WORLD LITERATURE PROGRAM ASSESSMENT Read carefully the attached rubric for the area of : CONTEXTS then fill out this form, assessing each student’s accomplishment by marking the appropriate box below. You are free to determine which instrument(s) (papers, essays, quizzes, etc.) to use in performing the assessment. TURN IN THIS REPORT TO THE SECRETARY IN THE ENGLISH DEPARTMENT BY THE END OF THE SEMESTER. STEP 1. Assess students’ accomplishment by entering one score for each student in the boxes below (see criteria in the attached rubric). More than Adequate (Score = 3) Adequate (Score = 2) Inadequate (Score = 1) Student 1 Student 2 Student 3 Student 4 Student 5 Student 6 Student 7 Student 8 Student 9 Student 10 Student 11 Student 12 Student 13 Student 14 Student 15 Student 16 Student 17 Student 18 Student 19 Student 20 Student 21 Student 22 Student 23 Student 24 Student 25 Student 26 Student 27 STEP 2. Calculate the average of the scores above: _________ STEP 3. What instrument(s) did you use? (paper, essay, exam, quiz, etc.):___________________________ STEP 4. Was this class World Lit I or World Lit II?: ________________________ STEP 5. Date: ____________________ STEP 6. If you wish, please attach a sheet with any comments, suggestions, recommendations or other feedback related to any aspects of this assessment. WORLD LITERATURE PROGRAM ASSESSMENT Assessment Rubric Area: Contexts Performance Criteria for: More than adequate Adequate Less than adequate Geographical is aware of the geography relevant to the author, the production and the settings of the text is capable of identifying and clearly differentiates the specific geographical spaces associated with the author, the text and its settings seems generally aware of the geographical contexts of author and text does not seem to be aware of the geographical contexts associated with a text Historical is aware of the history relevant to the author, the production and the settings of the text is capable of situating a text in historical time, citing specific events and dates, and seems aware of the relations between the text and its historical determinants seems generally aware of the approximate historical time when a text was produced does not show awareness of the historical contexts relevant to a text Cultural/National is aware of the cultural, linguistic, and national backgrounds relevant to the author, the production, and the settings of the text is capable of specifying details of the culture, language and national setting relevant to the production of a text and those represented in its settings seems to have some general awareness of the cultural, linguistic or national specificity of the text and its settings does not seem aware of the cultural, linguistic or national circumstances relevant to a text Historicism & Presentism is aware of the difference between interpretation according to the historical circumstances of the text and those of the reader can interpret a text according to the ideas and circumstances relevant to its context of production and is aware of the different circumstances of a reader in the present seems generally aware of the influence of contexts on authors and readers does not seem aware of the influence of contexts on authors and readers Contexts