Department of Pharmaceutics School of Pharmacy Center for DNA Sequencing and Gene Analysis H260 Health Sciences Center Box 357610 Seattle, WA 98195 -7610 (206) 616-8718 Fax: (206) 543-3204 June 29, 2006 Draft SOP for GSTA1 gene promoter genotyping The template for PCR amplification evaluated to date include buccal cell DNA, liver DNA and WBC DNA. The assay has given readable DNA sequence with input DNA ranging from 25-200 ng. The primers for PCR amplification are taken from Pharmacogenetics, 11, 663-669. PCR reaction conditions: 2.5 ul Pfu 10X buffer 0.5 ul 10 mM dNTPs (200 uM final) 0.5 ul Pfu HotStart Turbo DNA polymerase (Stratagene #600320) 0.125 ul primer AF7-100 uM stock-500 nM final concentration (5’GATCTAGGGATTTCTATATGGACCT3’) 0.125 ul primer AR1-100 uM stock-500 nM final concentration (5’TTAAACGCTGTCACCGTCCTGGCT3’) 1 ul template DNA 18.75 ul Dnase/Rnase free ddH20 Cycling Conditions: 1-95˚C-2 min 2-95˚C-30 sec 3-60˚C-30 sec 4-72˚C-2 min repeat steps 2-4 for 40 cycles 5-72˚C-7 min 6-4˚C-hold Following PCR, store at –20˚C or proceed with amplicon purification using Qiamp PCR purification kit (Qiagen #28104) protocol with the final elution step being 30 ul of elution buffer AE. For the sequencing, use 5 ul of the purified amplicon. Perform 2 separate reactions using primer AF7 and GSTA1.seq.for* (0.5 ul 10 uM stock). *initial experiments using primer AR1 for sequencing was unsuccessful due to minor non-specific amplification; GSTA1.seq.for (5’CCAGCTATGCTCACAGTAGAG3’) eliminated this problem. Room H260 Health Sciences Building, Box 357610 Seattle, Washington 98195-7610 (206) 616-8718 FAX: (206) 543-3204