Diversity Form

Equal Opportunities Monitoring Form
Think Global strives to operate a policy of equal opportunity and not discriminate against any
person because of gender, disability, race, colour or national origin. To help us monitor this,
please provide us with the information requested below. The information you provide will only
be used for monitoring purposes.
Please complete and return with your application form
[ ] Male
[ ] Female
[ ] British
[ ] Irish
[ ] Any other White background (please
[ ] White & Black Caribbean
[ ] White & Black African
[ ] White & Asian
[ ] Any other Mixed background (please specify)
Asian or Asian British
[ ] Indian
[ ] Pakistani
[ ] Bangladeshi
[ ] Chinese
[ ] Any other Asian background (please specify)
Black or Black British
[ ] Caribbean
[ ] African
[ ] Any other Black background (please specify)
Arab or Middle Eastern
[ ] Arab
[ ] North African
[ ] Iraqi
[ ] Kurdish
[ ] Any other Middle Eastern background (please specify)
Other ethnic group
Please specify
Do you consider yourself to have a disability? Yes [ ] No [ ]
What is the nature of this disability?
Are you a registered disabled person? Yes [ ] No [ ]