Wheel Movement Board of Directors Meeting 12/10/12 Minutes

Wheel Movement Board of Directors Meeting 12/10/12
Kelly Edwards, Mari Edwards, Ross Douglas, Christian Lentz, Martin ‘Gator’
Cochrane, Richard Swann, Dave Clarke, Bill Waters
Christian Lentz called the meeting to order
Approval of Agenda/Minutes
Agenda and Minutes distributed via email prior to the meeting date.
Agenda and Minutes approved (motion by Ross, seconded by Dave)
Officer’s Reports
President – Randy DuTeau is out of town, report deferred.
Vice President – Board Binders Issue. We talked about who has looked at the bylaws. Suggestion by
Mari to utilize a Yahoo! file or dropbox to keep the most up-to-date. Richard - prefer to use a binder with
actual paper. Christian to follow-up on work on creating and distributing. Dave Clark will help.
Secretary – Nothing to report other than website has been updated with new meeting location info.
Parking should be on Jones street and enter building at rear entrance (932 Broad St.).
Treasurer – $3300 or so in the bank. The only real encumbrance is the coming t-shirt order (~$500) and
the final 501C3 cost (~$1,000: Jim is reviewing the 501C3 application). Bill not sure if this accounts for
the windfall amount from LCI and recent additions from the bike summit. We have 27 months to file the
tax return as a 501C3, so we have time - we have an EIN number but not a 501C3 status. Dave Clarke we need to double check and follow up on this. A financial statement will suffice for the member
meeting in lieu of a tax return.
Committee Reports
Administration and Outreach – Nothing new to report, we need to work on the annual
membership meeting planning. To be discussed later in the meeting. Dave Clarke would
like to work on recruiting more people to participate.
Policy and Facilities – Christian will be taking over this committee and working to get it back on
Education – Gator is the chair of the education committee. Education committee set Jan 7th as
the next committee meeting, basic goal is to target bike week as a launch for an offering. This is
going to be an educational tool and not as much a 'rodeo' type event. Goal is to break down the
TS101 (Traffic Safety 101) course and offer it to the public in smaller portions, emphasizing
skills and techniques for riders and non-riders alike. No firm date yet on when the first TS101
will be done, but the plan is to have several of these as a practice class before the bike week
launch. The Jan 7th meeting needs to be posted to the website - will be at Outspokin' at 6pm,
anyone interested should attend. The membership list may also be a good tool to send out an
email to all members.
All the LCI instructors were very grateful for the opportunity to take the instructor class, and
look forward to working with WM.
New Business
Officer Nominations - By-Laws indicate that officers are nominated by the board,
and the members vote on the president. At last meeting, the board indicated to keep
the same slate of names. Mari would like to focus on committee stuff and not seek
another term as the secretary. So another person needs to be nominated to fill the
Secretary position.
Board Members for one year - Richard, Randy C, Christian, Bill, Jim. Motion by
Bill with second with by Ross to approve this arrangement. Approved.
Officer Nominations:
Now to fill the secretary position. Ross is willing to accept the position on a trial
basis, motion by Bill seconded by Richard. Approved.
Annual Meeting - The December meeting was not feasible. Currently, the proposal is to have a
Saturday ride/meeting targeted for Sat. Jan 19th (MLK weekend) or Sat. Jan 12th. Ross - the
19th is a holiday weekend, but potential conflicts with celebrations and parades. The 19th would
also give more time for another board meeting and some planning time. Motion by Ross for the
19th, seconded by Dave. Mari - what do we need to do? Richard - confirm location, get
giveaways together, and putting together the mailing. Randy D was adamant that a physical
letter to members be sent out before the end of calendar year detailing the updates and such.
We also need a press release and flyers for the shops. Richard is willing to work with Randy D
on press release, then the Admin/Policy committee needs to work with Randy D on the details.
The ride will also include a 'townie' or beginner ride, led by Bill and Gator.
Board Meeting Schedule - Board Meeting Schedule
Second Monday of each month, except for holidays or after a holiday weekend.
Jan 14, Feb 11, Mar 11, April 8, May 13, Jun 10, July 9, Aug 12, Sept 9, Oct 15, Nov 12, Dec 9.
This schedule has to be approved by the membership.
Should the schedule start rotating to different nights? Motion by Gator, seconded by Ross to take
the draft schedule to the general membership meeting. Approved.
Donation from ACC to WM - Ross - Donation from ACC Cross race presented to WM ($150).
Bike shop involvement - Gator - Remember that the shop people do bike stuff everyday so they
may feel burned out on dealing with other bike stuff. So take time to talk and encourage
participation. Richard - we need them to be cheerleaders and not so much personally involved
Next Meeting scheduled for 01/14/2013.
Motion made to adjourn and meeting adjourned.