Paediatric Radiology Quiz ANSWERS 1. Toddler with cough a. What are the findings? (air trapping R lower and mid lobe) b. What is the likely diagnosis? (FB inhalation) c. What would you do next? (bronchoscopy) 3 marks 2. Newborn with respiratory distress a. What are the findings? (overinflation LLL with mediastinal shift) b. What is the differential diagnosis? (CCAM, congenital emphysema, diaphragmatic hernia) c. What investigation what give the diagnosis? (CT chest or MR) 5 marks 2 wks old presenting ED unwell a. What are the findings? (rib fractures and haemothorax) b. What is the likely diagnosis? (NAI) c. What other radiology investigations are appropriate? (skeletal survey and CT head) 5 marks 3. 4. Newborn with respiratory distress and problems with ventilation a. What does the chest show? (RDS and NG tube looped in upper oesophagus) b. What does the abdo show? (distended bowel and pneumoperitoneum) c. How do you account for the findings? (TOF and gastric perforation) 5 marks 5. Vomiting baby a. What is the structure arrowed? (falciform ligament) b. What do this finding imply? (pneumoperitoneum) 2 marks 6. 15 mth old abdo pain and pallor a. What is the diagnosis? b. What other X-ray findings are often seen? (normal, absence of gas RIF, SB dilatation) c. What imaging investigation would have been preferable? (Ultrasound scan) 5 marks 7. Teenager with abdo pain and diarrhoea a. What is this examination? (SBFT) b. What are the findings? ( stricture with deep ulceration and fistulae terminal ileum) c. What is the diagnosis? (Crohn’s disease) 4 marks 8. Cyst on US of kidney for UTI a. What is the second examination? (MCUG) b. What are the findings? (reflux to the lower pole moiety of the right kidney) c. What is the likely diagnosis? (VU reflux in a duplex collecting system) 4 marks 9. Teenager with joint pains a. What are the findings? (erosion of phalanges, soft tissue calcification) b. What is the likely cause? (renal osteodystrophy, hyperparathyroidism) 4 marks 10. Trauma a. What is the diagnosis? (avulsed medial epicondyle) 2 marks