POLICY NO.: A107 APPROVED DATE: 06/07/04 EFFECTIVE DATE: 07/01/04 REVIEWED DATE: MRI DEPARTMENT OF RADIOLOGY SUBJECT: I. MAGNETIC RESONANCE IMAGING DURING PREGNANCY Policy The ACR standard for the performance of Magnetic Resonance Imaging states "Safety of MR Scanning during pregnancy has not been established. The decision to scan during pregnancy should be made on an individual basis after consideration of medical necessity and alternate imaging methods.” It is the policy of the Department of Radiology that the following guidelines will be followed before performing Magnetic Resonance Imaging on patients who are pregnant. 1. If at all possible, the study should be postponed until after delivery. If this is not possible, then, if at all possible, the study should be delayed until the third trimester and as close to the anticipated delivery date as feasible. 2. For all pregnant patients for whom MR Imaging is requested, the following will occur: A. Scheduling will screen for all pregnant patients and no pregnant patient will be scheduled for MR until approved by a radiologist. The radiologist's name will be noted on the schedule. B. The clinician must discuss the case with the radiologist and both must be in agreement to perform the study. C. The patient will read and sign the information form (see attached “Magnetic Resonance Imaging During Pregnancy Information For You”). This is not a consent form. A radiologist will be available to answer all questions. Signed forms will be kept on file with the MR supervisor. D. Note of the discussion with the patient and the signed information sheet will be dictated in the radiologic report. 3. Contrast is not to be administered, unless the radiologist feels it to be absolutely necessary for complete evaluation of the individual case. II. Purpose To establish a departmental policy for Magnetic Resonance Imaging during pregnancy III. Responsibility All Radiology scheduling personnel, radiologists, fellows, residents and MR technologists