Supplementary Methods, Figures and Tables This file contains supplementary methods and 5 supplementary figures (Figures S1 S5) and 1 supplementary table (Table S1). Supplementary methods: Determination of genetic relatedness and the choice of isolates to obtain a genetic gradient Without knowing the genetic system of the fungus it is not possible to set up precise relatedness measures by measuring the number of generations that separate two individuals from their last common ancestor. Consequently, we use a broad measure of genetic relatedness, as used in many other studies, based on sequence differences between pairs. The relatedness between each pair of isolates was determined by the number of identical alleles at 13 loci. This was represented as a proportion, where 1 equals a different allele at all 13 loci and zero represents identical alleles at all 13 loci. This was based on markers and AMF isolates described in Croll et al. 2008. The choice of isolates was based on a collection of 18 genetically different R. irregularis isolates that originate from the same field. Our aim was to obtain a gradient of relatedness among pairs of the 18 isolates so that we could primarily use regression analysis to test the hypothesis that genetic relatedness between isolates influenced the variable measured (e.g. plant growth variables). Out of these pairs, we also classified them into three categories containing equal numbers of different pairs. 1 Choice of pairs of isolates suitable for quantitative molecular analyses A major constraint in choosing isolates out of the pool of 18 was to choose pairs that could be distinguished by quantifying a small number of the 13 possible molecular markers. Only a very small number of the markers can be used to distinguish between genetically near pairs and not all markers were suitable for quantitative analyses. The choice of the molecular approach used for estimating the relative proportion of different AMF isolates in the roots of leek This study looked at the relative proportion of pairs of genetically different isolates of one AMF species in the roots of leek. It should be possible to quantify different coexisting AMF species or genera in the roots of plants using qPCR. However, when the isolates are of the same species and sometimes genetically very closely related, such an approach is not straightforward. There are very few markers available to distinguish between these pairs of AMF isolates and none of them are suitable for making specific probes to be used in conventional quantitative PCR (qPCR). The approach we have used is a technique that was commonly employed in human and animal quantitative genetics to assess allele frequency in mixed samples, before the invention of qPCR. It is based on fluorescence intensity of amplicons measured in capillary electrophoresis. Details about this technique are given in Angelard et al. 2010 and Ehinger et al. 2012. It is an end point PCR technique and cannot be used alone to assess exact copy number but only relative proportions of different alleles. However, if total AMF colonization is first measured with conventional qPCR giving exact copy number, the proportions of each AMF isolate can then be converted into copy number. We do not, however, recommend that exact copy numbers measured in this study are compared with those from other studies, especially in other plant 2 species, unless: 1. The copy number of each marker of each AMF fungus used is determined in advance and; 2. Quality of DNA extracted does not vary significantly among the different plant species. Checking colonization by AMF in Plantago lanceolata The DNA of P. lanceolata was not considered to be of sufficient quality for quantitative molecular tests. However, the DNA was of sufficient quality to use in standard end-point PCR to amplify the AMF-specific markers described by Croll et al. 2008. These amplifications revealed that the inoculated roots were colonized by AMF with an amplification of DNA of the expected fragment size and that the uninoculated plants were not colonized (no amplification). Several previous tests have been conducted in our group with these primers and even in low stringency conditions amplification of DNA has never been achieved from plant roots that were not colonized by AMF. In addition, amplification of the markers was achieved from DNA originating from colonized roots, even when the DNA quality was low. The primers are described in Croll et al. 2008. The conditions for PCR were as in the methods section of the main manuscript “Measurement of the relative proportion of different AMF isolates in roots”. Testing of quantitative PCR on the RAD15 gene as a reliable method for quantifying the amount of AMF DNA present in a sample We used quantitative PCR (q-PCR) to estimate the total colonisation by AMF in the roots. Amplification of a given locus was previously shown to be correlated with the number of spores and, thus, the amount of AMF DNA present in a sample (Gamper et al 2008). We also tested this method by running q-PCR on nine DNA samples and 3 amplifying the RAD15 gene. This is a different target gene to the one used by Gamper et al. 2008. These samples corresponded to extracts of known spore numbers, ranging from 125 to 2000 spores. DNA was extracted from spores using the Cenis method (Cenis 1992). There was a highly significant relationship between spore number used for DNA extraction and the Ct value (Figure S2). We subsequently used amplification of the RAD15 gene as a measure of AMF quantity in root samples. We used this gene because it is present in equal copy number among several different R. irregularis isolates from the same population (Corradi et al 2007). We also confirmed that the copy number of RAD15 was the same among the isolates in this study (data not shown). Thus, the RAD15 gene was considered a reliable marker for quantification of R. irregularis in samples. The q-PCR mix for the tests contained: 0.4 µl of genomic DNA, 19.2µl of 2X Power Sybr® green (Applied Biosystems), 3.8 µl of each of the two primers at concentration of 3 µM and 3.8 µl of water in a total volume of 31µl. Quantitative PCR reactions were carried out on a Prism AB7900 quantitative PCR machine (Applied Biosystem). Thermal cycling conditions included 2 min at 50˚C, 10 min at 95˚C, followed by 45 cycles of 15 sec at 95˚C and 60 sec at 60˚C, then one cycle of 15 sec at 95˚C and 15 sec at 60˚C. Ct values were calculated with the SDS2.4 software (Applied Biosystems). Additional reference not cited in main text: Cenis JL (1992). Rapid Extraction of Fungal DNA for Pcr Amplification. Nucleic Acids Res 20: 2380-2380. 4 Figure S1. Correlation between the variable “Phenotype” and the shoot dry mass at the final harvest (week 16) for A. porrum (black circles) and P. lanceolata (white circles). The correlation coefficients were highly significant (P < 0.001) for both A. porrum (cor = 0.954) and P. lanceolata (cor = 0.963). 5 32 Ct value 30 28 26 24 2.2 2.4 2.6 2.8 3.0 3.2 Log Spore number Figure S2. The relationship between the number of spores of R. irregularis and the Ct values generated by q-PCR amplification of the RAD 15 gene. Each dot represents one DNA extraction. Black dots represent DNA extracted from the isolate B2, gray dots represent DNA extracted from isolate C5 and white dots represent DNA extracted from the isolate C2. The line corresponds to the linear regression based on lm model and tested by a Pearson correlation test (r = -0.982, p-value = 2.71 x 10-6). 6 Figure S3. (a) Shoot dry mass of P.lanceolata and (b) Shoot dry mass of A.porrum after 16 weeks of growth with different mycorrhizal treatments. Bars represent means ± 1 SE. The black bar corresponds to the control treatment (NM), gray bars correspond to the single inoculation treatments and white bars to the dual inoculation treatments. Different letters above columns indicate a significant difference (p < 0.05) 7 according to Tukey-Kramer 8 (HSD) test. Figure S4. Box plot of total fungal colonization inside leek roots, as represented by 2ΔCt values, in the different mycorrhizal treatments. The NM treatment is not shown as no detectable DNA could be amplified from uninoculated roots. Horizontal lines in the box plots represent medians and the others lines represent first and third quartiles. Bars represent the range of variation including 90% of the values. 9 Figure S5. Frequency of the most abundant isolate in leek roots and the genetic distance between the coexisting isolates. Each dot represents one experimental unit. The line corresponds to the linear regression based on the lm model (F R2 = 0.469, P ≤ 0.001). 10 1, 102 = 91.91, Table S1: Correlations between plant dry mass and the non-destructive plant measurements at the final harvest (week 16). Plant trait df Plant height SPAD Leaf thickness Phenotype 182 182 182 182 Plant height SPAD Phenotype 188 184 188 t Correlation coefficient P. lanceolata 2.563 0.193 4.851 0.338 2.405 0.176 48.265 0.963 A. porrum 12.716 0.680 4.531 0.317 43.993 0.954 11 P < 0.01 < 0.001 < 0.05 < 0.001 < 0.001 < 0.001 < 0.001