Leadership Licensure Program

Watertown Public Schools
District/School Wednesday PD Meetings 2008-2009, 2:45-3:45pm
SY0809-02: Student Health & Safety: What should you do?
SY0809-02: Student Health & Safety: What should you do?
District – School-based PD
Intended participants (25): K-12 Faculty
Instructor: Joanne Shea RN, BSN, MEd., Hosmer School Nurse
Meeting Location: Hosmer School, Room TBD
PDPs: 10
DESCRIPTION: Do you know what to do if a student has an allergic reaction, a seizure, a diabetic reaction or even a
nosebleed? We encounter students with medical or safety issues on a daily basis. What should you do to ensure a smooth
successful school experience when a medical issue or safety issue arises? Who should you collaborate with? Join us as we
explore these and other topics. Participants will be expected to present a final project highlighting how one of the topics
presented impacted and improved the health or safety of one or more students.
The core questions we will investigate:
 What should you do if you have a student/s with a medical issue?
 Who should you collaborate with?
 How do we keep this student/s and others safe?
Session 1: September 24
Basic First Aid and Course Review
Goals and Topics:
- Review of course topics and what to expect
- Recognize medical issues that require basic first aid and how to keep yourself and others safe
- Know appropriate first aid steps
Learning Activities:
- Review minor medical issues that may need basic first aid
- Practice basic first aid steps
Basic first handouts
Preparation for next session:
- Locate Epi-Pens in your building
Session 2: October 22
Food Allergies, What the DOE Wants You to Know
Goals and Topics:
- Recognize when an allergic reaction is occurring
- Use appropriate steps for using Epi-Pen
- List staff to collaborate with in you building for student safety
Learning Activities:
- Video of allergic reaction
- Web video of how to use Epi-Pen
- Review proper safety technique on how to use an Epi-Pen
- www.epipen.com
Preparation for next session:
-1District/School Professional Development © August 2008 by Joanne Shea (8/30/2008)
Watertown Public Schools
District/School Wednesday PD Meetings 2008-2009, 2:45-3:45pm
SY0809-02: Student Health & Safety: What should you do?
Read case study: Tiffany
Session 3: November 4 (1-3pm)
Seizure Training for School Personnel
Goals and Topics:
- Recognize common seizure types and their possible impact on student/s
- Know appropriate first aid
- Recognize when a seizure is a medical emergency
- List staff to collaborate with in your building for student safety
Learning Activities:
- Power point presentation
- DVD- Seizure Disorders and the School
Preparation for next session:
- Diabetes article
Session 4: December 17
Helping the Student with Diabetes Succeed - Guide for School Personnel
Goals and Topics:
- Management of diabetes and safety of student
- Review signs and symptoms of hyperglycemia and hypoglycemia
- List staff in to collaborate with in your building
Learning Activities:
- Power Point Presentation
- Video on line Type I and Type II Diabetes
Preparation for next session:
- Asthma Article
Session 5: January 21
Asthma Basics for Schools
Goals and Topics:
- Identify causes and symptoms of asthma
- Define impact of asthma on student learning
- How to handle an asthma episode
- List staff to collaborate with in your building
Learning Activities:
- Power Point Presentation
- Review proper steps when a student self medicates with an inhaler
-2District/School Professional Development © August 2008 by Joanne Shea (8/30/2008)
Watertown Public Schools
District/School Wednesday PD Meetings 2008-2009, 2:45-3:45pm
SY0809-02: Student Health & Safety: What should you do?
Preparation for next session:
- ADHD article
Session 6: February 25
ADHD Medications
Goals and Topics:
- Review types of medications
- Side Effects
- Communication with MD, family and school nurse
Learning Activities:
- Review common medications students may be taking
- Review side effects
- Communication forms
- www.keepkidshealthy.com
Preparation for next session:
- BMI info
Session 7: March 25
Reasons for Screenings: height, weight, vision, hearing and postural screening
Goals and Topics:
- Recognize vision/hearing problems
- Who screens and why
- Who do you refer to
Learning Activities:
- Review screening techniques done by school nurse
- What can be done in the classroom when there is a problem
Preparation for next session:
- Article on obesity
Session 8: April 15
Obesity and Other Eating Disorders
Goals and Topics:
- How to recognize eating disorders
- Review complications of obesity and other eating disorders
- Healthy snack choice
Learning Activities:
- Review obesity and how we can help
- Signs and symptoms of eating disorders
-3District/School Professional Development © August 2008 by Joanne Shea (8/30/2008)
Watertown Public Schools
District/School Wednesday PD Meetings 2008-2009, 2:45-3:45pm
SY0809-02: Student Health & Safety: What should you do?
Preparation for next session:
- . Article on Crisis Management
Session 9: May 27
Understanding Emergency Management
Goals and Topics:
- Identify each phase of emergency management
- Discuss appropriate responses for system wide emergency procedures
Learning Activities:
- Review each phase of emergency management
- Review basic incident command system
- How to keep students safe
Preparation for next session:
- Final project due
Session 10: June 17
Presentation of Final Projects
Goals and Topics:
- How has a topic from this mini course impacted and improved the health or safety of a student or students
Learning Activities:
- Each participant will present in their own format how a topic from this mini course has improved and
impacted the health or safety of one of their students
Share any website or articles that you found helpful
Final projects due June 17, 2009
-4District/School Professional Development © August 2008 by Joanne Shea (8/30/2008)