AGENDA ITEM NO: 11 REPORT TO: Executive Board REPORT NO: COLLC/18/09 DATE: 7 July 2009 LEAD MEMBER: Councillor Bob Dutton, OBE (Communities and Performance) LEAD OFFICER Chief Leisure, Libraries and Culture Officer Chief Information Systems Officer CONTACT OFFICER: Dylan Hughes (Tel: 297442) SUBJECT: Wales Audit Office Safe Internet in Libraries Report WARD: All PURPOSE OF THE REPORT 1 To inform the Executive Board of the Wales Audit Office report on Safe Internet provision in Wrexham’s Libraries 2 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 2.1 The Wales Audit Office have completed a report entitled Safe Internet Libraries (May 2009) following an assessment of the provision of public internet access in the Council’s Libraries. 2.2 The overall conclusion of the report is that the Council provides citizens with a safe and effective internet service. 2.3 The Wales Audit Office has made two recommendations for further action to improve the overall service and an action plan is attached. 3 RECOMMENDATION That the Executive Board notes the report by the Wales Audit Office and approves the proposed actions in respect of the two recommendations in paragraph 4.4 of this report for further action. REASONS FOR RECOMMENDATION To respond to the Wales Audit Report. Alan Watkin Chief Leisure, Libraries and Culture Officer 4. BACKGROUND INFORMATION 4.1 The Wales Audit Office (WAO), as part of its national risk assessment, identified broadband use by the public in libraries as a national risk. Wrexham was selected as one of the first Local Authorities to be assessed in response to this between October 2008 and April 2009. The final WAO report has been placed in the Members’ library. 4.2 The report recognizes that the internet “provides valuable learning opportunities by facilitating access to wealth of information, opportunities for communicating and shared learning” whilst also recognizing that there are “risks through potential misuse”. In undertaking the review, the WAO has addressed a specific question: “Does the Council have adequate arrangements in place to ensure that citizens use Council provided internet facilities in Libraries safely, and responsibly?” 4.3 The Wales Audit Office assess that “Our overall conclusion is that the Council provides citizens with a safe and effective internet service, supported by good co-operation between library and IT staff.” The report notes in particular that:- terms and conditions are well established and clearly communicated - library staff are well trained and actively monitor the use of the internet - technical safeguards are in place to prevent unauthorized use - engagement with users would enable the further development of internet facilities 4.4 The main recommendations for further improvements are as follows:R1 Consider options for the provision of further information on terms and conditions by September 2009, in particular: o information is required by young people relating to possible sanctions; and o information about the process for blocking or unblocking internet sites is required R2 Consult in the autumn with the library internet users in order to help the Council better understand users’ needs and in turn help the Council refine the classification scheme to meet those needs. In order to further meet the needs of different user groups, consideration should be further given to the possibilities of age related classification schemes 4.5 A number of practical actions, some to be undertaken in conjunction with the I.S. Department, are proposed in response to the above two recommendations and these are listed in Appendix 1. In broad terms, these actions relate to providing greater information to the customer. 4.6 The report is positive in terms of the internet provision in Wrexham’s Libraries and reflects the considerable investment in technology (e.g. ICAM computer booking software has now been introduced in the majority of libraries) to provide a modern library service. The report recognizes the close working arrangement between the Library Service and the I.S. Department. The report also provides a sound basis for further development of public access computer services such as the planned introduction of Wi-Fi in the refurbished Wrexham Library. 5 CONSULTATION The Wales Audit Office undertook a survey of user opinions as part of their investigations. In response to the recommendations in the report, the Library Service will undertake further user consultation during early autumn. 6 SCRUTINY COMMITTEE COMMENTS The report has not been considered by a Scrutiny Committee 7 IMPLICATIONS 7.1 Policy Framework The role of the Wales Audit Office is set out within the Wales Programme for Improvement. The Council's regulatory plan is updated annually and is informed by a joint risk assessment undertaken between the Council and its regulators. The plan sets out the work that regulators - primarily the WAO will undertake during the year. The results of performance inspections are reported to the Council and summaries published annually within the Relationship Manager's Annual Letter. 7.2 Budget No additional budgetary requirement 7.3 Legal Any legal issues are identified in this report. 7.4 Staffing There are no staffing implications 7.5 Other An Equalities Impact Assessment is being undertaken on the ICT Acceptable Use policy. BACKGROUND PAPERS LOCATION Wales Audit Office: Safe Internet – Libraries (May 2009) Author: Jeremy Evans Members’ Library WEBSITE INFO.