Third year Clinical Physiology exam (extended answers)

Third year Science unit LSB658 Clinical Physiology: exam (extended answer questions)
Developed by Moira Cordiner in consultation with Dr Catherine Dallemagne
At QUT, this is a core unit for many health science degrees and is taken by students who are going to study medicine as a post-graduate degree.
Synopsis of the task and its context
In tutorials, students are given practice in interpreting and analysing specified clinical case histories. The case histories provide the symptoms and diagnosis of the
patient’s condition, together with other data and information such as clinical tests. In the exam, as in the tutorials, students apply their knowledge of clinical
physiology to interpret and analyse different case histories. They then present arguments that account for given and alternative diagnoses. This requires integrating
relevant knowledge of the interrelationships between structure, function and dysfunction with the significant aspects of the given data and information. This criteria
sheet is for both the end semester and mid semester exams, with marking a little more lenient in the mid-semester exam. The sheet is not for the multiple choice
questions in these two exams.
Match between the learning outcomes/objectives and the criteria for the task
Learning outcomes
Task-specific criteria
1. demonstrate and apply knowledge of the interrelationships between anatomy
(structure), physiology (function) and pathophysiological mechanisms (dysfunction) and
their treatment
2. interpret and analyse data and information about clinical case histories
1. demonstrate and apply knowledge of the interrelationships between anatomy
(structure), physiology (function) and pathophysiological mechanisms (dysfunction) and
their treatment
2. interpret and analyse data and information about clinical case histories
3. present arguments that account for given and alternative diagnoses
3. present arguments that account for given and alternative diagnoses
Interpreting the criteria sheet.
Note that two descriptors are the same for the Distinction and Credit standards. This is because, in Catherine’s extensive experience, there is little discernible
difference between the achievement of the typical DN and CR students in these two areas. That is, in the demonstration and application of knowledge, and its
integration with the significant aspects of the given data and information (in the questions). The other descriptors reveal the differentiation between the DN and CR
HD (High Distinction)
you have:
DN (Distinction)
you have:
 demonstrated and applied
thorough and accurate
knowledge of the
interrelationships between
anatomy, physiology and
mechanisms and their
 demonstrated and applied mostly accurate knowledge of
anatomy, physiology, pathophysiological mechanisms and
their treatment
 demonstrated and partially
applied mostly accurate
knowledge of anatomy,
mechanisms and their
 demonstrated fragmentary
knowledge of anatomy
and/or, physiology, and/or
mechanisms and their
Weighting 1/3
interpret and analyse
data and information
about clinical case
 correctly interpreted and
analysed all data and
information given for
clinical case histories
 correctly interpreted and
analysed nearly all of the
data and information given
for clinical case histories
 correctly interpreted and
analysed at least half of
data and information given
for clinical case histories
 for the most part, correctly
interpreted and analysed
at least half of data and
information given for
clinical case histories
 restated some data and
information given for
clinical case histories
rather than interpreted and
analysed it
Weighting 1/3
present arguments
that account for
given and alternative
 presented clear and
logical arguments to justify
the given diagnosis of
each case history by:
 presented clear and
mostly logical arguments
to justify the given
diagnosis of each case
history by:
 presented clear arguments
to justify the given
diagnosis of at least half of
the case histories by:
 presented arguments to
justify the given diagnosis
of some of the case
histories by:
 presented information
much of which was
extraneous and loosely
linked to the diagnoses
demonstrate and
apply knowledge of
the interrelationships
between anatomy
physiology (function)
(dysfunction) and
their treatment
Weighting 1/3
CR (Credit)
you have:
PP (passing grade)
you have:
 integrating relevant
knowledge with the
significant aspects of the
given data and
 integrating relevant knowledge with the significant
aspects of the given data and information
 occasionally integrating
some relevant
knowledge with most of
the significant aspects of
the given data and
information, and perhaps
with the addition of some
extraneous information
 contrasting all alternative
 contrasting alternative
 focusing mainly on the
given diagnoses
 focusing mainly on the
given diagnoses
NN (fail)
you have: