0.483; p=0.629). The chirping calls of Asian elephants usually include a series of similar chirping sounds. The difference in the number of chirps in a series produced by Calimero (median=3; N=17) and the female Asian elephants (median=3.5; N=38) was not statistically significant (Mann-Whitney-U=227; z=-1.785; p=0.074). The similarity of repetition is strong evidence for imitation since, other than the pulsated play trumpet3,4, the repertoire of African elephants does not contain calls emitted in an uninterrupted series. The minimum fundamental frequency of chirps produced by Calimero (median=130 Hz) was 5 lower than the minimum fundamental and dominant frequency of the Asian females (median=520 Hz), but Calimero put most energy into the second harmonic of his chirp (Figure 1d). At almost twice the weight (6800 kg) of the Asian females, Calimero may have found it easier to attempt to match their calls in this way. 1. Poole, J. H., Payne, K. B., Langbauer, W. Jr. & Moss C. J. The social contexts of some very low frequency calls of African elephants. 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