Reproductive System

Name: __________________________ Class #: _______Class Period: __________ Date: _______________
Male Reproductive System
Notes Sheet
Anatomy of Male Reproductive System
1. Testes – male gonads located in the __________________ that produce sperm.
a. Also produces male hormones, mainly __________________.
i. ________________________ of sperm, body hair, facial hair, _____________ muscles,
deep voice.
2. Scrotum – a ____________ suspended between the thighs.
a. Temperature of the scrotum is _____________ than inside the body so that sperm can be
3. Epididymis – a ___________________ coiled tube approximately 20 feet in length and located in the
scrotum near the _____________________.
a. After sperm develop in the _______________________ tubules in the testes, they enter the
b. Stores the sperm while they mature and become _______________ and produces a fluid that
becomes part of semen.
c. Then connects with the next tube, the ________ __________________.
4. Vas deferens - receives the _______________ and fluid from the _________________________.
a. Joins with the epididymis and extends up behind the ____________________ bladder and joins
with a seminal vesicle.
b. Acts as both a _____________________ and storage area for sperm.
c. This is cut during a ________________________________ to produce sterility in the male.
5. _____________________ vesicles – two small pouch-like tubes located behind the bladder
a. The glandular lining produces a thick, yellow fluid that is rich in _________________ and other
substances to provide __________________________ for the sperm.
b. This composes a large part of the __________________.
6. Ejaculatory ducts – two __________________ tubes formed by the union of the vas deferens and the
_______________________ vesicles.
a. Carry the sperms and fluids (collectively known as semen) through the __________________
gland and into the ________________.
7. _________________________ gland – doughnut-shaped gland located below the urinary bladder on
either side of the urethra.
a. Produces an __________________ secretion that both increases sperm motility and neutralizes
the acidity in the _______________________, providing a better environment for the sperm.
b. Prostate contracts during ejaculation to aid in the _____________________ of semen.
c. When it contracts, it also closes off the ____________________, preventing urination.
8. Cowper’s gland – two small glands located below the _____________________ and connected by small
tubes to the urethra.
a. Secrete ________________ and an alkaline fluid which decrease the acidity of _____________
residue in the urethra.
Name: __________________________ Class #: _______Class Period: __________ Date: _______________
9. Urethra – tube that __________________ from the urinary bladder, through the penis, and to the outside
of the body
a. Carries urine from the ____________________ and semen from the reproductive tubes.
10. Penis – the ________________ male reproductive organ that is located in front of the scrotum.
a. Glans penis – enlarged structure at the ________________ ___________.
b. Glans penis is covered with ________________ which is commonly removed during circumcision
c. Functions include elimination of urine from the bladder as well as __________________ (penis
fills with blood to become erect)
Male Reproduction – Diseases and Abnormal Conditions
1. Epididymitis - ____________________ of the epididymis caused by a pathogenic organism
a. Occurs with urinary tract or prostate infections, mumps, or ________________
b. If not treated, it can cause ________________ and ________________.
c. Signs and Symptoms – pain in the testes, __________________, and fever
d. Treatment – antibiotics, cold applications, scrotal support, and pain medication (draining of
__________ or epididymectomy for severe cases)
2. ______________________ – inflammation of the testes
a. Usually caused by the virus that causes ________________, bacterial infections from STDs, or
b. Can lead to ________________ of testes and sterility
c. Signs and Symptoms – _________________ of the scrotum, pain, and fever
d. Treatment – antibiotics, ______________________, scrotal support, and pain medication
e. Prevention – _____________________ and preventing STDs.
3. Prostatic hypertrophy – ___________________________ of the prostate gland
a. Common in men over ________________
b. Can be __________________ or malignant
c. Signs and Symptoms – difficulty starting to urinate, frequent urination, __________________,
urinary infections
d. Treatment – antibiotics, medications to shrink the ________________ size, medications to relax
the urethra, removal of part of the prostate, or radiation and chemotherapy for prostate cancer
4. Testicular cancer – cancer of the ________________, occurs most frequently in men between 20-35
a. Highly _________________ form of cancer that can spread rapidly
b. Signs and Symptoms – __________________ swelling of the testes, a heavy feeling, and an
accumulation of fluid
c. Treatment – ____________________, chemotherapy and/or radiation
d. One of the most _________________ cancers with a 95% survival rate if it is detected early
(__________________ testicular self-examinations).